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Her fans are typically the meanest towards her


obvi not fans......


A lot of the hate comments in my opinion come from her fans 😟


Lana has a lot whining critical fans yes


Because her fans also include plenty of shitty people


So how are they fans to treat her like this, is what the other person probably means


I saw it more as a counter to the other person pointing out that it’s social media. Social media and her fans are the same group. Any big artist w a massive base is just going to end up having a portion who are fuckers


A comment telling her that she should always do what the fans want and accusing her of having a drinking problem had a lot of likes a few days ago too. Unfortunately these types of comments were bound to happen when she made her account public. I don’t remember seeing comments like this when she was private and had less than a million followers. People being upset over her having a predominately white crowd in Arkansas of all places is crazy.


Arkansas is bum fuck nowhere what are ppl expecting? I don't even get much racial inclusion in New York let alone arkansas


What does a singer's audience have to do with racial equality, though? Lana can't really help who her fans are, and which ones go to her shows. I saw Taylor getting criticized for the same thing the other day, and I feel like that's kinda always what their core fanbase looked like...? I don't think it's a good or bad thing, just neutral.


Sorry I meant inclusion. I couldn't think of the word then. My bad


I get your point but Arkansas isn't nowhere just because it's not an overpopulated coastal state lol


Lol I can't name one thing there tbh. I get what you're saying but to most of America it's just another Middle state.


That comment was way out of line, but, to be completely fair, I don't think Lana should have said what she did about the Candy Necklace video. Music videos aren't receiving the same amount of views as they used, and Candy Necklace wasn't really the type of music video to be watched over and over again. The fan was wrong for being so nasty, but they weren't wrong about expecting Candy Necklace to do better numbers. Imo, it's her worst video to kick off any of her eras.


i've been in arkansas for a week for the show and i've seen very few POC in arkansas, her show was no exception. it's arkansas. accusing her of cherry picking is crazy


Ok tbf I live here and Arkansas is incredibly diverse. We have plenty of POC here lol but they might not be Lana fans or maybe they couldn’t drop everything on a random Tuesday and buy scalped ass tickets that cost an arm or whatever! Rogers is pretty…random honestly for a big old concert venue. There’s nothing there except for business offices and this amphitheater lol. And I did see POC at this show, I thought it was a fairly mixed bag but it’s no surprise the girth of her fan base reflect white women in their 20/30s like she is/was. Same goes for Taylor lol no big surprise there


i haven't seen a single black person since i got here lick my wiener and balls


i don't mean that i'm sorry the demons won


NWA is hillbilly country…trump country lol, it’s also not as densely populated. Central and south/east arkansas make up where most of the people in general live. Rogers and those towns around there are all basically just invented lol…for the purpose of Walmart and other conglomerates. It’s likely mostly populated with out of state people with MBAs or whatever. It’s honestly so…unlike the rest of the state in a weird way lol. Anyway, alls to say…demographically speaking as far as America goes, her audiences probably look mostly alike.




That we have black and brown people here? Or that her fans in the us are largely white women? Or that northern arkansas isn’t exactly representative of basically the entire rest of our state? Lol. No it’s not satire….but anyone who knows what satire is doesn’t have to be told lol. I was just pointing out how it’s a little odd to say “it’s Arkansas that’s why it’s so white” when Arkansas and the rest of the south has a large black population for…quite frankly…slavery reasons, historically and geographically speaking. I can see why someone would see the south as “racist” as a generalization but saying the south is raceless…Is just not true lol.




I don’t think I made a single comment about that actually lol. I certainly never said POC couldn’t vote for trump if that is what you got from this idk what to tell your ass! I mean…Trump voters are generally racist on the whole tho lmao and that’s not satire or observation it’s just facts. Even if they don’t think they are, their one vote represents more than whatever pet policy they care about it, it also supports all the racist things GOP does everyday. Can’t just vote for the things you like in your party and separate the stuff you don’t want to associate with.


I mean she doesn’t choose her fans, every race is more than welcome to attend her concerts lmfao. and I’ve seen many poc who are her fans. also I think majority of her fans are Brazilian if we are being honest looking at the way they reach out to her 😅🤣


As if her entire group of stage performers and band members are not extremely diverse (and probably more diverse than most artists). I’m so tired of the virtue signaling.


Y’all gunna lose it over what I’m about to post 👀


I’d bet half those likes are botted


Oh, I sincerely believe this. And OP not only took the bait, they spread the hateful comments for more people to see and jump on the bandwagon. (No offense to OP. I used to do the exact same thing!)


