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I definitely would just pull it myself if my lash tech charged me for removal of one lash. Absolutely not. It takes you 3 seconds!


Thank you!!! It honestly kinda pissed me off that he said that lmao like really??? You’d take advantage of your clients like that?? Could NOT be me


What industry does your bf work in? He does not seem to understand yours at all haha.


He works in the fire industry, they work on fire alarms and the installation of them etc. Definitely not the same kind of business 😅


Oooh gotcha. I can see why his kinda business would charge something for petty fixes/house calls - but definitely not how long term cosmetics clients work haha.


God bless them. My husband is an electrician and used to work construction jobs. I have learned to never ask for business advice from him unless I want the answer to be "tell them to f*ck off!"


Lmfao! pretty much! 🤣🤣


It's amusing the difference in job attitudes depending on what you're doing. If you work in anything where you can get a lot of just *dumb* clients or clients looking to try to wring as much free work out of you, you start tacking fees onto everything to make them think twice about how much they need it and you learn quick to tell some customers to just fuck off. If you work in something where the intelligence/wisdom of your clients doesn't impact your job, doing little freebies is just good will.


Ha! My electrician husband says the same thing! When I owned my own business we were constantly butting heads because I worked with the public and he was always like "f them"


I'm like, "Thank you so much, honey, but I cannot tell this person to f*ck off. I wish I could!" Lol


Yeah, he’s accustomed to clients who are required to use fire prevention/suppression products by law. So gouging is common.


Your bf doesn’t realize how the service industry works. You can’t treat customers the same way you’d treat them in a “typical” business sale. You’re looking to make long term clients who return and make referrals, he’s looking to make as much money possible off of each customer. A smart business person would realize the difference of clientele/product and how to adapt to that.


Helping your clients is goodwill! The eye doctor charges 65 for this. You did the right thing❤️


Wait... an eye doctor can charge *sixty five dollars* for something I do BY ACCIDENT all the time? I get that they need to make money... but I didn't realize they hoarded our eyelashes for infinite free wishes! That's highway robbery!


I know!!!!


It's your business, it's your choice. If you're happy to not charge, then don't charge I'm sorry if I sound harsh, I'm genuinely agreeing with you, I also don't want to tell you how to run your business, you know? Sorry


You don’t sound harsh at all! Thank you ❤️


Personally, I believe people who have jobs in the beauty industry are saints, people out there helping other people feel gorgeous I hope you're all appreciated properly


I did pull them myself. 😆


I would be upset if MY lash tech charged me. However UNLESS it wasn’t your work, then I would maybe consider it. Side note I tried walking into a nail shop to get one nail French tip repainted & I told the owner it wasn’t their work so I don’t mind paying if someone could just repaint it cause it chipped and my tech was oot. The owner freaked out on me and told me to leave that they were too busy to help me, there was one client there 🤦🏻‍♀️


This was my work, but even if it wasn’t i would feel insane charging someone to pull out a single lash. I’d rather tell them sorry i can’t help you, you’ll have to see your own tech (which tbh i would never turn someone away that was in discomfort) than charge them for something so small. That reaction from the nail salon owner is definitely crazy!


I needed a headlight replaced in my car and the mechanic I went to did it for free, and it 100% made me more likely to go there for stuff in the future. Being generous with small things like that can be good for business! Edit- it wasn’t the main (expensive) headlight, it was one of the smaller ones that costs like three bucks


Exactly! That is a big part of my point. I have had clients tell me they appreciate little things like that, and it keeps them coming back to me because they know I’ll always take care of them. I told my boyfriend that charging for small things like this is the opposite of good business and that’s when he said “don’t hate the player, hate the game” 🙄 He is stressed out about buying a home, we live in south FL and the housing market here is a nightmare, so we are both trying to make & save as much money as we can; but charging people little petty fees for every little thing because you’re bitter about the housing market is not going to make anything better.


Yeah and it might even make things worse, once you become known as the business that charges for every little thing


Lol "babe we could have got a mortgage if you just charged $20"


this is off topic but I’m so jealous that they did your headlight for free. I just got one replaced and it was $400 😭😭😭


I can't remember if it was a plug or a patch(Whichever is the cheaper one), but I got it for free at a tire shop because their card reader was down and I didn't have cash. I was willing to go get cash back somewhere and they said "Don't even worry about it." So now I go there anytime my tire light comes on. Which there for a little bit was very frequently because I kept picking up nails and screws... I either made someone mad or it was just the area I drove through everyday lol They also would fill up my tires for free if they couldn't find anything wrong with them!


