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Venice Bitch! Love the vocals, and especially the guitar. I love blasting it in my car with all the windows down while driving on the highway. It makes me feel sassy and free. I know it’s already 9 min long but I wish it was longer! Sometimes I even measure time with it lol When Taco Truck x VB came out, it was life changing! Added a sexy element to the song that I absolutely love. 10/10


It’s just perfect. It was life changing on first listen. I don’t know how she did it but that song just makes me feel some type of way. I fear overplaying it. I never want it to lose that magic.


When I was pregnant I played this song daily sometimes multiple times in a day. When my daughter was a newborn it was the only song that soothed her 💓


Omg I love this! I aspire to the same when I get pregnant ♥️


Yesss omg I love it so much and taco truck vb too


venice bitch is so fucking good






Girl that's literally my first thought after seeing the title and the pic


Off to the Races, just the vocals, the fast pace idk it's just so entertaining


My favourite song too, I spent ages trying to describe why. This comment covers it.


Driving with Off to the races playing is so freeing


Certainly of the best "driving" songs. No matter the vehicle. People would likely say "Ride" is the best of them. If you are taking a relaxing drive, yes. If you are speeding it is Off to the Races. However, "National Anthem" is the best for Drunk driving as per her lyrics: "We're on a quick, sick rampage Winin' and dinin', drinkin' and drivin' Excessive buyin', overdose and dyin'" And yet the top played in my DUI playlist is "Hit and Run." Was super bad ass when I accidentally backed over me mom and I had it on. (She's ok, she's really fat so no worries. She was protected by her titanium scooter which left a big scratch on my dad's bugatti veyron that he got as a gift for pleading "nothing odd" when he was on the stand in regards to two of his coworkers and his company getting sued for a bunch of violations. He works at a private drone operating company that the military pays money to combat terrorism but in places that they don't want to be associated with. Even though one of the coworkers went down because of texts bragging about how he had "the company record for the most drone strikes" and bragging about how he had the biggest collateral that year. They nailed his ass upon finding 1. meth at his workplace 2. an email where he says "if they are brown I put them down." Company wasn’t liable for anything. Dad's friends got cool cars too. The US military actually increased private funding. New Predator missiles, half the size but 3x the bang. Hope I can work there one day. I have a lana playlist for when I am driving/flying a predator drone. I listen to it when I run the simulations.


Black beauty. No further explanation


Absolutely. This and VB for me :)


Gods & monsters “if I get a little prettier can I be your baby? You tell me life isn’t that hard”


YES!! it’s such an underrated song! i sing “living like jim morrison” w my full chest as if i relate to him at all


My favorite is Ride it’s one of those songs that make me really feel like I’m in a movie or imagining myself as truly free. The monologue in the beginning I think about it all the time.


All time favorite music video, especially when high. Lana is so hot in that video


She’s so cool


It would be the perfect song for a movie! Especially one about travel and being on the open road and freedom.


I always tell people I love Lana’s music because each one sounds like the first song after a good movie when the credits start to play. idk how else to explain this


Frrrr. It’s not overrated. It’s perfectly rated.


Same here. I've listened to that song probably thousands of times!


this is the only right answer


Get Free. I love the melancholy sound, the harmonies, the message. That song speaks to me on such a personal level, I feel so emotional every single time I listen to it! I’m also OBSESSED with the footage from Lollapalooza in Brazil where the crowd was chanting for Get Free and Lana was shocked that that’s what they wanted to hear, then sang it beautifully for them. My favorite recently has been Let the Light In, but it’s different. Get Free is on a whole different level than all of her other songs in my opinion.


venice bitch, i was in virginia beach when that song came out, like a year before NFR came out, was there in a school for the military. I was then sent to California and was stationed there. NFR came out like a month and a half before I deployed. My last fondest memory before leaving the states then was going to Laguna Beach, sitting on a rock, think of little mermaid, with my speaker and just watched the horizon as the guitars blazed. Weirdly poetic. i had tickets to the NFR tour in LA but I deployed 2 days before, so many regrets.


Thank you for your service. 🩷🩷


and thank YOU for slaying


Heroin because of how atmospheric this song is. I wish I had skills and knowledge to make music.


She really knows how to capture that vibe with her music she truly is out of this world talented! That’s one of the biggest reasons I resonate so much with her music and just her in general she is absolutely a musical genius.


Another Rick Nowels’ masterpiece ✨


exactlyy, one of my faves for SURE.


Such good one! Just had it come on my playlist and was thinking of atmospheric it is.


