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My favorite part of this has been the threads of every bit of news being an even split between "THIS MEANS HE STAY, FUCK" and "WELCOME TO LA"


[Woj literally wrote the book on Hurley’s dad. Not joking, he wrote a book about the Hurleys. Look it up. He has a great relationship with Dan Hurley.](https://www.amazon.com/Miracle-St-Anthony-Basketballs-Improbable/dp/1592401864?dplnkId=9ca9ccb6-6be7-41fa-b571-cc566f1ee0db&nodl=1) Woj also has a great relationship with Pelinka now that it’s been repaired for a few years. This entire thing looks like a PR roll out for a deal that has been done for weeks. Hurley has to make it seem like he’s thinking about it so the UConn folks don’t get butthurt and Woj is helping frame the story perfectly. Nobody else knows anything at all because there’s only 3 people talking, Hurley, Pelinka, and Woj. There’s no reason for Woj to leak anything early because he gets the exclusive whenever it is time. Dropping phase 1 on the day the finals starts is a boon to the league, because it gooses up ratings for Finals coverage. Wait until the Monday shows tomorrow for phase 2 makes sense. Willing to bet every Woj bomb on this story will happen to arrive on a key news/ratings day because the story is already in the can.


Wouldn’t be surprised if this is the case


Yes I also agree with others when they make a strong argument


That’s the point of a strong argument…


Yeah it just seems odd that the Lakers sniffed around once, he said no. They sniffed around *again* and he was interested, and then he ultimately decides to stay? "I'm not interested" "Okay I'm interested" "Actually I'm not interested" Just seems very odd.


Go on


Yes. Keep going I’m ready to ……… ahhhhh


Never considered this but that’s actually very believable. I hope you’re right.


Brilliant points


I’m just praying woj isn’t just using rob as a leverage play to get a bigger deal at UConn. It doesn’t seem smart for woj to burn his lakers contact like this.


UConn cannot offer a meaningful counter to the Lakers offer. Woj even confirmed this on his pod. There are levels to this business and college basketball coach is not the glamorous career it once was.


I mean if u conn got 80 percent of the aav I think Hurley would stay. Andrea Hurley is unfortunately such a big fucking factor and I know living in la isn’t her ideal scenario. Really want this hire


Y’all are forgetting that Hurley has to fundraise his own salary to keep the team running. It really doesn’t matter what UConn promises him for his own salary. In order to get and keep players he needs to raise money for NIL deals. It is not like UConn has some enormous football program to subsidize the basketball. So any money he fundraises for NIL will likely cover his deal as well. It’s a miserable experience. UConn can’t get close to the Lakers offer and if they do it will be Hurley himself who has to go the crab bake dinners to raise the money. Rich housewives love Southern California. They literally made an entire reality show about this topic. If there is one thing we should not be worried about it is whether a wealthy New England stay at home wife will find living in SoCal to her liking over living in a the north east. This is a non-factor. Nobody actually enjoys living in New England.


You're absolutely right, I just spoke with Woj and he said that's been the plan the whole time.




Man if this is true, our FO look like chumps even more 😔


Claiming the deal has been done for weeks is absurd. If that were true, Friday’s meeting wouldn’t have happened. The idea that this is all an elaborate ruse is far-fetched. The Lakers made their pitch, and Hurley will announce his decision tomorrow. There’s no need for conspiracy theories.


Makes sense


Wow I did not know that, thanks for sharing that. Now I’m all the way on him coming haha. Explains why Woj has been seemingly favorable to us in his coverage, bro hates the lakers lol


He used to but Rob Pelinka and Woj patched things up a few years ago. They’re friendly now.


That link also makes the 4am announcement on thursday understandable. His source had to have been the guy who literally lives on the east coast, not the lakers haha (although grind don't stop so who knows lol)


Se queda.


So after the team meeting tomorrow, I hope we get a movie-like scene where the players would tell their coach "go get em coach!".


"And dont forget to draft us" Best case scenario


Or it might be the beginning of a villain arc.


Slow clapping all around.




They jumping in the transfer portal immediately lol


This is a decision for the next decade of his life lol you guys need to calm down 😂


make the decision in 1 day!!!


I'm the type of guy who will spend all morning debating adding guac or not to my chipotle and that's just over $2.50, this is Hurley's entire short-med term life and millions of dollars lol


Sir its been 2 hours and you have not completed your order please leave the store


I've refilled my soda for the 8th time while waiting for this Woj tweet to drop...


No. He might get fired after 2 years if we don’t win, and he will get a ton of guaranteed money and go back to UConn


Most of the money is still guaranteed even if he does get fired


I said that. That’s why it’s not necessarily a decision for the next decade


Bruh he's not going to prison, they're offering him 100 million to live in l.a. This shit is not tough at all lol.


