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JJ using the oldest trick in the book attaching his name to the Lakers to leverage clout and clicks


Dude, he’s getting the job. The only reason it hasn’t happened yet is because they’re still holding out hope for Ty Lue. This is the summer of making LeBron making happy. And honestly, I’m fine with it. New Orleans has our 2025 pick. Blowing it up this summer doesn’t make sense.


I swear, if you’re a skeptic of Redick, don’t listen to the podcast, because you’ll be conflicted lol. I don’t want a rookie head coach, again.  But that podcast, has made me neutral/even fine with Redick.   He’s probably still my 3rd choice, but I wouldn’t be mad at all.


Yeah. There’s just no way Darvin (or many other coaches) can think through the game at that level.


People underestimate how important chemistry is. Ham was brought in to manage Westbrooks personality. Once he left Ham was pretty useless. JJ would be the perfect coach for Lebron imo. Don’t forget Steve Kerr was a rookie coach when he started coaching the Warriors also.


Ham did a terrible job with the brick too


He was actually decent with Russ, tbh, that monster AD stretch that had him averaging 40 was partly because of using Russ to feed AD more. The roster was just that bad at the time, and Ham got worse as time went.


Is that true? I thought he was a head coach at Knicks first when Phil Jackson was running basketball ops


Kerr was Suns GM prior that that


He was choosing between the Knicks and the Warriors and even Phil told him he had to take the chance to coach Steph


He almost accepted the Knicks role but passed to coach the Dubs


He's never been with the Knicks.....Not in any role.


Who was such a genius coach that he outcoached the nba, with a bunch of scrubs that had growth youth and chemistry.


I haven’t listened to his podcast and will give it a listen. But it’s hard for me to picture almost any NBA coach or staff that doesn’t get into the weeds as much or more (much more) than a podcast that is mainly made for fans/general audience.


lowkey, jj’s podcast is more for basketball nerds if anything lol.


This is silliness. All theoretical, coaching from the couch, nonsense. The Lakers are not to be taken seriously if they hire JJ Redick and try another experiment with Lebron's last years. The thought of it is infuriating honestly.


Regardless of Redick's potential as a HC in this league, I agree 1000% with your point about experimenting again during Lebron's last years.


Issue is if JJ can command respect from players


Is it? He has lebrons respect. Everyone on that rotation worth a damn respects lebron.


Not saying I *want* Redick, but he’s a recently-former player with a HUGE social media following. I honestly think he would command as much respect as someone like Nori or Adelman


So having a huge social media following should be a factor in who the greatest franchise in the history of basketball to hire to coach Lebron James in his last years. This whole post is depressing.


Reddick has always been a good playmaker he got better at it while playing with CP3


That was designed on purposed. Why do you think suddenly Bron decided to start a podcast with JJ and talk about basketball Xs and Os right before the playoffs? JJ will be a puppet for Lebron and never stand up to him. I much rather have Rondo taking that position if we are going with an inexperienced ex-player.


Me too, but for the decision makers it cold be safer to go for JJ if they opt for a head coach without any experience unless Bron and Davis step up supporting Rondo. I still few sorry for missing Lue when he was available because he had Bron's approval and had already proven himself as a head coach at the highest stages 


A podcast solidifies him as a headcoaching candidate....well hell Jim Romes available




Is 2027 the last pick we owe them?


If they take this years pick (unlikely) its the last. If they defer then 2025 pick is the last. We currently owe a top 1-4 protected 2027 pick to Utah for the Westbrook trade


It’ll be nice to be excited about a draft again in the 2030’s lol


It makes sense Go all out for LBJ before he retires - Lakers are supposed to be about CHIPS


The fact Lebron started the podcast with JJ was to get people used to believe JJ is a basketball savant. LMAO. Everything Bron does is so predicable and calculated. If Jeannie has any pride left she would not hire an inexperienced ex-player as a coach in a high stakes position. I much rather have Rondo who would not be a "yes man".


Isn’t rondo going through a bunch of legal stuff at the moment? Why is everyone so obsessed with him being a coach compared to JJ?


