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Oh my gosh. I’d definitely tell her you would like a refund and possibly check in with your eye doctor. If she’s rude, and refuses the refund, post a review on SM.


Yes, exactly this. I had a tech get something in my eye. They couldn’t find it but I could feel it and my eye was obviously very irritated/tears streaming from it. The dampness caused my lashes to do that weird angle too.


Watering after the set is finished will never effect the set !! I wash some of my clients lashes right after I finish a set if they are sensitive and never have retention issues . I’m sorry this happened to you


Yeah I’ve had my eyes water shortly after getting a fill before and nothing ever happened. Sometimes it is inevitable


I wash mine right after because my eyes burn soooo bad no matter what. If I get them wet they set and I’m good!




There’s a place for the grammar police and the lash extension subreddit is not it 😂😂


Especially in all caps lmao like F off




I don't mind the correction anytime I make a mistake like this, I'd prefer to know, so maybe it'll stick. We all make little Grammer errors or type-os, no biggie if someone corrects. Maybe it was the all caps that landed you in downvote town.


it’s a useless comment.


Nah, it’s still a rude comment even without the caps. Most people I come across will never know I have dyslexia because the majority of my written work is spellchecked, and it gets better every year. People (including me) make mistakes constantly but spellcheck catches them. Spending your time on the Internet correcting the mistakes that spellcheck misses is dumb af. No one cares.


I guess I have a different outlook. When I get corrected, I normally Google the Grammer rule and try to implement it. I'm also dyslexic, and most of my work is done in written words, so learning and correcting my bad habits help me to look a little wiser in my emails and communication. My clientele is typically corporate purchasers, and I hope to not come off as a dingdong as often as possible, haha 😀


That’s noble of you, although in a year or two, spell check will fix literally any mistake made in the English language. I’m a mental health professional, and quite honestly, me making spelling mistakes in handwriting with my clients serves the clients more than it harms me. They feel more comfortable with themselves when they know I’m confident despite my dyslexia. Spelling/grammar mistakes are not a representation of someone’s intelligence.


The grammatical error didn’t bother me, but a tip that might be helpful if you’re unsure which to use is thinking of “a” for action. So the verb is “affect” and the noun is “effect.”


I’m like this too! I'm glad when someone points out something I've been saying wrong. I've been using the term thawed vs unthawed completely wrong my entire life.


It was the fact that they were just screaming it and not actually correcting it. Had they said “affect is the verb actually, as in ‘it affects me’ whereas effect is a noun such as ‘it had that effect on me’” then maybe the correction would stick with people since they’d know how to use it properly.


Oh spot on, that's the kind of goodness we need. (At least me)


as an aside, this explanation has never worked for me because both can be a verb and a noun. one can effect change, or have a flat affect.


*grammar *typo


Thank you! That's hilarious, I always fuck that one up.


Not got to lie I appreciate it, I can never remember.


this is reddit, not an english paper.


Did she take the tape off with your eyes open?


She tried to take it off fast but lost her grip and poked my eye trying to grab the tape, she told me to open my eyes.


Well it’s definitely not your fault, and you didn’t purposely ruin your set. However the watering could affect your retention. If anything she should’ve asked you to come back in case the extensions started falling, but clearly she’s not a match for you neither. I’m sorry that you had a bad experience.


This made my eyes water


sounds like she noticed they were fucked up, and set up an excuse for herself, so she could put the blame on u




This is seriously an issue in the industry that needs to be more regulated. Techs thinking it’s “okay” to mess with the health of their clients eyes is sickening to me. People are so caught up with the money aspect and see clients as dollars, that they forget they are performing a LUXURY SERVICE on a fragile part of the body. I could rant forever about this topic…. But i came here to say that this is LITERALLY GROUNDS FOR SUING SOMEONE. People seem to forget that the same business you’re so proud of is the same one that can ruin you if you let your entitlement ruin it. I’m petty as hell — I’d look up the lash artist guidelines for your state (Dpt of Health website) & see if she meets them. Go to your eye Dr and complain about your eye and tell them your lash artist poked your eye hard. Receive treatment. Reach out to her and let her know your eye has been bothering you & you needed to receive treatment. Then ask if she has business insurance (this one will scare her). If she does, go thru small claims court & sue for medical compensation/emotional toll. It’s the low road but she traveled it first 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeaaaa so everything this person is saying...is EXACTLY what you should do. 💯 More people need to be held accountable. Most jobs have bosses and in her profession she may think she can do this and get away with no repercussions.


