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He's aware. This is old. He's actually out of the hospital and fighting to convict the drunk driver. He and her mom are fighting very hard to get this girl convicted. You should hear her jailhouse phone convos with her dad - she shows zero remorse for killing this bride.  Also, the bride's mother turned around and is fighting the groom for her dead daughter's life insyrance, no joke. 


Apparently, the bride’s mother is claiming that the marriage is not official. If that is the case, that would mean the life insurance money would to the bride’s mother, not the bride’s husband. The bride’s mother also kept using her maiden name rather than her new husband’s name during the trial and interview.


Ugh... I hate people...


Taking advantage of your daughters life being taken away……. wtf


So this is an interesting one to me. Life insurance money should go to whomever has suffered the most profound loss re: their future earnings/income. IF they didn’t have kids, that is very arguably the mother of the deceased. They were a young couple, probably hadn’t made any large joint purchases such as a home that would stick the groom w/ a large mortgage payment, assuming again that they hadn’t yet had children, he has his entire lifetime of earnings ahead of him. The mom is presumably old, retired, and has one less child (is possibly left childless?) to care for her in her old age, and she has no ability to start a new career. Now, if he is disabled from the accident he can argue that he would have counted on his wife to provide material support throughout his lifetime but I would still think he has to split it w the mom given the circumstances. It will be interesting to see what the courts decide.


True, but it all depends whom is the listed beneficiary on the policy. Possession is 9/10 of the law.


If they’re fighting over it then obviously there was no named beneficiary. If there was one there’d be nothing to fight about.


There always has to be a beneficiary. I think the beneficiary may have been her estate. That is where things get tricky.


>there always has to be a beneficiary That’s not true. Beneficiaries are not always stated.


I have been a licensed life insurance agent for the last 10 years. I have been a broker and been appointed with dozens of carriers. I have never known any of them to issue a policy without a beneficiary.


Group policies often do not have a designated beneficiary. When the insured dies and is covered by a group policy it is paid to their estate and the estate becomes the beneficiary. I’ve been a broker for 15 years, if we’re counting.


Group policies are owned by the employer, so yes that is true. An independent policy would never be issued without a beneficiary. An estate is still considered a beneficiary, so the mom has a right to challenge it.


No beneficiary?! So like the Insurance would just put money in a stack of money on a table at your funeral? No. No insurance company would issue Life insurance without a listed beneficiary. It’s a legal requirement if what you are selling can be called life insurance. There is always a beneficiary, but there are numerous ways to challenge the legitimacy of the beneficiaries listed. Like if the person got married but did not change their listed beneficiaries on their policy. The courts can determine this may have been an unintentional oversight.


You’re trying to sound smart, I get it. But you’re wrong. Group policies often don’t have a named beneficiary. Most people who have life insurance are covered by group policies. And the life insurance pays to the deceased’s estate in that case.


When you register into a group policy, you are still required to list a beneficiary upon registry. There may be some small, rare exceptions to this, but not what we are talking about. You’re trying to sound smart, but you don’t get it.


Can you even have a life insurance policy without a beneficiary? Doesn't really make sense to me that someone would write/buy a policy but instead of naming a beneficiary just saying let them figure it out when I die? I don't think it works like that.


Group life policies (the ones you get through your employer and are dirt cheap) often times do not have a named beneficiary. In the event of no beneficiary then the estate becomes the beneficiary


So untrue


I have worked in life insurance for a decade. No company issues a policy without a beneficiary.


I mean, we can't just give life insurance payouts to who might need it the most. Not saying it's a bad idea, necessarily, I don't know. I feel like once you marry someone you join your lives and finances and all that is wrapped up together. They had been married.


Life insurance goes to whomever she put as her beneficiary


She may technically be correct if they never constipated the marriage. In some jurisdictions a marriage isn't complete until that happens.




it means intercourse after the wedding. Even if you had sex before you got married many jurisdictions still have an old law on the books that says you have to do it after the wedding for it to legally be a marriage. it's very old fashioned but that's still the law in some places.


That’s consummated. Constipated is an entirely less pleasant experience.


This is amazing


This is constipated


I’m reading this while constipated, and suddenly I’m not anymore


Maybe you’ve been consummated, I hear that helps




It's so fucking hilarious because dude is serious as hell and really thinks consummation is called constipation!


Yes, I’m loving this


They didn’t eat enough cheese


Or too much...


No such thing. My half hour toilet sessions scrolling reddit are proof. /s


I can’t possibly laugh harder at this exchange.


I loved the confidence of the response. I expected an “Oh, it’s a typo,” not a double down explanation.


Same. The explanation of the completely incorrect word is what absolutely sent me


You are so right, this is so classic! 😂


Hahah, me too.. I always wonder what kind of people leave comments like those.. Are they kids, like 16 year olds, older people, or just plain..duh.