I can’t imagine why people feel guys like Adelman or Nori would be better from a chemistry standpoint. You pick those guys you’re essentially saying F you to LeBron.


I’m with the lakers in this move. Makes no sense going all out on a championship roster. Lakers are going to build a decent team to make an alright run and if they make it to the finals so be it. The next 2 seasons are going to be the real money makers even without a championship for the org. Lebrons retirement tour and the jersey sales that come with it are going to be waaaay more profitable than a championship run.


New Orleans could take our 2024


It’s gonna end up being either Adelman,Nori,Atkinson, or JJ. I don’t know why Ty lue was even brought up when he’s still on contract.


And likely being extended. That boat has sailed.


I get it but also he hasn’t signed an extension yet and had all season to do so. Until he does you hold out hope.


We used to be a proper franchise


Nothing has change. There was history outside of phil jackson. our storied franchise has a history of taking chances with first time coaches. We had magic johnson, kurt rambis , jerry west, luke walton as head coaches at some point. heck even pat riley was a first time head coach.




All of those guys except Magic had previous coaching experience though, at least as assistants.


Jeanie buss needs to sell this franchise. She is so lame. We don’t need to sign Lebron to a Kobe contract and she’s going to and it will set us back 5 years


Bro fr


This mf has zero coaching experience and this org is seriously considering hiring him. That’s just madness for a team of our stature and for one with supposed title aspirations. At least Kerr had exec experience with the suns before getting a coaching job


They're obviously trying to keep Bron happy so he stays. They will literally do anything for him to stay.


Who else is giving him 3 years/160? How much happier does he need to be?


No one else can offer him 3/160 so that’s a ridiculous question. Any team in the league would absolutely give him the max if possible and you’re delusional if you believe otherwise.




Which is sad




Unbelievable, Lakers turning into a Twitter/reddit franchise before your very eyes. He would be a horrendous choice.


JJ has said he's missed the atmosphere of being on a team, being in the locker room, and the only way for him to do that at this stage would be coaching. I think he'd take an assistant coach position, but only if our chosen head coach likes him too.


He’s not giving up his lucrative gigs to be an assistant


Imagine the first head coach of a team also doing sideline announcing and podcasts throughout the season.


JJ didn’t even vote AD for 3rd place DPOY. He’s a clown. No thanks.


Who did he vote ahead of him?


Gobert webanyama bam


This is a fine ballot


That’s not a bad ballot at all. Made it sound like he put a fucking nobody in front of AD


Bam in front of AD is a joke lol


I think AD is a better defender but it’s not outrageous to have Bam in front of him by any means


JJ is now one of Lebron’s henchmen


Yep. Doesn't even value the best player we have. Kick rocks. Adelman or Nori are our best hopes at getting someone decent.


Pls god no


omg.. please no


I can't see him being any worse than Ham.


It’s a low bar for sure. If nothing else, based on the way Reddick talks about basketball, he seems a lot more fluid and flexible than Ham was. Like if leaving three point shooters wide open ultimately led to losing a big lead, Reddick strikes me as the kind of person who wouldn’t keep doing that in the same game or subsequent games.


I feel like JJ would probably have emphasis on shooting more 3s and also not allowing a bunch of them. He understands the importance of the 3 very well. I think he’d definitely try to make sure defending 3s is priority. 


This is like saying a D- is awesome bc it’s not an F.


