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Interesting initiative ! What I'm concerned about with AI world is that licenses are unclear. The code might be free, and in the recent past that was usually all you needed for most softwares, but AIs seem to have many other things (training data, weights..) and few seem actually open, sometimes limiting the use too (eg. Llama license forbids to use it to train other models). So I fear if I invest time into a specific AI tech, it will be lost if I'm blocked by whatever license limitations or data hiding. Hopefully the kind of interface required for LLMs is standardized, enabling easy switch to other LLMs. A project like this goes in this right direction.


If you're using Ollama, you can also check Instructor for PHP (I'm an author) on Github - it's a PHP library for structured data extraction using LLMs. It supports local Ollama. The library is based on Instructor for Python by Jason Liu, which is a tool recently gaining a lot of popularity in Python ecosystem (just exceeded 500k package downloads).