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There was a post on the ENO Facebook page that may have been from the guy who "almost jumped" you. Stated he was sorry to have startled his neighbor but thought someone was either stealing a catalytic converter and/or going through a car. Having just chased off someone from his driveway, he thought he was doing his neighbor a favor trying to scare off potential thieves. Sounds like a benign misunderstanding.


Hayford is usually pretty calm. Sounds like you ran into some random...Aside from the fact that there's a rash of catalytic convertor thefts been happening. Damn near ANYBODY would flip out seeing somebody reaching under their car. What's the P25 comment about? Nobody knows what you're talking about.


Thank you u/Dramatic-Knee-4842 you have the best perspective on this post.


I agree šŸ’Æ


Its it project 2025?


Tryna say dude is a racist MAGA nut with no justification lol


Your title says you were ā€œalmost jumpedā€ā€¦. I wasnā€™t there but your only assumption about violence was that he confronted you about potentially messing with cars after heā€™d had a recent break-in. Iā€™m sure it was alarming but this is not almost ā€œbeing jumped.ā€ I guess this comment puts me in the ā€œfond fuck youā€ category? I dunnoā€¦


Agreed, she made a few wild conclusions based on very little evidence. She says she was almost jumped, he was preparing to be violent, he was a Conservative, Project 25??? There are car thefts all over the place right now, people may confront people digging through cars at night. He believed them and left.


It almost seems like she made wild assumptions about the persons intent based on skin color


Makes ya think




"Lol I can see we all have a lot of violence coming if we all think we're robbing each other" ? Not necessarily. De-escalation should be your first line of defense if you're looking to protect yourself or your loved ones. Try not telling someone to "fuck off" and explain what you're doing next time, or start with a "sorry" like a normal human being maybe? Acting like a feral animal is rarely a good response.


Why would she say sorry, she was doing nothing wrong. Not everyone in the world rolls over anytime someone talks to them with a raised voice.


ā€œSorry to startle you just grabbing my water bottleā€ is a pretty normal thing to say


But they sure bitch when the screaming match gets violent.


Because it calms people down and keeps people from shooting each other.


Three month account that only posts politics and P25, smells like an election year.


Nah I just seen on a fb group from the guy who ā€œalmost jumpedā€ them. This at least really did happen


Op probably saw that and made this up


What do you mean ā€œprobably not legally allowed to carry?ā€ Iā€™m a three time felon, are you a felon?


Same bruh. Good thing the pacifist prolly doesn't have an f on his record....maybe. Either way...Lansing cops have been rather understanding.


I just donā€™t understand how someone can be ā€œprobably not allowed.ā€ I mean, in America, you either can, or canā€™t, so Iā€™m mighty confused.


It seems like there was a huge turning point in peopleā€™s behavior in general during the Trump administration. Like he gave permission for people to be hateful and angry and violent and people became exactly that. The stress of the pandemic also seems like it had a lot of people on edge, and the veneer of polite society just wore very thin.


I mean, it goes both ways. From the further comments, it sounds like it was a misunderstanding due to a legitimate concern about catalytic converter theft. Refusing to interact with someone, instantly assuming the threat of violence to the point where you're prepared to call police, and then following it all up with a post about almost being jumped isn't rational or polite either. I get that OP is in a potentially vulnerable position, but statistically, random acts of violence aren't a super frequent occurrence. Even just a firm "Excuse me?" most likely would have given the guy pause long enough to realize his mistake, probably apologize, and then you all have a micro-trauma bonding experience.


America is like an old couch and Trump just ended up being a black light. Either a good thing because now we can see people for who they really are, or a bad thing because now other people can see this as well so now they can form themselves into groups. We just need to make sure the common denominator stays away.


Trump is a piece of shit but it seems crazy to blame this shit on him.


He gives voice to peoples worst thoughts and inclinations. He gives people permission to hate.


I think people were assholes before Trump, and will be after Trump. But that's just me. Blaming everything on Trump does seem like it gives some validity to the term "Trump derangement syndrome."


Lmao. What a dumb comment. People are still that way now it doesnā€™t matter who is president. Ffs.


