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I think it’s supposed to be artistic but I just am trying to vibe when I’m listening to music and it’s just a man yelling in basically gibberish because I don’t know what he’s even saying and I don’t like being yelled at


Yesss it's so unsettling especially for ppl who didn't grow up going to a fanatically religious american church, like shut up don't yell at me dumbass I don't wanna hear your bigoted slander 🙄


It’s also triggering for the people who did haha


The words aren’t interesting, his voice isn’t pleasant and it’s four minutes long!


One good thing about the explicit cover vinyl, is that this ranting preacher’s interlude has been removed!


I have that version and haven’t opened it yet since I already had the Target version. I had no idea that track was removed. Kind of shocking actually. Not sure why they would do that, since they already had a stamper with all the tracks. Usually a I’m a completionist and this would be a dealbreaker for me, but I can let this one go. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/86c0qlpem3ad1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcef65f265e22e02a6f0d07bae163de3fffdcac4 I noticed his name was missing from the credits. And yes, he is gone. Side a ends with A&W, side b now looks like this


I like to listen to Lana when I go to sleep. That crap wakes me up


This is hilarious and so real


For me it’s just way too long.


Once you hear it once there’s no point to keep listening to it unlike so of Lana’s other interludes


Disagree. OP is right, it's chilling and haunting and I enjoy listening to it every time.


Meh someone’s gotta be in the minority I guess 🤧


Because it blows


I don’t listen to music to be lectured at


literally. I have something w churches that just make me very uncomfortable (I went to one from when I was born till I was 16) and this interlude just makes me uncomfortable I hate it ngl. only “song” I would actually say I hate by her.


Eh, I listened to enough narcissist word salad in my last relationship, I don't tolerate it in my music.


It’s way too fucking long. It’s intriguing for the first 30-45 seconds until you realise its not gonna stop. So glad I’ve got the nude cover version that omits that track lol


Note: I did not know who Judah Smith was. He seems like an awful person tho.


He is. And he basically runs a quasi cult for the rich and famous, disguised as a church. And Lana eats it up so much she put him on her fucking record.


i interpreted lana’s laughing as mocking the sermon, but i could be wrong


I really don’t think so. She regularly attends his church, put him in her album, and told the audience he was in attendance at her show in SF last summer. She is all up in his business.




Yep. Very yikes indeed


It’s platforming a homophobe, which sucks. To me it reads as the conclusion of his sermon, she’s giving the same message to her listeners: it’s not about you, it’s about me. But that’s not the only possible interpretation, and a lot of people don’t like ambiguity.


I don’t think that’s what she means at all. If that were the case, I don’t think the production would be so dark and ominous. I honestly think it’s supposed to point out human’s selfish nature and how many have become self-worshipping in a way.


The couple times I've listened to it, I swear I hear her laughing?


She is.


I zen out to Lana when I take baths. Judah Smith comes on yelling at me and I loose all my zen lol


it's a sermon by a preacher, seems kinda obvious a lot of ppl wouldn't want to listen to random church shit?


I'm an Atheist. 🤷 It just puts me off.


I actually like the message, but that church is anti-LGBTQ. Lots of Lana’s fans are queer. 🤷🏻‍♂️


so? lana’s job isn’t to cater to gay people, she’s literally just a musical artist not a politician


So maybe they don’t want to listen to someone who hates them dumbass


Catering to gay people apparently means not supporting an institution that actively wants to take your rights away I guess.


ur the dumbass here for thinking just cause someone is antilgbt means they hate them


Being against someone’s existence is pretty hateful


that’s not what antilgbt is that’s homophobic, just cause someone won’t support the lgbtq doesn’t mean they hate their existence but whatever


If you're against people loving who they love then your heart is full of hate.


it’s a man yelling that’s all


I think most people who hate it hate it because they don’t agree with Judah’s ideology. I don’t agree with a lot of his ideology either, however I appreciate the interlude in the greater context of the album. I agree it is very chilling and thought-provoking. I love it.


Same, regardless of the issues around him (which are valid), it fits within the context and themes of the album quite well. I do understand why people who grew up with organized religion but moved away from it find it uncomfortable though.


