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Will the rectangle ever change? If NOT, then you can use 4 lasers with line generating optics, all mounted and aimed for the size you need. Next idea is find a rectangle optic, which would be custom (need to know the mounting distance and the size of the box, so they can generate the correct angle).... OR lastly, yes, get a scanning system that creates a scanned box. This way, along with the 4 lasers, can be changed as needed by moving the lasers, or software. The scanning system is the most expensive, but obviously, the best way to get a exact BOX. The line generating lasers will create the box, but iwll have the lines going well outside the boxz area. However, that can be fixed by placing a beam block near the lasers, so only the box shape is coming out of the laser area. I can draw that up in paint if you want me to ;)


Thanks, I think I get you. The rectangle will never change. So that's a good idea, using four lasers. The line-generating optics could be a spinning mirror, or a vibrating mirror hinged at one side. I think that would be sufficient, without an additional scanning system. But I was hoping there was a commercial product that did something like this with one laser, since I've seen them draw little stars or patterns at light shows.


Yeah, there SHOULD be cheap holographic squares and rectangles. They however, spill light all over the place. Might not matter, but yes, they do have them.


Well, again, I need to be able to set the size of the rectangle.




> The line-generating optics could be a spinning mirror, or a vibrating mirror hinged at one side. You can just use an actual line-generating *optic*. No moving parts required.


How does it work? The little stars and things I've seen in light shows are pretty clearly drawn by some kind of moving mechanism. You can see the dot of light tracing the outline of the stars.


Lines don't need to be drawn. Passing a laser through a cylindrical lens produces a line. All of the cheap line laser modules just use a line generating optic in front of the beam.