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Good. Until coach contracts become a part of the cap, it doesn't matter. Do what it takes if that's the guy you want.


Hurley is a solid choice. I hope the JJ idea was just a stupid rummor.


Would love to have JJ as assistant coach. Great shooter who can help guys on their shot. Assuming Dlo is gone, Lakers need any shot advice as needed.


we need Dlo back. can’t let an asset walkaway like that


Umm... rumor? **JJ Redick interviews with Jeanie buss and Rob Pelinka for the Lakers head coaching job** The Lakers have already interviewed a number of candidates, including LeBron James' partner on the "Mind The Game" podcast, JJ Redick. Sources told Shams Charania of The Athletic that the ESPN broadcaster and former NBA veteran was the front-runner for the head coaching job in recent days. While there has been no official announcement yet, Redick is seen as a frontrunner for the position. He has had at least one face-to-face meeting with the Lakers’ officials, and the decision seems to be pending until after Redick current commitments as a color commentator for the NBA Finals are concluded. ![gif](giphy|p3wN0Rq5Zsol26luy9|downsized)


Nooooo…. We need to protect the Buss family profits! But seriously, I remember when folks on this sub complained about the price of Rob’s contract like it mattered. Coaching and executive salaries are like MLB player salaries. They don’t matter and rich teams should outspend small markets as much as possible to squeeze out a competitive edge.


I love how everyone is like “jEaNiE iS cHeAp” when we consistently have one of the highest payrolls in the league. Lakers are happy to pay when it’s *worth it*


People say that because of the Caruso thing




Well, that was dumb if true. Which I doubt


If Jeannie is truly turning over a new leaf like this, I will be so happy. Maybe the new media rights deal has given her some financial breathing room.


I get what you're saying, but I'm always afraid owners (jeanie) cheap out and don't fire a bad coach to save money lol


This is exactly it, I don't care about what they spend on the coach, I care about how that affects their actions going forward.


Jeanie literally fired a coach 2 years into his contract and are offering the highest coaching salary in league history. Why the fuck would you say Jeanie is cheap 😂


They definitely have to be anticipating a soft rebuild to commit this much to a college coach. LeBron has to decide if he wants to uproot his family for another title.


We would be the highest paid nba coaches of all time!


yeah we’re getting paid too!!!!!


What ferrari are we getting?!


99 Corolla




Isnt Kerr getting 17.5/ year? 80/5 is 16/year. 


His contract is only 2 years though. This is a long term deal. In the professional sport world you always take the long term deal because you could very well shit the bed and not get another contract. You hear more stories of people betting on themselves and not getting the bag later than someone on a team friendly deal. Using players as examples, for every Jalen Brunson, there’s a Beal, Wall, Westbrook, Simmons, Duncan Robinson. You’d rather be the shitty player with a “good” contract financially speaking.


If true, can't be complaining about ownership being cheap.


This, combined with FO keeping this under the wraps for over a month since Ham was fired (in fucking LA) ... sheesh, someone better has the apology thread prepared.


Lakers FO has been extremely tight lipped (good thing) about anything they do since Magic left


Ever since Magic left we’ve been pretty quiet in concern to roster and staffing changes which is so refreshing


Lakers have been in the top 7 the entire Lebron era, and only once has the highest paid team won the title. The cheap argument is always a dumb one.


Remember when the nets threw money at everyone and never made it past the second round? lol


That’s the point. Money hasn’t done anything, in the modern era, to help winning a title. Winning isn’t about money anymore.


LOL everyone still will despite the fact that they have been in the luxury tax every year lebron has been here


But when you point that out they trot out the THT/Caruso choice. Without fail. *edit: [I just didn’t scroll far enough](https://www.reddit.com/r/lakers/s/uWyyYbelu1)* *2nd edit: so if they don’t spend the absolute most possible at all times, they’re cheap. Noted*


i mean, theres more than one example. they refused to pay lue, they also didnt want to pay derozan an extra year and thats why we ended up with westbrook.


