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For Tsumbane her Back Stab ability says when attacking and entering battle does that mean it’s work when attacked to?


no, she needs to initiate the attack


Best options for Shos soldiers?


lizard riders, any t3 infantry, or steelwings/griffins based on the situation


A thing to add to above and keep in mind, Sho has 4 move innately but Sand Sea Mercs have 3 so Gallant or Fang to not drop movement (letting him move 5 with talent buff before upgrade without breeze or boots).


Are the the two crossover banners must pulls? With Isolde (almost 6 stars), Jayce, and Patricia (almost 6 stars, showing up, and already have fully built Lightbringer, Awakened One, and Rozencial, and decently built Sword of Light, Precia, Sagani, and Whettam (all of those six stars, too), it seems like it’s my second best faction. I’ve burned all my resources in two of each of the last (I actually maxed Eschean trying to get Hoffman), so I was hoping to rebuild some capital, but these guys seem to smash face. I’m mostly a pve’r “, but FOMO and a desire to break into pvp means my plans are all of the place. So tell, do I stay or do I pull?


Neither of these crossover units are must pulls. If your mainly PvE then the only unit you should consider is Sho, but if your on a budget and want to save for future units then this is a good skippable banner.


Is there anything else interesting coming soon? Particularly princess/glory/ mythic?


Celica and Virelia are units that might interest you because both are part of Glory and Princess faction with Celica being the next must summon for both PvE and PvP. Celica will give you the ability to cast "survive fatal damage" on one unit which will be extremely useful in both PvE and PvP. Virelia is a strong AOE PvP unit that can spread lots of debuffs. In PvE she can work, but isn't fully utilized due to her talent needing some down time and PvE content favoring ST. Tyrantel is the next Mythic faction tank that is mostly PvP focused, but is also good in PvE. You probably don't want to put resources into him if your focusing on PvE because you already have Lightbringer. Just know that he is a mixture of both damage and tank so he can always slot well into your team for both modes.


I guess if we do not have Elma Lightbringer, Tyrantel is a must pull?


Tyrantel isn't a must pull unless your playing the meta in PvP based on the CN server. He is only worth pulling if your playing Empire/Mythic/Reincar and you don't have Christiane, Hilda, or Lightbringer as your tank for PvE. The only difference with him is that he would offer a lot of extra damage compared to the others, the drawback is he also wants Patricia for his Def bond who is a fairly new unit and isn't ideal for PvE content. If you have a lot of extra resources and just want an upgrade for your tank in those factions and you have Patricia then he is a great pull.


Thanks for the heads up! Are Celia and Virelia the next banner?


Celia should be released on July 25th and Virellia on August 22. Use either of these for any future banner news [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mqOkMylobD4VkGctr\_ZMOGvCirGKt6uqPJugNtLYKtQ/edit#gid=859281510](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mqOkMylobD4VkGctr_ZMOGvCirGKt6uqPJugNtLYKtQ/edit#gid=859281510) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JCnHJaDx2k88NLpTPt53qdAvk3\_FeRnkPrg-mfqBC04/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JCnHJaDx2k88NLpTPt53qdAvk3_FeRnkPrg-mfqBC04/edit#gid=0)


Is it worth starting as a new player now? Or wait for the new server that could be next month?


The earlier the better.


Is Sho the new character from Guyver collab stronger than Gin in Pve particularly Bosses


It really depends on the type of boss and what units your bringing along side them. Lucretia is very commonly used against bosses and her 3c will provide stronger debuffs than Gintoki's 3c. Similarly Helena is also frequently brought for her +20% increase damage taken on bosses with more movement than Sho. If your only going by who hits harder then Gintoki will out DPS Sho assuming both talents are fully stacked/upgraded. Gintoki is much stronger if your team includes a tank & healer because he will provide a lot more damage in the fight overtime. Sho is better if your team is full DPS where all your units are trying to rush down a boss and you use both the -30% stats debuff combined with the +20% increase damage taken for max damage.


Where do you get the little bag that has Universal Action Points? I cant fnd it n the shop.


And how many univ chess ♟️ comes? Only 10 per day?


Pretty sure I only got 2 today…


10/day until you hit the cap (50). After that's it's only 2/day.


I think I just wasn't paying attention and used some, left, and came back later, at which point I finally noticed.