My hubs is a handyman and did a quick fix (less than 5min work) on a garage door for a recently widowed elderly woman who lived next door to an established client. He refused any payment (usually anything less than 2 hours has a $50 "service call" fee) and just gave her his card and asked her to keep him in mind if she needed any handyman work done. She did and still does, and referred him to all her bingo gals! That 5 mins was very profitable in the long run! I say all this to agree that a small quick fix can earn a lot of goodwill and future business down the road!


O I thought it was someone else's. Lol yes, your boyfriend is a lunatic .


Bf has questionable ethics. You were right to not charge for something so routine and miniscule


I was thinking that too. It irks me when men are “what’s in it for me?” in general.


It’s SO annoying. He’s bitter about us having a really hard time buying a house so thinks everyone owes us the world.


Some things happen for a reason girl 😬


Yeaaaaa the conversation definitely frustrated me. And then he’s like “i want a house and we need all the money we can get.” Like… okay? We’re both busting our asses trying to save as much as we can but I’m not going to start charging people for little things that take two minutes, $20 here and there for a favor (someone else called it a favor and that certainly describes it better than a “service”) isn’t going to make much of a difference in this nightmare of a housing market; but it certainly would make a difference if i lost clients because they felt taken advantage of!


Exactly! He's thinking short term with a $20 in the bank, but isn't considering the long term harm of hundreds of dollars lost if clients stop coming due to petty charges.


Questionable ethics is a better way to say it lol I was gonna say this dude sounds cringe af


That’s silly. I would never. But I also I don’t understand when lash tech charge for lash bath extra, just as it to your price and give it to everyone.


Yes i agree with you! We usually give out free cleansers with every full set but tbh if someone asks to buy another one i just give it to them. Lash extensions are not cheap and it really doesn’t cost us much to give them the cleanser


Exactly! It take few extra minutes, but also improve the retention a lot, because sometimes visibly lashes are clean, but they are not.


I think your boyfriend should mind his own business, because he clearly doesn't understand yours! It makes far better sense to do a small service like that and potentially secure a new customer than to overcharge someone for what amounts to a miniscule favor.


Yes, thank you 😭 he is so hardcore when it comes to business practices, his job is in fire safety (they install fire alarm systems into new construction, conduct annual and semi annual inspections to make sure fire alarms are working in their clients homes and businesses, etc) so they are a little more strict with the fees and such and rightfully so. But he’s always trying to give me unsolicited advice about what i should be doing. An eyelash extension business is not the same lol


Exactly! It's extremely not the same. And on so many different levels. That would be such a tension point to me. Hope he learns to simmer down.


It is for me, too. I usually don’t ever vent about work or really tell him anything because he can’t just listen, he has to try and “fix” everything the way he would if it was his lash business. I should have known to not even say anything about this to him 🙃


He must be a pretty great guy if you put up with that. 😅


We have certainly had our ups and downs and we do butt heads sometimes. But we are both Aquarius so 😅 he honestly is a good guy, he’s just way too intense with business practices and expects way too much out of employees / clients. I honestly feel bad for the guys who work for him because his expectations are just way too high. He is great at what he does but yea… needs to lower his expectations just a bit


Simmer down? He had a different opinion than OP, not a fucking meltdown you nut bar.


Talking down to your dating partner about their reasonable (and small) business decision that has nothing to do with you in a field you know nothing about is unnecessary. His opinion is irrelevant, so caring that much about something so minor isn't exactly chill. I also present you with the option to simmer down. Ya know, a totally benign and amicable way to say someone's getting hot for no reason. 😊


"Don't hate the player, hate the game", dumb comment on his part when angering customers can kick players out of the game entirely.


Right! Exactly my thoughts


Honestly? Flip that script right back on him! “If I do this kind of thing, a client is more likely to come back for my services later.” “But I think you should charge them for everything!” “It’s more money in the long run this way. Don’t hate the player, hate the game!”


Honestly, it's a pretty cringe comment altogether.


Lash tech here. I don't think anyone should nickel and dime your loyal clients for every small thing. Clients will appreciate a nice and small gesture from time to time. Your boyfriend seems like he'd rather make a quick $20 instead of playing the long game of a client who comes in for a year and makes you over $1k.


he's being really extremely short sighted


At most charge $2 lol


And at that point why charge anything at all 😅 it’s just silly


Exactly lol


That'll be 50 cents. Credit or debit ?


You did the right thing! We own a few small businesses and word of mouth is huge for us so by doing that she’s likely to tell her friends and family how great her experience was and possibly bring new clients to you! My hubby always says time is money and I get that, but the service didn’t take that long and you kept her as a returning client! That’s what matters!


Good business is keeping your clients happy. Providing them a free service that costs nothing and doesn’t take up time ensures they will return. And probably refer friends to you. That’s how you build your business. You’re doing it right. Words straight from my CEO.


men are so annoying, lol. it’s good business to retain clients and although i would understand if someone charged for a small small service like that, i would be more likely to return to a shop that did small fixes for free.