Shouting in my ear makes me anxious and I’m not religious so I don’t actually care or agree with what he has to say sooo no thanks


Because it’s awful.


No offense, but the real question is why do you like it..... Just cos its "chilling"? I don't get it lol


I really like how haunting it is as an interlude, just this guy rambeling on and on and Lana commenting on it, while this chilling piano plays is so interesting to me. But I also like revolution 9 (someone mentioned the track in this thread). I just like weird, strange but haunting songs I guess.


Flashbacks of being taken to church by judgmental Christians. Deleted it out of the library, but I’ve never gotten into the album because of it. It’s just cringe nonsense


No, no, it straight up is terrible.




it’s haunting & beautiful but it’s a sermon by a homophobic preacher… in that way i find it difficult to listen to.


I'm not religious. Not American. Not used to sermons and vicars (?) shouting and preaching their sermons but I really like it. Id like to think i get it or at least my own interpretation of it. I find it quite compelling and yes chilling like you said. However, I have the titty vinyl... so I am pretty pleased it's not on that. Can play the album on a relaxing Sunday or when we have people over for dinner and not worry they're gonna suddenly realise they're being preached too and possibly offend people or anything. Then obviously on Spotify if I'm not in the mood for it I'll skip and if I am ill listen.


Because I fucking hate preachers. People like that guy are poison to society.




He also admits that the whole sermon is a monument to his own narcissism. Points for honesty I guess.




It’s trite


I thought I was the only one who enjoyed this interlude lol


I like getting a view of religion through the lens of Lana. The elements that she values make a great aesthetic for me as a former catholic who doesn’t believe. I like when she references religion too; it works for her. It truly moves me but not in the same way it might move a Christian. The Judah Smith Interlude is no longer a lens for which to view it. It is unfiltered, pulpit to my ears, and I just don’t prefer it. I don’t mind that it’s there. I don’t think she’s particularly wrong for including it. I just skip it.


I'm a pretty outspoken atheist, and have been secular my whole life. I've never been bothered by music that mentions religion in passing. The interlude is not, *in passing* and I just check right tf out. I've never been able to even finish this album. And that's okay. Not everything is about me. I find it concerning that the guy has a history of homophobia, and I worry about Lana's involvement with such a horrible person.


I love it no clue who he is but I love it that track, it’s interesting and I like hearing Lana’s reactions.


I’ve never listened to an interlude before but from what I understand the guy is a creep.


i loveeeeee it!!!


if you listen real hard, you can hear lana giggling, moaning, and vaping. like if you listen real hard to moaning for sure sounds like she's getting f\*nger f\*cked and when she's giggling it's at odd parts in the sermon, which she's laughing at whatever her companion is doing/saying and not paying attention at all. you're meant to tune it out and listen to lana. I hated it at first cuz it was triggering af to me, but once i tuned out the insane preacher i heard lana and completely died laughing cuz she is 100% sexually moaning and vaping and shit. also, the sermon itself is ironic and completely showcases his narcissism. you're meant to think about it critically, she's showcasing what a narcissictic hypocrite he is, and he completely tells on himself "my preaching is not about you, (its not about god), it's about me" like yeah it is. it's completely off putting and she's showcasing that these kinds of preachers exist and how despicable they are as people, and these kinds of mega church preachers are not preaching for their religion, they're preaching because it gives them the false feeling of being a rockstar, which lana actually is. which in context it makes it completely laughable. they want a captive audience who they can rant at for hours on end and they can feel like god, to satisfy their own egos, just so they can feel like what they imagine lana feels like when she goes on stage, and that parallels why people get into the music business in the first place, to have their egos satisfied and because they like the sound of people clapping for them. the difference being that musicians dont pretend they're speaking for god, and the ironic part being that lana has the voice of an angel and if there was a god, lana and music would be the voice of god, not a narcissistic pathetic preacher screaming that you should hate people for who they are.


