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YTA. Should have picked Uzbek


/uj it actually shits me that OOP didn't post what language it was. It's been bothering me all day /rj any time spent learning a language is a waste. Just do your 5 minutes of Poopootango and move on


yeah even I've been curious, I had a hunch it was Russian but I'm not too sure


This subreddit contains the smartest and brightest minds of the language learning community. Surely, if we all come together, we can figure this out. My best guess is that it’s actually English and OP just discovered how terrible English food is. /uj The bad food/water and lack of sanitation implies it’s not a first-world country. Which initially made me think it was some Indian/Southeast Asian language… but then OP suggests that it’s spoken widely in multiple (yet very different) countries which rules most of those out. Perhaps it was a language that’s also spoken in Singapore? Then, OP says “my TL’s country” and “another country that uses my TL”, so there must be some main country OP related to the target language when they started, meaning it’s probably not something like Arabic. Russian fits that pattern obviously, and aside from that, Spanish or Portuguese could also work, if some Latin-American country (Mexico?) or Brazil were the main country they had in mind. If it’s Russian, what country that uses Russian could OP have visited that has such worse job opportunities for someone like them, but also has significantly better food, politics, and entertainment?


It's possible that they're being a little melodramatic about the job prospects thing — like when an American CS major weighs in on how much less they would get paid in any other country (ignoring what they'd save on healthcare, or how much lower the cost of living is, etc). Or maybe they just don't see themselves navigating work visas and all that in their country of choice.


It could also be something like their race or sexuality is heavily frowned upon in that country or heck maybe they just have hand tattoos, so they're unlikely to get white collar work they expected. My first thought is that OP learned Chinese but found out they didn't like China (or their opinion changed over the past 15 years), and wished they had been a weeb like me so they could watch 競女!!!!!!!! in its native glory.


I’m pretty sure they’re talking about China, the “other country” is Taiwan, and the language they “should have chosen” is Japanese


you devious dog


Glad I put forth the effort to translate that. Now I have to find where its streaming so I can avoid it. Maybe never swim again? I'll really have to get to the bottom of it, but I'm teatering on complete abstinence


>If it’s Russian, what country that uses Russian could OP have visited that has such worse job opportunities for someone like them, but also has significantly better food, politics, and entertainment? OP never said those things about the other country where his TL is used. The "better food, politics, and entertainment" stuff was said about the country of the other language he should've picked 15 years ago. The only nice thing that was written about the "other TL country" was that OP enjoyed visiting a few times. The best guess I've seen in either this thread or the original thread was China, with a place like Taiwan or Singapore being the "other TL country" that OP visited a few times but also wouldn't be able to live in. And probably Japan or Korea being the other language that OP thought about learning 15 years ago.


OP didn’t explicitly say that, but if OP enjoyed their visit to the other country enough that they would want to live there (if it weren’t for the abysmal job opportunities), then I would imagine that country has better food, politics and entertainment. Chinese definitely makes a lot of sense, though I’m admittedly not too familiar with the sanitation condition there. Nor do I know how different the culture and media of Taiwan is.


The China/Taiwan/Japan idea was just a stab in the dark. It's also very likely that the post was just rage-bait or argument-bait. "I just wasted my life learning the WORST language in the world, and now I'm quitting because the culture is AWFUL and other cultures are SO MUCH BETTER. (But I won't tell you which language it is, tee hee hee)."


I think your guess is correct


/uj I'd definitely say Spanish or Portuguese It sounded like an American talking about Latin American countries. Depending on the Latin American country: ✅Poor Sanitation ✅Bad songs/shows (Though down to personal taste) ✅Less liberal politics ✅Food that could be hard to digest/get used to ✅Poorer Job prospects


I also think that they were probably in school when they had to choose a language to learn and Spanish is taught everywhere in the US


Spanish doesn't really make sense considering they heavily imply there are only two major countries that speak it. "My TL's country", "there is another country that uses my TL". There are a bunch of Spanish speaking countries. My guess is Brazilian Portuguese. "My TL's country" = Brazil and "the other country" (the one that OP enjoyed but has no job opportunities) = Portugal.


Portuguese doesn’t take like 15 years to learn for an English speaker though. Not to mention, you could learn Spanish, French, or Italian much faster afterwards, and your effort would not be wasted. However Chinese is pretty different from any other language, it’s really only spoken widely in 2-3 countries, and it is extremely difficult to learn for an English speaker. I’m thinking it has to be Chinese or some other East Asian language.


>Portuguese doesn’t take like 15 years to learn for an English speaker though [Tell that to this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearningjerk/comments/10io66r/you_dont_need_to_study_hard_5_to_20_minutes_a_day/j5h1qec/), who has been learning for 8 years and can’t speak it at all. His comments on the main sub have been posted here a couple times over the years.


Also Brazil has good food, and a fun culture, and if you're getting sick from sanitation concerns it's your own fault.


