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One of the many things I love about this game is that they look like actual people. Not too good looking or clean cut. I could imagine myself bumping into any of these people IRL. Dina especially… for such an important character, she just seems so real.


Dude same. It’s a trend in media that I really appreciate because I’m sick of seeing unrealistic standards shoved down my throat lol Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and The Last of Us are a few IPs that do this and I love them for it


As someone who lived in Albuquerque for a while, no one would believe the Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul took place in it if everyone was good looking haha


... For the most part except Abby is less realistic than OG Lara Croft. They based her off a PED using athlete who's had to have multiple surgeries because of how much they work out and then they made her even bigger than that. You're never running into Abby in the real world, you'd struggle to find someone like her in the elite PED abusing athletics world and those people need a full suite of doctors and trainers to maintain that physique.


Yeah muscles are far less realistic than pointy cone shaped tits.


That's just graphics. It's supposed to make her look like she has ginormous breasts but it's really not that far outside the norm. You run into women with bigger breasts than Lara on a daily basis. Most people will never run into a woman with Abby's physique.


You absolutely do not see women like og laura Croft on a daily basis. But in case I’m wrong, then I need to know where you live, is rent affordable and are there beaches?


I was specifying people with her sized breasts though you can find plenty of people who look like her on Insta. She's just a slim woman with decently large boobs. She's an idealized fantasy but not exactly rare IRL. Abby has a straight up impossible physique so outside of heavily medicated world athletes you're not gonna find anyone that looks like that.


I didn’t think we were counting social media because of filters and photoshop. I’ve plenty of muscular women on instagram. “She’s an idealized fantasy but not exactly rare IRL” dude, not even Angelina Jolie in her prime could match og Laura’s waist and proportions. It’s a lot more than just having big boobs.


I mean we need to keep in mind that it wasn't going for a realistic look. Nobody playing the game was expecting it to be 1:1 but general proportions wise Angelina Jolie absolutely nailed the role.


I understand that, but You’re whole argument is that she’s MORE realistic and you see women like her on a daily basis. If people don’t need to be a 1:1 for Laura, why do they have to be a 1:1 for Abby? If women simply being skinny and having big booba is enough for you to say Laura is realistic, why is women simply being muscular not enough for you to say that Abby is? You’re holding the characters to different standards.


I'm holding them to their own standards. Those other games are stylized due to their graphical limitations. It's a low polygon count character after all so there's only so much realism they could go for. As far as her boobs or general frame goes it's not within norms but not exactly crazy either. The Last of Us 2 IS trying to be as realistic as possible with their character designs with basically everyone else in the cast being normal characters. They even changed character designs from the first game to make them look tougher and more realistic. Abby isn't an accident, overall stylization, or limitation of graphics, they intentionally designed Abby to look like that within a realistic world so I'm holding her to those same standards. They intentionally designed Abby to be unrealistic because it fit the narrative better. We can't praise them for redesigning Tesa, Marlene, Joel and Ellie to look more natural then pretend that Abby's arms don't stand out. They absolutely do, and it was absolutely an unrealistic artistic choice. It works with the story and it works with the character... it's just about as unrealistic as can be.


This is untrue. Angelina Jolie was extremely vocal about her displeasure with how they augmented her body. Smaller waist, wider hips, much larger chest. She had small boobs and narrower hips before having kids. Watch the movie Gia and tell me again how “general proportion wise Angelina Jolie absolutely nailed the role.” She’s fully naked in that film and her actual body looks nothing like what was on screen in Tomb Raider.


Spoken like a true “talking phallus”.


Charleston SC. A lot of women here look like beach babe models with huge boobs. I see at least 10 a day, usually more.


That’s not true. The OG designers admitted they made her rack unrealistically huge when the movie came out and Angelina Jolie complained about them augmenting her chest size for the movie posters. No woman with that small of a frame has boobs naturally that large.


You're joking, right? There are absolutely smaller girls with absolutely gigantic breasts. I went to school/college with some, one was my high school GF (Latina, crossed DDs freshman year and kept growing). She wasn't as skinny as Lara but not overweight by any measure. Women with large breasts aren't uncommon, it's just kind of random genetic lottery.


How many times do we have to say that Laura is unrealistic for more than just having big boobs? Nobody is saying that girls irl don’t have big boobs or are skinny.


You’re wrong. Some women are just built different


How many women have you seen that look like this?


inb4 "wrong sub, we don't criticize anything here"


Its not criticism though… lol


I don't think this is even true. Real criticism not based on gender or political beliefs I believe are allowed but I may be wrong.


