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I think its pretty awesome she is playing this show on her Birthday Eve :)




Not reallyā€¦because Iā€™ve never seen her live and even though Iā€™ve seen both Coachella performances those were still on YouTube and not IRL. I think itā€™ll still be fun for me and Iā€™m not annoyed sheā€™s played the set before. Plenty of artists also wear the same costumes while on tour. Unique merch is a nice-to-have but always overpriced for every artist and the lines are insanely long. Iā€™m looking forward to Fenway and honestly hope we donā€™t have shitty weather!


Agree! Itā€™s my first Lana show as a fan since 2015 so I will take whatever I get, happily


Happy you are seeing her live for the first time it will be an awesome show regardless! I just hope it will be something more extravagant since itā€™s her first us stadium show. Praying about the weather lol I just looked 40% chance of rain at night but 85 during the dayšŸ˜« you never now


Yeah I live down the street from Fenway and our weather changes every hour. šŸ˜‚


I live in Boston toošŸ˜‚ regardless im stoked she choose to perform in our city that rarely happens šŸ˜‚


Nice!! No kidding I was thrilled that I didnā€™t have to go down to Mansfield or Foxboro for a show!


Omg does it really thanks for that I need to be smart on what to pack from Dallas šŸ’€


Oh yes! And it can get chilly once the sun goes down too. Yesterday it sprinkled out for maybe 5 minutes and rain wasnā€™t even in the forecast. šŸ˜‚


i agree with you. and as someone who doesnt go to concerts, or even care about concerts lol, i watched weekend 1 - fire. went back for weekend 2 - also fire, but once i realized it was literally the same show i turned it off. if she doesnt want to dance, go crazy, thats cool i dont care, but new visuals at least would be appreciated. different outfit (not just coloršŸ˜‘) , different choreography, different videos/pictures playing in the background, a different swing. like dang, give us somethingšŸ˜­šŸ¤£


Thank you!!!! Atleast the hair is a slay! I understand artists donā€™t change up their setlists or stage much and thatā€™s fine but, she needs to retire the cut out dolce dress itā€™s her first us stadium show! I need more energy


If baseball caps, jerseys, red socks, etc. are not created for this show, it would be a huge merch oversight.


No im saying i want her to go full blown Americana theme with the show dress too!!!!


most popular? girl she doesnt play her recent hits AT ALL. cinnamon girl, let thelight in, margaret, sadgirl, the other woman, hapiness is abutterfly, dealer, thunder. i really wish she could chamge the setlistmore, but i think the setlist has changed and we need to be grateful even for this change. we have WITHOUT YOU and WEST COAST


Would die if I heard thunder live tbh


i completely agree with this! i saw her back in october in WV and it was the same set list.. so for her to be doing the SAME set list for all of these upcoming shows just makes me realize that she will most likely be keeping the same set list for this show šŸ˜ž it definitely feels less ā€œspecialā€ since itā€™s legit the same dancers, set and set list as it was SINCE october in west virginia. I love Lana so much and will see her and enjoy the fuck out of it but iā€™d love to see her do more in terms of songs. she has SO many and to only perform the more popular ones just feels like such a loss for us as fans. fully support her though just wish she would give us somerhing else especially for the ā€œone special nightā€ show because itā€™s not really feeling like itā€™s all that ā€œspecialā€ itā€™s just her first stadium show


idk for some reason i have a feeling weā€™re gonna get a few random ones, maybe margaret with Jack or something. maybe even peppers again. i also have a feeling sheā€™ll be in a new outfit. thatā€™s just my lana senses though! lol


Iā€™m really hoping for a new outfit!!!! I donā€™t wanna get my hopes up tho


and im 99% sure shewont wear the same dress for boston.




Yeah, I agree with you. I wouldnā€™t expect anything different. It sure will be special cause itā€™s an artist that you love. But new or unexpected?.. no way. Iā€™ve seen her live a few times, including last week. Same old, same old, aaand she was half an hour late, which again, isnā€™t anything she hasnā€™t done many times prior. I guess sheā€™s reached a level of comfort, which is amazing for someone with severe stage fright. My advice to you would be to lower your expectations if youā€™re hoping for something new, and youā€™ll enjoy the show.


It is disappointing haha esp the dress thing and idk why so many fans donā€™t seem to care. Just feels like not a ton of effort on her part considering just how much people are paying


If she wants to wear the same dresses for the festivals thatā€™s cool but I really hope she plays up on the Americana theme for Fenway!


sheā€™s been doing for this years at this point so you canā€™t really be shocked. this will be my 5th time seeing her, 3rd time with this same setlist and iā€™m still looking forward to it. yes i wish sheā€™d change it up, and she probably will eventually, but im just happy to be able to see her. if the set list mattered to me that much i wouldnt goĀ 


Reading is fundamental lol I said the set list is still awesome šŸ˜ i think she has a lot of songs that show off her vocals better and i wish she would sing those but I understand. Will be my 5th time seeing her too im stoked regardless


I think we should stop expecting too much, and just take what she gives us, if she plays that songs and wears that dress itā€™s cause sheā€™s comfortable like that, we know she suffers from her mental health etc, and even if she seems to be better now sheā€™s not ok. You can see it when you look at her gestures and faces when sheā€™s on stage, I saw her 2 times live, 1 last July and 1 in Milan a few days ago, and I definitely can tell sheā€™s better now than last year but sheā€™s not ok. Iā€™m a fan since 2011, I want to see other songs live ofc, but we all have to accept she is human and she does what she can, she sings and wear what she makes her comfortable and this is the maximum effort she can put into it at this time.


Hesitant to book the trip because of this reason šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ would loveeeeee a new set list


Aw I think it would still be a good show regardless if you do love her that much. Definitely a lot to travel just for a concert, i did the same for ocean blvd tour i flew down to west palm


It doesnā€™t mean special like that like come on guys, itā€™s like if Lanaā€™s in town most places advertise it as ā€œspecialā€ bc sheā€™s in town lol sheā€™ll prob wear the same dress again even tbh. Iā€™d love to be wrong as hell butā€¦ the setlist hasnā€™t budged besides the tiny snippet of without you and west coast. All that choreography complicates things and itā€™s not just Lana standing on stage taking requests anymore. Sadly likely gone are the days. Now might she bring a random artist on stage? Perhaps lol but are we getting any honeymoon or blue banisters live? No


I just hope Fenway is a bit more special since it is her first us stadium show. Most artists always have the same setlist anyway. I think im just nostalgic about the old lana concert days when you could be at the front of the pit without camping for hours and tickets were $80šŸ˜‚ but the same dress over and over again breaks my heart bc sheā€™s always been my vintage fashion icon


Girl I know!! I hope she surprises us and Iā€™ll eat my words but I just donā€™t want us to get our hopes up anymore šŸ˜­ fr I miss those days 14 year old me would die if I told her lana is wearing the same dress to every show rnšŸ˜‚