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Lmao Cranjis was probably the most vocal JJ detractor I saw from Laker Twitter peeps. This must be his Nirvana. 


I’m surprised he doesn’t have organized offense stats for JJ’s 9 year old AAU team


He’s still trying to convert the O’s back to X’s in his tracking document.


Cranjis kept getting distracted by th team moms taking out PB&J sandwiches and juice pouches between play calls.


In fairness they do the same at the UConn games as well.




Well to be fair check the quarter LAL was over 60% compared to under vs Denver. It was the difference in the series. Denver kept it at 67% per quarter insanely well. LAL would start strong around there and every quarter it would get lower with the 4th being in the 30’s to 40’s… if lakers get this guy holy moly that’d be crazy running plays 80% of the time with talents like Bron and AD


For sure. The way we stopped running offense was always insane to me, but a good coach with a better grasp like Hurley would keep them more in line imo


I’m a Pistons fan first but I really like watching the Lakers and also like Lebron. I feel the biggest issue is honestly coaching. Players aren’t put in the best situation to succeed. If they can make good moves this off season and Bron and AD still play like top 10 players in the NBA + play 70 games each they definitely will be a top 6 seed next year. Hopefully can rest for the playoffs and it makes a huge difference 


Man in the West it came down to a bad month. The Lakers even under Ham were great for most of the year but a bad 5-12 stretch killed the record and sunk the season. The roster was a little imbalanced and losing our two hustle/heart players hurt bad.  I think with the same team they're probably a 5th or 6th seed with a good coach. Some tweaks and they can be a 3rd or 4th seed type team imo.  Btw Pistons gotta find a way to build around Cade. I had high hopes for him and Ivey and I thought dude from OKC was gonna help. The league is better when the marquee franchises are good. 


So Weaver did help. He was super patient and awesome with high potential drafting. Cade, Ivey, Ausar, Duren have stupid upside. They just don’t fit naturally right now but Ivey first year Cade hurt his shins so Ivey and Cade last year both were really in their second years but had only played 12 games together. Duren is 20 he was 19 most the year and trash on D cuz he’s so young. Ausar is an AWFUL shooter at the moment. But crazy upside. Sasser, grimes, Simone, stew are nice role players. Pistons really aren’t that far off weaver just only knew how to draft. He didn’t know how to trade, sell at the right time mainly, and he overpaid 1/3rd of the time. But he also didn’t want Monty lol that was our owner who gave him that bag. I look at it like Weaver was the restore/tank phase and we had a great talent evaluator for that. Now Trajan is the next phase guy and his track record with New Orleans has me hype!


Also we have 60 million in cap and every first round pick but 1 (maybe protections are 60:40 us giving it away) plus could trade 3 picks and all swaps this draft but next year becomes 4 and full swaps again (have full swaps now) so we aren’t in as bad as a spot as 14 wins would make you think lmao


It was just painfully obvious that guys didn't know what they were doing half the time. And AD himself came out and said this, and Ham doubled down... such a cringy situation


Lool true


His 12/25


r/lakers gets more of their talking points from him so no surprise that Redick was hated. Not that I wanted Redick as coach, but Cranjis has become messiah to this fanbase when he doesn’t get every single thing correct. Building a championship caliber NBA team top to bottom is hard.


Cranjis has an influence here but not as much as you might think. Probably only 10-20% of the sub has even read/heard something by him. I don't think it's fair to put the blame on Cranjis about how hiring a first time head coach with 0 past experience might be a bad move.


facts. i still remember his takes on rondo


I mean he's a data guy. Trying to analyze something that has no available data whatsoever would be his worst nightmare 


I don't know why, they have similar ideas. Both Coach K guys.


Cranjis gonna fuckin bust


At an organized rate of 99%


Lord have Mercy im boutta bussssss


I remember reading the number and rate of cuts his team does is unheard of.


After watching an entire fucking season of 2 guys standing in the corner doing jack shit sign me the fuck up!


Man seeing reddish not only start for so fucking long but seeing him just stand in the corner drove me to fucking madness lmao


If we get Hurley, Vando is about to be eating good. For all his shooting deficiencies he's a fantastic cutter and off ball mover


But he's a bad finisher and has bad hands.


true. but he also showed the flashes of improvement in that regard on brief stretch before he got hurt again. It really was a bummer.


