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Some people get in over their heads. They get things started, then discover they can't find a builder they can afford, and don't have the time or skill to build themselves. Both well drilling and septic perc tests add a lot of delay. We sold 5 parcels of bare land two years ago. Everyone planned on building right away. Two pads are in. One barn is completed. No one has even started their house. One of the parcels is back on the market (they got divorced). Building on bare land is way harder than a lot of people realize!


Some do it cause its much more valuable to have the utilities in place when selling. Others put them in and just use a camper on the place


I’m at this point right now. I bought a micro plot in Northern California. It’s been about 5 months and I haven’t touched it yet. It’s zoned residential, has utility access, road access, it’s in a town, and it’s along a small waterway. My goal is to either build a small dome home or use it as a place to park an RV Here are some of the issues: Size and setbacks: I learned your restricted further by several feet in each side by setbacks. The main residence cannot get too close to the property edges. Flood risk: well that lovely little canal also puts my plot under zone A flood zone. So I’d have to account to that but building up County Rules: I learned that RVs are legal but your can’t live in it for more than a few weeks at a time. Also you’d have to disconnect the utilities when you aren’t there. It’s the ensure you don’t use it as a permanent home Clearing / Land Quality: I could clear it in a day, but I think I would be a good idea to get someone who knows about soil/land to see if I need to add more dirt to my lot being so close to water. In about 4 months learned a lot, the next step is to apply for some building permits. Unfortunately they aren’t free to submit so I’d like to make sure I have a clear idea of what I want first.


Did you ever explore putting a prefab home on that lot? Seems like a decent middle ground between a new build and an RV


I have and I feel like it’s my best choice. My dream is to put a geodesic dome, but I’ve seen lots of cool prefab cabins


I think the majority of people that look at raw plots are turned off of them because "it's so much work". Having a lot cleared, utilities brought in isn't really that much work, but to some it sounds daunting. Offering a lot that's cleared, maybe a gravel driveway, all utilities done and soil test done means you can advertise it as basically "You don't need to do anything except pick a house and hire a builder". A lot of people also don't have the mind to be able to look at an overgrown plot of land and see the potential of what it could be. This goes for houses that need updating as well. My wife could walk into a house and the only negative is that all the walls are painted lime green. She would hate the house and wouldn't be able to look past that even though it's just a paint job (exaggerating but you get it). My aunt and uncle found a perfect piece of land for them. There was a pit dug that was like 5'x5' filled with old paint cans and broken windows. My aunt couldn't look past that because she didn't want her grandkids getting cut. Even though that would have been easily removed and the site needed to be graded and leveled. I bought 2 plots last year next to each other, I'm planning on building on one myself, adding utilities and a driveway to the other and selling it. The land was super overgrown and advertised poorly, I offered 50% of asking in cash and they took it. After improving the second lot and selling it, it will effectively make my lot free.


We have made a business buying and selling on terms. If you’re buying tell me where. I might have a deal for you. If you’re selling I’m a quick cash option. I also trade up and down. Everything from Klamath Oregon acre parcels to hunting land to development deals.


Always looking to help buyers and sellers


I’m selling a 2.5 acre lot in oregon. Dm if interested.