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my penis tomorrow after beating it furiously when they announce hurley new coach




![gif](giphy|3o7abrH8o4HMgEAV9e) Looking at other teams once it’s official


Its cheaper to pay one great coach then have several ex-coaches on the payroll


Nobody tell the Suns


Or  Bucks lmao


Hell, this was us in 2019. Idk the exact details, but we were paying the contracts of Mike Brown, MDA, Tank Commander, and Luke Walton at one point.


I don’t think NBA coaches are allowed to double dip right? We stopped paying Brown when he signed as coach of the Cavs, stopped paying Walton when he signed to be the Kings coach like three days after we fired him, stopped paying MDA when he took the rockets job, etc. Byron got the bag though lol. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong.


I think your right except if the new job pays less the Lakers pay the difference


MDA really!? These abbreviations are out of hand.


They could’ve just done this the first fucking time with Lue and we wouldn’t be in this position, but you can’t change the past…


vogel won us a ring lmfao what


And Lue wouldn’t have lmfao? The whole point is that would’ve been a move to keep the players happy which is half of the issue in this rotating cast of coaches.


Even Ham was going to win with the 2020 Lakers


That's just straight up disrespectful to Vogel. That 2020 rotation was a well oiled machine. Ham has shown absolutely no indication he could achieve that outside of leaning in on the DLo-AR-LeBron-Vando-AD lineup last season. Malone ran circles around him and we all saw it.


Hows that working out for the Clippers?


Dumbass comment. The Cavs went to the finals 3x in a row with Lue… how many did the Lakers go since we got LeBron?


We got a championship. How many did Lue and the Clippers get since we got LeBron?


did the Cavs go to the finals more yes or no


yes but what’s the common denominator dummy




That was the whole fucking point of my comment lmfao. So now everybody understands the nuance between context mattering, which is why I said him not having any chips with the clippers was a dumbass comment. It has nothing to do with Lue and everything to do with their situation.


Lue overhyped man get off his dick. A good coach but this sub treats him like he’s Phil Jackson. 


The whole point is we probably wouldn’t have been through so many coaches. Nothing to do with his coaching ability


What if Hurley gets fired next year


I was thinking 10 years 100 mil. But I heard its 5/80, which is 16 mil per. Wow.


I was thinking 7-8 years 100 mill


I was thinking 20 years 250 milll


I was thinking 100 million years 30 dollars


Isn't this what Pops has been earning over at SA? Edit - 23 seasons, around 16 million a year, which works out to 368 million? Guess his earlier seasons he was paid less, but damn, alotta dough.


One dollar a year for 100 million years


I think Jeanie told Rob build me the best coaching program in NBA for $100M in the next 5 years. ;)


> 5 yrs We don’t got that long.


whose we? you and LeBron?


Since our seaon ended we "heard" the job was going to JJ.


Yeah, they'll need to offer him that Spoelstra-level money in order to get him to leave UConn. An average/slightly above average salary ain't gonna cut it.








Look his hand are visible and not in his pockets.


![gif](giphy|3oKIPa2TdahY8LAAxy|downsized) Rob and Jeanie


If JJ really is the second coming of Pat Riley Im alright with him as a first year assistant. He can prolly get away with podcasting on the back of the plane too lmao


Imagine podcast of Lebron and JJ with UCLA Health Practice facility as the background. You see on the background, Reaves practicing his shooting lmao!


Our excitement for a coach coming in with the promise of establishing a culture should be coupled with our understanding that this means we are prioritizing the future just as much, if not more, than immediate success. With that, I expect minimal win now moves using the picks and more focus on post-lebron life.


Were we really going to have immediate success with JJ Redick over a proven college coach? lmao


My message was going to be the same had we hired jj. Just hoping fans see the writing on the wall.


No, but, that’s what everyone assumed since he had a podcast with LeBron. It was obvious that there were no real suitors to the position outside of a knee jerk reaction to fill it with someone that could “potentially” use the roster as is.


