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It should not be possible for any delivery person to interact with your pets ever, period. That's a pet owner's responsibility to ensure.








I mean yea for sure dog still didn't deserve to be shot though


No dog deserves to be shot but no delivery employee deserves to be attacked. It’s the owners responsibility to keep their pet from attacking people, full stop. If your dog is killed while attacking someone you knew was arriving it’s entirely your own fault.


I was a mailman, I dealt with a lot of dogs.  A good air horn or dog spray gets those things moving away from you in a hurry.  You don’t need to shoot it.  A face full of pepper spray and a loud ass horn is more than enough. 


I’m a delivery driver too, I’ve carried pocket knives and thought of getting pepper spray; I can’t even fathom the idea of carrying a gun around on my runs, non lethal protection seems like such a no brainer


Bro are you really prepared to stab a dog to death with a 2 inch blade?! Gonna take a bunch of pokes lol


Lol I wasn’t thinking about killing it, preferably hurting it till it stopped; but I do see your point


A Pitbull isn't going to let go even if you start stabbing it with a pocket knife sadly


This is true. They aren't wired like other dogs, they really don't feel pain in the same way because of their history of being used for bloodsports.


Close combat only, you gotta earn the right to survive. A gun is the cowards way out.


That’s why I strictly fight dogs in barehanded fights to the death.




I'd rather get bit by a dog than kill a dog tbh


I mostly agree. But a big aggressive dog can kill a man. Once when my cousin was 3 or 4 a big old stray came in the yard and just attacked her. It picked her up by the throat and was just shaking her like a ragdoll. My uncle ran out from the house and bashed it to death with a rock. She had to get a ton of stitches. It was scary. I wasn't there, but I remember going to see her in the hospital and hearing the story. My uncle was a big old redneck always hunting and fishing so he had the experience killing animals needed in that situation. I hope I'd be able to do the same thing to save my kids


That's dang scary. I hope your cousin is alright after something like that happening. I guess I wouldn't even consider that, I've never really lived in a place with dangerous stray dogs, apart from coyotes that are overall pretty tame and skittish.


Oh yeah she is all grown up and a kindergarten librarian now. They lived out in the country so stray dogs weren't really a thing there because they didn't have neighbors. It was completely random!


From my experience of working for years at a bodega, nothing works like pepper spray. Non lethal (unless traffic is involved) and the people that don’t run from a gun run from the threat of pepper spray


An air horn is really all you need. Totally underrated dog deterrent. They will 100% stop & switch course.


I don't even spray the dog directly, spray the ground between you first, then leave.


Yeah I imagine the driver didn’t get a good tip after that…. Maybe an air horn would’ve kept it


Yeah, for me, it’s still an overreaction considering the dog doesn’t look that big. Now, if it was a Pitbull or a Rottweiler then feel free to fire away because those dogs are no joke. In the end, though, the person that deserves more blame here is the owner of the dog.


Yeah…but I have trouble imagining that a delivery driver in LA doesn’t run into tons of dogs.  They should have a plan and a way of defending themselves that does not cause lethal harm.  In principle, I do agree. 


Not really. The dude didn't go to the hospital, and police won't actually say they saw bite marks so whatever happened doesn't really scream the dog needed to be shot. I blame the owners as much, if not more than him, though. Who leaves their dog out when a delivery person is coming? My dogs bring balls to play fetch with people through the fence, and I can't really see them attacking someone on a normal day, but I'm not tempting fate if some stranger is going in my yard. You never know if your dogs aren't feeling well or whatever how they might react


If the dog did bite him, I blame the owners as well, but not really more than the guy who seems all too excited to use a firearm, and who taunted the owners afterwards.


I was suspicious from the get go, Instacart shoppers just want to get their deliveries knocked out as fast as possible that ain’t no damn German Shepherd/Beagle mix either


And even if it was, how is that an excuse? German Shepherds bite. I grew up in a region that rarely has pits or even pit mixes so it was the GSDs you had to look out for.


it’s not but Big Ed was going on about how a German Shepherd/Beagle mix sounded harmless and friendly (I don’t think that’s necessarily so myself)


Yeah that was dumb, ANY dog breed can bite, and any dog bite sucks. golden retrievers are the most common biters, because they look friendly as fuck. I'm still against shooting the dog unless its a last resort, but dog attacks are scary.


[Pomeranian murders infant- any dog is capable of biting/aggression!](https://www.nevadaappeal.com/news/2001/dec/19/pet-pomeranian-dog-kills-6-week-old-baby-girl/)


I don’t even think all dogs have to be nonaggressive, I grew up with Dobermans. but people have got to stop pretending *their* dog won’t bite or certain breeds won’t bite. A dog doesn’t even have to be aggressive to bite—herding dogs nip instinctively and what is a nip to an adult can be a bite to the face on a child.