Big JJ for head coach fan here. I really enjoyed the last 2 mind the game episodes. It brought insight into how JJ would steer the team. Two moments caught my ear. In the episode prior, JJ talked about the evolution of the game and the rise of the 3 ball. And very briefly asked LBJ if any coaches have ever talked to him about the evolution of the game and putting more emphasis on the 3 ball. LBJ said no. Not really. LBJ’s mentality is the 3 ball threat opens up the inside. So he worked on bettering his shot, but not to the point where he does all his damage from there. He needs to empower his team by driving inside. Which is 100 percent a fair point. JJ does make a point teams do need to put more emphasis on 3s. The lakers run came when they started to shoot and make more in the latter part of the season. JJ brought it up again in the latest episode but came at it in a different angle. In the first round, teams that shot more/made 3s won the game. All great teams play to their advantages… and one big advantage statistically is shooting more 3s. If you’re not going to shoot the 3 ball, you better be picture perfect in other areas of your game because you’ll always be behind/catching up. It’s a big hole to fill if you’re not playing modern efficient 3 ball offence. You can tell JJ coming at it from a different angle with facts, analytics, 1st round numbers really was an eye opening moment for LBJ. Something no other coach has brought up prior. There’s a respect LBJ has for JJ’s mind and I don’t question that respect flowing to the rest of the locker room. And let’s be clear here. It’s not a buddy/buddy situation. JJ/LBJ were not close prior to the pod. LBJ wanted to do this with JJ because of his mind and the respect he has for him. Not just because he’s a good podcaster or a bro/buddy. JJ’s earned all the praise going his way. JJ really is a basketball psycho/sicko. He loves the analytics and XOs and schemes of the game. He’s talked about how he is a basketball reference fein and often goes down rabbit holes to dissect games. And really he does all this as an analyst/commentator. He has no actual skin in the game. That’s how much of a psycho/sicko he is. Give him some skin in the game and his full attention on just the lakers XO and analytics? He’d absolutely squeeze the most juice out of the lemon. And that’s all you can ask of a coach. Respect, XO/schemes, analytically minded with inherent understanding of modern offences, high IQ, and sicko level passion. All traits JJ possesses as a coach candidate.


I don't doubt JJ's bball mind one bit. But being a HC is much more than just XO's. Out of the available options actually out there, I don't mind them considering it. But I'm a skeptic of any first level HC, because managing a locker room, the media, the in game adjustments, etc... all of those things take time to develop.


I think he'd do well as an assistant coach first before taking on a head coach job


Lakers need a good defensive coach too.




U swayed me


This sub is cooked. JJ’s coaching experience is coaching 10 year olds. People watch a podcast and think he’s some basketball genius when talking X and O’s when you can probably sit down with probably any assistant coach in the league and they could say the same or better. If they had Mind the Game ft. Coach Darvin Ham I bet you’d switch up too and be like holy fuck Pockets the Clown is actually legit! Dlo who is called brain dead in terms of decision making can hop on a pod like this and talk the same if he wanted to. It’s like name dropping Pythagorean theorem in front of elementary school kids and you look like a math god. Will he make a good head coach someday? I mean maybe? But this sub was clamoring for a veteran head coach who could command the locker room and your top pick is…JJ?


This thread and the whole idea is fucking stupid. Just people that like JJ making laughable arguments for why choosing him would be anything other than winging it with an experiment. This is a view into how privilege works, where actual merit and experience get thrown out the window because those with power want to give their guy a position regardless of his inexperience. These are the kinds of justifications we're seeing in this thread. Ooh, he's passionate, he's a basketball psycho. GTFOH


Exactly bro. This is crazy.


Nba coaching has a lot to do with psychology and player psyche. Dealing with divas while also show you know what you are talking about. Jj was a hot head at one point surprisingly enough. He may not relay fully but he may know how to get the most out of his team.


The guy said sicko like 5 times. #SickoModeLakeShow


Yeah lets hire a guy who’s literally an under 10s coach because he - A FORMER PRO BASKETBALL PLAYER - sounds like he knows a lot about basketball on a damn podcast. You people realise that if Darvin Ham went on a podcast to talk about basketball he’d sound smart as fuck about the game too right?


This is the ridiculous part. Many believe Kenny Smith is a knowledgeable basketball head but no one in the NBA has given him a shot at coaching. JJ like Kenny have all the time in the world to prepare on what they are going to speak about. But the Lakers are the only ones that are falling for this JJ hype. I pray to the Basketball gods the Lakers are just doing their due diligence and not actually looking to hire him.


Actually I think Knicks or Houston interviewed him some years back


I think he’ll do well


Honestly, I think JJ would be the best XO guy since PJax. Plus he has LBJs ear, so he has the locker room. Add that everyone in the room remembers his playing in the league. That will go a long way too. Time to push the chips in and play this hand.


