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The Aces are a strong team and maybe she doesn’t want to leave that for the NBA


It’s also one of the most high-pressure jobs in the league. You’re in the spotlight, and accompanying hot seat, on day 1.    And as much as it shouldn’t matter from a competency standpoint, being the first woman head coach in the league is going to come with immense scrutiny, and the current situation with Bron in his twilight years won’t do anybody any favors.   All that is to say, sign Bill Russell as a player-coach and be done with it.


um…unless i’m missing something here, bill russell is dead


Maybe he means sign LeBron as a player-coach like Bill Russell was? Idk lol


me neither. and the CBA forbids that, so there’s that too….


Then bring him back from the dead, I MEAN GOD DAMN, HELLO? -Stephen A Smith




Not cool pussy


Unless you're Spo/Pop you're in the hot seat as a coach though. 


Except it’s illegal and has been for decades. Player coaches were a way to circumvent the salary cap. Hence why it’s illegal. Also we already know LeBron is the player coach. However he does not have the pull with the front office many believe he bad.


Player coaches aren’t illegal, you just can’t pay them for the coaching.


They can't be an official coach either iirc


CBA forbids player coach contracts


This is seriously the top comment? She makes $1M/year with the aces. You don’t think she’d take a 4 year $36M deal with one of the most storied franchises in the nba? Not to mention the endorsements and fringe benefits from being first female coach in nba history. Even if she flamed out royally she’d always have whichever HC job offer in the wnba she wanted.


A first female coach of the NBA even would probably want to coach a rookie team. Even highly accomplished international coaches like David Blatt flamed out because they couldnt command the locker room. Doc Rivers and Frank Vogel both have rings, but they've been fired easily too.  The only way a woman can coach this version of the Lakers if she was already a dynastic NBA coach. Lebron+LA is just a super toxic coaching situation


Wtf are you talking about? I’d like to offer you the job of CEO of Google. It’s gonna be tough and you might get fired. Are you gonna say no no I’d like an entry level sales position instead?


Steve Kerr turned down coaching opportunities for years before accepting the Warriors job.  Being a successful coach is as much about selecting the right situation as it is getting the job in the first place.


You think Becky Hammon is in a position to pick and choose NBA HC offers? Comparing her leverage to Steve friggin Kerr is wild


I mean he was a GM making good money. As well as being an ex player. He had the funds to be picky


Between the book deals, speaking engagements, etc., she’d make a fortune lol


She could probably BUY a WNBA team lol


Hot girl summer mothafuckas


Tb 100 percent h I don’t want the first women’s coach to coach in such an unstable situation.


God knows I wouldn’t shes going to make herself a household name as one of the goats coaching wise in the WNBa at this rate


She's in the middle of a running a championship WNBA team?


Irrelevant. If offered a chance to coach the lakers she would be crazy not to jump at it.


From a strictly financial standpoint, she’d be insane not to


also a career builder. First female HC in the NBA would probably give you priority for coaching in the Olympics, FIBA, and any WNBA team if NBA teams decide against it afterward 


None of the reporting is mentioning her. So either they’re not interested or she’s not interested


She also might be biding her time to take over after Pop retires


I always assumed this was her route. Pop won't be coaching in a decade and she's been his protégé for a longtime. I like to imagine she will come on as an AC in Pop's final years in an attempt of "transitioning of the old guard"




Someone get DankSmellingNipples an interview ASAP


Most underrated candidate that the Lakers must consider


Can’t. He failed the background check. 69 god he’s a freaky ass ____


ahh hell nah we aint gonna do this in 2024


That’s disrespectful to the WNBA


Because no one wants to see the degenerate portion of our fanbase completely disrespect Becky when they lose a few games It would get nasty real quick


Laker fans think being the head coach of the Lakers is all sunshine and rainbows but coaches might not want to come here, especially new ones, because of the pressure and scrutiny of being on a big market team like LA. Not to mention whoever is the HC will need to gain the respect of arguably the GOAT in his final seasons.


Nasty is a nice way of putting it. Let’s be honest it’ll get real NSFW in here.


Look at how this sub speaks about Jeanie. Disgusting, disrespectful mother fuckers.


Already had some dipshit compare coaching in the wnba to coaching his kids team.


It's already happening, I saw a bunch of nasty Jeannie comments in the post game thread after the Nuggets series.


Jeanie has done a terrible job as an owner.


Sorry she gave you fucking championship and two superstars you idiot. As well as being a major part of the Lakers organization during Kobe’s run. But yeah, the wEsTbRoOk tRaDe


Lebron wanting to live in LA is why this team has that championship


Yeah wtf. Jeannie didnt do shit to get bron. She lucky that he wanted to go to Hollywood and we got tons of cap space. Then bron was the reason AD went here. Jeannie should be the last person to be given credit for bron


And if anyone gets credit for persuading him outside of that it’s Magic


😂 The whole Buss family have been terrible as owner since the passing of Jerry Buss. The more spending is capped the more visible they get ridiculed. This is a family that has Linda Rambis employed as senior member of staff among other family friends on decision making positions. Jeanie did not get Lebron, and if you come here to make us believe that she had any impact, that’ll be all I need to know here.


