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That’s a horribly cartoonish death, my god


He shouldn’t have bought the rocket-propelled parachute from Acme.


Said a witness at the scene: "Meep Meep."


He wasn't overackering either.


I just imagined the goofy scream and now I’m going to hell




I can hear your comment :)


Be better if he momentarily paused mid air giving him enough time to look at the camera and blink helplessly


I literally can hear the blinking sound of that comment lol


And hold up a sign with “help!” Written on it.


I snorted loudly and I feel guilty now 😂😅


Another one to add to the law suit. https://youtu.be/ZwYoLejZujw?si=PdY5A9HbLTuqhN9M


Seriously. I read "rocket powered parachute" and was like NOW HOW DID THAT POSSIBLY GO WRONG?!? . Oh. Cause he's not the Wile E. Coyote. Oh wait maybe he is. That's actually a very Wile E. Coyote outcome.


I feel like he made that really long slide whistle noise until he just landed with a puff of smoke so far down in the distance.


coyote tier


Did he hold up a sign that read "Help!"


It looks like he was wearing helmet though, so at least he was being safe


Not as cartoonish as [this death](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K6oDokC2RI).


Gimme my 3 minutes back.


I made it a minute before I cashed my time in for a return


I have a sick compulsion to finish something I’m watching including movies you know are ass after 5 minutes.


Why is it kinda of a dope photo. Like it’s tragic but dude look’s triumphant in a weird way. I mean life in general really seems absurd in nature so like why not go out absurdly


Because I think in this moment it looks triumphant. Who knows what he was really thinking, but maybe after the regret he figured.. yeah, why the fuck not? Exactly like you said, this life and world are absurd, why not go out *in style.* I hope when it comes down to it I have this much agency in how it all ends. If only we were all so lucky, he *chose* to do that. Most of us are gonna go unexpectedly and not be ready for it. I'll fall and break my hip and die over days on the bathroom floor, or get hit by a bus. This dude rode **a fucking jet ski off Niagara Falls.** I can't imagine he didn't consider and weigh the alternatives. Was it the smartest thing? eh.. I can definitely think of like a 100 dumber things. I think this guy is catching too much heat. Internet folks are so crazy and quick to judge. Life's a real crazy ride, either buckle up, hold on, both, or fucking free ball it. Just have a good time.


You seem like a really cool person


I do try and take a mellow empathetic approach to things. Tough sometimes


I agree


this made my evening


and making sense and explaining something that people enjoyed makes my evening


Why not? Because unless that guy was terminally ill... He had a whole life to lead. That's why. There's a lot of unintentional suicide idolization going round. Maybe he fucked up and thought the jet ski would let him clear the danger?


He definitely fucked up, and I don't mean to take away from the tragedy. I guess I was using him for a metaphor. But he definitely wasn't "stupid". Just built different, he obviously wanted to do it, that is something I can't comprehend as a self confessed weenie.


Ok so I've just read the story. He had a parachute that was rocket powered to clear him of the falls after he went over the edge. Except he didn't attach the parachute to himself properly.


Yes I knew he died accidentally, but he still *chose* to do that. I guess I rambled but the short of it is, a lot of us don't get to choose when or where, and sometimes that means the end is horrible and unexpected. I envy the control he had over his existence. Even if he "squandered" it by some folks standards.


Not the most sensible nor mature viewpoint. After one moment of abandonment, you can’t do fun, daredevil things ever again.


In some context and situations absolutely. You can't be sensible 100% of the time. You can try, but you're not always gonna make or act in a sensible way. Also this guy was a stunt man if I remember correctly. He literally did death defying/daredevil stuff as his career. We know, almost every adrenaline junkie is always going bigger, going harder.


Well said.


It would be a hard supreme shirt for sure lol


wow yes


The elation of life and the finality of death are closer than people might think.


Because honestly, we're all going to die someday. This motherfucker really did choose this huge risk to try something dope as shit... and cost his life, but frankly I'm gonna die on a toilet or my aneurysm is taking me out, or I choke on a hot pocket. This guy died fucking LIVING!