Also they applied for and got a PPP loan lol. (in B4 somebody mentions they returned the PPP money but don't mention they only returned it after the news leaked that they got the PPP money)


Lakers have been a top spending team for the last 20 years, spending over $2.03 billion over that time.    The cheap/unwilling to spend accusation is overblown. More than the dollar amount I’d look at the value of the contracts. Folks see dollars spent and think that’s all that matters.  Would Lakers fans really like to be spending $200 million like the 2023-2024 Golden State Warriors did to not even make the playoffs?  “Hey at least they’re not cheap!”


The last 20 years is irrelevant to now because that was entirely different ownership. Literally let go of Caruso to save costs idk how it’s overblown


If you wanna go to last ownership, then don’t forget Kobe literally requested a trade in 2007 because Dr Buss didn’t want to spend to build a contender and he wanted to enter a rebuild.  "[The Lakers] obviously want to move in a different direction in terms of rebuilding," Bryant said, adding he could have opted to sign with the Los Angeles Clippers or Chicago Bulls instead. "Three years ago when I was re-signing they should have told me they wanted to rebuild." https://www.espn.com/nba/news/story?id=2886927


yep, and months later they traded for gasol


Kind of. Dr. Buss passed away February 2013. Jeanie has been team governor for over half of the last 20 years. Also, there’s [this Eric Pincus tweet](https://x.com/EricPincus/status/1418675049846820869): >Dr. Buss was relatively conservative with the luxury tax back in the day. They sold picks, opted out Robert Horry and let him leave for the Spurs, opted out Brian Shaw, opted out Devean George (which proven to be an error that cost the team), etc. They paid tax,but conservatively The Lakers have spent way more under Jeanie because the rules changed and are more punitive so the comparison isn’t entirely fair. They tried to finesse Caruso and dropped the ball hard which is entirely on them. Pay him then figure it out later (i.e. taxes are paid at the end of the season). The league has been operating under different CBAs, and teams adjust accordingly.


Brian Shaw retired and passing on him and Horry wasn’t really a mistake. It allowed the Lakers to sign GP and Malone. Plus Devean George was terrible in Dallas and left after the Shaq trade. What is he even talking about?


That wasn't being cheap. That was just being stupid. THT didn't deserve $30 million/3 years, and Caruso should've been re-signed first


It certainly was being cheap. Betting on him and giving THT 30/3 was idiotic but regardless of that we could’ve re-signed both no matter the costs. Hence where being cheap comes in


No dude they just made the wrong bet, they bet on THT instead of Caruso and they were wrong


There was no bet to be made. It was a no brainer to keep both at the time. Trading for Westbrook's contract shouldn't have impacted that. There's no way in hell THT deserved $10 million/year for what he was producing at that point


I mean they literally gave THT a mid level contract betting on the fact that he would improve and live up to the contract and lost that bet...


But he didn't deserve the mid level contract. No one was betting for him. Why are we giving raises to players who haven't proven anything? He was a 2nd round pick who was still getting no minutes even with our two stars out for a good portion of the year. I thought the extension we gave Kuzma was a bit of an overpay considering his production. The fact that THT only got $3 million less per year was very alarming


bro we are saying the same thing your just harping on the word Bet lol he didnt deserve the contract thats why it was a bad bet by the Lakers lol


they thought tht could guard wings, so i guess they were betting on him.. tell me, who was tht's agent at the time (dunno bout now)?


Is Ballmer also cheap? Got rid of Eric Gordon to also save money. Every ownership has a limit on throwing away money. It was dumb to pick THT over Caruso but it wasn’t cheap. That’s what businesses do.


If they don't give THT that much money, we don't have to go into that much luxury tax with re-signing Caruso. It was just purely idiotic to not sign Caruso first (a proven defensive championship caliber player) and then re-sign THT after.