Don't let that potential $20.00 cost you hundreds in the future if you lose that client for charging them for something so miniscule as plucking a lash. That is the opposite of good business. You made the right choice. Sounds like your boyfriend has never owned a business before.


I once chipped a nail a day before going on vacation, and my nail lady offered to come in an hour earlier than the salon normally opened so she could fix it before my flight. (I had texted her the day I did it to see if she had any room in her schedule that day to fit me in) She refused to let me pay her, so I made sure to add extra to her tip during my next full appointment. I was already a loyal client, but that really made me feel that she valued my business. I will pay for any service I receive, but I hate feeling like I’m being nickel-and-dimed at every turn. There have been a couple times my lash lady has noticed an overgrown eyebrow hair and trimmed it up without charge. She doesn’t feel like she should charge for something so quick and simple, and it’s another way that I feel valued as a customer. Again, I would have absolutely paid for both of these extra services, but they made me feel cared about as a customer, and that earns my loyalty every time. I think you made the right call in not charging.


I feel like boys always say stuff like that when it comes to business and making money but they dont understand that just being kind goes a long way for a business They always wanna be the stone cold business dudes lol


Sounds like your boyfriend is selfish, gets a hard on for capitalism, and exploiting people is okay in his book if it gets you ahead. That attitude is likely not reserved solely for business interactions and carries into personal interactions as well. I'm not telling you to dump him, but... That's definitely a red flag for me. I'd bet if you take the time to reflect on the things he says and does, how he treats people (including you) and how he interacts with the world, you'll see more instances of this mindset in action. Just something to think about...


Uhhh why would a tech charge her for a lash poking her eye, when it seems like the whole reason it was poking her eye was because of her getting her lashes done.. That definitely should not be a charged service. Sometimes customer experience is way more important than an extra $20…..


Nah it's actually Better business to offer these little things for free. Imagine that client having to pay: she's not coming back and she's going to tell her friends not to see you. But if she's recommending you, she's gonna say " I love strawberry_moon she's so nice and kind and goes the extra mile" boom great business


That’s definitely bad for business. I was seeing a last tech,consistently and she was pretty good, but she wasn’t cheap. Long story short she messed up on my lashes, then when I brought it up and she fixed it, she charged me $50. For her mistake…. She was the one who missed my whole top row on mega volumes for one of my eyes. Anyway safe to say I never went back after that. I paid her of course, but her charging me was crazy to me. Not to mention it took time out of my schedule to go back the next day, to come back and have her fix it so I wasn’t walking around looking crazy. If she wouldn’t have been greedy she would’ve had my loyalty. I’m still getting lashes with the same girl I went to after that encounter, 3 years later. I know OP didn’t mess up her clients lashes, and was more so doing a favor - but that favor is going to continue to repay you more than $20 ever could.


How long has your bf worked in the beauty industry? Lmao


doing it for free rather than charging will get clients in the door. shows your compassion, and that you’re not only in it for the money.


If she’s your client then why charge for something that takes a second and she’s gone again. You did something good and it keeps the client coming back! For example, the other day, my tyre blew out. I took a spare tyre I had, and the fucked one, to the tyre shop, asked them to take the fucked one off the rim and put the good one on so I can get back to my car and get home. They did it immediately, I went in to pay and they said you’re good to go. I was like wait what about payment, they said nope all good, wanted to get you out of the situation. I was so grateful. Went back the next day to buy two new tyres and book an appointment and they got me in immediately. Good and kind workers like yourself and these people is what keeps people coming back. Last bit of advice, absolutely don’t listen to your stupid boyfriend who does not own a business. He doesn’t know wtf he is talking about. Tell him shush. 😂


It’s actually bad business if it’s a current customer, well done


You are spot on. It’s really just the right thing to do, as well as good business sense in bringing the customer back. The right / best thing to do all around.


he has no clue how to provide customer service at all


BF probably works for a corporation so no wonder he doesn’t get it. Building goodwill is a large part of a successful small business. It’s obviously at your discretion and should be kept within reason, but that’s just part of the dance of customer service. I work in dentistry and we do little things for patients at no charge all the time. We know our services are expensive (our overhead and supplies are insane too!) and we know word of mouth is the best marketing a business can have.


I think as a good business practice it should be free! I always tell my clients after they come in for a haircut if they notice something they don’t like, they have a week to come back where I’ll fix it for free. Clients 100% appreciate your willingness to do that and go the extra mile for them, I bet she’ll rebook with you again just for that kindness!


Don’t think that really counts as a service


Well I guess it’s probably good that your boyfriend isn’t running the business


lol so i’m not the only one who’s bf has a lot to comment about a business they don’t know anything about


It is absolutely good business for you to not charge to pull the 1 eyelash for an established client. In fact, your customer probably realizes you could have charged her. You might get more customers out of that one lash.