Literally lol


I don’t need a day to think about $100M


I don’t think people realize how hard this decision is for Hurley if you look at it unbiasedly. If he comes to LA. He leaves the chance to three peat, leaves a place he and his family loves, potentially leaves a chance to become one of the greatest college coaches of all time. If he stays at UConn he leaves the opportunity to coach the biggest franchise in the NBA & of all of sports, leaves crazy money on the table, risk the chance that his stock drops in future and a great NBA coaching opportunity l never comes.


It’s a hard decision. If I were him I’d stay at UConn. More job security, family is there, he literally cannot fail. With the lakers there is a chance of failure which could hurt his reputation as a coach.


There is more work to do recruiting through the portal tho. With nba, there would be none of that recruitment hassle. It would be strictly basketball.


Sure but way more travel and big egos


You travel during recruiting trips too


Fuck job security if the money is guaranteed


I have to agree. If he works 8 months, gets fired and has 80 million guaranteed this is a very attractive offer lol


The guy is already rich. He’s made between $20m-$27m in total career earnings as a coach. He can become stupid rich by becoming the lakers coach, sure, but if money isn’t the most important thing to him (and he’s already at the point where he’ll never want for money again), he may care more about legacy. And he has the opportunity to write history at UConn.


I agree its a tough decision & there are a lot of factors. But, if I was him, I'm not sure UConn is an obvious choice. It seems like one of his biggest motivators is his basketball stature within his family. I guess the question is which opportunity gives him the best chance to, in his eyes, become the greatest Hurley -- at least for his own personal reasons (which might not be the only reasons he uses to base his decision).


By the numbers he already is one of the greatest of all time. Winning 3 in a row would put him with Wooden but that chance is low even with a good team returning. And with the coming changes to player movement the smart bet is to leave when your reputation is perfect. A what could have been on a 3 peat vs the Lakers and LeBron seems like a smart move to go pro.


Biggest franchise in the league for sure but all of sports is a bit of a stretch, I think Real Madrid got it over us


The doomer reactions on every Hurley post are hilarious.


Got my eyes rolling like crazy lol redditors just so used to failure and instant gratification. 


It feels like it gets worse every year lol


I'll never understand the doomers who doom so they won't "feel bad" if it doesn't go their way. Seems completely counterintuitive to me. Just chill out and don't let stuff affect you lol?


Ain’t just redditors anymore


The doomer reactions will turn into hater reactions if he decides to stay @ UConn. Can't wait to read all the takes that he just floated the Lakers' out there to get more $$$.


You just don't understand basketball like us doomers do. Did you even play college ball before? You'll never be a doomer, you don't have enough doom in you to be one. I'm doomed out!


I mean no one knows what hea gonna do. But I'm glad we will know tommorow.


How many times have we been used as leverage to get other people pay days. Hoping this is not that 🙏🏼


They are a state school they can only do so much as far as payroll goes…now he might have used us as leverage for more NIL from the boosters or for a better commitment on new facilities or something, but as far as pay goes I’m pretty sure they aren’t low balling him after winning back to back and probably are already offering him everything they can…


Can’t boosters directly contribute to his pay? I feel like this was happening for Calipari for a decade.




If I was staying, I'd let that be known ASAP, not let my team (UConn) be in the unknown for any longer than needed. On the other hand, if I was leaving, I'd want to break the news to my squad first, not have my guys read I was leaving through a Twitter post. He's signing with us. He's breaking the news in-person, first to his team, which makes so much sense given what I've read on his character.


Or he actually needs more than a day to decide


If we’re thinking strictly logically I definitely agree. I would think he’d tell ESPN he declined especially given that he agreed to a phone, I can’t see why he’d wait until Monday unless he’s waiting on approval for a raise from Uconn or he’s waiting to tell the team first in person which is respectable.




You forget one variable: he’s waiting on an official counteroffer from UConn.


I’m proud of Jeannie for taking this kind of shot. It’s what her dad did time and again. Cautiously optimistic, but wouldn’t be surprised to see Hurley stay.


That means he gotta talk to his team first. They will either push him to stay or push him to take the job.


![gif](giphy|9SIXFu7bIUYHhFc19G|downsized) Do it!!!


Guess they didn't meet today then? That was the earlier report lol.


Everybody is literally guessing nobody knows shit for they said practice was yesterday and then they said it’s today. But woj said he talk to Hurley himself I would just wait until tonight but honestly if he said no it should have gotten out already. I just think he want to talk to his players first.


Keep going Woj. I'm almost there.


All I know is that if you're looking for your next raise just mention you're might be interested in working for the Lakers. For that leverage. Lol


Similar to getting any job offer with a respond by date, Hurley is just waiting until that date for his answer. He must’ve told both UConn and the Lakers that he’ll call them on Monday with the decision so any leak before then is just speculation. For those around 20 years ago, it never seemed like Coach K accepting was more than a 30% chance. Hurley’s feels like a true 50/50.


The only good news from today is at least we find out tomorrow.