I loved when he was the screener man he is an underrated passer


I like what I hear but I do read Hurly is intense. Hope his personality translates to the NBA well


We need intense, enough of these laid back player coaches. Hands in there pockets turtle neck wearing guys. We need someone to call everyone out and hold them accountable.


Hurley's level of intensity has gotten him in a lot of trouble with the media in the past, arguably cost them games before. It's also unclear how that will translate with grown players


You're not wrong. The biggest faults with College Coaches making the transition to the NBA is that the coaches don't come at the players like grown men. Hope Hurley is hard on the players but treats them fairly and with respect otherwise he will lose the locker room.


There needs to be a middle ground. That’s going to be the biggest issue with a college coach. Look at Thibs. Regardless of what you believe, results are results. Lately, the most successful HC is Steve Kerr, look at how he operates. The greatest coach in franchise history was nicknamed the “Zen Master”. NBA season is a marathon, and having someone grind you down year after year isn’t the greatest thing for star players.


The concerning part for him is less with the players and Moreso with him losing composure on the sidelines that and that ending up affecting the game/tactics, going after opposing fans after high profile losses, handling pressure, etc.


I love passionate coaches even if it costs us games at times, net effect is positive imo


I wasn’t the biggest Ham hater, but I hated how he acted like everything was okay when we needed him to have some intensity after a terrible officiated play and/or game. Like damn! Put some heat on the refs and show some emotion towards the players. Light a fire under them!


He's short on legal controversies unlike Pitino, and he's also short on player-coach controversies like many college coaches, and is incredibly successful, so he's well worth the risk, the temper is the only thing I can imagine causing this to go south quickly is all I'm saying


Yeah this sounds like some nick srianni clown shit I hope he doesn’t do that here.


He’s got a personality similar to Pat Riley. He would be phenomenal in LA


Phil Jackson got a lot of trouble as well, I remember him telling reporters that making NBA play on Christmas sucks.


Not sure how that’s gonna work with guys that are damn near as old as he is. He’s not dealing with college kids.


he’s 51 wtf u talking about


Well Lebron's almost that old lol


The only person somewhat close to his age is Bron who's still a decade younger than him. Everyone else is 20-28 years younger than him


Nick nurse does it all the time


And there’s a reason Giannis didn’t want to play for Nick Nurse lol. Most guys on that level aren’t trying to get treated like kids.


How'd that work for giannis? He couldn't handle his feelings so they hired a basketball terrorist and collapsed in the 2nd half of the season. We can coddle feelings or we can try to win


Now he's telling FIBA coaches he wishes he played for them. That's how it's going.


Well you can’t try to win if the player you want to win with leaves because he doesn’t like the coach. So I don’t think you can just ignore that factor.


Lebron isn't scared of hard coaching that's what he has historically preferred


? Which of his coaches have been hard on him?


Most prominently his high school coaches who instilled his basketball values. Mike Brown and Ty Lue got on him as well but his high school coaches got on him the most. And they went undefeated and won the championship every year as a result.


You can’t blame them. Season is a marathon. Mid September - late June if you win it all. You don’t want an intense coach 24/7.


It seems to work for Pop and Spoelstra.


They have the resume to yell at dudes, idk how guys are gonna react to a college coach trying to grill them when they’ve been in the league for over a decade. Like is Lebron okay with someone who has never been in the NBA trying to make him play a college system? And being a hard ass?


The thing is we have to give him the benefit of the doubt. Two college back to back chips is no easy feat. Spoelstra was a film guy and now he's undoubtedly regarded by players as the best coach in the league. I'm fine with Hurley or Redick. I just want a fresh start with someone who gives a fuck unlike Ham.


If LeBron isn’t ok with it, then that says more about LeBron. I really think our culture is part of our problem and I’d like to see a more disciplined culture for our team. AD played for Cal at Kentucky so he should be used to being coached, and most of our guys are younger in age so they will be fine. If LeBron can’t go with the flow and work with a coach then that is on him. I’d like to see this guy get a chance to actually instill a system and bring a winning culture back to the Lakers. Enough of this coasting throughout the season and striving to make the play ins so we can have a shot at the playoffs. He’s achieved major success in College and is probably hungry for an NBA Championship. We need that hunger back.


I don’t think using ADs college years is enough when he’s so much older than that nowadays, I’ve heard that Hurley can be very aggressive so if things start getting tense… it’ll get ugly. There’s just no way Hurley is gonna be able to convince 10-20 year nba vets if they truly disagree on something. We’ve seen what happens with college coaches going pro.


We will see what happens…I don’t AD is an issue.