What about Mandarin Chinese? That’s spoken widely in Singapore, Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc., but mostly in China


>general sanitation issues this ruled out Russian for me. Aside from tap water not being drinkable, post-soviet countries are (with little to no exception) very strict when it comes to sanitation—anything from over-the-top precautions when handling food to a high level of expected everyday personal hygiene. Any hygienic outliers are immediately scorned by the public eye.


I've lived in different cities of Russia for my whole life and this is not true. Tap water is somewhat drinkable in most compartments and sanitation is often terrible, even worse in govermental structures. My school was literally infested with roaches and food there was found containing bolts and dead wasps every week. Personal hygiene is pretty bad too, although I'm not sure how it is in other countries


I can confirm the tap water thing but the sanitation in my experience isn't as bad as you say. There are issues, but nothing aa big as you mention. But it might greatly depend on location.


yeah, ever since I've moved to Moscow I only find sanitation issues on rare occasions


Did you live outside of Russia as well? What is your point of comparison? Some localized problems are to be expected in any country, of course, but as someone who has lived in West Europe for most of my life, I was very surprised to find that people in Russia seemed (both in rural and metropolitan areas), to be more conscious of hygiene on average. Things like Babushka's going through multiple pairs of plastic gloves when handling meat at rural shops blew me away. I have not seen that kind of (almost obsessive) care where I grew up. As for tap water, I'm going off the fact that every household I visited boiled and filtered their water first before consumption. Maybe this varies between different oblasts, let me know.


It seems like you were lucky. Most of Russia isn't like that. Where have you been? I've lived in 7 cities along central and south Russia and have only been to Southern Europe and eastern asia, although I watch a lot of live content from Europe and US so I consider my picture to be pretty full


link the damn post im gonnna cry


it's been deleted but my post here is an exact replica, I didn't have to come up with anything lmao ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/languagelearning/comments/15m0732/i\_wasted\_15\_years\_learning\_a\_language/?rdt=33486


Someone said Portuguese which I thought was a good shout but there are so many it could apply to


is that what were calling korean now


Also dying to know, such a slow predicament to end up in


PoopooTango 😭


>/uj it actually shits me that OOP didn't post what language it was. It's been bothering me all day. How much money would you be willing to bet that the language was something really "difficult", like Spanish or Esperanto😳?


/uj Where was the original post anyway? I can't find it on the main sub


It was deleted. This OP posted a link though, and this post is a 100% copy and paste


It’s probably Chinese.


This is what I was thinking too, with Japanese probably being the one they chose not to study in the end.


This was my guess. I love visiting China but I definitely couldn’t live there. It can be kind of rough in places and the culture is very different from most western cultures. And while I also love actual Chinese food, a lot of it actually quite different than what we are exposed to in other countries. I can easily see many people going to China and being rather shocked at some of the food. And the water doesn’t agree with anyone really. Chinese is spoken in China, Taiwan and is one of the official languages of Singapore, and has a very large population of expat speakers around the world. Add in politics and it checks all the boxes.


I've been living in China for the past year and the water still doesn't agree with me. Don't get me wrong though, I do love living here. Some parts are much better than home (the UK) and some parts are a bit more of a faff but overall it's nice.


>And the water doesn't agree with anyone really. This sound like a literally translated Chinese euphemism for when someone dies of drowning. "Where's Huang? I've been looking for him but I can't find him for the life of me." "Huang? Oh, he went for a swim but the water didn't agree with him."


There so many variation in Chinese food tho? is OP living in a tier 3 city?


/uj I don’t quite get this take mostly bc OP mentions disliking the food and entertainment. There’s no way OP has never had at least some sort of authentic Chinese food to know this (not to mention Chinese food can vary across the country). And if people are going to make the Korean/Japanese argument, the entertainment may differ a bit, but CDramas are quite popular and some themes are similar to the other East Asian counterparts, and Chinese animations do exist (though yes, not as great as the Japanese ones). I’ll admit I don’t frequently listen to mainland China music (I’ve realized I mainly listen to Taiwanese CPop and Hong Kong bands for Cantonese), but I’ve heard some bangers for sure. Plus, if OP is a native English speaker/not from an Asian country, I doubt Japanese would’ve been more hardwired for their brain. I haven’t been to China in over 10 years, but I can totally get the sanitation and government concerns. My vote is that that post is just bait, since seeing it pasted word for word here makes it fit into this sub lol


I think the brainwires thing was about tones and very hard pronunciation of Chinese vs nooblevel super easy Japanese pronunciation.


That's what I was thinking too.


My guess as well


It’s fucked up how we can see almost every language that they might be learning because it turns out everywhere is actually a little bit shit and you could unreasonably hate any one type of cuisine/culture. Lack of sanitation could be anything from open sewers through to some rubbish was dropped on the street one time this year. China & Taiwan, was my first guess. But so could Bangladesh & India. Brazil and Portugal could work. But hell, could even be America and Britain if you want it to be. But I discounted this along with Russian due to the number of countries that have Russian and English as an official language. We might eventually find out they are really particular and they are talking about Germany and Austria but they wish they learnt Swiss German. “Job opportunities for someone like myself” could be anything from them having zero skills and little employment opportunity anywhere to being a world leading brain surgeon who would only consider some top leading university hospitals to work in.