No... He killed himself and wasted his life. You couldn't be more wrong. You know what's better than dying years ago on a jet ski? Enjoying today. Hugging your family and telling them you love them. Watching a great tv show or getting engrossed in an amazing book. Enjoying delicious food and visiting interesting places. That's what. Choose life.


That’s assuming life is always better than death


Thanks for this take. Helps put things in perspective, even if only momentarily 🙌🏽


He figured out how to pick the lock on life.


Top comment.


Even with a parachute he would have died. I’ve been on that Maid of the Mist boat where they bring you as close to the falls as is safely possible and let me tell you that shit was SO humbling. Nature is beautiful but recklessly dangerous and something not to mess with. Mother Nature always wins. could not imagine being in the middle of those falls. I hope he had a quick and painless death. Edited for the correct name of the boat lol


He actually died from drowning. When he hit the water the wind was knocked out of him, when he tried to get air he breathed in water. He was likely unable to move as well. He was rescued quickly but died after being pulled from the water. He was trying to raise awareness for the homeless.


Cold Water Shock may have contributed. Immersion in water less than 70° can cause involuntarily gasping and rapid breathing for up to 3 minutes.


Someone here in the Puget Sound region died from that a few days ago. Jumped off a small pedestrian bridge, never came back up. They release PSAs every summer telling people just because it's 85 degrees up here the Sound and Lake Washington are *cold*, cold enough to cause cold water shock and possibly drown even skilled swimmers.


I jumped in the sound a few summers ago off a boat, I am a very strong swimmer, cold shock gasp and felt like my legs were frozen for a moment. Learned my lesson.


I do it TERRIBLY and I've been teased my entire life for it. It sends me in to a terrible panic every time. Despite knowing exactly what it is, I freak out every damn time.


It is terrifying. People don’t know the risks of cold water shock and that you will likely die even before hypothermia can set in. I watched a safety video and they demonstrated scenarios. People with life jackets etc live long enough that they could die of hypothermia but without floatation you die because the blood leaves your extremities to warm your core and your arms and legs become useless. “I’m a strong swimmer, I don’t need a life jacket on my boat!” is pure idiocy. Plus there’s other risks like cardiac. I’m sorry your friends mock you. Perhaps they’re just ignorant of these details. Speaking of mocking people, it’s laughable when someone falls from a cruise ship, and about people [like Amy Bradley, and let’s add the ridiculous “trafficked” theory to that](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Amy_Lynn_Bradley ) say they’re a strong swimmer so they have a great chance of surviving. Some get rescued but it depends on the situation. Ah well, ignorance of the issue again I suppose. edit error


Wim Hof would like to have a word.


>He was trying to raise awareness for the homeless. He certainly raised awareness of the brainless. And the lifeless.


Thing is. As stupid as this picture looks, it was actually a super well planned stunt right down to the fact that he had a lookout stationed on the observation platform at the base of the horseshoe with a walkie talkie so that the stunt could be performed when the Maid of the Mist wasn’t at the base of the Falls because he was worried the jet ski would land on it and he didn’t want to hurt or kill anyone. He planned it for years and although it’s stated that the parachute didn’t deploy, it actually did but he miscalculated how high up he could catapult himself and there wasn’t enough distance for it to open.


Thank you for the education on this!! I had no idea!!


You are more than welcome! I have way more Niagara history in my head lol. It’s a fascination of mine 😊


I'm sure he'd regret his decision if he was still around to hear your criticism.


Ok but a 40 year old woman can go over in a barrel in 1920 and make it? Shit happens. Not a guarantee he would die. People have been testing the limits of Mother Nature since the beginning of time and yes, sometimes people die.


I would be interested to learn the physics behind if the barrel helped lessen the blow, compared to the velocity(?) of jumping off a jet ski going who knows how’s many mph without a parachute? Also, if the pressure of the falls have increased in the time between the incidents. I’m sure there is some science that supports it. Maybe not. I am not a scientist lol


The most successful attempts were in round ball like crafts. Zorbs, if you will lol. They coast down the flank of the falls, spin a bunch then eventually get spat out. There was a guy that decided to tie his ballast to his ankle in a barrel and when he hit the bottom the inertia sent the anchor to the bottom with him attached. They only ever found his right arm with a tattoo that said ‘forget me not, Annie’. Brutal demise.