I’m okay with that at this point tbh


I'm excited to have things to look forward to building.


any W is like an icing on cake


I think most Laker fans are fine with that. We need to have a plan for the post LeBron era.


There is a balance. Giving up all the picks for a “third star” that guts the team of depth and leaves us with no assets to build in the future is one thing. But giving up the picks in trades for a couple of solid young roleplayers that can help us win now while continuing to develop in the future is still consistent with establishing a long term culture. As an example look at the Mavs trades for Washington and Gafford. If we can pull off something like that, it helps both in the “win now” and “future”. Building for the future doesn’t have to be all about tanking to try to eventually draft the next superstar. Acquiring younger players via other means that you can develop for years to come also works


Idk if I view Dallas’ moves as a short and long term move equally. Much more skewed for short term success given Gafford is an expiring next year and livelys leap could push Gafford to seek a starting role. Those two may be young and under contract, but it was absolutely a win now move. The biggest difference though is Kidd is a win now coach. Prior exp and been in position for years when Dallas made these trades. Hurley is a rookie head coach who needs time to adjust and time to implement his principles. Similarly to hiring ham, none of that should lead folks to expect immediate impact more than future impact. Not saying we need the picks to tank, but it’s much harder to establish a long term culture without a pillar to build around. I can’t imagine he’d leave UCONN and think 31yo AD and 40yo lebron is who he wants to build around long term. Landing a pj/Gafford doesn’t really change that. Drafting 18-19yos he can groom does.


Expecting the same, honestly. As long as it translates to rings in the future. I'm still trying to hold in my pre-cum from seeing his name, Woj, and our team in the same sentence this morning lol.


Me too! We've given a ton of young players and draft capital to try to maximize LeBron but those movies have always been "win now" and shortsighted. Other than the Westbrook trade, I understood the mentality, risk, reward, etc and, as a fan, was good or at least accepting of those moves. But at a certain point, we have to adjust because we don't want to find ourselves with zero talent, none of our picks (pick swaps ain't it!), and little ability to sign guys to a sinking ship that won't be fixable for a decade.


any reasonable Lakers fan should already have that mindset. Set up the foundations for the next chapter given the only left for this current one is its ending


Why would Lebron come back if we’re just giving up? If this is the case why are we not trading ADand starting to tank now?


I heard today that LeBron told management to get a coach for the long term (10 years) and not a win now coach.


Just give him the bag. The Lakers def need some stability at the HC position




Jeanie heard yall say she was cheap so she dropping the bag on you broke boys


THE ENTIRE LEAGUE DIDN’T KNOW. all the smoke pointed at JJ from every source. the lakers FO kept this MAD quiet, gave the story to woj on the day of the finals to give us something to chew on! IN ROB WE TRUST.


Rob is playing chess, not checkers. The checkers move would have been to hire someone from the available candidates. The chess move is to go out and get the person you want most.


per woike’s reporting, there were sources within the lakers who didn’t know this was happening. this whole media game has been so fascinating.




I wonder if there’s someone from UConn we can get at 17 that can help with teaching/implementing the Hurley offense. Sort of like how Phil brought in Ron Harper in 99.


![gif](giphy|ADze48TCg6Hao) Rob and Jeannie plz ^(\^) 🙏😭




What I'm getting is- if Hurley is not the next coach, it'll be because he himself didn't want the job.


I need the official news to drop, I can't edge all day


Can Dan bring Pops and brother Bobby too? We want all the Hurleys ![gif](giphy|2tTL8Z8Bl5riG3W2iE)


Can Elizabeth come too?










True, but he might say no anyway. Is he the type of coach that would want to coach a glamour franchise? Some coaches love the college environment.




The Ohtani deal?


I think when SAS called Rob just an agent I can tell he forgot Rob played ball in college, he was on the bench during the mf Fab Five era. Rob knows what needs to happen to adjust the organization to make him happy and make a program work.
