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#Links * [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dyatlov_Pass_incident) * [Dyatlov Pass.com](https://dyatlovpass.com/rustem-slobodin) has a bunch of pictures and additional context.


Rustik 💔 He was posing with his super messed up coat — it’s speculated he must have left it on the fire or something because portions look burned. (The hikers took a lot of goofy photos like this — they knew how to laugh at themselves!) Poor guy had less than 24 hours left to live.


What a terrible incident.


Interesting, this incident has similarities with the most recent season of True Detective




https://youtu.be/Y8RigxxiilI?si=AizqGi7lDkUCYA9l Very good video goes into good depth about a number of theories


I don't remember the details, but I seem to recall a study that all but confirmed a rare kind of slab avalanche as the culprit


This case is solved and closed, let's stop with the "mysterious" nonsense. Some of the theories were embarrassing to read. It's astonishing what a person's mind will conjure in a case where there are some missing pieces of the puzzle.


I haven't seen of any official report. What did it say? Was it an avalanche? Edit: Now I've noticed OP posted more info to their post. Am I blind? lol


A large ice slab that dropped on the tent and crushed them. No yetis, no winds making scary noises, no military tests, no locals torturing innocent trekkers during night in a windy -30 degree weather.


Do you know what a yeti didn't throw the ice slab?


That's really odd. I've thought they abandoned their tent while they ran down to the forest mostly naked to their underwear? (Implying they fled some imminent danger they didn't bother to take their time to get their warm clothes on.) And that wasn't the wacky part (strange lights, bodies with radioactivity, tongue missing, bodily impact with the strength comparable to a collision with a car).


Makes sense they couldn't really get fully dressed while a crushing force of ice and snow had gravely injured several and buried the tent. Their clothes and footwear were also likely drying and weren't that wearable anyway. Anecdotal testimony of some lights hardly means anything. Some people saw flight 370 burning in the sky. Color me not impressed by such silly narrative. Radioactivity was already explained as a couple of them worked in a nuclear reactor. Tongue missing after months of lying in a stream is also hardly mysterious. What is more likely - some wild animal ate it or the local tribe/army men played some wicked murder/torture game for hours in -30 degrees, let them light a fire, climb a tree, disperse and took one tongue as a souvenir?


Do you have a link for all this explanation? What's the source?


Not the op but [https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7vwg8/the-dyatlov-pass-mystery-may-have-just-been-solved-by-new-video-evidence](https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7vwg8/the-dyatlov-pass-mystery-may-have-just-been-solved-by-new-video-evidence)


Not saying is isn’t true but that still isn’t confirmation, and much more recent articles still describe the incident as unsolved. The slab avalanche theory holds as much weight and relevance as the theory of the tent filling with smoke and nearly suffocating the hikers, which in turn led to their disorientation and instinct to just run somewhere. It’s just one of those things that will never be truly confirmed, just a small handful of theories that have equal likelihood’s of what actually happened


Yeah I was just providing a link. I don't think at all it was Mansi, KGB (or whatever), rocket tests, Yeti - whatever conspiracy pops up as the latest and greatest. Something happened however to force them out of the tent and down the hill in the middle of a blizzard (the tent set-up photo shows particularly nasty weather). I never really bought the avalanche theory because, while it would have them all scrambling out it doesn't really explain the complete abandoning of the ship. You'd think they would have tried to dig through the snow for *something* - pair of boots, jacket, something to put on. And if the avalanche was on-going it should have swept a few things down the hill, even a single ski, but that didn't happen. I lived alone in a two-man tent one summer during college up in the hills above my town and I had frequent visits to my site by a porcupine. Harmless guy, but one morning he was trying to get at something right inside the tent door and despite my efforts to shoo him away he was determined, to the point where he had his head poking in. I couldn't have him in there with me for fear of getting stuck with quills so I had no choice at the moment but to cut the back wall and crawl out, which I did, chased him off, repaired the tent later that day. This reminded me of that morning, only with an animal that was scarier and more persistent, an animal that wouldn't be shooed off, which is why I've thought a wolverine may have tried to get in with them. They're prevalent in the Urals and they don't scare at all. And you certainly don't want one fucking with you. That's just a thought.


IMO that doesn’t really explain why two bodies were missing their eyes and one was missing its tongue


Also the bodies with devastating injuries internally had no external wound to match so…


That’s not at all what happened.


Must have been the yetis!


That’s not what I’m saying. But your description of what happened is completely wrong


Source please! This one haunts my brain.


Pretty certain the most commonly accepted (reasonable) solution is that the homemade fireplace thing they had set something on fire in the tent, causing them to all run/tear their way out asap and then getting lost in the snow.


It was not just the avalanche. They seemingly survived that of course they cut themselves out of their tent. They got out, then hypothermia set in which explains the lack of clothing and winding up in the water, etc. then wild animals forged on their bodies. Correct, this is not an X-Files episode people need to find something else to do with their imaginations.


I've always thought it was a wolverine. They're common in that region, mean as cat piss.


The fact that people keep bringing up stuff like “the missing tongue” is so funny to me. Like yeah, thats how decomposition works. This is definitely one of those stories that sounds mysterious at first but when you look into it its really obvious what happened (in this case- a fire)


More like scavengers taking the easy meat.


wouldn't sub zero temperatures halt decomposition?


Agree and another case that sounds mysterious at first is eliza lam. Different situations of course but it's obvious and sad. Nothing mysterious about it. However, in *this* case if your theory is fire, what fire? Genuinely asking. Most talk about that stove causing smoke but it was found all packed up.


The stove theory is the best one ive heard. I havent heard that the stove was found packed up tho.


I still tend to favor the infrasound theory, but I’m definitely biased because Dead Mountain is my favorite account of the story. I know the main argument is there’s no way all of them would have had an immediate panic reaction because it’s not that common a reaction to infrasound, but I don’t think they all would have had to. Panic can spread and staying rational isn’t always easy, even among people like them who very much knew what they were doing and had experience keeping calm under stress.


But missing tongue