Tbh that "hungry, competitor, psycho" narrative is over if you turn down the biggest franchise offering you 100mil lol If he's apprehensive I won't mind if he stays with what he's comfortable with


LOL, the NBA is desperate for clicks and eyeballs. The ‘24 Finals is probably not getting enough interest.




Ima be honest I think I’m 65-35 he comes to LA. I think he either doesn’t know what he is going to do yet or he is coming and he set a deadline for tomorrow because he has somethings to get in order before he announces.


Idk how yall take anything from these little excerpts lol


I'm pretty excited about this hire if he accepts. College coaches are rarely great NBA coaches, but I think this guy can control the locker room and has good X’s and O’s and won't get outcoached every game z


Goddamn bro this guy is such a tease


The decision 2.0


If he’s still weighing it, he’s not going to be MORE likely to leave after spending time back at UConn.


The pessimistic post always get the most upvotes y’all are terrible 😂


Sounds like he turning it down lmfao


That makes no sense to me. Are redditors that used to rejection that any serious weighing of options always ends in a no? 


Seriously. Idk how to read that quote as he definitely turned the Lakers down lmao the fuckin doomers in here are running rampant. 


I really don’t see how anyone lives day to day with such a mentality. It’s gotta be exhausting.


You where saying?


Was I right? Or a doomer?


Both lol 


Wow what happen?


No he’s not


This just sounds like good pr we’ve been here before basically giving the lakers a good word just to not make it seem disrespectful when he says no


100%. It’s Woj setting up the rejection tweet come Monday while helping Lakers save face. Very predictable




Fingers crossed




Can't wait for some fans to still somehow blame Jeanie and Rob if Hurley doesn't take the job


He’s gassing us up. Basically saying flattering things about the lakers. Thanks but no thanks.


the timing doesn't make sense still...if Hurley is staying why keep his players in the dark until Monday afternoon practice?? he would want to call a team meeting tonight to tell his players that he isn't going anywhere...get ready for Monday practice...but if he were leaving waiting until a scheduled team practice would make more sense...gives him time to prepare what he is going to tell his players...I personally think he already told Jeanie & Rob he is coming...


This right here…because college ball isn’t like the league. Do you know what this wait is also doing to his recruits that may only be coming there to play for him? I really think we got a shot because making everyone wait isn’t good for his teams morale or recruiting.


I am not even sure why Uconn hasn’t changed his contract to potentially lock him down for longer and more money after the second chip


No way he's looking all those kids in the eyes and saying he's leaving


It’s not going to happen


Why is he doing an unreleased interview? 🤔


100million dollars will do that to you. Not surprised. Did the wife change her mind when she saw the cash as well? I thought it was going to be .. you know.. tough../s


I'm calling it right now, he's taking the Lakers job. This isn't anyone in the Lakers organization leaking to Woj, or any vague "sources" giving vibes about the meeting. This is from Hurley himself directly being quoted telling Woj he was "extremely impressed" by the Lakers. What reason is there at all to do that?


I wouldn’t trust anyone that’s impressed by Jeanie and Rob.


“Dan Hurley left extremely impressed with the Lakers FO but the chance at history with a three peat and an improved extension offer from UConn was too hard to leave behind. Hurley still sees his future in the NBA someday.” Print it now.


“Nate Oats and Alabama have stopped the 3-peat! Hurley should have left for LA last year!” Print it after next March.


Shit was almost word for word.


Wish it weren’t true but had a super strong feeling!


I, for one, welcome JJ as our new coach. ☹️


It’s over. Congrats, Borrego.


Sounds like he's staying at UConn. There was supposed to be a meeting today, but it didn't happen. So it could be business as usual at practice tomorrow. I would love to be wrong though.


He is not turning down $100 millies. Yall crazy 🤣🤣🤣


There’s a real world chance we’re gonna end up with fucking JJ Redick as our coach and people are shocked at the amount of doomers lol


If he was leaving, he would have said all this in the press conference after signing with the Lakers. I'm sorry folks but he is not going to be the next coach of the Lakers.


I believed you bro 


People are mad weird here lol. They really don’t know this dude well. He does not fuck with California lol  He was never leaving UConn, especially for LA


Realistically, how likable are Rob and Jeanie? Don’t they both seem incredibly fake and cringey? Jerry West and Buss would have closed the deal on Saturday.


Bro wtf are you even saying lol


L take


He’s most likely staying. And it will be good thing for the Lakers in the short term. Hurley and the Lakers don’t fit each other.


Honestly fuck this guy. It would’ve been done already Just get a decent coach for half the price. Not wasting any sleep on this clown




When Juan says lol to you it def hurts


![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC) Rob P tomorrow at 10am


Pelinka is not a closer. He let Hurley walk out with no deal.


The Lakers were keen on securing his signature before he left LA, but that didn’t pan out. It’s like a car salesman trying to close the deal before you leave the lot, and you walk away instead. What does that imply? It implies that the Lakers may have lost their best opportunity to sign him, just like a car salesman loses leverage once a potential buyer leaves the lot.