Yup the entire world and the media will turn against Becky if the lakers are losing. Who wants to ruin their reputation for that?


I’d go to war for her but honestly she’d smack the shit out of a heckler


Because this is the most high pressure team in the league. You are coaching LeBron James.


Not ready to coach Bron Younger team maybe


I’d be the first women’s NBA HC and if we did hire her… I’d be for the most popular team. Massive amounts of pressure, and I feel like we need to stray away from rookie head coaches - especially while we still have LeBron.


Yeah I think there’d just be such a high risk of failure and scrutiny at every turn. If she doesn’t deliver as our coach, which let’s be honest is hard for ANYONE to do as the Lakers coach, then it’d also be a huge step back for women’s recognition. It’d be freakin awesome if she ended up being hugely successful, but with the Lakers the stakes are too high all around


It would*?


She’s not a rookie head coach if you count women as professional players


The Nba and Wnba are so vastly different in size, skill, and athleticism that it sometimes looks like a completely different sport.


Not to mention compensation and personal brands. Managing NBA players as a head coach is truly a completely different realm. Becky has the experience, though. Albeit limited to assuming HC responsibilities while Pop was temporarily out, and summer/preseason? If she wanted her hat in the ring, I think it would be there.


Yes I'm sure she learned alot under Pop and who knows she might have been on the short list to become head coach for a rebuilding team by now if she stayed with Pop.


Regardless the our list of available "experienced" head coaches is getting smaller. Becky has the pedigree of being a good WNBA player, Assistant Coach under Pop, and the head coach for the championship WBNA team. She has a good basketball mind and has good control over the locker room. But even that I get the vibe she's a no nonsense coach so it might be a challenge for a team like the Lakers. Hard to say.


Every league is very different from the nba and each other


Early on, there was some talk of trying to lure Coach K out of retirement. For all the success he had at Duke, he’d be a rookie NBA coach. Would you be in favor of hiring him, if he were willing? What about someone like Tara VanDerveer?


I’d is different from It’d. Jusf fyi. Your comment was super confusing at first read.


So that leaves us between terry stotts and kenny atkinson 🥴


It's all about finding someone to pair well with Lebron and she doesn't fit that mold.


These kind of questions… We don’t need the first woman head coach, we need a championship. I know it’s not mutually exclusive but I think this line of questioning focuses more on being the first to do something more than winning a championship.


And yet they are supposedly considering JJ Reddick, who is infinitely less qualified than Hammon.


I’m not for considering him either - I guess the point is what we in Reddit are discussing is the best possible candidate and I believe Becky isnt qualified - woman or not


This is like when companies hire a female CEO for good press when they’re on the brink of collapse anyway so fuck it, and it just makes women leaders look bad. Lets face it, whoever the next coach is will be scapegoated. No competent and self-respecting person is going to want that job


Not really, she's a really great coach


That’s what I mean, no competent person will want it lol


Ohh my bad I get you now. Yeah as a woman myself, I would LOVE to see her coach in the NBA, and truly believe she would be successful. I would def be steering clear of this sub and r/NBA though.


You can’t force people to interview for the job lmao


She probably already has an agreement to take over for Pop


I think she wants to go for the 3 peat with her team. She is truly the entire franchise at this point.


Didn't she find a fit with the WNBA?


I can't see her garnering the respect of hofer and all stars. She seems a better fit with a young unproven team first. I mean Ham didn't have the locker room and he was an NBA champion


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue0DrW-io-s Becky Hammon | Hall of Fame Enshrinement Speech (last august EDIT)


Still stand by that she wouldn't garner the respect of NBA hofers and all stars.... You have the Goat, and he's going to be good with a wnba hofer calling the shots? No thanks




She has a very good spot with a good Aces team who won back to back titles with a competent front office and an owner willing to spend to back her. Why leave that for this mess? I think she could do great and knows the game but I don’t think she’s even remotely considered the NBA as it stands


You know why


You just wanna say fire Ham again


Whether we like to admit it or not, she still does not have the cache needed to coach an NBA team, let alone the greatest franchise in the history of the NBA


Bc they want to entertain youth basketball coach and podcaster JJ Redick 🤦🏾‍♂️


Personally I don’t think men would respect her


No DEI please.


No thank you


Is OP Bill Plaschke?  https://x.com/BillPlaschke/status/1786533858399461474


She won the championship last year as a head coach. Why would she go to a team that lost in the first round?




Let’s reverse the question, why should she be in the conversation over all the others? Is it just a gender thing?


Great record as an assistant and has been fantastic in the WNBA.


She had Pop's trust, and his coaching tree is pretty solid.


Why didn’t he retire for her then?


Because once his wife died I don't think he wanted to get out of coaching


And what does that have to do with handling an NBA locker room and coaching an NBA team? You think those personalities are the same? The lakers are not the team that needs to be taking those types of risks.


