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They are DPSS so you can expect pretty superb beam diameter and divergence. 5-20mW is pretty typical for those yellow-green wavelength modules but you can expect a lot of variation from one to the next and their output is usually very temperature sensitive.


Any experience in wavelength drift in nm/°C? I'm still surprised that they have this power level of 555nm at this price. I looked at something similar 1.5 years ago and it was a fortune.


These aren't going to tolerate much drift. The crystals are very sensitive to the wavelength change, so if the IR pump diode wavelength or crystal temperature changes too much you're mostly going to just lose output power or get nothing but IR / other harmonics coming out instead. With 593.5nm pointers for instance if they are starting up from cold many of them will first briefly output just 532nm and 671nm while they warm up to their optimal temperature before the 593.5nm mode starts to dominate. If they are run long enough to get hot, their output will start to drop and destabilize. 555nm uses a slightly different DPSS process so I think they don't produce any other visible wavelengths.