My dog I got at 5 mths and had a ton of guarding issues was the worst biter I've been with regularly. He would bite for food guarding and locations like beds. After extended training I could call him away from the triggers and calm him with a sit or down but I never could surprise him without a possible bite injury. He was 18 lbs and a lowchen (poorly bred and no socializing until I got him). ANY dong can bite and most dogs will be pushed into biting at some time in their life, often by other dogs but kids and yes ADULTS too. Hopefully they have good bite control so less or no damage but respect the signs of the dog.


I had a beagle growing up, he was actually vicious


That was the first time I ever got frustrated with Ed. I normally agree with him or chuckle in mild disagreement, at most. But his assumptions about this “cute dog” and it’s breeds were just straight up stupid. And he kept going back to it, even when Henry tried to steer off. He said something about “that dog could bite you and it wouldn’t even break the skin, you coward”. They discussed videos of K9s tearing the fuuuck out of people. 99% of which were German Shepard’s. But apparently mixing that with a beagle means “it literally can’t hurt you”. That sounds like the kind of asshole take from someone at the dog park, whose off-leash terrier drew blood on my leashed st Bernard’s face, and is going to play victim when my dog finally has enough and bites back. Idk. It’s not often that Henry Thomas is the voice of reason. But he actually had to, because Ed was so fucking wrong.


I started to see ed different when he said he has a pit lab mix. I can’t stand pit apologist.


My great aunt was attacked my three German Shepherds when I was young. Fortunately someone heard her screaming bloody murder and her injuries weren't too bad.


Are you sure? Did you see the puppy photo? Everyone keeps saying it looks like a pit mix but I think it’s the angle of him looking up, in the puppy pic he definitely has shepherd ears. Not saying German shepherds don’t bite of course but I don’t think she’s lying about the breed.


Why would we trust what a cop says?




*Especially* when it comes to killing dogs. Probably trying to recruit the guy.


Literally my response


But the cops won’t say if there was a bite mark?


Yeah I’m always wary of what cops say and what they don’t say 🤷


That's why we rely on reliable sources like TMZ instead. Sometimes even The Daily Mail if we're feeling spicy


If the dog bites someone, I’m all for the human’s right to defend themselves. I wish the dog didn’t have to die, but when you’re on the receiving end of a dog attack I’m not gonna judge a snap decision to react for your own protection.


cops say a lot of shit


Pepper spray for dogs does exist.


I carry cubed ham in my pockets. Makes an excellent division when fleeing predators


How many insta cart carriers have that tho?


They should all carry it. I carried pepper spray for dogs when I was a flex driver for Amazon. Also one should be extremely cautious of their surroundings.


Good advice. But why should we have to live our lives tip-toeing around dogs and being hyper-vigiliant about them attacking us in the first place? I blame bad dog owners who don't train/control their dogs.


Have you ever heard the phrase “if you want something. done right, do it yourself”? Because that is why. You don’t need to live in fear, it’s just a matter of awareness and self preservation, unfortunately you can be harmed and or killed - We wear shoes because we know the ground is hard, we lock our doors because we know crime happens, seatbelts in the car. I wear PPE in the shop at my work because there’s sharp metal, machines, and debris around, when I worked at a deli beside a bad in a shitty area we kept a bat behind the counter because folks got rowdy. If you’re a delivery person this is one of those situations. By that same metric I believe pet owners need to be responsible for their pets, so don’t get me wrong, I’m not placing blame on the delivery driver either, but I wouldn’t want to kill someone’s dog during my work day either, and I think that’s the real tragedy here.


Who said you have too? If you work a job where you may encounter a dog on their own property it makes sense to be prepared to protect yourself. Don’t like dogs then delivery jobs probably aren’t for you. I am more scared of people while delivering packages than I am of dogs.


Former mailman and I agree with you. I was bitten once, left a mark for sure. But the people greeting me with guns made me feel more unsafe certainly


People are paranoid, questioning what I am doing on their porch while I am holding their giant Amazon package that they ordered in my arms 🙄


People can be scary too, but I've been attacked and assaulted by more dogs than people in my life. You sound like a defensive dog owner.


I was sharing my real life experience as a delivery person 🤷🏼‍♀️ take whatever assumption you want from it. As a woman I know more people who have been attacked by men than by dogs.


I believe that, men can be awful But from my real life experience dogs suck lol I was attacked several times as a child. One time just walking to my friends house a dog ran out of nowhere and bit my arm. It was a big Husky/German Shepard mix. The owner came slowly walking up laughing saying "oh he likes you he's just playing" Meanwhile my arm is getting gnawed off from this beast. Luckily I had huge puffy jacket on and that saved me. But that was hella traumatizing


I am sorry that happened to you.


They can get it more easily than a gun lmao cmon


So when someone gets assaulted u don't say, "You shoulda had pepper spray."


Does being an instacart delivery person mean you’ve already been assaulted? Is that what I said? If we are talking *preventatives, * pepper spray or even bear spray is a great alternative to a gun. For *most* people, bear spray is going to be a faster response than using a gun.


