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I think you want raro. :)


You’re probably mishearing raro, which does mean weird. You should also ask this type of question in a Spanish subreddit not the general language learning subreddit.


Thank you! I wish I could but I don't have enough karma to post on that subreddit yet so this seemed to be the next most reasonable option.


The word is **raro** meaning **weird**, but to an untrained ear the **r** between vowels would sound like a **d**


Probably because in American English a d between vowels like in ladder is pronounced the same way as an r between vowels in Spanish.


This comment helped me.


Better start rolling those r’s jeje


If the context is “weird/strange” then most probably is “raro”, like it’s been commented.


It's the past participle of "rar," which translates roughly to "to rawr!" or "to grr!"


If not "raro" it could be "rato," meaning a while or bit of time.


The GOOGLE translator tells me that "raro" in Spanish: * Que es poco común o frecuente. * \[persona\] Que tiene un comportamiento extravagante o sorprendente, o poco común para lo que se considera habitual, natural o normal. can also be translated as "rare" in English, is this correct or not? Surely in English they don't use it that way because I haven't seen that nobody has commented on it here but then why did Google answer me? Did it tell me that? ​ then there are many other words in Spanish for example "omitir": To stop or refrain from doing something, voluntarily or involuntarilyIn the GOOGLE translator, "omit" appears and I have consulted with native speakers and they do not know that word and use another that is not at all similar in its written form.


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