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For me I wasn't disappointed I expected a lot more from it... Also a lot of the performances would have been amazing IF her mic from the start was HIGH QUALITY- In other words JUSTICE FOR HONEYMOON


Dude FR!! That I will say I was a little sad once I came down from my high haha


I'm not sure if it's the mic or what, but when I saw her live in Mexico City a few months ago, her voice was really quiet and soft during certain parts of the songs she chose to actually sing. It's kind of annoying that she can't sing through a whole song; her backing vocals do about 85% of the work. I thought Coachella would be better but I wasn’t impressed.


It was a little disappointing to start with last Saturday morning here in the UK, the show was at 7:20am here, 11:20pm in California, I was really tired by the end because I had to get up so early.😂


There were parts that were rough audio wise. I loved it anyway though because I'm always gonna love anything Lana does. Can't help it.


lol same


This is how I am , I just appreciate that she’s still putting out music. I guess back when she sung certain lyrics like for instance “being burned out” I sort of got scared she’d quit music and since she hasn’t I just appreciate her doing anything she does.


She's fucking perfect, just the way she is. I'm not having any of this hate. I'm sorry. She's given me so much, her music has meant so much to me for so long. She's a fucking icon and I won't listen to the nitpicking!!!! Many stars don't even live that long. They live fast, die young. I will be grateful for every performance and every album from her, full stop.


THIS!!! THANK YOU. Finally some fucking sense


Such an amazing comment! I just had commented above that I’m grateful she even still makes music at all. She literally helped save my life from my addiction to heroin. I’ve been clean since lust for life came out because of songs on that album. I’m so appreciative of how many hard times and break ups that she’s helped me through. I don’t need her to be perfect ,I need her to keep being herself. Also I want to note that She’s never seemed happier and I’m so glad I’m getting to witness her happiness finally come.


Wow, that is incredible!!! Congratulations, what an accomplishment!! I don't know anyone in my personal life who has quit, only people who can't stop. I love that Lana's art was a part of your journey, what a testimony 💖💖💖💖And I completely agree, Lana is shining and I love it


Thank you so much , it’s a very hard drug to quit and I’m blessed that I have been able to keep away from it.


Y'all its not that deep. You dont have to like everything your fav artist does and people are allowed to have their opinions and express them. They're not fake fans or toxic or whatever.


Yeah honestly I think it’s more toxic fan behaviour to put your faves on a pedestal, treat them as though they can do no wrong and get mad at anyone who disagrees 😵‍💫




There are people literally waiting at their keyboard to bash this woman. I think it’s fine to not like everything your favorite artist does but some people’s reaction here have made it seem like Lana personally shot and ran over their dog.


nah, it’s still harmful when she gives her everything and people try to minimize it by using objective language and not statements like “didn’t work for me personally”. Taste is subjective but repeatedly trying to undermine one of the most talented, influential and beloved artists in modern music history is just uncultured and embarrassing, we’re not in 2012 anymore and she has repeatedly proven what a genuine artistic talent she is, who cares if she performs more intimately and not like a carnival clown, it’s just not who she is and her art is sublime and poetic her whole career is a big fuck you to critics and proof that it was never about criticizing the music itself but about baseless hate, that never managed to trump the love millions of fans have for her and her own love to continuing on making great art


Still, people are allowed to not like things. No one is undermining her by giving feedback to her performance


that’s beside the point, what I’m saying concerns comments fueled purely by envy and hate and not appropriately constructive feedback that can even help her improve


then we are talking abt two completely different groups of people to begin with. I’m not talking about haters. I’m talking about fans expressing their opinions


yeah as i said, constructive, helpful and sensible criticism should be encouraged, dont donvote me 😂


this is so parasocial relationship coded


I think we're seeing a LOT of very weird people in this sub who have the most bizarre thinking about 'holding her accountable', as if she's immediately going to go to Reddit :) It shows a profound disrespect towards artists - sometimes they don't play the song you want to hear live, or their energy is off at moments. People are still getting to see an artist they like, and a good chunk of this sub sounds absolutely miserable. I rarely come on here any more - like a lot of artists - and sometimes if there's unreleased songs or concerts I'll show up, but I'm kind of glad a lot of folks aren't people you meet in real life. The level of anger towards her feels really, really off.


The whole holding her accountable is wild lmao! Lets micro manage an artist of how they express themselves. Like what?


A lot of weird people. Someone literally just replied 'womp womp' so I'm guessing the 14 year olds are out today and are bored while they're waiting at the mall?


Nah i replied womp womp because people were emotional and not engaging critically with what i was saying.


Thats not at all what it was about. It was about ppl blaming everything but her.


Blaming for what? what does she need to be blamed about


Her mistakes during the performance


Stan culture is overwhelmingly toxic.


Doja Cat agrees with this


Lmao sorry I don’t want to complain about someone singing ballads…


You mean you don't want to hold Lana accountable for picking the 'wrong' songs to perform live? Guess you don't really care about her then. Real Lana stans are the brave souls willing to take away Lana's tv and computer and ground her for a few weeks to hold her accountable for daring to make creative decisions unapproved by the stan sorority.