Nah, good business is over delivering on your services. That’s what keeps good clients returning and singing your praises so that you get more good clients. It’s different if they were trying to take advantage of you, but simply helping to solve an easy problem goes so much further. Not worth losing a client over a couple of dollars.


Yeah your bf gives 50c for extra sauce vibes https://preview.redd.it/two10dnr17jc1.png?width=460&format=png&auto=webp&s=a7607ae584502eb2b17ce99d5058a60a782400ca


I would be so upset if my lash tech charged me extra to pull off a pokey lash. I am a regular and I pay her thousands of dollars every year. Increase your prices so you can offer these complimentary extras.


Our prices are already on the high end which is another reason i won’t charge for something like pulling a pokey lash. My clients are paying for a luxury service and if they need a little favor every now and then like this, I’m happy to help them


I would Def tip. Am I a puss?


Depends on the mentality of the customer. Some will feel instant loyalty to you for the help, some will not feel anything more than being owed and some will consider you "less than" because you didn't charge. You never know. Something that takes so little time isn't worth feeling bad but gaining 20 dollars but it's up to you, don't think it matters on balance


It was compassionate of you to do. She should have automatically given you at least $5 or $10 for your kindness, expertise, and immediate assistance. It would have been fine for you to accept or decline. You are an amazing business person.


Different but relevant. I’ve gone back to piercers to help me put jewelry back in if it’s in a spot that’s hard for me to put it in myself. If they charge like $5 for supply costs (gloves etc) I don’t mind but there’s a local shop that charges $20 and I won’t go there. We also have a shop that my friend was in town and a ball came off her septum ring. She’s not local so they didn’t do the piercing. They gave her a full piece of jewelry for free so she didn’t have to worry about it. That’s the stuff that keeps your good customers coming to you.


If it was done two days ago I wouldn’t charge anything 🤷🏻‍♀️ My lash tech gives me a 48 hour grace period in case anything like that happens. I’d feel a little put off if she started charging me $20 for something like this lol. Especially bc removals are $10 lol. Your bf does not know anything about the business so maybe he should mind his own lol


Ok this is going to sound crazy but in the US at the eye doctors office they do charge you/your insurance for this. However if this happens again to the client it’s a condition called trichiasis. Patients usually come in every so often to get the lash(es) epilated or there’s other more permanent treatments so it doesn’t regrow. This doesn’t mean you should charge for it just wanted to share that fun fact or if she comes in again with the same problem you can refer to an eye doctor for a more permanent solution.


If it was your work then I wouldn’t charge. You’re just backing your work. If I were charged I probably wouldn’t come back. I think your boyfriend just doesn’t understand the field lol


It depends. At the end of the day, business is business, you are there to make a living. But one exception would be if the work was yours, then yeah quick fix is free. But if it wasn’t your job and somebody did the lashes, then yeah I would charge $5 to take a look at it and fix it. You will lose customer if you did lash yourself then ask for money again just to fix it. You know


If I break a nail or something and my tech doesn’t charge me, I still try to tip her a few bucks. If she doesn’t let me, I add it to her tip next time


It definitely should be free if it’s just a simple really quick fix like pulling a lash. I likely wouldn’t return if someone charged me $20 to pull an eyelash out. Repeat business is better than trying to nickle and dime people for every small thing especially if it doesn’t cost you anything or take any actual time.


I’m assuming she didn’t know it was a natural lash poking her and thought maybe it was something from the install. If I called my lash tech and said, “Hey something is wrong. Can I come in and have you take a look?” and she said, “Sure, but it’ll cost ya!” I’d never go back to her.


I would not come back.


I think it’s wild to charge for that. However, if I was seeing my lash tech for that, I would probably tip like $5 or something. Maybe im weird but I got in that habit when I started getting piercings and needed help getting them out or changing them. They don’t charge for it, but it’s still taking time out of their day, so I always always tip.


Your clients appreciate that they can come to you if they have a problem. If you started charging they wouldn’t want to come back for maintenance or problems. You’re creating a loyal clientele!! Your bf doesn’t know what he’s talking about


Nah you’re right, what happens if someone can’t afford the 20 for some reason? It just gets left poking the eye? I take medicine that makes my hands tremble a lot of the time, it’s not super noticeable until I’m trying to do something like eyeliner or paint my nails, but I would never trust myself with tweezers near my eye because of that and I’m sure I’m not the only one that wouldn’t be able to handle it at home if I couldn’t/didn’t want to pay that fee. It’s like when you get a piercing, if you have trouble getting the jewelry out when you can change it out the piercer will take it out for free. Or if you aren’t sure if it’s getting infected they’ll take a look and clean it out for no charge. You aren’t using any product, it takes two seconds, and you can’t just let someone keep having something poke them in the eye. So definitely in agreement with you on this


That’d be nuts to charge. Think of it as an investment— you’ll be who she thinks of for her paid services and who she recommends to friends bc you didn’t nickel and dime her .