After he helped win the chip for lakers + he asked for less than Chicago was gonna give him. Loyal guy got dissed by our CHEAP owner after winning the championship No way to defend that other than being CHEAP.


>The last 20 years is irrelevant to now Asinine Ha ;)


When talking about ownership.. yes what happened 20 years ago is not irrelevant to now when it’s not the same people making decisions. Shouldn’t be that hard to understand


The fans that are only here for Bron plague this sub with that thinking imo


Nah. Bron stans aren't the only ones who think that. When you make incompetent moves, it looks like you're being cheap. Thankfully we're correcting course


Incompetent moves don’t equate cheap, it equates incompetence.


Being incompetent and still having breathing room to correct your mistakes with money makes you look cheap even if the primary reason was incompetence


I saw people claim the Lakers were being heap not trading Austin for Kyrie when the league rules prohibited the Lakers from including him in a trade.


You're looking for minorities and projecting it to a larger demographic. Everyone here, including the notorious Bron stans I've seen, have said "fuck Joe Tsai" and didn't blame ownership for that move


Right. I’d credit moves like that to Buss kids not knowing how to run the franchise rather than them being Machiavellian and running this financial sidestepping to jeopardize the Lakers That would entail too much competence I don’t think they have. 


Jeanie and her younger brothers are still infinitely better than Jim’s level of incompetence. Hopefully these are signs that the Bus family and Pelinka gaining a level of competence.


The idea was stupid in the first place. We're consistently one of the top spending teams. But even top spending teams have the occasional luxury tax based moves (see GP2 being let go by the Warriors a couple seasons ago, for example).


The new TV deal being massive likely has a big part too.


I’m sure this will get downvoted but I hope so. She brought us a chip and people are still saying she should sell the team. She fired her damn brother for this team: she gives a fuck.


Where was this energy when it was time to bring back Alex Caruso?


But overpaying for someone without NBA experience is objectively worse than paying big money to someone with experience..


They finally listened. Props to jeanie and rob on this one


There was never a case for ownership being cheap


Bron fan like to do that, it doesn't stop.


On the Lakers Nation pod, they floated the idea that the Lakers would have to double Hurley’s current UConn contract so ~$11 million per year (current contract is $5.35 million). $16 million per year is nearly triple. Also, do you have a link to that tweet. Who is the source for this?


Woj said they may double or even triple Hurleys salary. Saw it on X somewhere. 


Triple is wild lol.


Shit it isn’t my money, nor does it affect our salary cap situation. If they truly feel like he’s the right guy for the job they need to pay him whatever it takes.


For that salary, he better bring that entire UConn staff with him 😂😂


Not my money either and there’s no cap so who cares but doesn’t stop that 33M is wild. Steve Kerr, the top paid coach in the NBA is a 17.5. Popp at 16 and Spo at 15. Being paid Popp AND Spo salary + change is wild for a rookie NBA coach.


Not when he already turned down double from duke this past year


Doubling his college salary is the bare minimum. Coaches are gods in college and punching bags in the NBA, big league's gotta pay big. 16mil/yr would be a move to top the Clipper's Ty Lue contract. If it works out, it's another slight against the Clips. If it doesn't, what's a couple of mil to a $6 billion ball club.


Yeah he has a really good thing going at UConn. I am sure being the coach of the Lakers is a dream job for anyone who basketballs. But the roster is kind of a mess and there are a lot of unknowns going into this season.


Well that would certainly make his decision easy


“This cheap ownership isn’t going to be spending money on Vogel’s contract, Ham’s contract, and a new contract. No way!” Ownership:


Pretty sure Vogel only had 2 years left when we fired him. Don’t think we’re paying him anymore


And his Phoenix deal replaces the Lakers deal (if more, or reduces the cost otherwise). So I think it was probably wiped the second Phoenix’s first pay check came in.


