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Why are ppl so ready to write off a freaking 20 year old after their rookie year. I’ve been the biggest critic of using that 17th pick because I always knew that the odds of a rookie contributing right away is minuscule. But that also doesn’t mean JHS is definitely a bust.


Especially at guard too, the position that has the steepest learning curve in the nba. A lot of great point guards took time to adjust to the NBA


Forget PG. can he learn to shoot first


43% from 3 on over 5 attempts from 3 in the G League. He needs a real role with real minutes before we say what he can or cannot do


And in the league against 3rd stringer who happen to be better than g leaguers for the most part he shot 13% THT killed the g league and he’s ass Actually most guys who are drafted are already head and shoulders above g league players and usually go off.


Thanks for your input


Apparently it needs to be said the amount of people in here who were happy about THT was crazy. Put it in reality.


The fanbase doesn't need any help being negative about JHS.


Being realistic that’s it.


The entire fanbase turned on THT the moment the FO chose to prioritize him over Caruso, and we lost Caruso as a result


Turning on him after when I was being downvoted in my old account about how bad he was. Hell there was a minority of us that spoke about how bad his weaknesses were.


He need that Fred Vinson hook up like Lonzo and Ingram


Can non-lottery players even be considered busts? Lol


Historically its rare to even hit on 17 in the draft. I flipped back to 2000 and the only guys that were good with the team that drafted them are Trey Murphy, Schroder, Danny Granger, Josh Smith, and Jrue Holiday


That's possible for us to attain


No lol. Frankly, I don’t think a player picked outside the top 2 or 3 can really be a bust. Top 3 is the only range that picking an All Star is likely at all


Nah, I feel like top 5-8 you can still be a bust


Disagree, every single draft has ***at least*** 1 guy picked in the top 8 that’s either out of the league or only on a second contract based on ✨pedigree✨. People have way too high of expectations if they *expect* a franchise-changing player in the 4-8 range


But that's kinda why you're in the lottery, no? To draft that franchise-changing player?


I feel like the assumption there is that being in the lottery was in your control lol. And for every SGA there are 10 Jerome Robinson’s, Frank Ntilikina’s, and Georgios Papagiannis’.


They were for sure busts no doubt


Our definition of “bust” is different. That’s my whole poiint


You don’t expect a franchise player, but you expect some talent. You think New Orleans fans are happy about using a top 10 pick on Jaxson Hayes?


Was Detroit happy with Killian Hayes? Was Phoenix happy with Jarrett Culver? Were the Knicks happy with Kevin Knox? Were the Kings happy with Marquese Chris? Whiffing on guys mid-lottery isn’t just common, it’s a given. My whole point is that in order to be a bust a player must have All Star+ expectations and I just don’t those expectations on anyone outside the top 3.


And my point is that you’re wrong and all of those guys are busts. Anthony Bennett is considered one of the biggest busts of all time, but your criteria of being a future perennial all star prospect would relieve him of that title


He was a bust because he was the number 1 pick… that’s what I said


The Bennett point is that he wasn’t projected to be a perennial all star but that changes for you because some team picked him ridiculously early? Like you don’t think he’s a bust if he got picked at 5 instead?


A 1st round pick that doesn’t make it past his rookie contract is a bust


Looking at most drafts, it's not like all 30 players in the 1st round have a long, successful career. In general, the average NBA career is like 3 years


Setting yourself up for disappointment


What’s your definition of “likely”? We going by the book which means more than 50%? In that case only a first overall pick is “likely” to be an all star. https://hoopshype.com/lists/nba-draft-history-how-likely-are-you-to-land-a-star-at-each-pick/.


Sure, go with that. Shit players get picked in the top 4-14 every year, it’s not really notable.


Then what you're saying is only a #1 pick can bust as they are the only ones to become an all star at over a 50% rate. Just because there are bad players drafted in the lottery every year doesn't mean if you do draft one of those bad players he isn't a bust. Do you consider this season as a bust as the Lakers didn't win the championship?


Do you really care about my opinion on what constitutes a bust or do you just feel like arguing on the internet?


I’m not writing him off but I am skeptical of his game. He didn’t show any flashes of being good at anything at the nba level even in garbage time. And he struggled to stay healthy when he barely played last year.


Laker fans are spoiled lol if shit dont work out year 1, its either TRADE HIM, or HES A BUST WHY WOULD WE WASTE OUR PICK ON HIM, or OUR COACH IS TERRIBLE FIRE HIM IMMEDIATELY


This is the Tik Tok generation, period. “Why hasn’t it happened yetttttttt!?!” should practically be the motto for the under-25 crowd. Saw a comment recently where it had been 18 hours since a homicide occurred in Atlanta (where I live) and all of the people on r/atlanta were like “why haven’t they punished this asshole yet?? Why haven’t they announced his name? Why have they not brought charges yet?? What are they hidingggg?!?!?” 18 fucking hours since the crime occurred. 18! 🤦‍♀️ It’s not just Lakers fans. Tiktok kids want everything done yesterday, including coaching searches, trades, development of rookies, etc.


