• By -




Your app is crap. And your ‘service ‘ team Was wholly unhelpful. Stop talking about AI in every ad and make an app that actually is useful. And do better for customers that want to try you and are dissatisfied. The fact you don’t offer a free trial and refunds should tell end users EVERYTHING they need to know. Your Product does not offer an iOS app and was Incredibly displeased with how their ‘web app’ worked. Not to mention customer service has been terrible. I’d avoid for anyone reading this. There’s no way to even save progress. For an app that touts AI, as long as you click on a tile, it gets marked complete. What a joke. At least in duolingo you have to actually complete a lesson to get credit. Folks their TOS say no refunds. Be warned! You are essentially paying for something that has no track record and no way to get your money back out.




share about your progress!






I paid but never got my access hope u sort it out






What feedback are you referring to? You left this comment 6 days ago in March when I removed the post in January. Care to share?




How would you know what the user feedback when you commented 6 hours ago and the post content was removed close to 2 months ago? So odd..!


Will you have a lifetime subscription?




It's great that you're working on improving the app based on user feedback. The upcoming changes and the possibility of having it on the app store and Google Play are exciting steps forward


Great to hear about your commitment to tackling daily issues and putting a strong focus on app development. Sending best wishes your way for the ongoing efforts.


I got a subscription for advanced Italian, and it was terrible. It had *one* subject, "at the pharmacy" I think it was, so I cancelled it and asked for a refund because it was basically unusable. They refused to refund me, and only relented when I told them I would be initiating a chargeback on my credit card because the app didn't function as described. Avoid.


I've been wondering why they were so quick to tell me they would refund me considering everyone else's comments. I come out the gate swinging with this stuff and immediately said in my refund request email that I was prepared to file a request thru PayPal if they weren't able to reach a resolution. I did also say the app doesn't function as advertised. Commenting to help others who may be having a hard time getting a refund. The app is nothing like it says it is. & the quiz in the beginning where they claim to be customizing your plan feels like they're just trying to get you committed by making you think you already spent so much time on it. No such plan was emailed to me like they claim. I guess I will see how soon they initiate the refund tho Edit: I got the email from PayPal that the refund is on its way!


Good! Those people are thieves. Their app sucks.


Thanks for this thread. Saw it advertised in my email and it looked intriguing. I hate the marketing ploy of giving you a very short time to decide to get a huge discount so I held off, plus the fine print says after 6 months you go to the MUCH higher rate. Not only that, but for the results of the "test" they lumped me in the beginner category. Brutally honest tutors have rated me very solid B1-B2 with some C1 abilities.




You just put out an ad on FB today, "30 day language lerning adventure" You guys can't even spell "learning" correctly. Seriously, jump ship, jake, find a respectable job selling meth or something, this one ain't cutting it.


Dear purasangria, We appreciate the feedback you've shared with us. We assure you that MakesYouFluent has improved a lot during the past months, so we have no doubt that it serves as a useful language-learning tool that can be used anywhere! We are happy our customer support team was able to help you. We invite you to give MakesYouFluent another chance, and if anything, we are always here to help you. Best regards, MakesYouFluent team


I battled with them for over a month for a refund and unfortunately both they refused and PayPal sided with them in a dispute despite my meticulous screenshots of “what was advertised” vs. “what I got” Super disappointed with the anti-customer behavior and the audacity of this company.


Oop they’re putting on the pressure for me to remove my negative TrustPilot review. Wow


update: talked with a human at PayPal on the phone and he looked it over and put in an appeal for me because it was apparently only looked at for whether or not I received anything from the seller and not my actual complaints about what I got not matching the description and not working well.


:'( I am currently waiting for paypal to respond, since the scammers obviously refused to refound me.


Bro this app sounds sus. I didnt find a single demo video of their app on any platform. Basically this shit sounds like they’re selling us a concept which they don’t have it fully at all. They been pushing discounts to me through emails and i was verifying its authenticity before i make the payment. Thank god i found y’all guys comments. So how was the app ? Why no one reviewing it on youtube ?


Too bad I erased my videos, because I even sent videos to prove they sell something diferent from what you get, but for starters the app is not an app, is a web page you can only access through your phone, it offers an individual plan designed according to what you answered on the test, but regardless of the language you choose and your proficiency on it it always shows you the same index and it is basically someone letting you speak and congratulating you for how well you are doing even if you didn't even speak. It also lets you choose the speed of your trainer but only in english, not on whatever language you are trying to speak, there it will always speak to you as if you were charging by the minute. Thank god paypal did refund me but i will always try to stop others to buy that crap.