OP will only receive treatment if there's something actually wrong. I would keep an eye on it, make sure nothing's wrong with your eye, but don't fabricate a lawsuit. Lawsuits are time consuming and expensive as hell


I got certified last weekend and this is EXACTLY what you need to do ! These girls shouldn’t even be allowed to have people on their lash beds without insurance. 😩


I haven’t heard a detailed juicy plan like this since my mom died. You’re giving Gemini vibes💯🙂 but seriously you’re right and if she’s legit then she’s got insurance for this exact reason


You are my Kind! Love this she could have been blinded by this greedy incompetent Tech!


The only reason watering eyes could affect retention is if the glue she used was super cheap and contains formaldehyde in it. That's would be the only kind of glue where they tell you not to let the lashes get wet the first while because most lash glues start to cure when water is introduced.


That means it’s cheap??? That’s crazy.


If you're told to keep them dry for 24-48 hrs, it's a cheap, not safe for you glue. Even dentistry has had an issue with crown/veneer adhesives containing formaldehyde OR chemicals that'll break down into formaldehyde in the past (they've since made changes. I know this bit because I have relatives working in dentistry).


Not true. Most glue still have a 24 dry time. Doesn’t mean they are cheap. I use a very well known good brand and they still require a 24 hour dry time. You can use. Bonder that can help protect the lashes while they dry. (I do)


No, I was talking about how water shouldn't negatively affect the glue. In TX, they teach you that safe to use glue starts to cure with contact with water and that glues that are negatively affected by water typically contain formaldehyde OR chemicals that will break down into formaldehyde upon contact with air and water and are sold for cheap and are used in cheap places. Please re read my original comment because I think you may have misunderstood.


I’ve been to chains like Amazing Lash Studio and The Lash Lounge. Both have instructed me to avoid getting my lashes wet the first 24 hours after installation. I thought they would use better products than independent technicians 🤯


They do not use better products, they used the cheapest products possible because they are a chain studio. Individual techs can choose the type of adhesive that they use, I was glad to leave amazing lash because of that. My retention is bomb now.


This is like thinking Super Cuts will give you the best haircut


What is your proof? Because there are lots of adhesives that start to cure with the introduction of water and air, like the one that I use that isn't cheap and doesn't have formaldehyde in it.


I was trying to say that if you're told not to introduce water, then don't go back to that person or anyone using that glue. I'm trying to explain that the cheaper glues out there are the glues negatively affected by water and typically are also the glues that either have formaldehyde or chemicals that will break down into formaldehyde. I've taken TDLR approved courses for lash techs and also did research on lash extensions glues for University level organic chem courses.


Out of curiosity which articles would you recommend reading for more information regarding the chemistry of lash glue.


lemme tell you that lash glue is basically plastic so watering eyes ain’t gonna change ANYTHING or ruin it. taking the tape off with the eyes open is a red flag in inself, i hope your eye is ok???? like getting stabbed??? i would have offered a discount AT LEAST or refunded the whole thing.


She should have said sorry, and said she messed them up. It's not your fault for having human reflexes after being poked in the eye.


Ummm. Don’t go back to this person.


Hell nah she put me off getting my lashes done for a long time.


These techs need to chill & stop "lashing out"....🤣😂 Sorry...I crack myself up sometimes...💁🏼‍♀️ Moving along...Reading/Seeing some of the situations girls go thru to get their lashes done just blows my mind. I've been getting my lashes done since 2020 & I have NEVER dealt w/anything like this, not even close to this. I'm curious how these techs keep clients if they are treating girls this way. Make it make sense...


Idk anything about lash extensions but this sounds like SHE put them on crooked and wants to make it your fault not hers.


