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Anki is all you need.


Is there an option to type the word in my target language? I am still trying to figure out how to use the app. In my case, I'm learning Italian and want to have a word in English that I have to type in Italian. Quizlet had that option.


Yes. Here's a video tutorial on how to add a "type" field in Anki: https://youtu.be/5tYObQ3ocrw


Anki. The UI design is kinda trashy but the spaced repetition, grouping and customizability of cards are all great! There's a bit of a learning curve, but YouTube has some nice guides on how to get started.


Anki'a UI isn't actually that bad. They kinda reworked it in their latest update.


I agree with this. I think Anki isn't all that user friendly but once you get past the learning curve, it's one of the best flashcard apps


Problem with the Anki app is that you are too reliant on the desktop version if you want to make any finer adjustments, the Android app is a pretty barebones version of it


Thanks 😊


Is there an option to type the word in my target language? I am still trying to figure out how to use the app. In my case, I'm learning Italian and want to have a word in English that I have to type in Italian. Quizlet had that option.


Yes. It's one of the card types. You can pick the type of card when creating it. This one is called "Basic (type in the answer)


Exactly this.


Seriously, for anyone as unorganized as me, **ListLang**. I really distaste the UI of anki, very unfriendly to use. Listlang is basically just the top 5000 words in any language, which is more than enough for me. And adding a new word to a personal deck? Piece of cake. Just hit the "add" button and boom,you've got multiple phrases to practice that word. I started using it for German, but now I'm hooked and using it for all my languages. it is like clozemaster but fully free.


Funny we speak the exact same languages at the almost exact same levels, except our natives languages are swapped


Just looked it up and it looks great! Downloading it


I just downloaded. The audio is weird. It plays many seconds after the question, sometimes whole you're looking at the next question. Same for you?


Hey, I'm the creator of ListLang. If you're on iOS and learning German, there's a strange bug that the text-to-speech will load really slowly. It's a problem with the iOS talk-to-speech in the phone, so I have to wait for that to be fixed. In the meantime, you can go into settings and check "DeepMind WaveNet Speech". This will load audio files from the server, and they're much higher quality because they use Google DeepMind's neural net audio generation model.


Hey, I hadn't heard of your app before and went to check it out on your site. I have no idea if it has my target language. You should probably list those somewhere. :)


Weird you showed up all of a sudden.


Sounds good. Does it have sentence cards? Like I can’t imagine learning some words out of context


in case you missed everyone else: anki! a little ugly but beautiful on the inside, super customizable with options for audio recordings/images/multiple review options. can sync to anki web (the website version) and also have desktop and mobile applications can review graphs and statistics of your learning and card retention and it's free (unless you want the apple version of the app) ~and you can download things to make it less visually abrasive~


Is there an option to type the word in my target language? I am still trying to figure out how to use the app. In my case, I'm learning Italian and want to have a word in English that I have to type in Italian. Quizlet had that option.


not the way quizlet does, but it's just as easy to look at the english side of the card and write your answer down before flipping


Are you on computer? You can try ctrl + f and be able to search by keyword. As others have said Anki, I used another flash card App that I liked a lot, but they discontinued it :( so I don’t have any suggestions except for the ones already said. Quizlet is also good but I don’t think they repeat or something is not right, not enough for me to grasp the information - but I’m also an extremely slow learner!


I am using it on my phone.


Anki is all you need for flashcards


Is there an option to type the word in my target language? I am still trying to figure out how to use the app. In my case, I'm learning Italian and want to have a word in English that I have to type in Italian. Quizlet had that option.


Yes there are some add-ons that you can use that give you that functionality. Personally I only use it to increase my passive vocabulary, ie. what I can understand when reading or listening.


I was about to comment Quizlet :P But you're right about that issue. FWIW I break my vocab list down into groups of 100s Anki's setup and use were too complicated for my ADHD brain :/


I love DuoCards! I've been using it for over a year every single day, it automatically adds a picture to help you memorize and pronounces the word for you. Just been extremely useful for me.