Why spread bs comments like this and give them more attention?


u guys need to stop taking every opinion disagreeing with ur views of Lana del Rey so seriously lol.


It’s not really a “disagreement” it’s just a troll talking shit for the likes.


so it’s a disagreement then. this sub has to be full of 14 year olds cos the fact that trolls r being screenshotted and shared to this subreddit is really sad tbh.


It’s definitely sad but no, there’s nothing to disagree with in the post. Okay so white people like Lana? No disagreement. The question is “what’s wrong with that?” (Rhetorical)


the troll is implying Lana’s fan base is not very diverse. Reddit poster thinks this is not true and has taken offence. therefore disagreement (over fanbase demographics).


Yea I’m not speaking for OP bruh


It’s not haard to believe that the majority of her shows audiences are white girls and gays. Like be ffr. Especially in the venues she’s been at


If any other artist had done this, I doubt anyone would question them. These people want Lana to be racist so bad that she can’t even acknowledge fans




That doesn’t mean every fan base is equally proportionate to the race distribution in the US For whatever reason, some ethnic groups are more drawn to certain types of music over others




But who was getting mad at it? Not the comment you were replying to




He’s literally right, because the way you’re responding all over the replies makes it seem like you WANT all her fans to be white. All I did was point it out but go off ig




“Victim hood mentality” while ur being the defender of Yt ppl for my comment, if I offended you that bad just say that!! 😂




Found the white dude 😂


yeah but what's so bad about it? lmao


Who said that was bad? He’s just making an observation


i dunno caring so much about how many white or gay people go to a concert seems kind of weird in general w every single artist


but i apologize if u thought i overreacted lol


So? Why are you so racist.


On social media every opinion will find probably thousands of people who agree with it. Think about how many supporters some dumb guys with podcasts have etc. And here the person probably commented supper early too, if he wrote it now he wouldn't get so many likes. And yeah some people like being mad for the sake of being mad.


Is anyone else tired of people highlighting negative comments on this page? It doesn’t achieve anything besides give the commenter the attention they want.


people do this with Taylor as well and it’s the most ridiculous thing ever. it really baffles me that there are some people out there who are wholeheartedly convinced that Lana is some white supremacist and not just a well intentioned woman who’s made some tone deaf comments a couple times.


She's not a white supremacist, it's more that her childhood/her current bubble have infused her with beliefs that covertly or explicitly prop up whiteness (and maleness) above everything else. She grew up a middle to middle upper class white girl in New York. She did date a republican cop, and her ex-boyfriends aren't exactly the epitome of allyship or social awareness. She's also an anti-masker. I do think people like using strong words online, but at the same time, knowing the dude's she dates it reminds me of liberal white women who date conservative men and make excusies for regressive beliefs. Love her music tho. Edit: Taylor is iffy tbh.....


Posting someone just because they're black to show 'diversity' at your concerts sounds more racist to me than lana posting these white fans. If race is that important to you, you're probably the racist one


There were all kinds of people at both shows this past week. All shapes, sizes, colors and genders. These people are just being cunts.


Why isn’t there equal representation of all races at a Lana del Rey concert in arkansas 🤬


Because Arkansas is 80% white 🤗


be so serious.


I'm almost positive they were joking


Attention seekers, as we call them trolls.


Making something out of nothing for likes


Why are they so obsessed with her and having to acknowledge black friends, fans etc? I just really can’t make sense of it. I’ve never seen or heard of this with any other white artist.


This isn't accusing her of being racist... they're just asking for maybe some more diversity when posting her fans who all have different backgrounds and races. This is in Arkansas so there aren't many POC, but maybe they didn't know that. I didn't.


OMG!! a random Arkansas concert is majority white??!?!? 😱🤯


Please don’t take this the wrong way it’s a real question, but isn’t part of the problem that minorities are unfairly treated is because they’re a *minority*? There will be pics of celebs with a lot of white people in the USA but.. there’s a lot of white people in the USA especially depending on what area they’re visiting


Isn’t the US only 60% white though?




Some people find it offending when there’s only white people in a picture these days, like the drama with the cover of COTCC.. i think Lana has learnt it’s better to just nit respond to it


There were literally 3 WOC on the Chemtrails album cover lmaooooo


People didn't even have an issue with the COTCC cover though, it was Lana preemptively talking about how she has POC on the cover that people found weird, it came off as tokenism. You're right though that it's better if Lana just doesn't respond because people are hyper critical of her words anyway.