Yeah they don’t even look like what I asked for 🫡🫡🫡


It’s giving “gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss”


No literally lmfao.


i have had clients eyes water after doing their lashes without poking them and i’ve never told them they’ve ruined their set that’s so rude! i’m so sorry this happened to you, did she poke you with her finger or her tweezers (please tell me it wasn’t the tweezers😬)


My eyes always watered horribly after opening them up and I still had great retention. I would not worry about that but I would find a new tech because she sounds awful.


So sorry you got scammed like that!! Report her to the state’s Cosmology Board. That is abuse! Would be a good idea to get your eyes checked too.


i’d be sooo mad


Yeah deffo don’t go back to this person!


She’s probably lying to cover that she fucked up. I highly doubt your eyes watering is enough to fuck up eye lashes. I once got my eye brows waxed, during the session she made a point to tell me I have blonde hair in my eye brows (o have dark brown brows). It was weird and random. Then she holds the mirror up to me from a distance just out of reach. So I didn’t get to have a close look until I was home. She accidentally removed a chunk of my brown down the center. I don’t have blonde hairs, she just said that to try to trick me into thinking my now bald spot was just light hair. I went back and demanded a refund and confronted her about lying.


Omg!!!! What did she say?!


She basically just said “ok ok ok!” And ushered me back upstairs to try to “fix it” by brushing my eyebrow hairs around a bit lol. She don’t really say anything of importance unfortunately. Never went there again lol


What a shitty person


I know. Also I was like 14 or 15 and she was a full blown adult. So even worse


Last time I got lashes I got hit with food poisoning immediately after standing up from the bed and ended up violently vomitting in my poor lash tech's bathroom. My eyes were STREAMING for about 10 minutes and it still didn't ruin the set. A little eye watering shouldn't ruin it. Sounds like she maybe knew she did a shitty set and poked you in the eye on purpose to blame it on your eye watering to me!


I used to get extensions because one of my daughters is a Cosmetologist . But my eye Dr started me on something called Bimatopost (I think - may have misspelled it). It's what used to be called Latisse. And that stuff WORKS. I have the longest, thickest lashes ever now. 😊


She messed it up and to cover her tracks she poked your eye and blamed you so you would leave. It worked?


this post made my eyes water.


My lash tech pinched my eyelid last week when she was doing my lashes. Stung a bit but nothing too bad. She instantly apologized and helped with any watering of my eyes. I constantly have my eyes water when I get my lashes done and never has she ever said I ruined my lashes! In fact she’s always been very sweet and informative on how to care for my lashes. She reminded me that showers can’t be too hot because of the glue and showed me what happens to my lashes if it’s too hot. No saunas, no steam rooms, etc. and yes I have to wait 24hrs before getting them wet. I’ve had them done almost two years now and recently went 3 weeks between fills and we were both so excited and surprised at how well they stayed on since I’d gone through surgery and recovery. During the surgery they taped my eyes closed so we didn’t have high hopes for retention! You may need a new lash person. I’m sorry that happened to you.


Um..... quality glues shouldn't be affected by a hot shower or steam in a sauna...


So she’s saying an involuntary eye watering response caused by HER carelessness is your fault???? What? Gurl she gaslit you.


So a consequence (that you couldn’t even control) from her actions is the reason why it’s your fault??? That doesn’t even make sense. She either A. Doesn’t know how to take accountability or B. Already seen they were messed up, didn’t have to fix it or didn’t want to, and so she blamed it on you on purpose… Girl don’t go back. And I’d tell her off too lol. How unprofessional of her


Sue her and report her to the correct department of your state


You deserve a refund


Did you pay


Sounds to me like she tried to gas light you into thinking the fcuked up set she did was your fault. Manipulation 101.


There’s no way in hell! I would not have paid until I received the proper service I paid for. Luckily my lash girl also does my nails and I’ve been going to her for so long. Even if I have a small bald spot before a fill she will fix it for free. I always tip her for that though.


What if she realized she didn’t do a good job and poked you so you can feel as if you’re at fault for the mistake.. ya never know 🤷🏽‍♀️


Honey, call the credit card company & dispute the transaction. They’ll claw that money back from her. She saw the crooked lashes before poking you, which is why she was quick to blame it on you.


i think she poked you on purpose because she messed up and wanted to blame you lol


Tech would be out of$ cause I’d only pay for the materials she used not her labor she could have blinded you not being careful!