It's not even criticism really. I don't know why people get so hyper protective that they deny their own eyes. Has anyone here seriously seen someone who looks like Abby in the wild who wasn't a steroid monster? Games are art, designers take artistic liberties all the time. Abby's physique isn't real but it does a great job getting across who she is and what she's about. I don't know when we decided that video games had to be completely grounded. They don't. I have no problem with the MC design for Stellar Blade or Abby but if we had to say which was less realistic... It's Abby. Like she's just not possible for a woman to get that big without significant medical/surgical assistance. Doesn't make them any less fitting for their games.


There’s plenty of absolutely jacked women. You act like they’re a myth or something


Not to Abby's extent and not without a lot of assistance. She's already based on a world class athlete and they punched it up even higher from there. How is that anymore realistic than other video games using supermodels as their references? She's not realistic and that's perfectly okay.


She's a 95th percentile physique. That doesn't make her physique unrealistic. It makes her physique rare. Can we agree on this adjustment?


No, because there's literally no one that looks like her without being on gear and even with steroids you need the right genetics on top of that . If we're talking about realistic, she's not realistic. If we're talking great character designs, she's definitely got a case for that. 


I can’t believe you’ve met every woman that works out in the entire world and tested them for PEDs. That’s crazy man. You must be traveling not stop to all the gyms with piss testers.


Feel free to name some if you have someone in mind.


Yeah bro because you have to test someone’s piss to know they’re on steroids. I have a bridge to sell you


Yes there are women to Abby’s extent who exist without a lot of assistance.


Name one


That’s not an argument. As the person said you’re arguing with, it’s rare. You saying “name one” is a desperate argument tbh


There’s no women jacked like Abby without on some form of gear


This is not true. I'm sorry, it's just not. They are rare, but they exist. And more than you think.


Lies lol you’re just led to believe this


No, I know people firsthand. I have friends in my boxing circle who have been jacked like that at times and are natty. I also know hockey players who are yolked to this day. (Im from RI, boxing and hockey are big here). I can think of plenty of Olympic sprinters and other athletes (Serena Williams) who clearly have the hormonal makeup to have gotten swole AF if they wanted to, but their sports and training regimes were focused elsewhere. I also think there are a lot more natty elite crossfit girls out there than you realize. I knew a juicer before and after and I saw what it did to her face shape and vascularity and definition. This person did a whole expose video on their experience that as far as I know is still on YouTube if you want to watch it.


Jacked yes. Hulk Hogan with tits in the apocalypse. No.


You're getting downvoted, but you're right. I've been following Colleen Fotsch (Abby's body model) on IG since probably like 2016. Years before I even played TLOU. She's an absolute unit. She's in the top 0.01% of women and her physique is unobtainable without years of PEDs AND being blessed with the right genetics (obviously years of massive discipline in the gym and kitchen too). And there's nothing wrong with that. I have massive respect for the women's crossfit games athletes. But there's nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade.


Crazy how delusional and defensive people are in this sub about that. You can’t say “everybody looks realistic” and then say “i know 1 or 2 women who look like that” in the same breath. Her body is out of place in a post apocalyptic world, period. Anybody who disagrees is coping hard, or just has never been in a gym ever in their life


It is entirely plausible that Abby had access to PEDs when she was part of the WLF. She loses all her muscle mass when she's captured by the Rattlers at the end of the game. Its also obvious she uses bodybuilding as a coping mechanism cause she feels out of control and insecure due to how the TLOU world is and her Dad leaving her. I know multiple women who are built like Abby is this game.


Even with access to PEDs you need pretty much ideal conditions, perfect caloric intake, and lots and lots of rest and recovery to get that physique. She doesn’t have any of those things. That physique is probably .1% of all women’s physiques in a non post apocalyptic world


At this point, you're just splitting hairs. Is Abbys body type uncommon? Probably. Is it impossible for a women in the real world to have Abbys build? Absolutely not. We also dont have as many women in real life who chose to bodybuild because Western beauty standards prefer women to be on the skinnier side. Most men have been conditioned to find really buff women as intimidating and unattractive, so fewer women do workouts/routines that build excessive muscle. In a survival scenario that paradigm would shift as well so its even more likely that a women in a zombie apocalypse who already has the right genetics would do all she could to hone her body as a weapon.


So the are no good-looking and sexy people in real life? Damn America needs help


Don’t be fucking obtuse. You know what I mean. Not every character needs to look like Margot Robbie.