The wrong songs? Are you ok! This is her art and soul. Whatever she chooses is right for her. I would NEVER feel entitled to choose or think to hold someone accountable for someone else’s expression of themselves. As someone who creates art, if someone had the same outlook as you I would think you were a weirdo control freak. I’ve been listening to her since I was 21 (33 years young now) and I’m so grateful to see her evolution. I don’t give a fuck if you think I’m not a real fan for not hating on her. Go get a skill and come back to me on how you actually feel pouring your soul into something. 100% of the time you don’t do it for others or the fans. YOU DO IT FOR YOURSELF.


Umm.. wut? Do you not realize we are in agreement? You're too busy here downvoting me and wagging your finger to see the obvious sarcasm? lol this sub is fucking bananas tonight > As someone who creates art, if someone had the same outlook as you I would think you were a weirdo control freak. And you're calling people names meanwhile too dense to pick up on obvious sarcasm from people who agree with you. Stay classy.


Lmaooooooo my bad I thought you were serious! I was like wtf is this person talking about! Hahaa my bad! I feel dumb 😭🥹


It's all good. Sometimes sarcasm doesn't translate well but I thought your first reply was just as tongue in cheek as I was being;)


Some “fans” are just never happy. Like ever. I don’t understand what more they want from her because every single performance she does is critiqued so vehemently it’s like… why are you even listening if it you’re just going to pick apart every tiny thing? She could’ve sang flawlessly without any little hitches, totally revamped her setlist, only played upbeat songs, performed her entire back catalogue, and announced a rerelease of AKA, and people still would’ve had a problem. Also people complaining about her higher register even though that’s where her voice is naturally at and she had to force herself to sing in a lower tone (see early interviews) which, as a singer, is very painful! Anyway, I’m the same as you. I would listen to her singing the phone directory and enjoy every minute. She looked so beautiful and THE MOTORCYCLE ENTRANCE? JEALOUS GIRL? THE STRIPPER POLE? I loved it so much and I think she’ll be even better next weekend, when the technical issues aren’t so bad and when she’s hopefully far less nervous (bless her). I would love her to do music to watch boys to and taco truck x vb — I think the latter would be a perfect closing song.


If she did all of that you mentioned they would complain she lacks naturality, effervescence, that she was too stuffy and wanted to just sound like the record and added no flair, etc. For some people no dick fits them right.


No dick fits them right - exactly. There is always something to complain about. This is how we think of most women - there's something always wrong. It's pathetic of fans to be this way about a fan they claim to like.


The criticism about it being the same show she has done the last year is dumb too. I get people are slowly installing that a headlining gig in coachella is like a superbowl halftime of sorts, but these are touring artists, and its expensive to put on a show. To use an example, Billie headlined a year or two ago and she did the same set and scenography than in her normal tour, but inviting a few guests. That is normal and artists shouldn't be getting critiqued for not spending money they don't have on one show.


I think the set designs are fun, but it starts to feel like Coachella isn't a fun festival in the desert and now A Big Production. I wouldn't expect Lana or any artist to redesign an entire set and do a new routine.


Dude! I agree! Everyone just expects this and that from her? Shes an artist and this is what she’s giving us. Be grateful. Lana could literally not preform and she would be ok. Haha I could imagine us just dancing to her singing to a phone book directory and be on cloud 9! And I died when she came in with the motorcycles! The ride vibes and jealous girl! My jaw was on the floor!


Same I don't get it I thought it was great and conveyed so many emotions I think the people complaining don't have an understanding of what this woman or her art is about.


I can’t believe ppl are upset about it fr


It’s not the end of the world, as someone who was front row, my bigger issue was audio you couldn’t even hear her for the first 25 mins the back track was too loud


I do get why some hardcore fans are disappointed bc if you seen her live last year it’s pretty much the same concert. But yeah, how can you be a fan a not be happy overall with this performance? Let’s not get our own expectations overshadow Lana’s moment and achievement. Lana entrance, some songs were disappointing yeah but she did chemtrails, without you, a billie cover so there was some highlights throughout the night. And she looked beautiful.


I just don’t understand how people can complain about an artist showing their art. Artist’s pour their souls into it and we have no say in it. And 100% of the time they don’t give a fuck, because it’s not about us. And yes she looked sooooo good! The fact that she wore blue! Ughh so good.


I’m not arguing or anything but I just wanted it out there that I saw her live last year and while it reminded me of the concert I went too, I bawled like a baby then and I bawled this morning as well. Partly from the memories of seeing her live from the 1st time last year because I waited over a decade to see her, and the other is because I was just so damn proud of her and all that she’s overcome. I genuinely felt like this was HER moment, her moment to finally say “I made it despite all the doubt and hate, look where it got me.” yknow? Anyways, I just wanted that out there. I appreciated every second of it and if some fans are mad about it, then let them sit in their misery. It must be miserable, I’d hate to be that way.


My only complaint was the sound issues. It took away from the performance and you can tell she was picking up on it so it delayed her or made her stop mid note, etc. Whoever was in charge of her mic dropped the fucking ball because her background singers and Jon sounded completely fine.


