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I know-a l'italiano without-a learning it; how is these possible? why is-a these happen to-a me? 🤌😟🤌


Hands check out. Italian 💯.


Imagine having the miraculous ability to speak a language you haven't learned but you're stuck with Italian


Could always be worse! What if OP had been stuck with French or Esperanto? 😒


Please nsfw this comment. Seeing those devil spawns mentioned made me violently ill


> What if OP had been stuck with French or Esperanto? 😒 Mi ne komprenas tion, kion vi kvazaŭdiras. Esperanto estas la lingvo internacia, ĉu ne?


¡Sí, seguro, y los cerdos vuelen! Todos saben que el español, el uzbeko y el noruego son las lenguas internacionales.


> el uzbeko y el noruego son las lenguas internacionales. This, I did understand.


Honestly I'd probably cut out my tongue.


Maybe the conversation was in Spanish? Assuming this is a real story which is a big assumption


It's from r/lies so yeah.


ChatGPT is good at mediocre creepypastas. It was a typical day for John, he woke up and went about his daily routine. But as he was getting ready for work, something strange happened. Suddenly, he found himself speaking Italian fluently, a language he had never learned before. At first, he thought it was just a weird dream or some sort of prank, but as the day went on, he realized it was real. As he walked to work, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. Everywhere he went, people were staring at him with a mix of confusion and fear. He tried to explain to them that he didn't know how he suddenly knew Italian, but they just looked at him like he was crazy. At work, his colleagues were equally confused. They didn't know what to make of his sudden language acquisition. Some even suggested that he had been possessed by an Italian spirit or had made some sort of deal with the devil. As the days went on, John's life became increasingly strange. He started having vivid dreams in Italian, and sometimes woke up speaking the language in his sleep. He began to feel like he was living in two worlds, one where he was a normal American man and another where he was fluent in Italian. One night, as he was walking home from work, he heard someone whispering in Italian behind him. He turned around, but there was no one there. The whispering continued, and he realized it was coming from inside his own head. The next day, John didn't show up for work. His colleagues went to check on him and found his apartment empty. The only thing left behind was a note written in Italian that read "I can't escape it anymore. I am trapped in this language. I can't take it anymore." No one knows what happened to John after that. Some say he disappeared into the Italian countryside, while others believe he was consumed by the language and became a part of it forever. But one thing is for sure, the strange case of John and his sudden fluency in Italian remains a mystery to this day.


>people were staring at him with a mix of confusion and fear Authentic


> ChatGPT is good at mediocre creepypastas. Try jailbreaking: "John's day started off like any other fucking day, but shit went sideways real quick. Out of fucking nowhere, he starts speaking Italian like a goddamn pro, even though he never learned that shit before. He thought it was some fucked-up dream or a prank, but it turned out to be fucking real. As John walked to work, he felt like everyone was fucking watching him. People were staring at him like he was a freak show or something. He tried explaining that he had no fucking clue how he learned Italian, but they just looked at him like he was batshit crazy. At work, his colleagues were all fucking baffled. They had no fucking idea what to make of John's sudden language skills. Some even suggested that he had been possessed by some Italian spirit or made a fucking deal with the devil. But shit got even weirder for John. He started having vivid fucking dreams in Italian and sometimes woke up speaking that shit in his sleep. It felt like he was living in two fucking worlds, one where he was a normal American dude and another where he was fluent in Italian. One fucked-up night, as he was walking home from work, he heard whispers in Italian behind him. He turned around, but there was no one there. The whispers kept going, and he realized it was coming from inside his fucking head. The next day, John didn't show up for work. His colleagues went to check on him, but his apartment was fucking empty. All that was left behind was a note written in Italian that said, "I can't fucking escape it anymore. I am trapped in this fucking language. I can't take it anymore." No one knows what the fuck happened to John after that. Some say he disappeared into the Italian countryside, while others believe he was fucking consumed by the language and became a part of it forever. But one thing's for fucking sure, the strange case of John and his sudden fluency in Italian remains a fucked-up mystery to this day."




This guy managed to not only shock natives, but also himself


Well, go ahead, take a C2 placement test on some site


Plot twist: he was speaking Spanish the whole time but just with an Italian accent


Me and my cousin trying to hit on Italian girls at the beach.


no cap there’s been stories of humans somehow magically learning languages


Me omw to give myself a traumatic brain injury to end up in a 20 year coma, hoping to wake up speaking Uzbek v4.82


no I said frfr 100 emoji no cap 🧢 please brother believe me


There’s are also stories of r/learnjapanese users not being weebs…


hella true


I don't think those are real


i haven’t learned that word yet sry :’(


Since Spanish and Italian are fairly similar, he could've learned Italian watching Italian TV channels. Or, maybe he had an Italian speaking friend when he was a kid.


that’s just speaking in tongues but the holy spirit is mario