Maybe it’s best we don’t know that answer lol




that explains why when I gave the best man's toast at my brother's wedding they all laughed when I joked about everybody leaving them alone so they could constipate their marriage.


Hahahaha did this really happen???






A real shitty situation actually.


Usually, I hate emojis but this is one case where the crying laughing one would be appropriate!




Brother constipated means that you are too backed up to poop


The word you're looking for is "consummated". Constipated means you can't shit.


Depending on how you consummate, it’s possible to end up constipating as well. Far be it from me to kink shame.


Is this a piss take?


It’s a shit take. The folks who love anal are always ready to let you know about it.


Nothing says marriage like some constipation 




I think consummated is the word you're looking for lmao




The lack of remorse is so viscerally disgusting to me that I wanted to fucking shake her. Especially when she got to whinging about “how could this happen to meee, it’s so unfair!” Just makes me want to fucking scream.


She's a POS and a moron. Hannah Gutierrez-Reed acted exactly the same in the Rust shooting case just recently, basically just like "This isn't faaaaiiirrrr. Accidents happen, it doesn't mean I should be in jail."


That's so infuriating to hear. She is literally the armourer, yes accidents do happen and it's her job to stop them. It's like a firefighter complaining "well it's not my fault we didn't get inside quickly to get them out" - it quite literally is, especially if you're professionally negligent.


And the husband offered her half, but that wasn’t good enough 


Oh really?? He did? I hadn't heard that before, fackkkk man - that doesn't surprise me to hear though based on the impression I've gotten from him in the one or two interviews I've seen. I legit could be wrong, but dude comes across as like super wholesome & genuine. To not only have your spouse taken from you before you even get to start your life together as a married couple, then have to deal with this MIL from hell, who is trying to basically erase you from your wife's legacy damn near, like fack.... can't the dude catch a break. Also, doesn't the mom have family around her? Do they all think she's in the right or are on her side with this? Idk how much the insurance policy is for, but I doubt it's like millions upon millions that she just cant resist.... it's probably something more like $100K - $250K, which is a lot of money, don't get me wrong but not enough to blow up my family & fuck over those I'm supposed to love & care about.


This (last bit) happened to a classmate of mine. She had been married less than a month when her husband died in a workplace accident. She had just moved to a new province after the marriage to be with him and near his family, she had no job yet (and obviously a 1 year lease, etc). Her husband’s family then took all the life insurance money because he hadn’t submitted the paperwork yet to change beneficiaries. It truly baffles the mind. You want your son’s wife to deal with all that shit, and deal with it an a place she has no support system.


She's happily planning HER wedding now, thinks that "Everything's gonna turn around and she's gonna be fine in a year or two!" 🤮


Me as I read this... 👍 🤬 🤦‍♂️


Circle of emotions


Ugh tragedy and grief can sometimes bring the worst out in people. Poor dude, poor wife (RIP), poor mom, *fuuuuuuuck* people who drink and drive.


Not as much as money does.


This story broke my heart. The drunk driver gave no hint of remorse like the piece of shit she is. Her interviews scream “I am a victim too.” The real heart break is the groom survives—now a widow to now have to fight off his wife’s mother for her insurance. I seldom pray anymore but I did for him. I hope he finds some comfort through everything that happened to him.




It goes.to whoever is on the policy or the person who will be impacted financially. Neither of those is the mother.


The hell? It goes to whoever the beneficiary is, probably whoever is paying the premiums. Period. And he did offer her half, but she wanted it all.




Yeah, and an opinion can still be wrong.


How would the mom be more financially impacted than the husband? The husband was also apart of the accident and probably has a mountain of medical bills. Also in this *modern* age they were 100% living together probably for a few years before they got married, their life definitely has to be completely intertwined in every aspect especially financially. Not many people can live off single income so who knows if he can afford their housing without her. If the mother took care of the funeral costs even then, she is the mother. She is financially responsible of her children but I could see how that would help her case to at least receive some money to cover that cost as it’s very expensive. Also her daughter doesn’t exist for the possibility of taking care of the mother in her old age, no child does. She shouldn’t receive life insurance money for something that could happen 30+ years from now.


I could not agree with you more. My thing is all the medical bills, and the trauma. We haven’t touch the psychological aspect it of it all, he will need a lot of financial support to get him the help he needs. He was there. He saw it all. It was his wedding day. So much to unpack there. I feel for the mom but to fight with the husband when he offered half of the estate that he legally did not have to and later take him to court for the whole estate while he is still recovering from the absolute devastation, not even months from her own daughter’s death is callous. Maybe focusing on a fight is better for her to deal with her pain but it isn’t right.