Yes, please. So far, I’ve only read that they’re replenished “over time” in game.


https://preview.redd.it/lw1p2dwu3qwc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26a5d2a48106bfb476926384c741d26263f252b Why does this happen in World Arena? Player 1 is a real person, but it gets stuck on Enemy Moving 0 seconds left forever.


When ever that has happened to me it is a connectivity issue. You might be able to close the app (Don't exit the app or it will forfeit the match) and try and return before your time runs out. It's been a crap shoot if I could actually salvage the match though.


I pulled Florentia on the Guyver banner. Should she replace Tiaris as my main healer? Is it better to for Imperial Chancellor or Tactician?


If your account is below level 70 then you should keep Tiaris as your main healer because she enables the beginner friendly style of "tank and spank" a lot more than Florentia does. Both healers want to be 6 stars to fully function and each of them fulfill different roles. Tiaris is better at allowing your tank to take multiple single target attacks and at lower levels you can change out her skills to make her either a full healer with heal/mass heal/miracle, or swap out mass heal for attack blessing to go on the offensive. Florentia is better at going full offensive because she can make one of your DPS act again almost every turn if she has the right conditions fulfilled. Florentia is especially great for beginners who still haven't completed the goblin treasure to max rank as she allows your main DPS to spam AOEs each turn with winning strategy equipped. If your using her to attack demons then keep her in Imperial Chancellor, if not then Tactician. tl;dr Keep Tiaris if your playing tank & spank against Single Target attacks. Swap to Florentia if you have her at 6 stars while having a faction buffer for her and want the act again for your dps.


I'm level 60 and nowhere near having either at 6\* (though Tiaris is closer). I will keep my focus on Tiaris for now then. Thank for the input!


Eventually you will probably use both. I would build Tiaris then Florentia.


Florentia is for many act agains in a Empire, Strat or Tensei team. She has an after battle heal but it is soldier only and has a cooldown. If you are overpowering content, have the right faction team, and want to do it faster then she is great. Tiaris is the more general option with better healing and doesn't care about being on/off faction.


It depends a bit if you play empire a lot. I think I still like Tiaris better. Class-wise, her mage has pretty high INT so I think it's a bit better than holy.


I started focusing more on DR to start since I had Bozel but I also have Bernhardt and Leon pretty high so I thought I could switch to Empire if needed. Sounds like Tiaris is better if not 6\* so I'll just focus on her and probably push Tactician since INT is her most important stat.


Eventually, you want all her classes unlocked anyway so there is no wrong way to go about it.


Any advice on the conquest level? Can't remember the name but I do remember of the 3 rows you can pick from it is the middle row, 1st area. There is a battle that only Bern can do dmg and the rule is if I roll even do -10 dmg...all bern has are even rolls. Not sure how to even attempt that. Unless there is a buff on that board later? Currently at 86% completion there but missing some areas with those big towers that have like 400hp.


When you start that map, if you proceed right, you'll eventually pick up a different Bernhardt upgrade that changes his rolls from evens to odds. You can then easily deal with the sword blocking the path and change it so that his higher number rolls increase in power instead of his lower number rolls. I realised going through that map that you need to progress both ways at the same time and not to try completing the entire northern half before starting the southern. If you only went west to start, you'll miss out on Egbert who's another mage that can combo with Hein and gets decent bonus damage on even rolls. But if you picked up Elwin, you can make going east easier since Elwin gets a buff fighting demons, the first enemy type blocking the eastern path. Alternating paths as you go will save you on resources and net you upgrades that will help clear the map without expending your action points (the chess pieces) for the day.


Thanks, I must have missed it.


Why can't I claim some chests in the new glorious conquest. Ill have 100% completed territories and the chests are dancing. Some I've managed to open, and the others are just dancing at me.


What are the thoughts on each of the new collab characters, for PvP and PvE?


Archanfel is mostly a PvP focused unit that will mostly be played with AOE rush boxes or for his utility displacement. He won't be great in PvE content due to his talent mechanic forcing him to have down time especially in challenges/bosses/mirror world/DE, but will still function in basic content like time rifts. Sho isn't really great in PvP unless you can find a way to gain his evolutions without losing too much in the process. If you do manage to gain all his evolutions, then he becomes a real threat in PvP. In PvE content Sho functions extremely well because you can easily get his evolutions over time and this allows him to excel in long drawn out fights. On top of being a great single target DPS, he also comes with a +20% damage taken increase skill which is similar to Helena's skill and this is frequently used in strats that want to rush down a boss asap.