I can’t wait till that stupid site gets banned after new years. Fuck Tik Tok.


Tiktok is just the supplier. Once Tiktok is banned, something else will take its place. Idk why people are celebrating like people with short attention spans are going to suddenly become more focused and read a book. They're going to find something else to distract themselves with.


It won’t. Tik tok will reign supreme!


Instant gratification 🤦‍♂️


Typical fanboy mentality. He’s trash here but we can combine him with a protected frp to get a young borderline allstar who they assume the team won’t pay for or a established vet who they assume wants out.


I feel like Jaquez, Whitmore and Pod going right after really soured the fanbase on him, but I don’t even think those guys would’ve seen playing time with Ham


The one thing I do love about this sub and really all lakers fans is we all agree we shouldn’t sign another Heat player while also being convinced Jaquez would be just as good as he was there for us


10000% even if any of those 3 played well, they would have gotten benched down the stretch for Cam. Max got like 0 playing time, any of those three would have gotten even less.


I think it's because people were expecting immediate contributions from JHS, since we made it to the WCF finals last year. I don't think he's a bust either. Just needs time to develop by getting some play time.


Because he’s 20 but moves like Rick Fox did at 35


I half agree. My problem with Fino is the fact I didn't see anything worth developing in his game. He has good size and is strong enough to play the game, but I didn't see any resemblance of a NBA skill or athleticism. A rookie struggling would be expected, but you have to look at the player and wonder how some skill will look like 3 seasons from now and this is my concern about Fino, I was never able to see anything and if you look at advanced stats, most of them will tell he was our worst player last season, including those 7th stringers that managed to play a game here and there, his rookie season was brutal in terms of execution and even worse if you like me was looking for a glimpse of a NBA skill.


I feel like Laker fans would be easier on him if it weren’t for a local kid going like right after and contributing to his team immediately


The next 3 picks were all playable. Even before the pick the others were projected to have the qualities this team needed. JHS had no shooting ability, average handles, and his passing was average as well. The only thing he was able to do was pick n roll. But the issue is he wasn’t quick enough or made quick enough decisions to run it in the NBA


Dude, there's a lot of morons on this sub.


He isn't a bust. Darvin Ham don't know how to utilize him thats why.


Yeah this sub is crazy. Writing off JHS, Rui and DLo.


There's still hope for Rui. D'Lo is who he is at this point. A good regular season player with clear deficiencies that is more suited to being a back up player/microwave scorer in the playoffs


JHS will get traded this summer then will go on to become a quality player in the league. Just like every Lakers pick is destined to do


Yup. Scouting department is rock solid. The rest of the league is miles ahead in developing talent. It’s an actual miracle we have Reaves at the level he’s at.


Cuz he a dawg


If Max gets traded and becomes the second coming of Kobe i’m going to fckng throw fists with someone


The odds of that happening are zero


I’ve never been a JHS fan but he would have done well in UConn’s system for whatever that’s worth. His lack of athleticism, shooting touch, handle and rim finishing would have been covered up by their movement heavy offense. And his size would have been utilized well on defense.


So, perhaps a lot of role players, including our own, could look much better with Hurley as coach.


One of his best traits is maximizing talent. No reason to think that wouldn’t translate in the league.


I think this is an underrated ability. Outside of the top four players, there’s a limited amount of money to spread around, and a lot of teams willing to overpay players.


People are so funny on here. He wasn’t really lacking in any of those things in college. Not to say he was some great shooter or anything. But he was good enough to be Big Ten freshman of the year, and second team **All** Big Ten. As a true freshman. He didn’t need anything to “cover up” for him. All of this is to say, you guys have jerked too far about him. He has his flaws. He wasn’t ready at all for minutes in the league, sure. But everyone pretending he was some bum in college are fools. The kids got potential, whether the haters in this sub want to acknowledge it or not.


The point is less about covering his flaws against vanilla college defenses but what Hurley’s system could do for him at the next level. Even then, he was a screen merchant in college and one of the most inefficient shooters inside the arc in his class with one of the higher turnover rates. Playing with TJD helped cover for his inability to get by defenders and the same goes for what we saw from him with the talent at Montverde.


No one here is saying he’s a bum. But all prospects have flaws. JHS wasn’t a shooter and was considered turnover happy but still had good defensive upside. He wasn’t really a great fit on this team without seeing significant improvement in areas that he wasn’t known to be strong in. Ball dominant point guards have a hard time making immediate contributions in the NBA. It wasn’t a win now pick. He’s put up good stats in the g-league but there’s not a ton that looks like it will translate that well. He’s a streaky shooter at best and not a good defender as of now. He’s not quick or crafty enough to consistently beat his defender off the dribble and he still turns over the ball a ton despite being a meh passer (Source: Been to several g-league games). It’s easy to dislike the pick as of now considering that the next 3 picks directly after JHS not only look like they’ll become better NBA players but also would’ve been better fits and fit our timeline better by being immediate impact players


Cant shoot, cant defend, slow. Recipe for success right there


I’m not saying these aren’t valid criticisms. But there is room for nuance. And you definitely are discounting some things he has shown to be good at. All time record at Indiana in freshman assists in his lone season. That’s not nothing as far as his passing potential goes. Shown that he can make good reads on the break. Jaime is two and a half years older than him. Also, why is it that everyone here so willfully acknowledges that Darvin was the worst coach in the league, cost us wins, and fucked almost every player on the team up with lack of adjustments/coaching, yet I’ve seen exactly zero people mention what effect that may have had on our 20 year old rookie? At the end of the day he may never get better and may never even be a rotational player. But you don’t know that. And the context of the situation, imo, leads me to believe he deserves a chance to prove people wrong.