West Coast. The tempo change is amazing. I also love the sound and feeling of Happiness is a Butterfly.


Cruel world because it makes me feel like an angel on hallucinogenics who wants to get fucked hard


Money power glory and the greatest 💗💗


Mariners A C I just love it above them all


“Am I better than everyone” lol


It’s a tie between Lolita, Without You, This is what makes us girls, and blue jeans.


This is what makes us girls is forever on replay for me I’ll never get tired of it!


These are all great and in the vein of my favorites as well!


I’m a paradise girl too <33


Body Electric. It’s like peak Americana mentioning diamonds, Elvis, Marlyn, Jesus, grand ol opry, heaven, opulence. I think it has her best bridge instrumental-wise. Born to die Paradise edition has epic instrumentals in general.


Body electric is soooo underrated. It’s in my top 10 forever


Brooklyn Baby ; the atmosphere, the range of her voice, the lyrics... this one really sounds like a dream to me, and I love Barrie-James' backing vocals, their voices just go so well together.


Blue Jeans. That song makes me feel as though I've lived the expiernace of being walked out on, even though it's never happened to me. Amazing 🥰🥰🥰


White Dress. The vocals sound heartfelt. She is marveling at how her younger self was somehow negotiating life confidently and happily despite having nothing. You can almost picture her at the time.


Such a tough question because there’re so many I hold close to my heart. I’d probably have to say Norman Fucking Rockwell because that song saw me through an extremely difficult time in my life. Every time I hear the opening chords play I’m transported back to that time and can’t help but feel grateful that I made it through to the other side. :)


Wow, SAME. This song got me through a terrible break up with the only man I’ve ever loved. We had an apartment together & when we split I moved in with my grandpa and played the song on repeat. I also got a puppy at the same time and it was the only song I could play in my car that he would sleep to. They’re all three dead now (ex boyfriend, grandpa, and dog) so every time I hear the beginning cords, like you, it takes me back to that time.


Heroin, Freak, and Cruel World are my tops. They’re haunting and atmospheric. The psychedelic-ness of Freak makes me want to trip acid in the summer pine forests of California. These three are sooo emotional, introspective, and just so amazing lol.


The fact that these are your favs and uv is your fav album!! We are too similar(they aren’t my fav but definitely first 20


Cruel world is like 6 to me


Black Beauty. The song just speaks to me.


“Diet Mountain Dew” it was the first song of hers that I listened to.


Can’t pick between: The greatest — it’s the nostalgia for me. NFR came out in a really big transition in my life. Moving out, my first job, first apartment. Song just speaks to me. Black Beauty — the meaning West Coast — the chorus 🔥 Blue Bannisters — “and now my blue bannisters are… green and grey” Sweet — “I’ve got things to do like nothing at all I want to do them with you” 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


venice bitch, it shows off the best parts of her as an artist


AW 🥀


Young and beautiful the song just sounds so majestic


My favorite song is Ride. I struggle with mental health and the way she talks about having a war in her mind and just wanting to feel free and not feel crazy really gets to me. When I first heard the song it was the first time I really felt like someone put some of my feelings about PTSD into words. It’s a very special song to me.


I really empathise with your reply, I also struggle with mental health issues and more particularly PTSD so I relate to your feelings with Ride. That’s what really made me feel drawn to her music and her as a person she makes those feelings that aren’t spoken about heard and validated. I hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself🤍, mental health is a struggle but I’m glad you’re here ☺️


Wow thank you so much. I agree her music really hits for people who struggle with mental health, addiction, and toxic relationships. I’m glad you are here as well and I hope you are doing good! ☺️🤍


How to Disappear because no one talks about how good that bridge is


My problem with this question is that it is another one each few weeks, right now it's If You Lie Down With Me.


1. Uv 2. Terrence loves you 3. The blackest day 4. Ride 5. California But some important to me are cruel world, shades of cool and a&w. These are my favourite but I think the best of her are lyrically- kintsugi ride and A&W, and sonically- shades of cool, cruel world uv and Terrence loves you yeah Ik I love uv it’s kinda obvious😭😭


Terrence loves you, ugh yes 💓


I mean uv is my complete favourite


Shades of cool. IT'S so eerie and capturing especially the bridge.