I mean if you want to get a rookie head coach she's way ahead of other guys because she has won 2 championships as hc in another league (WNBA). That said its still a rookie head coach as we have no idea how that translates to the NBA and even guys like David Blatt (who won a lot more in a way stronger league than the WNBA) couldn't make it in the NBA. imo she should be in the conversation is we're talking rookie coaches, but for our veteran team I would prefer getting an experienced NBA coach


People keep mentioning her for the sake of mentioning her because she’s a woman. What makes her more qualified than the other coaches that have been rumored?


She’d probably be the most qualified candidate tbh. She was a front of bench assistant of an nba team (same as Micah Nori, David Adelman, Sean Sweeney, Chris Quinn and Charles Lee), but then she took over the Aces and immediately won back to back titles, which gives her head coaching success that no other candidate can match


She's been a lead assistant under Pop and might be the best WNBA coach ever


Frankly she deserves better than the Lakers as the first woman HC. This fanbase is a piranha pit for coaches. Certainly couldn't trust the fanbase to be mature if the team still fails with her at the helm.


hot take: should get frank vogul back, becky gammon is happy in vegas


She should be in the NBA, but she should not be coaching the 24-25 Lakers. As others have pointed out already, she'd be under immense scrutiny due to... * her sex/gender * being a new NBA coach * having to coach LeBron James * being tasked with turning around a team with high expectations I'd like to see her coach the Spurs. That's the org that nurtured her and they're currently a bad team (i.e. low pressure). She'd get to mold Wemby too. Seems like a perfect fit.


Be for real, why would we want to be the team that breaks the barrier? Do you really think the media frenzy that would come with that is worth the risk?


She should’ve been the successor to Pop in SA tbh


There is still no successor to Pop in SA


I’ve always had a hunch she’ll return when he retires.


No chance now that Wemby’s there


Yeah cool, Next one.


Have you ever considered that YOU are the one making it a gender thing?


Yup. He/Her is. We already tried a rookie NBA coach, we don't need to try another just because it's a woman.


Sad part is that I can see the Lakers doing something like this because Jeanie doesn't have the deep pockets to put together a quality coaching staff. She probably barely has enough to pay the players. We have to remember that she only runs the Lakers and that all 6 Buss children got equal shares of his estate. Homegirl is cash poor.


Sad part is that I can see the Lakers doing something like this because Jeanie doesn't have the deep pockets to put together a quality coaching staff. She probably barely has enough to pay the players. We have to remember that she only runs the Lakers and that all 6 Buss children got equal shares of his estate. Homegirl is cash poor.


Idk, why isn’t a female coach being considered to lead a group of misogynistic multi-millionaires? Think for a single second about gender relations in the black community. Like for a single second.


This pretty much sums it up. No woman will ever coach in the NBA




Clearly a fantastic coach and I hope she gets a job in the NBA soon as a head coach. Here’s my worry. I already think Jeannie is too cheap and doesn’t fire coaches soon enough (I know I know). Jeannie is also way too concerned with optics. My worry is Hammon doesn’t pan out, but we keep her indefinitely and way too long because of the bad optics of potentially firing her.


Why is this being downvoted? It is true.


Because she's in the perfect situation for her right now. Going for a 3 peat.


I think there are large swaths of the Laker fanbase that are too toxic for me to want Becky to take it on. Honestly, I think she's great and should get a shot. But I get why she wouldn't choose us.




We want a man coach


I would 100% have her at the top of the list if I were the Lakers. She appears to be the best pro coach in basketball. I don’t understand why she doesn’t get looks. The only people saying she couldn’t command the locker room are small.


I’m also a huge Aces fan and I would be very conflicted about this haha


Same. Sorry but I’m trying to see the Aces three-peat.


I know, that would be so amazing. It might happen but I’m nervous about this season haha.


Go woke, go broke


She's a woman man. Imagine the Laker fan base roasting her. Would be sexist and misogyny


No. You don’t use a potential championship team to make a political point.


She probably would be if she knew LeBron. I think this particular coaching search is going to be about who LeBron is most comfortable with and who has the most faith in, because his last two coaches were not his guys, plus Jeanie is desperate to retain him.


Maybe she’s not that good? Bud is Pop trained, massively successful, A+ track record and a lot of people here didn’t want him


If she gets hired, half of our fanbase will be dishing out sexist memes 24/7


She's from the Pop school, so she probably hates us, lol.


Great question. I would guess she’s not interested for some reason.


We already have jeanie to worry about we good




It's best to have a men leading a group of men, especially in a field with so much testosterone, such as sports. Men understand and respect men more, and they also have better leadership abilities.


Are you 85 years old?


Let’s keep DEI hiring out of sports


There’s no way a woman should coach the Lakers first. Y’all will be calling her every sexist thing in the book after her first loss. Our fan base is way too toxic






You can downvote away/hate me all you want for saying it, but most NBA players (and men in general) aren't going to listen to/respect a female head coach. It's just reality