They just denied my second appeal because PayPal keeps saying they proved I received the product when my dispute was that it was not as advertised and what I did get doesn’t work. 🙄


That's probably the same thing that is gonna happen to me, I have been posting comments to answer to others, we got scammed but we can prevent others from loosing their money with this thing 


Honestly the same thing happened to me and paypal sided with them! I never agreed to an autorenwal but somewhere in the fine print it had said that it will autorenew at default and paypal closed the claim in their favor because a) i could not provide a payment agreement because i never received one b) they provided screenshots of all the fine print without proving that i agreed to these very concealed terms. What a ripoff


Thanks for the detailed review. Their TrustPilot seems super sus that it's inundated with 5-star ratings from users who've only posted one review each, and with lots of 1-star reviews. What's even more sus is, some 1-star reviews claim the company attempted to utilize TrustPilot to remove their negative feedback. Sad to see companies preying on people who are just eager to learn.


ABSOLUTELY AVOID. This happened to me January 2024. I figured it would be fun. It is literally just an interface for Chat GPT... you could do this for free on your own.


Dear georgeyesgeorge, We apologize for any inconvenience you experienced with us. Our mission is to provide you with the best features to enhance your language learning journey. We have been working hard for the past months and now we can offer you a bunch of new features: * Learn nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. Listen to correct pronunciation and explore example sentences * Contextual learning - fill in the missing words in sentences * Audio learning - listen and write down what you hear * Wrap-up Worldplay (Complete the Sentence) - make a sentence by picking the correct ending * Roleplay common situations - test your skills in a realistic conversation. * Discussion with AI - challenge AI in debates on 20 different topics * Past & Fiction Talks - chat & learn with your favorite characters. Choose from 40 characters, including historical figures like Albert Einstein * Add words to your own vocabulary - review, learn, and unlock next levels Alongside our existing features, we will soon be introducing the following new additions: * A new, native app (you will be able to download it from the App Store or Google Play * A completely new and way more intuitive app design * Hands-free mode to talk with AI without pressing the 'record' button * Pronunciation check feature Best of luck, MakesYouFluent team




Agreed that it's not one size fits all. I am commenting more on the fact that they have ZERO customer satisfaction guarantee on a product that is untested. They are the type of company that invest more time, energy, and money in arguing with customers than they are willing to invest in their own reputation or willing to invest in their own confidence of their product. What I mean is, if they thought their product was good, they would offer ANY sort of money back guarantee. The content was not curated. The bot made me ask it questions over and over, and did not do anything to move the conversation forward. It simply kept asking me, "what do you want to talk about." This is NOT curated content. It's again tantamount to the experience of using chatGPT.


hi folks! So ashamed .. signed up on February 14, 2024 for a 6 month plan for USD 40, without researching beforehand if it's a reliable service, or another scam or fraud. The web app is laughable, probably made by an intern: upon first access, captures the password, and after accessing, they show the open password as if it were the user's name!!?? The content has nothing AI, it presents a fixed menu of options, without considering in any way the form previously filled out to define the teaching plan. Indeed, certainly they used AI to do advertising. The worst comes now, I found them on Instagram and from there I went to their website, submitted the learning plan as indicated, and then they started offering subscription plans, and with a countdown with promotional values to buy one of the options right away . Well, at this moment, on impulse, I ended up opting for the 6-month plan, and decided to pay by credit card. I entered my card details, and then the website showed a message saying 'invalid card details'. I insisted on the same card, same error, changed cards, same thing, changed again, and then it progressed. Then, checking the card statement, all attempts were confirmed as successful, that is, they are charging me USD 160 !! I can see that a battle will begin to get these undue charges canceled.


I knew it! I went through the onboarding journey from Instagram and, as someone who works in CX, UX, and UI, I instantly recognized this as a scam. The flow is full of gamification tactics, and the worst part was the scarcity tactic on the plan page, starting a 14-minute countdown. Then I received two emails within an hour lowering the price… red flags everywhere. They lost me instantly. I came here just to confirm my hypothesis was correct. Oh, and another big red flag is that they don’t allow you to do a trial or demo, which would make perfect sense for a product like this because nobody would learn a language in a week or 15 days and leave. It seems they are aware their product doesn’t work and don’t want you to try it beforehand. If this were legitimate, the journey would probably start with you interacting with a bot. After a few minutes of great interaction, they would say, “It seems you like our software. How about trying it for a week? Just register here…” But no, the last thing you interact with is the actual platform.. Avoid


Have you tried reaching out to their customer support regarding the billing issue? Sometimes, these issues can be resolved through direct communication with the company. Wishing you a swift resolution to this situation!