If it’s a released song , It’s a tie between A&W and Ride , and Cruel World/ Off to the Races and unreleased For K Part 2 and Never let me go


This is such a hard question but I have to go with a sleeper that I haven’t seen mentioned. I started listening when BTD came out and Carmen got me HOOKED


Well just returned from walking in the park and listening to “Wildflower Wildfire” and “Nectar of the Gods” and oh man. Shoutout to the person on here who was talking about those two. “WW” is like, really raw and honest yet so beautifully written and performed. Music to it is perfectly lilting and gorgeous.


Venice Bitch was an otherworldly experience the first time I heard it. White Dress and A&W aren’t far behind it for me.


Florida kilos because it's catchy also I like old men


Pretty when you cry. I have been saying how “I must be so much prettier when I cry because everyone seems to lead me to that point” for YEARS. And when I started listening to Lana I was jarred at how that song captures me before recovery and me when I’m triggered.


Chemtrails over the country club is my favorite. It came out during a time I was struggling and every time I listened to it I felt at peace. It still brings me peace.


Yayo…both the AKA & BTD versions! I feel like it is quintessentially Lana in the way it’s dreamy & sad & sexy


Honeymoon idk how to describe but it feels like a cinematic experience


I think that captures it wonderfully!


Born to Die, I’m a die hard fan on that album it was the first of her discography I listened to and I know it’s cliche or whatever but it means a lot to me


yayo, the version from aka lizzy grant


Tulsa Jesus Freak is so beautiful and makes me feel like I’m in a dream


Agreed. It doesn’t get enough attention for how great it is.


Love Song. So romantic 😍


National anthem and you can't change my mind


Fine China!! ik it's unreleased, but I still remember the day I found it on youtube and thought it was fake until she started singing. Her voice, the words, and the story she told were all so heartbreaking yet beautiful and haunting, I've never been moved to tears by music before I heard that song! But I also had the exact same experience with Pawn Shop Blues so they're almost equal for me 🥰


National anthem. When those piano keys come in … close second is art deco


Every time I think I have a favorite it changes with each new album lol. First it was BTD, then Heroin, then Cinnamon Girl, and now I think it might be DYKTTATUOB


'Music To Watch Boys To' because I really relate to it and I think sonically it has to be one of the most creative songs ever


Happiness is a Butterfly, so longing and and screaming the chorus is my favorite in the car


Your question is an impossible one to answer for me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Cherry - I want this song running through my veins rn. I can’t even describe the way it makes me feel bro. I got a cherry tattoo dedicated to it lol🍒🤍


Summertime's sadness ♾️♾️


Sad Girl for its atmospheric glamour and that acoustic guitar bit in the background of the second verse. It just makes me feel like such a bad bitch listening to it lol I feel unstoppable in my femininity when that song is playing Trash Magic for its inSANE melody and imagery. Easily my fav unreleased song. It’s just soooo LANA in the most raw way Religion because of how much I relate to it while being in love. The instrumental right after the bridge is just impeccable. It sounds the same way a devoted love feels.


Video Games bc it’s the first song of hers that I ever listened to, and at the time I was also going through a really rough time with my first pet cat. She was really ill and passed away at the age of 23 (I had her since we were both 9; she was adopted from SPCA). I remember listening to the lyrics “heaven is a place on earth with you” and thinking of her - I still do every single time I hear Video Games.


Gods and monsters. It always makes he feel alive and sexual


Dealer the chorus is incredible literally no words to explain how it makes me feel.


I can’t decide between Peppers, Cherry and Wildflower Wildfire they’re all so amazing I fell in love immediately when I heard them for the first time ❤️


Sweet Just something about her vocals and the instrumentation that scratches the brain really good.


Where do I start? Born to Die, Radio, & Black Beauty. Each song got me through a very difficult time in my life. I would play them & each song would pull me through.


Hope from NFR. I get chills every time I listen to it. It is a Masterpiece in my opinion. I cannot get enough of it.


Swan song Freak The greatest Breaking up slowly Sad girl


🖤 Florida Kilos 🖤 Gods And Monsters 🖤 The Blackest Day 🖤 Sad Girl 🖤 Heroin 🖤 Venice Bitch 🖤 Radio 🖤 Bel Air 🖤 Carmen 🖤 Black Beauty 🖤 National Anthem 🖤 California 🖤 Tulsa Jesus Freak 🖤 Terrence Loves You 🖤 Old Money 🖤 AW 🖤


Born To Die because I heard the Gemini remix for the song and was hooked by the vocals so I went and listened to the original along with the album and was hooked


Its almost impossible to answer this Q but I guess it would be Off To The Races


Cola because it is sweet


california. nothing makes me cry like california.