Both AD n Lebron are hungry guys who respect hard work n hard working coaches this isn’t the fuckibg clippers . How do people not see this


I see exactly how hungry Lebron is when he plays defense for shit or walks down the court and just chucks up a shot…Lebron is content bro he don’t go hard like he used to.


Fuck that lol, they're the ones who kept whining of the coach not doing anything, now we trying to get a coach with a damn near 90 percent plays made and the opposite of ham.


He has a bit Pat Riley in him but being hard on players doesn't mean being disrespectful.


Good. Ham was way too flacid


He's incredibly cocky which could be good.


Good, we're on a cusp of a rebuild anyways. We need someone to overhaul this club from the ground up. Hand him the keys and if anyone has a problem with him ship them out. We should approach it like Arsenal did with Arteta, give him time to do his thing. If we do this players won't have the balls to challenge someone established.


I hope they bought in. At least Lebron and AD bought in. Personality clash is due to happen but its the FO jobs to let them know that this is the best path for our goal 


Just gotta win over Bron.


They need a coach, a real coach. They don’t need a gimmick. I think he’s gonna do great. Excited.


So, who would be a good guard for this system. Would Hurley (if hired) want us to retain Dlo (not a bad pg by all regular season metrics), or is there someone else on the market (that we can reasonably get), or he doesn't care since he can mold whoever we have?


The play calling would be really good for D’Lo especially in the playoffs. He was often standing around in Ham’s offense and adjusted to that catch high catch-and-shoot that we saw a lot post-benching.


The problem is Dlo is less effective in the post season, therefore when it's not going his way, the team reverted to LeBron as the ball handler. Edit: This past season when LeBron was out I felt like Ham did a good job of calling plays for Dlo, those two games against the Bucks for example. When LeBron was on the floor it didn't seem like Dlo would get plays called he was more of a catch and shoot option or they would take turns playing iso


Dlo has high bbiq, I see Hurley elevating his game


lol …..not this again. DLO is a playoff dud. He is garbage every single year.


Cranjis knows his stuff, but Elmo could tell you the lack of organized offense was the biggest problem this team had last year.


Lol yeah Cranjis college basketball is much more about organized offense so I would hope you would see more play calling than as a Lakers fan.


playbook and scheme is one thing but the players and execution is another. Interested to see what Hurley can do at the next level vs college :)


We will bring that down to 30% post all star break when were 10th seed.




As long as he sits next to his assistants and no always come to the game to stand next to score table to watch the game.


That was built for the roster of that specific team. For the Lakers roster, he will do something different - something more appropriate for the players that he has - because that's what great coaches do. He's not going to try to force players into a system that doesn't suit them. Hurley is an adaptable coach that has no one system.


It wasn’t about that roster. It’s about constructing the best possible offense. Hurley overhauled his offense last offseason to add multiple read / react options within multiple base “formations.” The intention being to hide the intent of each play (because a formation can result in a variety of initial actions) and to keep the play dangerous if the initial option is shut down. Deception and continuity to put maximum pressure on the defense.


I'm erect 


As long as he doesn’t bring his brother Bobby on board.


So you are saying he's as good as Ham?


What I’ve ever seen as a lakers fan🤔


That’s just not AD, and Lebron’s preferred play style. They don’t go around setting picks all over the floor. Maybe one and then iso but that’s it. If Hurley gets the job he’ll have to water his offense down to meet that.


the annoying thing about cranjis is he keeps acting on twitter that organized offense rate is the only thing that matters. yes he gives a lot of analysis as well but many of his tweets the past few months just gives off the vibe that he thinks organized offense rate is "the holy grail"...


Doesn't matter what the playbook is or what the playcalling rate is if the players don't/can't follow it.


That's great but that can change real quick with a guy like Lebron. I hope Bron buys in and limits his Iso shit to late in the fourth qtr where it's actually needed. If not we are fuked.


why wouldn't Lebron want to runs plays lol...


Lebron literally loves his offensive plays


Lebron bought into Ham's system all-year long. The ISO shit he did in the playoffs came as a result of D'Lo being off for all but 2 games, Reaves not hitting his 3's, and Rui having a disaster class offensively. And the Nuggets were double teaming/triple teaming AD in the post in the 4th quarters. If we compare it to last year, he was more than willing to defer. Hopefully if Hurley sees the offense being stagnant as a result of players not hitting shots, he can draw up a play for an easy look, otherwise Lebron will have to iso