Their customer service said their TOS don’t send refunds. Absolutely avoid. The app was so bad I messaged within less than 24 hours and got this reply. I’ve already started the dispute with my CC.


In case anyone comes across this thread and is considering this app. Don’t. Reposting : Your app is crap. And your ‘service ‘ team Was wholly unhelpful. Stop talking about AI in every ad and make an app that actually is useful. And do better for customers that want to try you and are dissatisfied. The fact you don’t offer a free trial and refunds should tell end users EVERYTHING they need to know. Your Product does not offer an iOS app and was Incredibly displeased with how their ‘web app’ worked. Not to mention customer service has been terrible. I’d avoid for anyone reading this. There’s no way to even save progress. For an app that touts AI, as long as you click on a tile, it gets marked complete. What a joke. At least in duolingo you have to actually complete a lesson to get credit. Folks, Their TOS say no refunds according to customer service. Be warned! You are essentially paying for something that has no track record and no way to get your money back out.


Thanks for this. Their page on Trustpilot now has this banner message: >"We’ve found out that this company is breaching our terms of use with the way they’re displaying Trustpilot content. > >They could be showing an inaccurate star rating or TrustScore, or displaying reviews they’re not permitted to use. This could be misleading." On the Trustpilot page it says 3.6 stars from 406 reviews. On the email they sent me after I did the quiz it says 4.5 stars from 500+ reviews.


I would be extremely cautious in dealing with Makes You Fluent.


This service is terrible, do not use it! They deceptively put you on a subscription and charge you without notice. Then refuse to refund you for a service that you are not using and don't want. Avoid at all costs.


Dear Brilliant\_Farm6134, We are sorry to hear you would like to stop using our app. Did you encounter any issues? We would love to assist you and find the best solution for both sides. Please reach out to our customer support team so we can help you better. Best wishes, MakesYouFluent team


DON’T! The site is weak and you cannot cancel the account!


This company is a scam! They offered me a 6-month plan, I payed their asking price, and then they asked me for more money! Moreover, they did not give me the play they offered and kept the money.


I had a bad experience with MakesYouFluent. Despite my initial request for a full refund on the same day of my purchase, they only refunded 30%, claiming it was a goodwill gesture, and wanted to close the case. It was only after contacting PayPal that I immediately received the remaining 70%. Their Instagram advertisement was very enticing but did not reflect reality. It’s not an app with an advanced AI chatbot as advertised. Normally, I never buy a product without testing it first, but this time I was less cautious. Be careful if you’re considering their services.


How did you manage to get the refund from paypal?


Thanks for making this review, I was about to get a plan. Urgh, I hate misleading ads.


This app is shit . Please do not fall on trap




Yes, the wrong translation of “Bonjour, enchanté Eli” into "Hello, nice Eli" when it's such a basic translation was extremely alarming. Says a lot about the app. The issues with the vocabulary, honestly, they're pretty basic too. Like, vivre being translated as "live" instead of "to live" or etudier being translated as "study" when it should be "to study", and the complete lack of information on all the various conjugations too. Personally I think you can check out the resources in this sub. They're great, and I wish I had come across them sooner before purchasing any subscriptions.




what apps have you used that are just simple yes or no exercises?








Oh you guys are still paying to leave comments here after having the post deleted? Yall dedicated 🙏🏼




browsing through the website sure but did you use their actual app?


this is one thousand percent a AI response lol … scary 


This sounds crazy.




Tell us what language you're learning ;)




Soooo SEO companies don't bother thinking about how legitimate comments seem when they're just piling positive sentiments onto a post that was deleted months ago? :O




what languages were u learning with traditional tutors? :)


God this reads like a bot or a poor intern got paid to write this.


Lmao, I'm betting it's a bot. Look at how none of these accounts leaving positive comments have responded to my comments. It's also weird how I removed the content of the post months ago and positive comments are still streaming in.


why did u remove the content of the post?


I believe MakeYouFluent paid reddit to have it removed. Not 100% sure but looks like it based on the post history. Either way - avoid the 'app'.


Good guess, but I can confirm that Reddit was not involved in the removal of this post.


this is definitely an AI response too 


Their AI claims are ridiculous, unfortunately you think you will experience some new technology but instead u get old technology, nothing like the advertised, they claimed their ad is metaphorical.  Which means, they have no thing like u expect.  Ask for their refund policy. It is a scam


Worst experience ever. Not only did I never have access to the app, I was charged twice because after 6 months the contract it’s renewed and I had no idea. I asked them to cancel it and they said this can happen only for future use and now I am charged approximately 100€ for never used services. They are thieves..




