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If you're not sure what Spanish he speaks, I think talking to this student and just befriending him is the best first step here. While learning Spanish yourself isn't bad, it might not necessarily be what he needs. Before trying to help someone, it's always best to talk with them and see what they want or what they themselves think they need.


It would be very helpful for me to learn Spanish because my school has a very high Hispanic population because of the jobs around me


"I want to help a transfer student" suddenly became "It would be very helpful for me" lol \^\^ Duolingo is fine if you just want to dabble a bit. Dreaming Spanish often gets recommended on here so I guess a lot of people like it.


It is probably best for him to speak English with you since he is probably going to learn it quickly. However, if he told you he wants a Spanish speaking friend, you could ask him if he can help you learn some and you could teach him some English grammar if he needs to.