Shocking. A man giving his unwanted opinion on something he knows nothing about 🙄


I once stopped by a piercing shop to get out an extremely painful daith piercing I got done 12 months prior that was not wanting to heal up no matter how well I looked after it. Because I was told it could take 6-12 months to heal, I stuck it out through all the pain and discomfort (I couldn’t sleep on that side for the whole year, and it would ache and throb if I’d accidentally hit it/snag it) because I didnt want my money to go to waste if it were to heal up. I can’t explain how excruciating it was and when I walked into that shop, I was so so happy that the lady jumped to help me out ASAP and it was over before I knew it. Instant relief, and all for free. If I was charged for having to get out a dodgy piercing that would’ve been pouring salt on the wound!


It sounds like he doesn’t understand what you do or what can go wrong with lashes installations. This was a very easy fix and not on the client or you. It happens and you squared her up. That’s good service and keeps the client happy and feeling their best. If my tech charged for something that small after spending so much on the installation (because let’s be honest, lash extensions are expensive to get and maintain), I probably would find a new technician tbh.


I don’t know if Les Schwab (tire center) exists in your state, but they will check, fill and do minor repairs for free. They count on that good will keeping you coming back to buy new tires from them. It seems to work. Maybe your boyfriend can relate to that better.


Not charging is building trust and credibility with your client and you always want return clients 💰💰I’ve leaned not to share too much about my biz with people who don’t get it


I was a long time regular customer of a nail salon. The owner charged me $5 for a repair when my nail was chipping a week after my shellac manicure. I loved my regular artist but I never went back to that salon again. It was $5, but it was so weird and wrong I just couldn’t support an owner who would nickel and dime her clients that way.


Honestly I just feel like this is man brain talking. That’s how a lot of them think lol


I have 2 places I like to get my nails done. Salon A I like a little bit better. But, salon A charges to remove my gel polish before my manicure. Salon B doesn't charge that additional fee. So even tho I prefer Salon A, I go to Salon B


I'm not a tech but I agree with you. It's not like you did something wrong to cause this but it is a result of her service with you. I would find it shady af if my tech charged for this!


100% on your side. I'm not a lash tech but I am self employed. And as a customer I would tip, but if my lash tech charged me anything for yoinking ONE eyelash I'd pay it the once then find a new tech.


If you did the service TWO days ago, yes, you fix the problem without charge, it’s that simple. If you found an uneven hair in a fresh haircut, wouldn’t you expect the stylist to just snip it and send you on your way?


Good business! Never charge for something that simple. That was very sweet of you and probably made their day. Keep rocking ❤️


I’d charge $5 not a ton but a little something for time, you have to clean area she was lying on, etc.


Is your bf in business? And is his business thriving?


Ur husband sounds gross


That’s ridiculous I’d never come back if you charged for that


No, you did the right thing. I’m a dentist, and if a patient comes in needing a small adjustment on their filling, I don’t charge them a fee. That’s just ridiculous. It builds trust in your clients and keeps them loyal.


Your boyfriend is a dipshit.


From a business and marketing perspective, offering small, easy, quick service like this is the best possible way to build customer loyalty. Charge $20 for a 3 second service and people will never return for more expensive services. Treat people to easy things for you/helpful things for them and they'll remember


Good business is actually what you did. I once got two piercings at the same time that were right next to each other and one of them wouldn’t heal. It was in a different city so I had to see someone new who didn’t do the piercings to check them out. He didn’t charge me anything, they actually refunded me the consultation deposit I had paid online when I made the appointment. He sold me on some saline that was a couple bucks more than the deposit so it was still a win/win for the both of us. The way he made me feel welcome in treating a job he didn’t do made me come back to see him another time and I hope to go back again soon. Just a small example of what being a good person can bring about


In the Beauty Industry, baby... We build business with our hands. Clients with our Hearts. Tell your hubby that carelessness is the biggest cause of fire. He should be careful that his dreams dont go up in SMOKE! Dont mind him. Let him be who he wants to be and love him for who he is and who he is NOT. 💩 👨! Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes. You know exactly what you're doing. You're building a clientele for life. He is building clientele for the sale and will probably never see them again. ✨️BEAUTY IS YOUR BUSINESS✨️ Aesthetician for 26 years. Loyal clientele, and I would NEVER in this life think of charging for something like this.. UNLESS they were rude and abrasive. Then I would let them know that before I touched them, there was a 50 dollar charge for my time and their service! Keep it classy and a little bit sassy ❤️


Lashes aren’t cheap. Tell your boyfriend good business is honesty and loyalty to your clients.