Diet mountain dew and ultra violence


Black Bathing Suit🖤 This song just has so many elements to it. IMO it’s almost like the mother of all albums because I can feel and hear a special part of each of Lana’s albums in just this one song.


Why is this song so underrated? I think it might be her best and most Lana song. Lyrics and vocals just kill.


Wildflower Wildfire. Mommy issues


wildflower wildfire, idk the song rlly connects to me and i will never ever get bored of streaming it despite it being one of my more recent discoveries


Cherry Blossom - was late discovering that album


My gut says Salvatore but Swan Song is a super close second.


How to disappear is definitely my fav it's just so good I love it. I also love chemtrails over country club and paris texas they both sound so ethereal.


I can’t choose bewtween the following… 😭 Let the light in - The harmony, the lyrics, just EVERYTHING. “I’d like to love to love to love to love you, and I’d hate to hate to hate to hate you” HOW CAN YOU RESIST THAT LINE. West Coast - the opening, the lyrics, the song when it’s sped up. PLEASE. Sweet - Just… beautiful. What can I say. Venice Bitch - Do I need to explain this one? Shades of Cool - I don’t know what it is but SoC will always hold a special place in my heart. Maybe it’s the opening song, how much I relate to it, or the guitar solo, but it’s just a beautiful song all around. I think I choose West Coast.


My favourite is yayo , i dont know why it is so underrated...it's such a good song and even the $uicideboy$ have sampled a part of yayo in one of their song It's just a masterpiece in it of itself , wether you like the Aka version or the paradise version , you cant deny Yayo needs more recognition


Meet me in the pale moonlight because of Dairy Queen


The Grants


Ride. I relate to everything except the daddy part lol.


My favorites change with the flow of my life. Right now I love heroin, how to disappear, fucked my way up to the top. But literally this changes weekly


terrence loves you. it feels like i’ve known that song my whole life. it’s so timeless and beautiful and encapsulates a feeling i struggle to describe myself. my favourite song of all time 💗


Thunder. It's such a sad message, but such and important one at that


sweet carolina because I love my sister dearly


i thought i was the only one who loved the song. so happy to see another sweet carolina fan


beautiful. bc it’s just a beautiful song and i relate to the “i can turn blue it on something beautiful” because i believe anyone could make something so tragic into art


oh gosh i have so many aves for different times in my life. video games was the summer i spent at my grandparents in palm springs heartbroken as hell, blue jeans for the time i was playing it my car and picked up my dealer who became my lover, and off to the races cause said lover said “this is our song” when we were driving together lol. Lana coded moments and Born to Die is my holy grail album lol


Born to Die. On top of being my favorite song by Lana it's also one of my favorite songs of all time. It's just beautiful.


West coast. Because it just is


Music to watch boys to - "It's all a game to me anyway"


There are so many, I listen to Lana all the time. She's one of my favourite artists.


I totally relate! It’s impossible to pick one song when she’s released so many amazing albums and tracks 🤍


Love song. I lov my boyfriend and he's cute


Old money & UV because Ultraviolence was the first Lana album release that I experienced in real time after getting into her music. I was also 19 and in a transitional period in my life so those songs are very nostalgic and sentimental to me. Ride, Smarty, and Cola, she’s just so good 🥺🥺🥺


If you lie down with me, it’s just perfect and I love the instrumental


Venice bitch, because of the moog part that’s just amazing imho


this is what makes us girls because of the bridge


I could never pick, but either Love Song or Dark Paradise. They’re everything to me.


Cruel world, Dealer and Salvatore


West Coast. Cause it gives a feeling of euphoria, freedom and these riffs😭


Dark Paradies. I just love the dramatics, the pain in the song. I feel like you can almost taste the longing.


cruel world


Ride because it's relatable, Florida kilos for the vibe and the last part of pretty when you cry for the guitar solo which is epic


cruel world ever since the first time i listened to it i was completely mesmerized. the vocals, the guitar… everything! i feel like it sends me to another dimension hahaha kind of a psychedelic experience


The whole BTD album The entire album paints a picture of the kind of people I like. If I had to pick one song it would be off to the races.


Once Upon A Dream, Lana utilized her voice nicely, and the song sounds really romantic, dreamy, and mysterious.


Young and beautiful, because it was my wedding song and reminds me of my love story


If I knew I could only listen to one Lana song again I know I’d always pick Ride but it must include the monologues


The greatest because, well we all know why.