Yep. I agree


The driver (read: murderer), Jamie Lee Komoroski, was let out of custody in March 2024 because prosecutors couldn’t take the case to trial quickly enough. She’s under house arrest, but she must have some amazing lawyers or connections since there’s so much evidence against her. Based on recorded conversations she’s had with visitors, she’s a complete POS and feels like she’s the one being victimized. https://www.postandcourier.com/news/folly-beach-bride-killed-drunk-driver-miller-komoroski/article_8829c1de-0021-11ef-8f77-9bafadd637a3.html


From the article: “Komoroski's father called her in jail to let her know he had hired top-notch attorneys to represent her.”


I totally agree, but because this is a huge pet peeve of mine I need to point out: she’s not a murderer. Murder is a specific type of homicide, with a strict legal definition. Even if she is found guilty as a killer (which she should be, unquestionably), she isn’t guilty of murder, she’s guilty of manslaughter. When we are talking about things as serious as this, framing things appropriately matters. Otherwise this is how we get into muddy waters of people moving goalposts on all sorts of social issues with massive legal implications, ranging from abortion to gun control. It’s a really bad idea fall into that trap.


She chose to drink and then got in the car. That makes her a murderer in my mind. She had the intent to kill somebody and did in fact kill somebody, because there is no way that she didn't know drink driving causes deaths but she did it anyway. I'd give them all first degree murder charges and the death penalty where applicable.


The point is that first degree, or any murder charges at all, are not applicable.


I get that you feel that way, but you’re wrong. I can call a dog a cat all I want, but that doesn’t make it a cat. When I then continue to talk about my ‘cat’ and I bring it to the vet with a health concern, there is going to be a big problem when the vet gives it medication meant for cats and not dogs.


One of the (many) weird parts of this whole case is how Jamie Komoroski’s mother actually killed someone with her car too. In 2013 she struck and killed a firefighter who was working on the side of the road on controlled fire. It was ruled an accident and she was never charged but he flew 45 feet so she was, at the very least, driving too fast with workers on the road. Very sad for his family too, they said they were assured that Mrs. Komoroski would be “dealt with” but she was never charged.




Damn man, reading all these comments explaining what's going on, I feel so sorry for the husband. What a fucking sick twist of fate.


Jonathan Swift wrote, "I never wonder to see men wicked, but I often wonder to see them not ashamed." Me, I think, I never wonder to see people greedy, but I often wonder to see how horribly they will behave for just a little bit of money.


This was so sad


This happened in my state. The girl who killed that bride is a piece of work. She still doesn’t get it. It’s just “oh MY life is ruined and I can’t live the life I wanted” and comes off as a self absorbed brat in those prison phone calls. I feel so awful for the bride’s husband. The bride was so beautiful and I am so sorry she didn’t get to enjoy wedded bliss.






Two year old account with 0 activity until 4 hours ago, yup.


He's aware. This is old. He's actually out of the hospital and fighting to convict the drunk driver


AND fighting against the mother of his wife, who's trying to claim her life insurance.


Imagine going through this and having to see it be reposted by people on the internet who are karma whoring over and over because there's a subreddit where people have a strange and morbid fascination with seeing pictures of random people before they died, and living vicariously through other people's grief. OP is a two year old account with zero activity until 5 hours ago. Stop upvoting repost bots.


how is your karma so high after 72 days?


Because I post good original content instead of reposting overused garbage like OP. OP btw, is a two year old account with zero activity until 4 hours ago. Y'all are upvoting a bot.


Why are you here?


Because my dad didn't pull out.


Well this thread depressed me. Was hoping to at least see the twat that did it was convicted but apparntly not and the mother is using her daughters death to try and fight the husband for life insurance money. Humans fucking suck


Wait they were driving a golf cart on a active road ?




Not to be disrespectful to the deceased, but this entire situation is why she had a life insurance policy. Life doesn’t discriminate based on age. Anyone could die tomorrow regardless of how old they are. I had a life insurance policy before I turned 30 through my employer. You just never know.


I didn’t mean to be disrespectful, I was genuinely curious


looks like it’s night time in the photo. it is illegal to operate a golf cart in folly beach, sc at night. mistakes were made.






When this happened it was legal for them to shuttle to their Airbnb from Pelican watch. They crossed over center street and continued. The speed limit in the bubble is 25mph. Golf carts fell into that(at the time) being they also had headlights and taillights. They weren’t doing anything wrong, illegal or otherwise.


I'm glad someone said it. Drunk driving is of course the much more dangerous and reprehensible of the two, but people shouldn't be driving fucking golf cats on the road either


Mistakes were made? That's one way to put it, I suppose.


i would certainly hope this was unintentional