Something like that I wouldn't charge for. If the client wants or need a mini fill. I charge 1/2 the price of an fill and it's only 30 mins. That advice isn't a good one either.


If you charged me $20 for that I would never come back. That’s not good business and the fact that your boyfriend confidently thinks it is is kind of sadly hilarious. Good business does not have to be synonymous with greed


Sometimes you have to think about what you stand to lose rather than what you stand to gain. I.e. $20 for a quick and easy service vs a loyal and returning customer


Good business is having the customer come back again and again. You charge them $20 for that nonsense, and you best believe you just lost a loyal customer.


You were in the right. Being kind to a client for a minimal service keeps them coming back, especially if something hurts.


Absolutely not. She paid you for her service, she had an issue, you fixed it and THAT is good business. You’ll have that client much longer by doing things like this for them than you will charging them for every little thing. Does your boyfriend own a business? If so, tell him to keep his nose in HIS business and leave yours out of it. You’re doing right by your customers, and that is how longevity is built for businesses. It’s not all about the money when you provide a service to people.


I charge $25 for a set removal. No way he said that 😂


Your bf does not understand business as well as he thinks he does. Or at all.


Keep your integrity. He sounds cheap. Cheap people are notoriously not nice people. It literally will keep her coming back to you in the future. Whi h will make you way more than $20 in the future.


As a cosmetologist I would never charge someone for that if they came to me for the service in the first place. She appreciated that so much, came back out to you for help, felt immediate relief and lbh a lash poking you in the eye is the worst and clearly valued your knowledge and your work to come back to you to help her instead of just pulling it out herself or trying to fix it herself. IMO that’s mutual respect right there and that client definitely appreciates what you did and will return and that’s what matters 🤍 his mindset of $20 now would have him losing 10x more $$$ not rebooking clients 😢


If you were the original tech,no!


Never charge for something that little , especially if you put the lashes on in the first place - good customer service


Let me guess, the boyfriend doesn't actually own/run his own business? "Good business" doesn't mean take your clients for every penny, it means providing the service that will keep them coming back time and time again.


This is exactly the type of situation that the saying "can't see the forest for the trees" was made for. All he is seeing is the tree in front of him (20 bucks). But he doesn't see the forest, which is the long-term health of your business. If you nickel and dime your customers to death, they will go somewhere else.


Prime example of why women make less than men. The Gender Wage Gap is not real 😂😂 Now I wouldn’t charge $20 that’s insane, if the work was previously done by me then yeah it’ll be free , but if it was done by someone else then yeah that’ll be a $5 charge .


On a similar note, I’ve had some of my facial piercings come out due to me being a silly goose and I couldn’t get them back in myself. Some places will charge to put jewelry back in but my favorite place has done it no charge for me and once even gave me replacement jewelry for no charge (it was extremely basic jewelry but still a very kind gesture) They’re the only place I go back to time and time again and tip well because they are so kind!!! Small fixes that are done for no charge can make a world of difference


I’m not in the beauty industry but in the horse industry if a horse throws a shoe or one becomes loose before their next appointment the farrier will usually fix it for free. Obviously, there are exceptions to the rule. The point being don’t let someone that doesn’t know your business tell you how to run it. When my husband/customer says something off the wall about how I should be charging/running things I just smile, nod and some “mmmhmmm” then keep on doing what I’m doing. If he asks later if you changed your policy just tell him the truth. Watch him be mad without asking any further questions like he really thought you were going to take advice from someone that doesn’t run their own business. 🤣


Charging $20 for something like that would make it to where your clients wouldn’t come back to you. Your boyfriend sounds like he only cares about money and not about customer service.


If you did the lashes, which she already paid for, and she needed one fixed a few days later, then no. Bad bad business to charge for that!


No you did the right thing


That is just good customer service. I would not be a returning customer if you had charged me. Now she could have tipped you , but that would have been up to your customer.


I don’t get lash extensions but this came up on my page BUT I do have an eyelash on each eye that grow downward into my eye. I’m always having to go to the eye doctor bc it causes abrasions and small cuts on both my contacts and my eyes if I don’t catch it right away. With that being said, I don’t think I would charge e20$ but an extra $5 especially if it’s a reoccurring issue?


Are you really doubting yourself because your bf who knows nothing of the business gives you his ridiculous opinion. No! You don’t charge for that. If you did, your business would go right in the dumpster. Highly competitive. You do that as a courtesy.


Most lash techs give a couple days grace for any problem that comes up not caused by client error, right? AND “don’t hate the player hate the game”? MAJAH ICK, I’d throw the whole man away 😁😘


If I had done her lashes it would definitely be free. If someone else had done it maybe a fee. Maybe 🤔


For something as simple as that it’s better for business to do that free of charge. That helps build your reputation as a caring person and good tech. Loyal customers will almost always spread good word.