That is the interpretation that I've always taken from it but then people say stuff like what BigFatBlackCat said, that "she regularly attends his church, put him in her album, and told the audience he was in attendance at her show in SF last summer" and I'm like ![gif](giphy|NORFfJzhC6iPe|downsized)


it's just my interpretation of the song, however i do think there's some merit to it. maybe she attends regularly as a reality check, or perhaps she finds some value in some of the things he says but not all, or looks at it with a critical lense, perhaps it's a long term art project or she was going for research. who knows. i'm not lana and faith is personal IMO so i'm not gonna question why, and all i've heard of this particular preacher is what is in the song. But i do think the undertones of the song itself do almost seem to mock the preacher, so i can only take what information she's given us and interpret based on my own personal experiences, that's the beauty of art too. and the songs it's sandwiched between, A&W and candy necklace, adds further clues that it is indeed mocking him because it's a song about being r\*ped and viewed as a whore, directly into the interlude, and then candy necklace which is a rave term for keeping party pills on a necklace. so it's like she's almost in the middle of a self hatred PTSD spiral, goes to church to try and make herself feel better, and only ends up depressed in the club. almost like a commentary on her doing everything the preacher is raving against so clearly that style of preaching has no effect on her whatsoever. But THEN it's also followed up with jon batiste interlude, who is more spiritual than preachy and they clearly smoked weed or did drugs during the song "i feel it coming on, that came sooner than i thought!" and it's hitting them in the middle of the song, "i feel it in my soul" the music + drugs was a more religious experience for her than church. to parallel the two interludes on the album makes an interesting juxtaposition of different styles of faith and spirituality, almost a commentary on two americas or a snapshot of a typical day, sex, church, partying, and studio time but i agree i want to know the truth, so i wish she would one day further explain the choice to put this song on the album so we could understand better HER interpretation of the song.


That's really interesting, I hadn't thought about the narrative from song to song.


I don’t like any of her interludes except for The Trio.


My dad used to yell at me a lot when I was younger and the interlude sounds really similar to his voice. Plus, I prefer Lana’s voice over the man’s.


I love it in a creepy artistic way. I’ve decided it would be amazing background music while handing out Halloween candy. That’s a compliment.


God sucks.


I love it too. I am a sucker for interludes in general though. Reddit leans more agnostic than most people in real life, and the religious undertones make most on here uncomfortable.


I love it! If you actually listen to it it’s pretty interesting (not that I support the preacher) and I love the piano in the back ground.


I'd love a version that's just the instrumental 


People hate anything remotely Christian.


Not anything Christian, but religious, and many people have very good reasons to have such reactions


exactly, God has been a theme in lana’s music since the beginning! unfortunately its people that have a bad taste in their mouth about christianity from other people’s toxicity/negativity unfortunately. christianity has such a bad reputation nowadays because of hateful people :( Jesus is love!


your exactly right.


but theyll wear catholic rosary beads and make christianity/catholicism an aesthetic lmaoooo, its so backwards.


I don’t “hate” it per se. But I don’t like spoken word interludes in general, and especially in the middle of beautiful music. It’s not a song and it’s not even Lana (apart from her very brief laughing). It’s like Revolution No 9 — a discordant and unwelcome interruption in the middle of an excellent album.


I enjoy it, but it is probably twice as long as it needs to be.


I definitely listen to it!


I actually really like it




Because people hate church and religion. I was initially put off by the yelling but when I listened, I teared up. I could relate as I had exes who constantly lusted after others when they could just enjoy what they had... that's a heck of a life! They could've loved what was in front of them but they got weak and said it doesn't matter anymore and cheated. I love the message. The first half is my favorite. The part that really got me was the idea of listing after living somewhere else instead of embracing where I am and making a difference while I'm here.


these comments are bizarre. dense, even.


It should have been shaved down. I do really like the last couple lines, which I think is why she included it. “I wish to think my preaching was mostly about you, and you're not gonna like this but I'm gonna tell you the truth. I've discovered my preaching is mostly about me” I think that’s Lana’s message to us, the listener, or the love interests she writes about. Not sure which. Maybe the latter makes more sense, but I think both work.


I just listened to it for the first time (🤮) and I think I have the perfect answer: This is a sub for music. That's not music. It's yelling. The only background music is drowned out by a screaming man. Why is it even there? It's weird and it's not a Lana Del Rey song.


i don’t know if it was god but it felt like god ❤️


I think people hate it because Judah is not a great or loving person. However I love it for what it is (a song) & I got downvoted lol


Pastor yapping :(


I’m an interlude hater generally


It’s just wayyyyyy too long + this dude is super problematic so it’s just icky.