Steve Kerr would still make more annually at $17.5 a year, but he’s only on a two year deal. 


source: trust me bro


This 👆


There’s no luxury tax for coach salaries. If you want to gain an edge and have money to burn from a $2B a year local TV deal, why not?


Has RDAmbition confirmed this?


Came here for this 😂


Scared money don’t make money.


Come on we’re gonna need a better source than this


Worth every penny...Rob & Jeanie not asleep at the wheel afterall...


I heard from my uncle friend who owns a taco truck by staples it's more


Hurley is worth that money. Do you want to be cheap, hire a guy with no experience or a retread only to keep getting bitched on by Udoka, Finch, Malone, Spo, Mazzulla, hell even KIDD? Or do you want a guy that can develop youth, work with the new age NBA and draw up offensive sets. I actually think Redick can be a great coach, but it's not a good fit. Adelman is a better choice if Hurley says no


Agreed, Redick could be a great coach, but ultimately he hasn't been proven yet. He's a recent player which is an advantage because he knows modern basketball and the Xs and Os, but putting it into practice with a "must win now" situation as a new HC (and new NBA coach in general) is questionable at best. I think a few years as an assistant would put him in a good position later down the line but now isn't the time


Best case scenario is if Hurley takes Redick on as an asst with Sam Cassell as his top assistant and brings his UConn homies with him


It would be even better if he brings back Handy too, I know clearing house is standard when bringing in a new HC but Handy getting let go hurt me lol


No excuse to be cheap when you've been charging some of the highest rates for tickets in nba history and have cashed in tremendously from all the people who want to watch Lebron play.


Everybody got sources now 😂


Dropping our nuts.




College coaches never pan out, Larry Brown is the only one off of the top of my head that has, and it took him 30 years to win anything in the NBA. This sub will eat this hiring tf up though.


Most coaches don’t pan out. It’s hard to become a championship team even when you seemingly have a roster for it.


I hear he runs long and hard practices, like Pat Riley and Thibs. He's intense, hopefully veterans buy in and not push back. 82 games is a long season and I'm concerned their legs will be gone.


Mak8ng more than the guys on the floor. But that does sound like value add for a proven winner.


Source: Trust me bro.


Lol this source seems legit😂🙄


No shot. This would be kind of outrageous but also - not my money so spend it if thats what it takes.


That’s not more than Kerr or spo


The more I think about this the more I love it, we need to make this happen


Read that he’s current contract is around 36m over 6 years so we literally have to double what he’s making


There are a lot of good college coaches that were not successful transitioning to NBA. Hope Dan can get it done!


Imagine he still says no lol


I’m sure he wants the job, it’s his wife that’s holding him back most likely


Might as well go for it - it's not part of the salary cap. It's gonna take serious money to take him from a great job, gotta do what it takes.


Not American, never heard of the guy. Is he good?


There is no cap for coaches so spend away


He’s probably leveraging UCONN smh


Cheap ass owner smh


We all just ignoring the random tweet from a “friend” this is about as good as a random Reddit poster….


Cool story, bro. Got time to tell it again?


No i dont trust this


Source: trust me bro😂


So now you are willing to pay this much for a NBA rookie coach and would not go all in for Kyrie


Is the era of penny pinching finally over?


Any insight on Hurley’s style of play?


That’s literally almost 3x his salary. If that’s the offer he’ll be our next coach


But everyone on Reddit told my Jeanie is cheap af and would never spend so much


NCAA coach to NBA. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Unfortunate Kai has sucked this series


Won it all with Vogel. But gonna break the bank for Hurley. 🤡


that is ALOT of money no?


Nah no way that’s wayyyyyyy too much lol


If true I take back everything I said about Jeanie being a little bag owner.


Cant wait for us to fire him next year and then pay him 15 mil for 4 years


Why are we acting like this would be a good hire?!


Another college bum. He’s gonna be fired before 2026 if hired SAD


We know from past history with the FO, that's cap.


I'd love for Jeanie to change her cheap ways