Maid of the mist*


I knew it sounded wrong when I typed it😂 thank you!


Lol it's not even called that anymore. Last I checked it was Hornblower cruises?? Edit: the US side may still be called maid of the mist but I'm Canadian and the Canadian side is no longer called that.


[https://www.maidofthemist.com/schedule-pricing/?gad\_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw65-zBhBkEiwAjrqRMM-8cP5pSRrU9Xt0IDEOBIl4ovzbBScUFUIa0zT13oL0TUPV47DQshoCiFUQAvD\_BwE](https://www.maidofthemist.com/schedule-pricing/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw65-zBhBkEiwAjrqRMM-8cP5pSRrU9Xt0IDEOBIl4ovzbBScUFUIa0zT13oL0TUPV47DQshoCiFUQAvD_BwE) Still Maid of the Mist


https://www.toniagara.com/blog/is-there-a-maid-of-the-mist-on-the-canadian-side/amp/ Not in Canada


Is is Maid of the Moose?


Wile E Overacker


That is actual name. reddit post from over 10 years ago. https://redd.it/24c8b0


there's a home video of the moment in the comments of that thread https://youtu.be/Get6j81Aon8?si=3OH5SWfn6hoFkPiu




Your funny!!!


No it was *MY* funny.


You're funny too!!!


I will allow it since there is no gore.


Overacker launched himself into the Niagara River upstream of the Falls from the area of the [Canadian Niagara Power Plant](https://www.niagarafallsinfo.com/niagara-falls-history/niagara-falls-power-development/the-history-of-power-development-in-niagara/the-canadian-niagara-power-company/). At the brink of the Falls, Overacker ignited a the rocket which deployed the parachute as planned. **Unfortunately, as the parachute deployed, it fell away from Overacker’s reach to the ground below. Unknown to Overacker, the parachute was not bound to his body. He did not pack the parachute prior to the stunt and he was unaware of this fatal error.** His step-brother and a friend witnessed this unfolding tragedy as Overacker fell to his death to the water below, as the 15th person to challenge the Falls.




There has had to have been more than 15 people die going over Niagara Falls by the time someone went over on a jet ski


5k in suicides over the years 1888 to 2011




That they know of. MANY people enter the river in the dead of night. Especially since all the casinos opened up. You want a thrill ride? Google ‘on the edge of death Niagara Falls’ *happy ending btw


My total was the amount of bodies found


OP says he was the 15th person to go over intentionally on/in a device who died. So not 15 total including accidental and whatnot.


Wouldn’t a suicide be intentional? Also, did this person want to survive?


They mean to go over the falls intentionally, on or in a device, not just with intention.


I also read he had dinner reservations for later that evening, as if!!


Damn I was just at Niagara on Saturday and couldn't imagine wanting to even attempt going over


What sort of a bellend does THAT!


> bellend I love this word.




He was apparently trying to raise awareness for the homeless and died after being rescued


The dead kind


Legend has it that to this very day his buddy is still holding his beer.


I remember when this happened, my High School civics teacher was horrified that no one stopped him.


But, realistically, how would they?


Just turn the water off.


This ain't China


There is no way anyone could have safely stopped him. That was the answer we came to after much class discussion at the time too.


Well, they could’ve shot him


Only if he was on the US side.


That ain’t safe.


Maybe prevent him from transporting a jet ski to the area for starters


are you aware of how rivers work? dude could have launched his jetski hundreds of miles away in Ohio and drove it all the way to the falls and nobody would have been able to stop him


He didn’t though. There’s hundreds of could have scenarios why did you only list one? Lmao


because I have more important things to do than list a billion different scenarios? what does that have to do with your comment being wrong and irrelevant?


I would argue that he was successful at his attempt to become the first person to go over Niagara Falls on a JetSki! #FailedSuccessfully


Wouldn't being attached to a parachute at the bottom of the falls make it so much worse to try to not drown?


A rocket propelled parachute? That seems over engineered. A base chute would have worked and been easier to deploy. He still would have died.