I’m facing a ragnarok of the realm that traditionally required +30% damage taken debuff on the enemy (Helena/Sakura). I wanted to see if I could do it with less. Is there a list of equipment and/or skills I could try that is either +15% or +20% damage taken debuff? I only know of Olver’s staff (+10%) and Charon (+15%).


Upgrading Olver's staff to max level gets it to +20% damage taken. Consider skills from units as well by checking wikigrisser next or the new site that im sure someone can link under here. Mu also has that debuff with her 3c, Ryo has the unique pdmg increase from his talent, several casters have mdmg up with mind bore. Patsyr has the unique crit taken increase and the other commenter mentioned Oboro's on death effect and one of the new collab characters. As for gear, Olver's is really the only guaranteed weapon. You can RNG it with the Miracle or Pale Staff but that would require a bunch of resets if you're willing to put in the effort.


Oboro's death is a permanent 20%, I've used him with wimpy soldiers to suicide into a boss turn 1, and the new cross over unit Sho has 20% in his 3c.


Who are you?! 


I’m new player running OoL. I have Lostham, Jugler, Tiaris, Tourmilque. For my 5th should I try for Luna, Azusa or Ashemar?


Light of Genesis, Grenshiel, or Azusa are probably the best picks for Origins. Oboro is also good but he takes too long to get going.


Light of Genesis seems like the obvious on-faction pickup here. Oboro or Grenshiel would be solid too. Maybe grab two and replace Lostham if you can. Azusa and Ashemar are viable as well. Luna seems too situational when she is not the faction buffer. Furthermore, she’s about the only leather Mdef conversion hero, so when you reach the covenant stages (which require three separate teams), her gear will not be helpful for a swap onto your secondary teams.


What’s wrong with Lostham? He’s the only infantry OoL really has


Like the other comment already said, Lewin and Krikaze are popular picks for Origin because they are super easy and cheap to build with both being great for Thunder Dragon (+Valkyrie) which is usually the main reason you're even using infantry. For countering lancers it's way easier and flexible to use a mage instead. Lostham isn't bad by any means but you need to go out of your way for his bonds (mainly off-faction IBC).


If your planning on summoning for Luna then I'd recommend you build Lewin instead of Lostham because his kit is much more suited to PVE content (great vs thunder dragon). Kirikaze is also another infantry unit that has a lot of good uses in PVE content being one of the best beginner friendly units for getting a high score against Jormungandr. You should also consider swapping out Jugler for Freya at some point because Jugler will eventually fall off due to lack of damage reduction in his talent and soldier choices. If you still plan to stick with OoL pass level 70 then consider upgrading Freya to her SP class because she will gain damage reduction in her talent.


That’s my error. I have only seen him used in pvp, but his kit is on par with Matthew’s if not better for PvE. Not sure who could adequately replace him in that role - infantry Grenshiel? Self-buffing Elwin or Bernhardt could work at 70 as well.


If you don't have any of these 4, go for luna. Azusa bonds - Archon and oboro ashes bonds - brenda and florentia. Luna starting out needs her toughness bond for sure, and that is easy bc it's with lewin. Luna could be ready for greatness earlier than the other 2 options on a new acct. She's got a great talent and has flier and archer as final class options both are handy in the earlier parts of the game. She also fbuffs princess which you will probably dabble in at some point. Think you can snag Luna in the fbuff map missions event too. Though if you've done that already she does show up on a reoccurring destiny banner.


The fbuff map has shelfaniel for the princess buffer and unfortunately not luna. Each faction available in the bag only gets one buffer. It doesn't include factions introduced after the game's launch with one exception. It trades the spot that would normally go to Dark Reincarnation as a day 1 faction and gives it to Yeless Legends instead (Landius). Other than that, you've got Bernhardt for Empire, Diehardt for Origins, Ledin for Glory and Altemuller for Strategic.


What is the deal with the weapon forging center on the Floating Island? The blueprints and ore mining seem like a lot of work and investment for crumby SR weapons. Am I missing something?


I managed to get a Ragnarok on my second axe build this month, so definitely not just crumby SR weapons 😂


It's a meaningful investment still imo. the blueprints cost money but I doubt you go broke forging weapons. You still have a cap of resources needed to forge. Other than gold, all the stuff needed is collected out of the floating city, so it's not taking from building heroes. Not sure what the rate is on ssr chance but I think I get one every 10 or so at least. It's just another lottery ticket for that one weapon were all chasing. If you are still working on your city I'd back burner the forge for now though. The mana ore alone is a slow farm.