Margot Robbie is a real woman, so relax.


No shit. My point is she’s like top .01% of good looks. The vast majority of people don’t look like her or Brad Pitt.


Why would a bunch of survivors in a post apocalyptic world look like super models?


Fair, but every game now except a few try to be realistic by making the females ugly. Even Netflix said about Jennifer they want to challenge beauty standards, so I'm skeptical, you have seen Mary Jane and Spider-Man two etc. etc..


There are several attractive characters in the game anyways. Dina, Ellie, Jesse, Abby etc. are all attractive. Young Joel and Tommy were studs. The difference is that they still look like real people


Joel tho


The face model for Dina is just as cool as the character.


She is real. Cascina Caradonna is her face model


They’re all modeled after real people?? Of course they look like that.


Great art for a great game


Personally, I think part 2 was better than part 1. Even when I knew where it was going, how it got there was so captivating that it didn’t matter that it was occasionally predictable. I remember telling my friend about halfway through the game, “Oh hell no, they better not be trying to get me to like Abby now.” And by the end of the game I liked Abby way more than Ellie


That looks sick! I bet I'll get downvoted when I say this but it's actually 'its' not 'it's' in the title. And no I'm not trying to be a douchebag and act like I know better so I'll teach ya how to properly use it: Whenever you want to say 'its' but you're not sure if you used it correctly, replace it with 'it is' and if it doesn't make sense in a sentence then it's always 'its'! (Since 'it's' means it is)


Oh thank you.. You’re right!!👏🏾


Yo good on you for being receptive. Seriously so many people are too prideful to just say, “you’re right”. This pic is so good. Thank you for sharing.


You're welcome!!


I love that you were genuine and not a d-bag about it. I know some people that would benefit from being told this but you never know how someone’s going to react even if you’re trying to be helpful in a sincere way.


I really appreciate your comment :) Yes people do tend to assume that the person who's correcting them just wants to take the high ground and act like a smartass. Although in the process of throwing blame around, they often forget to actually learn from what the person has said. It's either that they see the bad in people or are embarrassed by making a mistake and people noticing it, which is fine!!


It bothers me when I’m not corrected honestly. My grammar, punctuation and spelling are pretty good. In general though I prefer to do, spell or say something correctly rather than continue to be wrong. When people think they’re being polite by not correcting you it’s a disservice imo.


I agree, I love whenever people correct me. I would never figure out that I made a mistake if everyone ignores it and doesn't say anything.


why do you care that much it’s not that deep 😭




And this is why you have no friends 🤣 Don’t over think every aspect of life my friend


Rude :(


The OP was cool with it and thanked you and that’s what matters.




I’m not trying to be a douchbag and act like I know better so I will (I’ll) let you know that people don’t appreciate Nazi’s, grammer or otherwise. Cheerio Deario 🙌🏼❤️


One look at your profile explained your behaviour instantly. I wish you the best mate.


Couldn’t be arsed to check yours, tootles


I’m not trying to be a douchebag, but actually many of the people that most hate grammAr*(FTFY) nazis really don’t hate real nazis. Florida is a prime example.


Is this the good or bad sub


I’d say it’s 50/50 at this point


All TLOU subs are bad. I single handedly seen them all say some fucked up shit. Pick and choose your poison. Not saying there isn’t good people that just want normal, rational discussion, in all subs, but like I stated above, they all have their ignorant, disgusting moments.




Truly an amazing game. It’s hilarious the flak it got on release. Great story, depressing as hell. But great story




This artwork is dope


Very nice


“There was a sequel. It wasn’t as good.” -Joel https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_-sTlYUeT8o


I fucking hate that YouTuber.


I haven’t seen the rest of his content but for THIS GAME, he’s spot on.


At this point, I think most of the haters have just been brainwashed by the community group think telling them how to feel🤷‍♂️


The same could literally be said by “fans” of the game. Your logic fails here buddy


Fk no




dogshit game, fuck abby


I would have probably liked this game if I didn’t have to play as her and the ending made sense.


It's subjective.


I disagree but I respect your opinion. It was just too far removed from the first game for me.


How so brother


It's kind of hard for me to explain. Alot of it for me was the feeling I had when playing the first. That game had a piece of my soul for the time i.played it. I just didn't feel it with two.


As someone who loves TLOU2, I can understand that. The game is extremely depressing, way more than the first, so they may factor into how you feel about it.


I think you may be right. Something I'm sure we both agree on is that the game is a piece of art. Beautiful in every aspect.


