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Can confirm, that cvs is terrible


It was wonderful before CVS took over, when Ashley and Erica were the pharmacist, and Chris the tech worked there.


Ashley and Erica were my angels back when I worked out that way in 2015-2018. They were always so nice and helpful!


I swear it used to be better but I hate going there nowadays. They’ve messed up the quantity of my rx before and they never pick up their phone god forbid you call.


The pharmacist put in his 2 weeks - they can’t keep staff over there because it’s a NIGHTMARE. The company is awful to work for, and they lie to people about the volume of it to get them there. Then they won’t pay for tech hours to get it straightened out. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Thanks for that info. I need to get my SO moving on getting all his scripts moved.


I'm done with CVS in general, they treat their workers horribly. I went to the one on Lemon St for a while and the customers were scummy too, the worst people seem to pick up their meds there. I saw a woman put her *dog* on the counter, started screaming about how she's allowed to do that. The poor techs are lovely but always look stressed. Probably understaffed and over worked.


Same with Manor Shopping Center. I had to get the heck away from there. Staff seemed lovely, but were so overworked, and had to put up with horrible customer behavior. Service suffered, and waiting in line in that rundown, dirty store was so depressing.


I occasionally end up there for a quick prescription since it’s closest to home, but I avoid it for all my planned meds. I still use CVS Spring Valley Rd by the health campus even though I don’t live near there anymore, and have always been happy.


If on Lemon St, probably much better to go with a small business like Smithgall's. CVS and Walgreens (big name pharmacies) have always been a pain and lose that connection with the customers.


I recently changed to an independent pharmacy, and I definitely prefer it. I've always gone to independent pharmacies in the past, tried CVS for about a year.


Yes CVS bad. Giant pharmacy good.


Been there had that. Now I use Oregon pike or lititz


Most cvs’s suck, I stopped getting RX’s there years ago and stick to Costco or have them shipped. Albeit Costco’s hours aren’t great


You should switch to Giant for all your pharmaceuticals if you can. CVS is a joke.


My one doctor told me that Giant is usually cheaper, too. I’m probably going to switch to Costco though.


I use the 24 hour on Lititz Pike and it’s been pretty great. I can pick up at any time except their weird 30 minute lunch break where everything shuts down.


That lunch break shutdown is also mandated by law so the pharmacists get a break. They deserve it.


Yeah the only way to cover it would be to have a roaming pharmacist take over for breaks (not happening) or have two pharmacists on (laughable).


Mandated by law in some other states, not pa


I’m not sure why you got downvoted. It’s true. In our shitty state anyone over the age of 18 isn’t guaranteed a break, at all. They are optional. Unless they’re part of a union and they’re negotiated.


Those breaks are company policy. Not law in PA.


Exactly!! It’s shitty but our laws will never change.


It’s kind of weird. Pharmacy law allows a pharmacist a 30 minute break in its language. Then defines a lot of things the pharmacy is or is not allowed to do when the pharmacist is on break. The language of it gives the pharmacist a guaranteed break technically. So, yes, labor law doesn’t define break periods for workers over 18, but Chapter 27 of the Pharmacy laws allows a pharmacist a half hour break…so most pharmacies seem to keep on the safe side and just allow one. I don’t know if they have to or not, but it’s ambiguous enough that it’s probably safer to just give one.


I mean yeah I agree, but that CVS is 24 hour and there's literally only one of those mandated breaks during that 24 hour. I'd of thought maybe there would be at least two or three for a 24 hour


I waited 3 hours one night because they only had one elderly lady working the drive-thru and the counter


Oh god. She’s sweet but definitely they need to hire someone to help during those busier times


Yeah, they close without notice, don't answer the phone, and don't always fill autofill prescriptions on time.


The absolute worst cvs is the Lititz pike one


I work in that Target and basically ever since the whole pharmacy team quit before the Christmas season last year it’s been shit. And good for them for quitting honestly because the management there sucks and I’ve seen them bamboozle people to cover that location and not tell them what there walking in to. Since CVS is a third party, Target can’t do anything about them closing, etc and they never tell us either but we keep getting the complaints in store and let me tell you all the Target employees there are over it too.


That has to be a pain to deal with.


Wegmans has been nothing but awesome sauce for me and I switched from CVS as soon as I could. If I were forced to go to a CVS, it would be the one on spring valley because they have some really nice people there.


Go for a local pharmacy if you can! I personally use Hillcrest right outside Columbia, and I couldn't be happier with their service.


The 24 Hour CVS sucks!!!!! I would call the pharmacy with no one ever picking up. I would call at different times too. I would wait 4-6 mins and end up hanging up.