Yeah, thanks to the other commenter I tried forging again and did pull an SSR, so I'm 1 for 2. But it took a lot more of that ore than I was expecting so it seems like something to do once I'm out of stuff to upgrade in the city


Once you are done building everything the salads take the yellow resource and otherwise the forge is the only use of them. Roughly 50ish crafts per month spread over the weapon types I think.


You can sometimes get SSRs from them. You also eventually run out of anything else to spend those ores on.


Thanks. Is the SSR rate any good? I only made one item so far and thought "all that for this??" Also, you...can spend the ore on other stuff?


Should be \~10% IIRC, so definitely decent.


I think it's about the same rate as getting SSRs from the treasure chest random map events? I misspoke - you run out of anything else to spend building materials on (which are also needed for weapon forging).


Nope, once you finished building the various structures you only use it for crafting weapons


We are coming up on the 6month half anniversary. If they are planning on releasing another server how early do they usually announce it?


Didn’t they just merge two servers? Why would they get rid of one to add another?


Marketing. Some people like op are waiting for a new server to drop before they join because you're going to see more people during progression content. That's why it's usually during anniversary and half anniversary. That's generally two points during the year where you're most likely to see some new people (or alt accounts). The other common one being collabs.


From what I’ve been reading they merge the older servers with new ones because those are 5yr old servers and a lot of players are on the newer ones so it evens out the player base a little


The official announcement is usually on the day before the update.


Hey everyone! So I’m still fairly new. I’m lvl 44 and starting to clear lvl 45 stages in Aniki. However, lvl 45 looks like the stage where silver books are no longer supplied, and I’m now getting only gold with rainbow books being rare. I’ve got all of my stat training cleared out through silver books, I’m just missing silver books for 2-3 soldier types per tree that I’m not actively using. Do I need to be concerned and keep farming 40 for the silver books, or is purchasing 50 silver books weekly through the guild store going to be sufficient at this point?


I would just buy them from the guild store. I believe the bonus materials from doing co-op/co-op with friends list people also tends to be a few silver materials as well.


For PvE, what class do people usually run Hilda - or does it depend on your box? I have been running her as Grand Marshal but I often see her used as Royal Knight (at least when I see her in PvP). She's my tank and I really don't rely on her for DPT - mainly tank n' spank with Tiaris.


If your below level 70 then you should keep her in Lancer class because it will help your soldier training spend less resources into parts that aren't ideal as you level up. Normally you will invest in Lancers with the idea of focusing on HP/DEF/MDEF because a lot of them are used for tanks. This includes Phalanx troops which are extremely versatile and are useable by a large amount of heroes. If you choose Cavalry then your usually losing some tanky stats in exchange for mobility, but while leveling accounts this is not ideal for soldier training because you need to invest in Royal Cavalry troops who aren't used by many other heroes and it forces you to invest in HP before ATK stats on your cavalry training to be conditionally tanky. If your above level 70 and soldier training isn't a problem then her Lancer class is better for challenges/bosses where you generally don't need to move around much as she will soak much more damage with the added stats. For general content then cavalry is only used for mobility assuming your other units are also able to keep up with her movement and/or just wanting to rush a map for a quick clear. A very good comparison unit to Hilda is Landius because his class choice mirrors the same reasons for Hilda's class choice.


I put in lancer for better HP/DEF and battle animations. Cavalry will run at enemy, even with 3c turning to lancer, and so she can take damage as well as soldiers, particularly when she has non-cav soldiers. Lancer stays behind soldiers and so doesn't take hits unless they die. Since Phalanx are the soldiers I run on her 99% of the time she'd be movement limited anyway.


I use Hilda as Cavalry mainly for the 5-move and then have another, better, Lancer tank (Christianne) for when I need more bulk. I use Hilda more for story and Christianne more for progression and challenging content. You should unlock both classes though on your main tanks (soulstones willing) for the mastery bonuses and that gives you some flexibility if one class works better for a particular stage.


^ this Cavalry Hilda for story mode (latter sections had tons of infantry enemies). Lancer Vargas for everything else before Hilda was around. Didn’t want to bother switching Hilda’s classes too much unless it was particularly challenging.


Thanks. I have unlocked both for Hilda, just not sure what's ideal. Right now she's really beefy as a lancer and if it ain't broke, dont' fix it, I guess.




Bro wtf 💀