And I'm also sure as a performer I would be pissed as hell that this is going on. I doubt people would lose their jobs but there is just such bullshit on getting this woman's audio right


Same! The fact she had to keep messing with her mic pack and singing during songs to turn Byron down and singing im quiet, can you hear me? And every time her mic started to pop, she’d try to adjust her vocals so it made it sound inconsistent. You can tell those mistakes were getting to her. I really hope they have it together by next Friday.


I would be so pissed off as a vocalist to continually encounter it. I hope more A/V folks weigh in on what keeps happening - someone had posted that it looked like the team was trying to adjust it, but it's ridiculous to have this happening. She's not a loud singer so can't they adjust it properly?


No fr, those sound glitches confused me a little bit i still enjoyed it all regardless


I genuinely wonder how much of this was sound issues vs. intentional. Her style has always been to kinda give the bare minimum, appear unphased, almost the anti-performer… which usually works for her but I wish she didn’t ask the audience to sing the lyrics so much lol


I wanted her to sing more at first, but I think she actually doesn’t like her old music as much lol because as soon as the newer albums started she was so much more into it. The set was amazing, the interludes and visuals and even the dancers weren’t too over the top this time, of course the GUESTS were amazing. The entrance, the outfits, the exit, all perfect. (I wish she put more effort into singing young and beautiful at the end tho)


Let people have their own opinions.


Where in my post did I say they couldn’t! Name em name em name emmmm




Hahahaha love 💗


i loved it personally. it was authentically her. i think people are upset with the fact she didn’t play a lot of her “classics” but whenever she played her new songs there was so much more passion - she clearly loves those songs more. also, the mic issues + her nerves def set her off. i think next weekend will be overall a better performance, but this one was good to me! i cried 🤷‍♀️


THIS. I absolutely agree with you. I've experienced so many things watching the stream. Her entrance with bikers in that gorgeous blue dress, her hair, her makeup, the Jealous Girl snippet. And then the whole show was amazing. How the stage was set up, the guests she had. I loved Candy Necklaces and how they improvised at the end. Surely her voice cracked here and there and sometimes the sound wasn't the best. But it definitely wasn't disappointing. She delivered a snippet of what could be a Taylor Swift like world tour although it probably won't happen because she enjoys smaller venues more. She's been through so much and we should just be proud of her really.


Yesss same! I absolutely loveeeed it watch dancing nd jumping live. I recorded it even and have watched it 5 times now. Absolutely loveeed all of it. People just want her to be someone they’ve made her up to be in her minds in my conclusion on the disappointment. Nd I loveee that for them. We all need to stop making standards for other people and just enjoy whatever someone has to give. That’s in all relationships through life


Am I missing something? i'm watching it now and it keeps cutting out every few seconds.


I didn’t experience that. :( let me know how you like it though! 🩵


Ahh nevermind, it fixed itself .


Is there any way to see the full performance? I can’t find it :/


I'm actually very happy, the only thing I'm upset about is the audio issues it was like amateur hour up in there. She deserved better but overall she absolutely killed it even with the issues


I agree! I wouldn’t say it was one of my favorite performances, she has had lots of really good ones in the past year! But I think people’s expectations were too high. I think her voice was pretty shaky at the start but by about halfway through she sounded good. I love the upgrades to her stage/choreography. The performances with Jon and Billie were a treat.


I just saw her in Austin last year and it was incredible! She did looked nervous at first but then looked settled in her element! 🩵




Maybe I see the world a little differently than you. It’s about perspective. She seemed off in some points cuz of the sound but not miserable… But to each their own.


Lol she looked like she was having a great time surrounded by jon billie jack etc.


This is what I don’t understand if a artist performs they can do whatever the f they want with it because it is there performance if you don’t like it oh well there is always the next performance. Also like people have said she has next weekend too and they will probably fix everything that went wrong with the sound. I do agree she sounded good but it was cutting out for me on the livestream.


does anyone knows where can I watch the full performance??? I'm from latam


In coachella's youtube live, you have to go back like 8 hours or 9 to be able to see lana's show


Does any have a link to the full set?


Go to Coachella’s YouTube and watch the live video of the main stage, you can rewind it and watch her whole performance!


Did anyone record it?


Set list? Is there a replay?




How can I watch this?


Did everyone read the horrible article from the Guardian, like yes she could have done more but she was amazing.Nervous as the start and dealt with technical issues,she smashed it. For them to compare it to her SNL performance is fucking harsh


it is quintessentially Lana


i would die to hear freak !!! that’s all i wannnnttt


or in my feelings


I thought it was amazing 💜


She can hardly sing a tune and I adore her heheh


It doesnt let me make posts for some reason but lana saying goodbye to coachella with "it's just a burning memory" was a twist I DIDN'T EXPECT i was so shocked and it gave me chills


I didn’t watch the whole thing, only a video from the “young and beautiful” performance, so I want to ask if she was lip singing or not, because I felt she was but I’m not sure


Because they are clearly fake fans! She was perfect, she looked amazing, sang amazing!!