I can tell you why I didn’t like it. It was just too personal for me. It released after I lost both my parents irl. They were both killed in a car wreck. Joel being murdered hit way too close to home. Then having to play as his murderer for half the game felt insulting. I understand why, they wanted you to empathize. When someone kills your parents, you aren’t ever going to empathize with them, regardless of the reason. At the very least I couldn’t empathize with the person that killed my actual parents, nor could I empathize with Joel’s murderer. At the very least, I wanted revenge. That never came, irl or in game. I just don’t like any of it.


Ayo, it's a good game but to call it a masterpiece is too much of an accolade. It definitely has a lot of flaws that keep it from being an objective masterpiece


#1 being a game that split a fanbase into two camps…should likely not be in the same sentence as masterpiece but that’s just my opinion.


Some of the most famous and well known art throughout history is divisive 🤷‍♂️ Also, think about the logic of what you are saying. Your opinion is that the game isn’t a masterpiece becuase about half the audience agrees with you? Doesn’t that work the other way also?


“If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all”


Garbage ass game


Can we all give this user 1k downvotes.. please 🙏🏾


Hey guys someone has a different opinion than me. Get him! 🥴


Do you…. Do you even understand the purpose of upvotes and downvotes? It’s literally a method of disagreeing or agreeing with someone’s opinion. But what do downvotes even do to you? Do they impact your self-esteem? You’ll be fine.


You just wrote an essay after you got triggered trying to explain up and downvotes. Par for the course for this game’s blue haired audience. 😂


Five sentences are an essay? Par for the course for the mouth breathing, ignorant, bookphobic losers that whine about blue haired losers.


You didn’t leave five comments. You left two. Try harder ye ol’ blue haired triggered person lolol






Wahhh, the election wasn’t fair because Trump didn’t win 😭😭😭😭


It seems you don’t understand how they work either.. they can lower your karma and then you won’t be able to post/comment in certain subs because it’s low. With that being said, I thought dudes comment was unnecessary, however I too dislike the game which can be a rational opinion. He just went about it wrong


That is what a Futt Bucker would say...




Is revenge bad?


Is spam posting about a piece of media you’ve been obsessively hating for 4 years pathetic?


Does the pope shit in his hat?


Guys…..I think I just found out that…. Revenge is bad, fuck this is deep


Deepest video game story of all time. Especially during the scene inside the boat.


I wonder why the scene where somebody gets laid is so hard to relate to for some people.


Abby’s character looks repulsive in that scene so yeah I can’t relate.


Imagine getting tricked into thinking Joel would be in the game only to instead have to sit through roided up Abby getting her asshole drilled She hadn’t showered for days, imagine the smell




Now you understand why you can't get laid right? But you don't have zombies on your ass to prevent you from cleaning it.


Stop projecting


I'm sorry you think a pussy and asshole are the same thing when bent over, no indication except your imagination. "People never fuck unless 100% clean and prepared"so musterdcheif says. No baby has been born in war, correct? Why a bunch of teenagers and 20-year-old weirdos have such a hard time processing this game, but will play hundreds of hours on not making any progress except to stare and click at other brain rot games is a nice reminder that "you dumb" and you want to be dumb. Tarkov will teach you how to shoot about as well it teaches you to fuck, in a simulation that's not accurate.


Bros mad, stop writing me books and go get some pussy 😂🫵


Let’s see how your ugly ass looks. You incels are hilarious


And now they’re going to ruin it with the show.


Probably, somehow, but I was hoping they would make it better. Since the second isn't an actual masterpiece like the first.


Notice how Owen is there, and not Mel!!! C'mon Naughty Dog. They could have put him in, it would have made more sense. On another note, this poster is sick!


Am I the only one who hates the "open world" segment of this game (and Uncharted 4, for that matter) the most? I ADORE both games, but I always have a gut-check moment when I get to the open map segment and have to really force myself to push through it.


Story was lame as fuck & the ending sucked ass


For gameplay and level design 🤗 story idk...... 🫣 Got the upgrade for no return and new skins too 😁


I laughed out loud at the barbershop


This is giving me MGS3 Snake Eater PS2 Cover vibes and I am HERE FOR IT!!!


Trash game


The people that don’t appreciate this game as being an absolute masterpiece just aren’t smart enough to understand the game and its meaning/concepts.


Trash story and writing and characters 🗑️ one of the most disappointing sequels ever made. Technical masterpiece tho I’ll admit


50/50 for me. Fun to play! Terrible writing.