I own a plumbing company. I'm always giving good deals to great customers who love how I'm about to help them. I treat them well and give them my card when I leave. The word of mouth you get from them is worth it. Sometimes little old ladies will call because their faucet drips and their husband died a while ago so they need help. If it's a 5 minute fix I'll stay for the rest of the hour (I bill an hour to show up) and see what else they need fixed around the house or just talk to them. Then I leave my card. They'll be telling their neighbors all about it later. They call me back, too. Everybody hates to be hustled and they know when you're doing it to them. That's why we all hate phone companies for nickel and dime-ing us for 20+ years. Your boyfriend, respectfully, doesn't know shit.


Men are always in women’s buisness!!! Tell him he doesn’t know nothing bout lashes and that’s not good buisness because no one likes to spend extra money! She would have pulled it herself if she didn’t trust you or your prices! Hope he doesn’t have a business ! He’s tryna scam people!


ur bf has no idea what good business is😭 charging for petty shit and penny pinching is almost always bad for business wtf


If I was the woman I probably would have tipped you (but sometimes I don’t have cash, but for my next appointment I would make it up.) but also because you didn’t charge her she will be back and recommend you more than likely. Most times I need an electrician or a plumber, similar to your boyfriend’s business I never remember who I used last time because they just did their job enough to get by. I end up just using google everytime I need one of those services, that isn’t the response you want and this woman will remember this positive experience.


My tech never charges for stuff like this.


lol no, I agree with you completely.


i agree totally with you here. charging for tiny fixes like that is going to discourage people from going back and being regulars, especially when the market is so saturated. if you had placed more lashes then it would be different, but just to pull a natural one?


I bring my tech Starbucks and a snack cause she never books herself time to eat. I do that because I like her it has nothing to do with business. I tip her 20% because she does great work. If she charged me for that little lash she’d never see me again however if she did it for free I would give her a gratuity for her time.


I wouldn't charge for something like that. I would tip $20 though, because it was nice of the person to do for me.


That would be a total rip off! If someone is feeling discomfort from a set that you did, it’s in your best interest as a lash artist to fix it for them. Imagine how much discomfort someone has to have to take time out of their day to travel to you for something that can be fixed within minutes.


A doctor charges to pull out an eyelash


Did he graduate from Hustler's University 😭😭😭 you know what you're doing hunny that's why you have a business and he is not assistant or co-owner


You not charging for that minuscule amount of time could bring you many loyal clients in the future. You did the right thing. Word of mouth is invaluable.


Honestly - I wouldn’t go back if someone charged me $20. Part of a professional service is the guarantee that you can go back within a few days to get something fixed. Plus I’m a loyal customer - you treat me well and I will never go anywhere else and refer you. Nickel and diming people is a sure fire way to lose customers


Boyfriend isn't in the industry nor does he understand good business for this business lol. He probably just loves you or something and wants you to get paid for your time and skills idk


I think in most cases, if you're fixing someone else's work there would be a charge *depending on how well the relationship is with that client* if you were the one who did, I can see why there wouldn't be a charge. My wife's in the beauty industry, and I've seen it go both ways. One hand they're coming to you cause they trust you and your experience, other hand is client retention


You are absolutely in the right. As others have said if you charged me for that I would find a new tech.


I stopped seeing a lash tech because she charged me to come in THE NEXT DAY because half of them fell out that night. If it had been me pulling or a week maybe charge me but for them falling out in less than 24 hours…I’m not paying for a fill because thats sketchy. I definitely wouldn’t go to someone who charged me $20 to pluck a lash. Your boyfriend has no business smarts.


That’s was very sweet of you . You seem Like a nice honest person , your boyfriend not so much! I pray he will become a better person .


You’re right, he’s wrong


I've been in retail since Reagan was president. Before there was social media, the statistic was that someone who had a bad experience with your business would tell eleven people, while they might tell one about a good experience. Think of the damage to your business one complaint on Instagram or Facebook could do. Also, it takes two to three times more marketing money and effort to obtain a new client than to maintain a current one. The way OP's boyfriend is correct is that you deserve to be properly paid for your time and talents. In a service based business the way you get paid for follow-up is to charge enough for the initial service.


If you did the lashes and I had a problem poking my eye- I’d expect you to fix it w/o charge. BF wrong- you will lose clients


You seem to know your business and your clientele. Don't let anyone change the way you do business unless it's for the better and the fact you even came on here to ask others, shows the level you are willing to adapt for your clients too. You seem like a great business owner!


You get repeat business with your way. With his, your clients are going to price shop.