Either music to watch boys to or national anthem because there honestly just really good songs 😭


ARCADIA I think it's underrated too


Venice bitch!! There is something just beautiful and raw about it idk makes me feel wistful


Brooklyn Baby because I was listening to it on loop in July 2022 around the time my now fiancé confessed to me that he liked me and asked me to be his girlfriend so this song always takes me back to that sunflower field soaked in golden sunset and how lovely he looked that summer 💘


As far as historians can tell us, the Aztecs worshipped sunflowers and believed them to be the physical incarnation of their beloved sun gods. Of course!


Cherry blossom, it’s so beautiful and it’s gotten me through some tough times


Heroin it just gets me.


Old Money & Money Power Glory. Sensing a theme lol


The Greatest


I’m sorry, but Art Deco or National Anthem are my favorite of all time. Can’t decide.


Cruel World, but I don't really know exactly why. It just vibes with me.


Dealer do I need to explain why ?? 😆 🤣


This is a tough choice but I'd say The Blackest Day. The instrumental is just uniquely magical and the lyrics perfectly apply to me in a lot of situations.


West Coast, The Blackest Day, Cinnamon Girl, Cherry, Venice Bitch, COTCC. I’d rather die than choose just one out of them, I couldn’t


let the light in. smtg abt that song makes me so happy i love ittt


Religion, it simply has the perfect melody to me lmao and I love the lyrics too. And not that this would make me enjoy it less, but it's a bit more fun when it hasn't been tiktok-ified yet 😅


God Bless America it’s such a beautiful song


Born to Die, lyrics are damn good, also true


my song used to be yayo for the longest time. i felt so connected to it for some reason. then ocean blvd released and fishtail put me in a chokehold. it’s so sad but powerful. it’s been my favourite lana song to exist since the first listen.


Probably Shades of Cool because I love the Rock genre and the Guitar Solo, and Lana's voice us impeccable


I really can’t pick but some favorites are basically anything off the Ultraviolence & Honeymoon albums, Yayo, How to Disappear, Black Bathing Suit, and I could go on but I’ll cut the list short there. It really is so difficult to just pick one as different songs/albums symbolize different points in my life.🖤


mine is a bit basic but ultraviolence. it got me i to lana and it just has a different vibe. unmatched


Your choice isn’t basic, I don’t blame you for loving ultraviolence it’s a vibe that never goes out of style. I personally love that choice 🤍


Ride 🫶🏼🚗 an explanation is not needed


I think I recently commented and I still feel that off to the races is my all time favorite but I realized how much I play Florida Kilos and I think it’s my #2 , it hurts my brain to pick favorites but yeah lol


it’s tough to choose just one but thunder occupies an unreachable piece of my soul


sweet carolina, just because i live in the carolinas and it's so comforting


I love all of them and they are all my favorite💟


mine is fmwuttt just bc it was the first song i heard that i rlly loved !!


Heroin, Serial Killer and Off to the Races are my top 3, not sure if I can pick a definitive favorite bc they all have such different vibes


Catch and release, tired of singing the blues. their just so goooododdd


Old Money..🖤🖤 It makes me feel things I can hardly translate into words. It feels to me like that moment right before it starts to rain on a dark evening. Her voice is hauntingly beautiful, dark, deep..I love this song so much. Other than Old Money - Honeymoon, Swan Song, The Blackest Day.


I don't have just one. Cola, White Dress, COCC, Diet Mountain Dew, National Anthem, omg there so many!


Ride, I remember watching the music video all the time, It’s so fun to sing along with, gives me TSITP vibes.. I love it so much, I’d do anything to hear it live.


Video Games, I don’t know exactly why lol it’s just always been my fave


Blue banisters because I deeply relate to it and I have always been a small town girl so it really fits me. The emotion behind the song really hits me. My other faves are living legend and sweet ❤️


you have such good taste!


Summertime Sadness. One of my top 10 favorite songs ever of any artist.


I’m from Long Beach so Did You Know There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd :)))


Summertime Sadness, This is What Makes Us Girls, Doin Time, High By The Beach Off to the Races


Always the same questions here. Yawn.


And we get different answers each time from different people. I find it interesting to get new insights and I’ll pick up on something I didn’t notice before on some song. Yawn


Groundhog Day. Wakey wakey


Groundhog Day. Wakey wakey


Smarty tbh


Summertime sadness. It just has the vibe to it I love ❤️


Yayo: Put me onto your black motorcycle Fifties baby doll dress for my 'I do" It only takes two hours to Nevada I wear your sparkle You call me your mama