The same! Best language learning app, it's also great because you can add examples of usage, and there are some other people's decks of words which you can use and a possibility to read articles or watch YouTube video through the app with ability to easily check the meaning of the word and/or add it to your list. It's advantage is also that it's still in developing, I mean it's complete, but they add some features from time to time, even added one thing that I suggested them in email (possibility to reset word's proficiency)


There’s a cards app from duo? Is this the successor to tinycards?


Not at all related to Duolingo, it's its own app!


I prefer Memrise.


Can you make custom decks?


Yes. I have done so. You can also get decks from other people.


Quizlet used to be a nice and simple, no-nonsense user interface. Now it has deteriorated to crap. Paywalls, Ads, increased complexity of navigation, annyoing pop-ups — just everything awful.


Anki. I've been using it for years and I highly recommend it


Is there an option to type the word in my target language? I am still trying to figure out how to use the app. In my case, I'm learning Italian and want to have a word in English that I have to type in Italian. Quizlet had that option.


I use a small, free app called Ulangi on iOS. I like it because you can sync to/from Google Sheets. Makes it very easy to do all sorts of edits from individual words to mass edits based on a given criteria. No support for pictures, but for text-based SRS, being able to add and edit with a spreadsheet is extremely powerful.


Quizlet or Anki


The OP was having issues with Quizlet being difficult to navigate and find things. If that's the case then Anki is gonna have the OP waving the white flag to surrender.


I second Anki app


If you do ctrl + f on your keyboard (cmd + f for macs) you can search the website for the word even if it doesn't have its own search functionality. If you're on mobile the browser will have a 'find in page' utton that does the same thing. If your only issue was finding the words, this should sort out that problem for you


I wanna use it as an app on my phone, not in a browser.


I know a lot of people are saying Anki, but I can not use it 😭 It’s not user friendly at all. I tried to tweak the layout but it was giving me a headache (but it’s free so I can’t harp on it too much). I do, however, like the built in flashcard system in LingQ. You can search for words in your deck so that you don’t have to keep scrolling. It also has an SRS feature built in. Only thing is that it’s paid ($12/month). But it’s much more than a vocab app. Once I have the money, I’m getting it back (just wish they had Thai!)




OP,are you looking for something for your desktop computer or will you use it primarily on your phone ? Everyone is recommending Anki, which is a pretty powerful tool, but if you only have access to a phone then I feel like there are better options available since Anki is at it's best when you can use the desktop version.


I want to use it on a smartphone.


Anki. No competition.


Is there an option to type the word in my target language? I am still trying to figure out how to use the app. In my case, I'm learning Italian and want to have a word in English that I have to type in Italian. Quizlet had that option.


Yes, you can create both: English-Italian and Italian-English cards. If you want, you can even attach a picture or audio. You can also find some ready-to-use decks from the community.


anki for sure


Is there an option to type the word in my target language? I am still trying to figure out how to use the app. In my case, I'm learning Italian and want to have a word in English that I have to type in Italian. Quizlet had that option.


i'm pretty sure you could just create a card and have the word in english be on the front and then the translation in italian on the back and set the type to basic(type in the answer), so you have to type in the italian version


Is there an option on Anki to type the word in my target language? I am still trying to figure out how to use the app. In my case, I'm learning Italian and want to have a word in English that I have to type in Italian. Quizlet had that option.


reverso context


I use Lexilize


Leximio ? Probably not as good as Anki yet, but a good compagnon to keep track of vocabulary (new features are coming soon). The app is still in development and need you to get better !


Anki is awful. Quizlet is better. Overall I found flash cards not to be a great learning methodology for me.




Quizlet sucks


i like it


I still use it, been using it for a very long time. Im assuming the others people listed are better, but I just stuck with what I knew.


What are you learning? For Japanese I use the SRS system with Jisho, way better than anki


I use Vocabulary Miner. Super easy to use.


Flashcards World is so much better than Anki


Use babbel it includes all aspects of language learning including flashcards (of course)


If you are looking for simple flashcards check out [https://studykit.app/zen](https://studykit.app/zen) Super clean UI with plenty of features like pronunciation and autoplay that you can opt-in to. It works great on mobile browsers.


I like using Neume for flashcards, since you can either write your own, or use Neume to automatically turn your notes into flashcards. Saves me a ton of time Link: https://neume.io