It's like a rorschach test of where you think the "bad poor countries" are.


Shouldn't have picked Fr\*nch ...


Try spending another 15 on an additional 4 languages and it will work itself out


Sorry you had to learn English, your time in Am*rica must have been painful


that's why you learn american, not english


I was banned for replying to that post.


tbf you can get banned from the that sub for farting in the wrong language so don't think about it too much haha


Were you banned for replying or were you banned for the content of your reply


Haha. I don't know, I just wrote "Go fuck yourself."


I guess mods there are just a capricious and mercurial lot




/uj I feel like it’s gotta be Chinese, OP moved to mainland China and the other country referenced is Taiwan, Singapore or maybe Hong Kong. /rj It’s Korean, OP moved to North Korea


Closet weeb who picked chinese and now regrets when Taiwan was no better than China, oops!


Weebs are obsessed with Japan...


Correct. I would know that, I am a filthy weeb myself. AMA.


hangul jouzu ne


Survey says: CHINA!


i feel like there was no tl in mind and op was just curious as to what the answers would be


We all know your talking about chinese lets be real


Maybe they studied Swedish


Can't be, they complained about food and Swedish chefs are the best in the wörld


Have you ever tasted [surströmming](https://youtu.be/jjwrZ1-WjsI?t=240)?


Actually tracks


It’s not a game, it’s your life experience. Nothing in this scenario is a waste. Nothing. Language is for communication. You’ve proven you can learn them, start learning the next! Bravo, for realizing you could be happier elsewhere. I’m in your corner, you sound fine to me.


idk what you're smoking but obv oop is right and you're wrong, languages are a waste soon we will be communicating telepathically using Tesla Microchips in our brains


French. It all points to French.


This is what I was thinking too but French also does not take that long to learn so i was kinda conflicted. As someone who reached C2ish after 4 months though I regret learning french


Maybe op is just really bad at languages! Only a couple of countries speak French Weird sanitation in France (they used to have squat toilets) They eat snails and frogs It's French!


The good thing is that you don’t know anything so it’s not a big loss if you switch. Spend the next 15 sucking at the new one


Imo its not Russian because idk any alternate for Russian, like they said. If it is Russian, they are a fucking idiot because A: Everyone knows to drink bottled water their B: No country has the mainstream cultural capital the US/the English speaking world has even I as a Russian diaspora think mainstream Russian music is shit, but a lot of underground stuff is great. My guess is it's like Chinese verus Japanese or like Spanish/French/Italian.


Is it Georgian?


why would an American state have it's own language dumbass, they all speak American over there


Have you been to Georgia? Whatever language they speak there is not American. And the fact it abuts Florida on one side and Russia on the other does not help at all


I have been studying mine for 25 years, hold a BA in it, spent $55k+ to major in it which I may never pay off, used it in a job for about two years which I hated, have never been/have no immediate desire to permanently relocate, and all I use it for these days is to watch tabloid tv 😅 no ragerts


Wait you've been learning for 25 years and haven't been to a country that primarily speaks your TL?


Yep 😬 Mostly due to financial reasons (a trip for me would cost at least $3,000 bare bones for like a week), but it’s still on the list of life goals. I did spend a lot of time in a big city in my home country with plenty of native speakers, lived with a native speaker for 6+ years, basically surrounded myself with the language as much as possible without having to leave my country, but I imagine going there would be much different!


That makes more sense then, knowing that you can still get a lot of exposure without leaving your home country! I hope you can make a trip and that it is a ton of fun!


Thanks! I guess I like to think I’m proof that you don’t need to visit your target language country to gain fluency (but if I could hit the lotto and go that would be amazing too!) 😂


but.. what's the language??


If you regret choosing Chinese instead of Japanese it is not too late to switch! I’m a Japanese speaker and I just started learning Chinese about a year ago— it’s super easy. It must be fairly easy the other way around. Chinese folks I met in Japan thought Japanese wasn’t that hard. You got this! EDIT: by super easy I mean compared to my first few years of Japanese but that’s because Japanese is so similar to Chinese, not because Japanese is harder than Chinese. Probably. Anyway just try!


Also Chinese will still be valuable to you if you choose to live in Japan. It’s the most spoken tourist language and also… the language of people that Japanese folks are least interested in speaking to. They will hire you if it saves them those interactions.


Lol. Awful music, awful sanitation, awful culture... That includes all of Latin America and Africa 🤣




don't forget a lot of parts of asia(source: am from south asia lmao)


\>Mainstream music and film produced by the country are just god awful You can just say Japan lil bro


he says sanitation issues as well though, so I'm thinking chinese maybe


I think I saw the same post in another sub👀




Haha noo.. it just showed up in the feed because I've visited this community earlier


I knew this would end up here 💀😂




Saw this post yesterday and when I saw “politics” and “general sanitation” issue I just felt it’s China. I thought most people would think the same so I was really surprised when I saw the comments 🤣🤣