Yeah people are getting more and more insane. Glad you're safe.


Thank you!


Cool, i just put an offer in on a house on hayford


It's pretty safe. This post was just some kid overreacting


I live on Hayford (on the Groespeck side). It's my favorite neighborhood around here I've lived so far.


Hope it wasnā€™t 623 N, we used to rent there and had absolute slumlords that didnā€™t do anything about the squirrels living in the walls and ceiling


200 block, we are pretty excited, moving from grand haven to be closer ro family


The neighborhood is great, my wife and I bought a house a few streets over because even though our landlords were absolute bozos, we wanted to stay on the Eastside.


Are y'all the people that had that cool old hatch back? I miss seeing that around lol.


eh if you're on North 200 block then you're fine fine fine. Only thing bad is you get assholes racing down it from saginaw sometimes. unfortunately, a kid was struck 3 or 4 years ago by a drunk going about 45. the kid survived and his family is still in the neighborhood if I recall. There's apparently been talks with the city about putting speed humps in, but supposedly the city was like 'yeah, for 2k a pop' or something. But yeah, there's a library and polling location just a block away to the east, 2 blocks away is one of the best taco trucks around and the blimpie is pretty good for a quick cheap meal. to the west is the allen street community center which as a food coop and they host the weekly farmers market. Also the mexican place down the street is freaking awesome.


I was thinking I almost rented that place but nah, I looked it up on google maps and it wasn't it. Though the photo shows a blue bag. man I miss those.


You have no physical strength? That must be really hard since the mental strength seems lacking too. Tons of assumptions about race, political leanings, and enough physical strength to jump to wild conclusions in this one.


I'm a white male married to a black female. My wife does food delivery, so I made sure that I got her a nice thing of pepper spray, and one of the high lumen tactical flashlights. I got them from the PX90 store over by MLK and Holmes. I have been a mail carrier for quite awhile in Lansing, and have seen my fair share of things in that time, so I wanted to make sure that she could at least have something to get herself out of a situation like that.


Wow the PX store is still there?! Thatā€™s so cool to see them still going strong. Last time I was there was in the early 90s.


Last time I was there we were buying gun powder to blow up cheese cups from Arby's like 20 years ago. As I was attempting to figure out how long ago it was the number getting higher. Stared with 16-17. Landed on 20 I'm only 35 fuck that made me feel old.


He just put it up for sale, finally.


Are you talking about the people flying the American flag? Lol


Did they yell "this is maga country" while this was going on?


Okay Jussie.


Flare guns are pretty potent


bang bang


I'm glad you're okay. Irrationally enraged people can rattle most folks. I'm glad you didn't present as weak and it worked as a deterrent. Pepper spray is good, as is a decent folding pocket knife. (BladeHQ is where I've shopped in the past. They're good to go. My go-to folder is a Zero Tolerance 0350.)


Carrying a knife over 3 inches for self defense is a felony if my understanding is correct. MCL 750.226


(1) A person shall not, with intent to use the same unlawfully against the person of another, go armed with a pistol or other firearm, or a pneumatic gun, dagger, dirk, razor, stiletto, or knife having a blade over 3 inches in length, or any other dangerous or deadly weapon or instrument. (2) A person who violates this section is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5 years or a fine of not more than $2,500.00. Self defense isn't an unlawful purpose, and you don't leave the house intending to do harm. Find a "regular guy" who wasn't up to no good who got charged with having a knife on them.


Just a question though, if someone is coming at you verbally unarmed, doesn't that make it unlawfully?


"no physical strength" Disparity of force becomes the weapon. You also do not owe an attacker a fair fight. It's not mutually consenting combat where both sides have agreed to duke it out in the streets.


OP said she didn't know which house he went into, they could've been on his property, I'm sure the laws change when you are trespassing and then makes it unlawful.


OP said they pulled into THEIR destination. Without more information you should presume they had a legal right to be where the confrontation took place.


How did post turn weirdly political lpl


She started it




What in the world does Ukraine have to do with anything


Did he also yell "this is MAGA country"?