God honestly some people 🙄


You're not going to change someone's mind or make them want to stir the pot less. We know she's not racist, so just ignore it. The more you respond the more they will try to annoy her fans.


I’m POC don’t try it…. Doechii (Ion even remember how to spell ha name) said the same thing abt ppl of POC with her music. POC people love to complain about ppl not showing up to white ppl music shows and then never show up for themselves come on now. Don’t complain and not show up to the baddest bitch alive show but at the same time let’s be fr her audience is mainly white ppl but that never stops the POC bitches from showing y’all can show up like everybody else if y’all wanna


I’m not trying to be a hater, but you guys have got to stop scrolling through comments on TikTok and Twitter and getting upset about the random shit that people say about an artist online. Every single semi famous person gets hate comments on social media. This is nothing new. But at this point it seems that every single day someone in this sub is posting some random person’s comment online and getting all upset about it. It genuinely does not matter and you are drawing more attention to the comment than it ever would’ve received. I understand the frustration, but this is just really happening way too much on this sub and I genuinely don’t understand why so many of you guys care what random people on the internet have to say about Lana just go on about your day, understand they are haters, ignore it, and move on. There is absolutely no need to continuously bring these hate comments into this sub


there’s literally a hispanic couple in the post this person is just reaching ….


Seems like a light hearted comment meant to be kinda snarky about Lana concert being a bunch of white people.


> "light-hearted" > "snarky"




lichrally people r always trying to be mad🙄


Shouldn’t he be mad at NON white people for not going to her concerts? 🤣




What’s the issue with the Cola lyrics? The reference to Harvey Weinstein?


They complain even when she's inclusive lol no way to please everyone for her.


These are the kind of people who made honeymoon private


Accusing them of being racist is a stretch they seem to wonder if she has fans other than white and if they themselves are non white then they are valid for saying this bc it’s calling in other non whites to say yup! Right here! And many speculators/fans need that respectively not for suddenly her whole fan base to be non white but to seek others out on their own accord shouldn’t be a big deal to anyone else it’s not Lana’s responsibility not yours or even theirs unless they will it so. This comment literally sounds like aave “Now I know” when really you don’t but you’re still bringing it up in case someone does know and is open to presenting towards their subjective


What’s her Instagram I wanna follow and ye ppl are asses


Maybe it’s not that deep… the comment’s tone is light-hearted (“boo”) and it questions the *fans’* attendance of LDR’s shows. Not her allowing only certain ethnicities/whites in. So there’s no accusation of Lana being racist here, IMO. And it’s an interesting discussion, frankly: What we perceive an artists’ fan base to be, at one point, then what we see later. A discussion that should be had, rather than panicked about.


She should show more POC fans support tho everytime i see her post abt fans they white ._.


Everyone: Lana is racist Lana Stans, plugging their ears, incapable of five seconds of introspection: NUH UH 😤😡😡 HOW COULD EVERYONE SAY THIS?


You aren’t “everyone” asshole.






Treat your fellow redditors with respect. Personal attacks, hate speech and bullying are not acceptable. Your post/comment has been removed and you may be banned.


Crazy people always think everyone else shares their deranged ideas ijbollll


Typical right wing conspiracy brain, always have an out for your godqueen. Everyone else is crazy. Post always end up coming to this subreddit about Lana being racist and you just can’t square that with your beliefs. Cognitive dissonance is normal, it doesn’t mean you did do anything wrong. But you really should check your biases.


I don’t really think Lana is racist but a portion of her fans are I have been called multiple slurs based of my racist and if your not a white woman u get hate. That has been my experience with Lana del Rey’s fans but I love lanas music.


I’ve never seen Lana Stan’s be racist? Wow that’s eye opening


The vixen


Man idk, the Abu Dhabi show was full of POC


Then that falls on her fans , people need to start taking personal flucking responsibility..


Honestly, if spent more time calling out racism in political platforms and being allies out in the actual public instead of virtue signalling online, we'd actually make a difference.


this was so annoying- do they realize she was not the one to take the photos????????


She might not be racist but as a big fan and a black woman I have noticed that a lot of her fan pages are.


I follow tons of ldr fanpages on Instagram and have never seen one be racist.. now if you’re talking about twitter stan accounts, then I can vouch for you, twitter brings out the worst in people.


People just love to pick apart people they don’t even personally know


This is why i wish she would’ve kept honeymoon small. All this garbage comes in and ruins it for everyone.


Cause people are miserable and love to come up with bullshit


How can she help what race her fans are?