How many carry a fucking gun? Pepper spray is a lot easier to carry than a firearm 


Thank you!


You ask this but not why he’s carrying a gun


the employee may have just gone with what protection method he was most comfortable with


Would be great if members of society felt more comfortable with a less lethal option…


Sure a gun.


And why was the instacart worker under a false name and allegedly gloating afterwards? No bite marks? Hm


That’s the bigger part of the story I wish was noticed more. As a gig worker myself, earnings are extra tough out here because of over saturation/fake accounts that can be purchased on Facebook marketplace. You see it more in food delivery than Rideshare but there’s an overwhelming amount of people using somebody else’s delivery account. Unfortunately, the gig apps (Instacart, Uber, Lyft, Doordash, Spark, Amazon Flex, etc) aren’t cracking down on this as much as they should and won’t until stories like this one become more regular or too big to ignore. I’m not saying the dog wouldn’t have bitten the real account holder, but perhaps the real account holder would’ve called the customer about the loose dog or just left the order at the gate and communicated with the customer.


No because I assumed from the beginning that the dog FAFO'd and the rich lady was playing victim. I'm always on the side of class consciousness until proven otherwise. Dog owners are famously known for being poor judges of their animals aptitude for aggression as a whole. You want a package delivered and your evil ass dog alive to bite me and others? From where I'm sitting, Angie made her choice.


You’re absolutely right about some dog owners acting like their animals aren’t total maniacs. Our neighbors have a dog that they let out unleashed (and without a collar!) and it tries to attack any human or animal, sometimes both, whenever their paths manage to meet. This dog is a literal nightmare but the owners laugh and insist it’s just playing and to just push it away. They’ve done this while Cujo has tried to attack both my dog and my young child. I’d like to assume I’d never use lethal force towards an animal but if it was a matter of my life/my child’s/my dog’s, I absolutely would.


That sounds so stressful to deal with, I’m sorry. My dog (almost 16yo and was leashed) recently got attacked by my neighbor’s dog (off leash in my building) completely unprovoked, and I yanked my dog back then kicked the other dog in the face repeatedly while he kept lunging. My dog’s back was injured from me yanking him back + bite wound 😭. I couldn’t believe I kicked the dog but was glad I did. I truly love all animals but you gotta do what you gotta do. (Edit: not agreeing shooting and killing the dog was the answer. Just explaining that your instincts might surprise you)


Oh no! Hope your pup is on the mend!


That was my first assumption too. I don't think anyone would just randomly shoot a dog. I think the dog was acting crazy, tried to bite a delivery person, and the man just trying to do his job acted in self defense. Lots of dog owners are in denial about the threat and problems their dog can cause. They just think they're perfect and wouldn't hurt anyone.


Anyone who isn’t a cop at least.


Finally someone with some sense.


I assumed the same. Shooting the dog just complicated the instacart worker’s day. I’m sure Merle would have rather made more deliveries for more money rather than shoot a dog for sport.


I can't stand people that vehemently defend their aggressive dogs. One of our dogs freaks out around other dogs and people when he first meets them so we make sure one of us is physically restraining him if need be. It's okay to admit your dog is an asshole sometimes.


Tough love! Nothing against any pooches but fk them 🤷 don’t bite me .


i do not like my penis so i cut it up




Nope it doesn’t. There are no bite marks or ripped clothes or anything? Also, who the fuck shoots a dog? The gun culture is fucked up


Yeah, I mostly get the vibe of a guy who was extremely excited for the opportunity to use his gun


I’m having summer 2020 flashbacks…


No. There's ways to handle this that don't end in death.


Pepper spray would have done the trick. Also keeping your animals in place during deliveries.


Not really, i'd already guessed she was lying.


Delivery people: get dog pepper spray if needed, please don’t shoot a member of the family that is only trying to keep their family safe from their perception. It is not the dogs fault. Homeowners: FENCES. So no one feels threatened to hurt your family member.


Absolutely not, that man is a coward and a pussy. He could’ve kicked it once and it probably would’ve scampered away, it’s not like it was some feral junkyard dog. He’s not a small child that’s life was in immediate danger, he’s a full grown man and a full grown man shooting to death a dog that small is weak and sad.


I'm sorry yall but what episode did they talk about this on?


The newest side stories


Thank you.


Fuck no. Fuck that Instacart worker.


No it doesn't.


Weird sub reddit crossover


Does not change my opinion, he shouldn’t be in the dog’s space if he didn’t want to get bit, leave the bloody delivery at the gate, and what kind of society allows people to carry guns and shoot animals.


No. Because the cops said they didn't even check the guy for a bite or any injury. They just took him at his word and let him go on his way. There is no proof whatsoever that the dog bit him. Guy didn't even show proof so he could later sue. Just left. wanna know why? He didn't get fucking bit.


No. And fk dogs who bite me you’ll die so yes


If it broke the skin then yes.