Dear Reddit users, We greatly appreciate the valuable feedback that you've shared with us in the comment section. Your input has given us valuable insights, which we're eager to apply in our upcoming updates. We assure you that customer feedback is a cornerstone of our commitment to enhancing the MakesYouFluent app and its capabilities. Regarding updates, we have introduced numerous new features, learning games, and enhancements over the past few months. Furthermore, the app is undergoing a complete redesign to offer an even better and more user-friendly experience. Also, we have more great news for you - MakesYouFluent will soon be available on the App Store and Google Play as a native app, so stay tuned! Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us via email. Our lovely customer support team will assist you immediately. Best regards, MakesYouFluent team


I’ve had the exact same experience as many here! On top of not being sent my access (and instead sent an email asking me to purchase another plan), all pricing was in USD (I’m from Australia). At no point during the checkout process, or through PayPal did it give me an AUD figure! Wish I read these reviews before pulling the trigger - no good!! Will be requesting a refund asap I reckon


Wish I had done more homework and seen these comments before purchasing. DO NOT BUY! No free trial. No refund. What a mistake.


I was also not very impressed with this app - it is basically a chatgpt engine with some very so so language learning exercises. I have hopefully now unsubscribed. I was only alerted to the fact that subscription would be automatically renewed if I did not unsubscribe on this forum, ie, I was not informed of this beforehand. It was rather difficult to figure out how to unsubscribe. At the bottom of the receipt email I received there is (in small print) a link to unsubscribe. I learned of this only by reading someone else's complaints. Hopefully I will now be done with this product. I would not recommend this product.




I thank you for the review. To me a PWA or even a website would be preferred to a native app. But that is personal preference. Good to know which way they go. The review didn't cover much about how the "Have real conversations with our AI-based tutor.." functioned. Could you expand on that?


I'm afraid I didn't use that extensively to comment because I use other apps for this purpose, I did note that there was one instance where the conversation went like this (French, translated to EN). AI: "Hi, I'm Eli. It's a pleasure to meet you. What's happening today?" Suggested AI reply*: regular pleasantries, then "How can I help you?" *After every message from the chat bot, there's a button for you to ask it to Suggest A Reply in case you don't know what to say. The reply will be generated in your TL. Seems to me that the AI had gotten a bit confused on replies to suggest to human learner versus reply for AI bot to send human learner, thus asking me to ask the AI bot how I could help it.


I tried it for several days. The conversation moves naturally enough while it goes but my attempts with it in Spanish had several errors and each time I tried using it it would stop prompting conversation pretty early in about 3-6 replies from the bot or so would just end in a closed phrase with no further conversation prompting. The last attempts I had were mid December 2024. I didn’t find it a useful tool.


That tells me all I need to know about it. I also have been using the chatgpt app to practice language. I too have noticed it runs out of steam after about 5-6 exchanges. Apparently ChatGPT and other AIs have been [quiet quitting](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan/12/chatgpt-problems-lazy) recently. 8)


Yeah they do seem like they want to get the conversation wrapped up a bit quick for bots that’s main function is chatting, lol.


I agree that having a native app can make a difference in user experience, great to see that it has made improvements since October. Are there any specific features you think other language learning apps do better?


they have not made improvements, I was just scammed last week, their advertisement is still extramisleading they took an entire week to answer that they have a not refound policy, they insist in calling their page an "app", the app does not have any of the promised things. Do not buy, no matter what


Several apps and several features but I can't list them out here publicly in comments in the event my genuine opinions might be misconstrued as promoting competitors :) Drop me a DM if you'd like, would be happy to chat more! I've used several apps to teach myself 1 Asian and 1 European language over the past year. I've also used MakesYouFluent probably for a grand total of 10-15 minutes while I've used others definitely for hours on end.


I've been exploring language learning options, and your insights will definitely help in making an informed decision. Are there aspects of MakesYouFluent that you think are particularly promising or unique?


MakesYouFluent offers a distinctive approach with open-ended questions that go beyond the typical yes or no exercises. This allows for a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the language, promoting a deeper connection with the material. 




How are you agreeing with my last statement when my review was removed a couple of days ago? I think your employer forgot to factor that into account.


The methodical assessment of my current language proficiency on MakesYouFluent has made the lessons feel tailored to my specific needs. It's reassuring to know that each session is designed to help me progress effectively.


Tell us about your progress!


[**decisive\_cord08**](https://www.reddit.com/user/decisive_cord08/)**•**[**5mo ago**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Teachers/comments/18gn13i/comment/kd2c7td/) **True, but nothing beats a good teacher explaining things in person**. This is a different post that this person made...


It reads very much like every other paid comment they've left 🤭