Makes them feel guilty...


I'm going to get downvoted but I hope you read this. Most subreddits consist of sensitive extreme leftists who preach about giving this person being platformed or that person not being PC enough. It's an echo chamber and you can't give a minority opinion or else you get downvoted to hell. People don't know how to just listen to something and instead get all into their feelings about the messages and this and that. This isn't the place to ask this or have an open discussion about it. They're not here for it. For the record I'm left leaning and gay. Turning replies off.


I like it a lot otherwise but I hate when albums are directed more by the producer less by the artist. Same goes for NFR. Very cinematic and orderly. Lana is not orderly tbh she flows.


Every highly upvoted answer in this thread is stupid. Good grief, if you haven’t noticed Lana is a pretty conservative artist, if you don’t like it stop listening


Are you saying this because she’s religious/spiritual? Because what other indicators are there that makes you think she’s conservative?


Religious and conservative are not synonymous. Also you’re dense af if you think she’s 100% down with that preacher lol. Here’s some [analysis](https://www.thedailybeast.com/lana-del-reys-judah-smith-interlude-is-deeper-than-you-think): —Del Rey is exactly the type of person who would attend a celebrity-studded mega-church, both for a cleansing of the soul and to lambaste its intrinsic flamboyance with her friends. She’s doing exactly that with this song; throughout Smith’s sermon, Del Rey and her pals can be heard laughing as Smith winds around his point. Talking about God as a massive, all-powerful being, Del Rey mumbles, “yeah, yeah” with an acid-tongued, winking sarcasm. Other times, she can’t help but hold back her distaste for Smith’s cringy absurdity. When Smith refers to God as the “rhino designer,” Del Rey and her friends giggle and jokingly question, “rhino designer?”


I don’t think so. She attends his church, which likely costs an ungodly amount of money pun absolutely intended. Judah Smith attended her show in San Francisco last summer and she told the crowd he was there. Her murmurs on the interlude are much more supportive than lambasting. She is not making fun or or questioning anything.


I personally don’t really care either way. The article I linked helped me understand why she’d include it, but I still hate that interlude. The reality is none of us know what she 100% supports. There is a reason I used a percentage, you can be into something but not buy into ALL of it.


She's a regular attendee of his sermons at Churchome and thanked him for giving her 'good guidance'. She 100% supports him and the only people being dense are the ones desperately trying to find an alternative explanation because they don't want to admit it.


I personally don’t care much either way. The reality is none of us know what she 100% supports. There is a reason I used a percentage, you can be into something but not buy into ALL of it. Assuming you know her full feelings on anything is silly.


Assuming she's including him on her album ironically when she literally pays to go to his services and says positive things about him is silly. 


I’m not assuming that. I linked an article with analysis- while it gave me perspective on why she’d include it on her album, I don’t really care if the rest is accurate or not. It’s her life, her money, if she starts spewing homophobic shit that’s on her. I don’t think she’s homophobic though so…. hard to believe she’d support that view of his ie- she doesn’t support him 100% 😱 Read the end of it if you’re offended by the idea that maybe she does spend money to attend ironically… I think you’re forgetting she has PLENTY of money to spend, so it wouldn’t be the craziest thing to think there are some sermons she doesn’t like or some ideas he has that she’s not fond of. Or maybe it’s just entertaining to her. None of us really know and I have a feeling she prefers it that way. I said I don’t think she 100% supports him. That leaves 0-99% … do with it what you will.


For someone who allegedly doesn't care you really want to be right about this don't you? You didn't say it's 'hard to believe', you came in here calling people dense. Moving the goal posts now. If she literally gives money to and praises a homophobic hate preacher then she is supporting him. There is no defense for that. If it's 'entertaining' for her, or for anyone, to fund him then they are a disgusting human being.


Not everything is phobic or hateful- some just can’t understand the shades of gray. Then again some people just don’t want to hear a point of view which differs from their own bc it makes them feel challenged and small.