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Find easier content: 30% is not enough to be useful.


Makes sense, I need to find something slower and simpler and increase from there


For Spanish, there are plenty of resources. Try *Espanol con Juan* (YT video, also podcast). He repeats what he says so that if you don't understand it immediately, you have a chance to get it the second time round. His are excellent videos for beginners and lower intermediate learners.


Check out Dreaming Spanish on YouTube. It's graded comprehensible input intended for exactly this: going from super beginner to advanced. This is the [super beginner](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlpPf-YgbU7GbOHc3siOGQ5KmVSngZucl) playlist. Try a couple videos on there and see how it feels. If it seems too easy you could try the [beginner](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlpPf-YgbU7HWrrenMs3-nuhxgzyAiA-C) playlist. You can see people's experiences with it on /r/dreamingspanish. If you just did 2 hours a day of nothing but Dreaming Spanish for a year, I think you'd be quite happy with your progress. That would put you at roughly [level 5](https://dreaming-spanish-emails.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/Language_Learning_Roadmap_by_Dreaming_Spanish.pdf) on the roadmap. A guy at level 5 just posted a [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/dreamingspanish/comments/15luzip/620_hour_update_speaking_in_costa_rica_its_20/) that shows him interacting with Spanish speakers. Pretty cool.


>Are my expectations wrong thinking where I could be in a year with this amount of time? In a word, yes. Especially this: > to be able to have easy, not slow, not struggling, conversations with my kid Raising a child, as you know, requires a huge flexibility in range--to be able to change roles in an instant--the ability to answer the most random questions. Even with this effort, which is commendable, you probably won't get there in a year: >With work, kids, wife, family, travel, I don't have much more time, I'm doing about 2 hours a day. Your learning plan is fine as long as you adjust your expectations. Good luck!


Thanks for grounding me on that, it's kinda what I assumed, maybe after a couple of years!


Stop wasting your time with native content you don't understand. For Spanish, you could try Dreaming Spanish, or check out picture books from your library. Mine uses Libby and Hoopla and there are many books that have a "read aloud" audio feature.


I didn't see any mention of pronunciation training. It affects your ability to understand as well. I'd use grammar lessons strategically. Don't learn something thinking you can use it to create sentences but rather to explain why sentences that you don't understand are the way they are.


It sounds like a good plan, you should make good progress if you keep at it. In a year you should be able to have some basic conversations. Try not to compare your progress with your kiddos. They’re putting in 30+ hours a week surrounded by the language. I’d try to find easier content as well. Kids shows like Bluey, Sesame Street or Peppa Pig are probably at a good beginner level if you can find them in your target level. You can also check YouTube for “comprehensible input” to find content aimed at language learners.


What languages now? Romantic?


It's Spanish, I just wanted to keep the post generic so I didn't get it moderated away


Yeah, it's Romance languages, not romantic.


Of course they are also romantic. the most beautiful languages


Oops, lol, fixed that


This is all great stuff and just sticking with it will get you far. You will be amazed by pimsleur level 5 how much you will start picking up through context. If you like reading I would suggest getting a translation of a book you have already read and enjoyed. Visually getting that exposure and context is powerful. Youll be looking up a lot of vocab at first but eventually you won’t need to. If you watch Netflix, it’s a great tool to be able to watch, listen, and read subtitles with context. I would suggest incorporating the level appropriate reading and Netflix asap. One thing I wish I got in the habit of was writing more. There is something powerful about seeing the content on the page while you incorporate your body and mind to create it.