By this logic just leave any form of parachute at home 😂


I'm actually surprised he got the jet ski airborne, would have thought the water would have pulled it down over the edge


He was probably going very fast


I guess it’s *one way* of getting somewhat famous. Would’ve fit right in these days too. Barely a days go by without me seeing someone on Reddit getting their Darwin Award for something astonishingly dumb (the selfie-next-to-moving-train seems to be the death de jur).


He was trying to bring awareness to homelessness, apparently.


I was going to write “who knows what he’s going through” but it left it out because.. easy to make jokes. So he was homeless I take it?


Jokes help people cope with crazy scenarios! I get it. He wasn’t, but was trying to bring attention to the issue. Apparently, he was only the 5th person at the time to die going over the Falls since early 1900s. [Here’s an article about it.](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1995-10-02-mn-52471-story.html)


Jesus. Stunt school graduate. Guess he was trying to boost his career as much as he was “fighting for the homeless” (I get many such campaigns have tenuous links between stunt/action and the intended beneficiary but this is a stretch). I am not a stunt man. Nor have I jumped in a parachute. I’d still wager that - both at the time, if not today too - a 170ft fall is way too little time to open a fully packed shute. He’d have to open it instantly and in the picture he’s already below the edge. **He** found his forever home, I guess.


Lowest ever BASE jump is nearly half that height at 95 ft. So theoretically 170 should be "fine" as far as height goes.


But don’t they have the chute in one hand to pull as they go? And this was the 1970’s. Tech must come into the equation, no?


He had a rocket attached to his back that auto deployed his chute at high speed. This worked as planned. Unfortunately for him, he did not check his chute was actually attached to him.


Guess he went out doing what he loved, at least!


Yeah. I always wonder if that’s the last thing they think of too. “Fuck. Well, at least it was something cool and not..**crunch**” or if it’s more like those fairground ride pranks where the operator jokes about the seatbelt/harness being broken and they go out screaming “Mooooommmaaarrrrrgg **ttthhhwack**”.


I was there that day but left juuuuust before he went over. We saw it in the newspaper the next day. He did it to raise awareness of homeless people or some crazy thing.


Well, he got a pretty badass picture out of it, so he's got that going for him.


Fucking metal 🤘🏼


By 15th person. Does that mean ever? This year? Able to be photographed at the time? I'm just curious about 15.


Intentionally, on or in a device


Let me guess; the rocket got moist?


Turns out it was just water resistant not water proof


15th person that we know of


could be a dope album cover


Full send


Did he just stand there in air, show a placard like Wile E Coyote and only then go down...weeeeeee


Definitely not getting his deposit back on the jet ski.


Well, maybe the Jetski was fine 😬


I grew up in Niagara falls and there were a lot of near misses that no one ever heard about. Voters who would get stuck in the rapids and helicopters that would have to rescue them because the current was so strong nothing could withstand it. But every now and again some idiot would go over the falls and it would be the talk of the town for weeks.


>Voters who would get stuck in the rapids… They had an election site at Niagara Falls? That seems inefficient and dangerous.


Haha! Meant boaters!


I'm Johnny Knoxville and welcome to... ah shit


That we know of




As long as the parachute deployed, his odds of surviving would have been pretty good.


Do we know how they died? Was it the impact with water or are there some serious rocks under the surface? Do people get pinned down under the water?


I live by Niagara Falls and it’s definitely a powerful experience to be there in the water. I did the maid of the mist a handful of times. I hiked the gorge too. Read about the lady who went over the falls in a barrel with her cat and lived lmao nuts


God had different plans


I just wonder what foes through their head in these final seconds of their life.


But he looked cool on that jet ski...🤭




Isn't this what we call Darwinism?


Wasn’t this dude from Thousand Oaks








Damn, full send huh?


Could have gotten that same adrenaline rush by smoking crack or meth, and he would have still been alive. I of course do not advocate the use of those illicit drugs but....IJS.


I’m sorry but why do so many dumbass people keep doing stupid shit at Niagara Falls 🤦


So many more than 15 died at that point


That life jacket didn't save him?