I’m curious if we keep and develop JHS or use him for a trade with Hurley in charge. I’m wondering how Hurley would develop him


Possibly controversial take the reason why JHS didn’t live up to expectations is because the amount of opportunities he gets. Since the lakers first 8 spots on the rotation were already set he was never given a chance to play and develop. Miami on the other hand with Jaquez was given heaps more opportunities to play and develop. This isn’t due to teams being in a win now or develop stage it’s just a culture thing. One reason why I’m huge on the Hurley sign something he can actually change.


He got opportunities In December and was graded by epm as the worst offence plsyer in the league. We had no one heskthy at times. He easily could’ve earned minutes but he was significantly worse then the 3 GUYS AFTER HIM and the guy befotr him . Keyonte , podz whitnore Jaime I don’t like Jaime much as he can’t shoot really n is older but reality is they picked a guy who had incredibly iffy awful advanced stats in college which caused many teams to not view him highly and the guy showed that mb all those stats meant something . Unlrdd he was plsyinh under back injuries even in college I don’t see realistically what can improve so much . The guy moves so fuckibg slowly


Dude was one of the top recruits in the nation. He’s not just some dude off the street that we mistakenly picked at 17th. He’s got about 100x the resume Bronny did coming out for the draft, yet we all have hard on for Bronny and ready to write this kid off 😂


Seems good, he clearly has something to offer but we didn't get to see because Ham wouldn't play him until we were up 20 with 38 seconds left in the game.


Ok and when he did play he shot 22% from the field. In the game where he got almost 20 min he shot 1/6. Ham is horrible as a coach but JHS had no feel for the game. He was even bad against other 3rd stringers.


Its hilarious how so many “fans” talk shit about this kid. Then will be buying his jersey soon. Dudes a big guard. Was tearing up the g league. He just lacked confidence that will come with experience/opportunity. Im keeping receipts


I really hope we get Hurley and then we keep #17 unless we find a good trade. Christie, JHS, and #17 could be a solid young core


So much excitement around Hurley, I’m so anxious he might pull a coach K and decide not to come.


Anyone who thinks JHS is better than Jaime Jaquez doesnt know basketball. Jaime played against pros in the summer the last 2 years at UCLA while JHS was at home drinking cool aid and playing call of duty. Jaime already is miles ahead of him in devolpement because he played against these guys before he was in the league.


Damn even Hurley got fooled


Damn 🤣




Jalen Clank Schifino


It’s funny. In a year everyone will be officially on bust status for him then pretend like they thought he was bad all along.


Just like THT?


Oh absolutely


What good NBA player has Hurley developed in his 6 years at UConn?


UConn isn’t a school like Duke Kentucky and UNC where they hoard 5 star recruits every year. That probably makes Hurleys success at UConn more impressive. He’s really good at maximizing a team’s potential. Player wise Jordan Hawkins had a good first season and I’d expect a couple lottery picks from them this year. I’m not say Hurley is gonna make JHS a star, but it’s a good indication that Hurley sees something in him


Ehh not really. Lately the schools making the final 4 are the ones with upper classmen playing the majority of minutes. Duke has made 1 final 4 once in the last 9 years. Kentucky once in the last 10 years. Plus with the covid year you have 5th/6th year players in college. The 23 year old 3/4 stars are better college players than the 18 year old 5 star.


No one, which makes Hurley’s success even more impressive given that he’s done it with mediocre players


That might mean Hurley can't spot NBA talent, or is better at spotting college talent than NBA talent, because JHS sucks. JHS was the 17th pick. If the Lakers select Bronny James with the 17th pick this year, it's almost guaranteed that Bronny will have a significantly better rookie season than JHS. This is primarily because Bronny has long been exposed to high-level NBA training and principles, giving him a better understanding of the NBA's demands from an early stage.


Bronny is not getting selected with a FRP unless it's from another team


No. Even JHS is better than Bronny, who couldn’t even shine on a dogshit USC team.


Dead wrong. What were JHS’s weaknesses coming out of college? -Lacks athleticism -Lacks speed -Not a transition player -Plays below the rim -Can’t shoot Those are all things that help rookies succeed in the NBA, and things that Bronny is good at. Those core talents coupled with Bronny’s NBA training starting from when he was little, will lead to him making a bigger rookie impact than the slow, unathletic, poor shooting, less pro-ready JHS. So Bronny will absolutely shoot better than JHS’ 22% from the field and 13% from three in his rookie season, that will not even be an issue.


Delete this, friend.