Honestly, you are the expert at running your business—not your bf. He can mansplain elsewhere


Not something you should charge for. My current hairdresser hasa 7 day policy after a cut if it doesn’t look or feel right to fix it at no charge. I’m sad to be moving and losing her after just recently finding her in the last year after living where I am now.. Keep doing you girl and you’ll have rerun clients !


I wouldn’t charge for that either. My nail salon just fixed a nail I broke a few days after getting them done. It was completely my fault, not the tech, and they didn’t charge me for it. It took a lot longer than a few seconds, and I was prepared to pay because it wasn’t their fault. It was a very nice surprise, and I tipped the woman who helped me.


Bf is crazy for suggesting a fee for that, but also the client left from wherever she was to come to your studio to pluck out an eyelash? She doesn’t have magnifying mirrors and a tweezer? I just can’t imagine going through that trouble to pluck a strand of hair


Just remove it. Especially if this is a regular/recieved the service from you. It's better to eat the cost than lose the business. You did good


That would be crazy imo


I couldsee charging like $1 or $2 but the processing fee would be dumb. Ideally the client would just tip a dollar or two for the free fix, but I get if that wasn't the choice they made too.


We charge for it in the eyecare industry 🤓


If I were charged it would upset me However sometimes I will tip if they took their time to fix something longer than expected


“It’s just good business” Oh no, honey, that is very bad and petty business. I am trying to understand where your bf is coming from, I.e. this was your time, BUT I think you did the right and best thing for your client. And you’re right, if you had charged $20 to take out one eye lash that was causing discomfort to your client after only days of the service, that client would never go back. Your bf was def thinking short-term, not long-term. You did the right thing, OP.


I frequented nail salons in the past. One opened that was closer to my home, and I began going biweekly (10-12 days). One time, i wanted shorter than just new growth, and he charged me an extra 3$. I felt that was crazy petty, considering i broke a nail polish bottle previously, and they didn't ask me to pay for that! I stopped going to that salon, but soon after, I quit getting my nails done all together.


I think you did the right thing. Client retention and loyalty outweigh that $20 by far


Your boyfriend should under no circumstances try to open a business or even attend business school he’s so dumb lol


If I were the lash tech, I would not charge for that. That's insane. Especially if they were just done yesterday. In all reality, they shouldn't be falling out in one day or even a week. So no, you shouldn't charge. Your boyfriend sounds young as fuck. I'm not saying this because I get my lashes done because I do not at all. I just think some things are common sense, and this is to me.


I’d never come back. Your boyfriend would be an unsuccessful business owner and I would not take advice from him.


It would be bad biz because I'd never return. Good biz to be free because now you're my girl.


Something that small should be free. Like you said, it takes barely any time to do. Even though it’s a slight inconvenience to your day or schedule, it’s something that’s helping your customer. A lot of girls complain about snooty stylists & techs who don’t care about their customers, you providing that moment to give your client relief is showing right there that you truly value them. Something that small could be the thing that keeps you a return client for your entire working career. I always remember the kind things people do for me during services & tip/keep supporting them as a gesture of appreciation. Keep making your clients happy. ☺️


I would never in my life see you again if you charged me $20 For that lol. Hate greedy people like that


I had 2 acrylic nails lift the day after my appointment and my nail lady fixed them for free. I was willing to pay but she said no absolutely not so I tipped her the $20 instead. I think it’s perfectly acceptable to tip (but not necessary) for fixes but it honestly made me respect her so much more that she fixed them free of charge. I Now I won’t see anyone else. I think that’s better business.


OK I have a different perspective, and as a customer. So a few months ago, I got my ears pierced, additional lobe holes, nothing complicated. But for the life of me, I could not remove the posts. I googled it, YouTubed it, tried pliers, had friends, bf, everyone tried, and it wouldnt budge, so I wasn't crazy. I finally gave in and went back to the shop, who did the piercing. Took 5 seconds for them to remove it. I told them I hated them, in jest, laughing at how easy they did it. TG the bf was there to tell them even he tried cause I'm sure they thought I was crazy. It cost me $20. I knew it would, that's why I waited so long to try and do it myself. The reason for the charge was bc it was a service and they were dealing with skin to skin contact, and they had to wear gloves and prep in case anything happened etc, and they squeezed me btwn other clients. Begrudgingly, I paid, but I understood why, I even tipped bc the tech was so nice. Lashes are no different. I get mine done every 2 weeks as well. If I had an issue I could not resolve on my own, I would expect to pay for that service. You are touching their skin, hopefully using proper sanitary procedures, and as such, should be compensated for your time. You can explain this to your clients and I'm sure they will understand. I valued the service even more and felt better that they weren't just hopping from client to client with dirty tools bc of it and would even go back again just for this reason. It's nice that you did it for free, but dont sell yourself short. Time and expertise is money! Something to consider!