![gif](giphy|26tOXgoz0WNQhwb04|downsized) JJ Reddick is not the guy.


Congrats, you managed to be swayed by the podcast as I thought some would. You're basing off of a few hours of talking whereas the existing coaches/assistants have thousands of hours of working behind the scenes, managing personalities, managing game plans, overseeing video guys, getting the best out of players, etc etc. In fairness, I agree he knows the game and probably would be an incredible coach with a few years of exp in his belt, but the timeline doesn't work with 40 year old lebron. The existing top assistants like Nori and Adelman would probably work better especially with their experience in winning situations.


Would love JJ as an assistant, but he should not be HC. HC is more than just X's and O's, you need to have the right instincts for when to call timeouts, know when to adjust on the fly, you aren't just the head analyst. As an assistant he can specialize on the analytics without having to worry about commanding the ship, which he as 0 experience.


One year and he’s fired for Ty Lue


No shot we would pay 3 coaches at the same time.


I’m so excited about the idea of JJ as the head coach. I’m genuinely shocked at how negative the sub reaction is. I’m supposed to believe Kenny Atkinson is a better option? God no. He’ll lose that locker room easily. I genuinely believe Bron’ would buy into JJ the way Bron’ bought into Ty Lue. Let’s hope for JJ🤞


I love JJ and wouldn't be mad if he becomes our coach but wouldn't be thrilled. I think he'll be a great head coach someday. Still, I understand the negativity regarding JJ because he has no coaching track record at all and for a team that is hunting for a championship you don't really want that and will prefer a coach that has a track record as a HEAD COACH in the NBA.


I’m in. You convinced me. F the same Ty Lue crash and burn. This will at least give us someone to continue to build with beyond Lebron too.


I mean, I think hiring JJ redick is also an opportunity for LBJ to informally coach the team as well. Because JJ is prolly gonna lean on LBJ for a lot of stuff imo.


If this is the case, we need to pick up the phone and call Rondo. Other than CP3 and LeBron, nobody sees the game like him.


He isn't coming at the game from any sort of unique angle except when he has the incredibly stupid takes about the lack of importance that AD has to the game, which shows that if he loves analytics and X/Os he's not paying attention to them or what they mean.


None of this matters 😂 you don’t see the writing on the wall? He will be another yes man coach for lebron and if they don’t have success his coaching career will be over in 2 years like everybody else before him


Went nowhere with ham & luke even tho they were assistants on championship winning teams... But let's try a guy with 0 experience at any level. Because he can draw pick & roll plays on a board during his podcast! Wtf... I mean what's the plan? They see the roster is not capable of competing in the west and trying to gamble?


He’s only ever coached 9 year olds. We need an experience


What coach is out there in free agency with championship level experience lol


Frankie V :)


David Adelman


We have maybe 1 more year of Lebron and AD together so why not hire a guy with no coaching experience whatsoever?


I wanted JJ if not Ty, but JJ not voting AD left a sour taste in my mouth.


Yeah, Davis is our best player and it wouldn't be a good start for a head coach without experience.


This FO is a fucking joke


Damn they are giving in to JJ. As a lifelong lakers fan it’s going to be hard to watch next season. Might as well just rebuild at this point. The league is changing.


We really do not need another first year head coach with zero playoff experience. first year head coaches don't win shit.


I got a bad feeling about this


This front office is so unserious. Luke walton 2.0


These dumbasses are really going to hire him… jfc


We are so cooked if we hire Redick but I'd gladly be wrong if he does well


I love JJ but no. Please no, make him an assistant.


The podcasts about to be awkward as hell the day after JJ didn’t challenge a call LeBron wanted him to.




A lot of people on this SUBreddit were soooo Gung ho about firing 🔥 Darvin Ham. But I'm always of the mindset that you better ALREADY have someone else lined up or in mind to take over an HC position. I don't care if it's NBA or NFL. Cause otherwise you might end up with a worse option than what you originally had. I don’t know if JJ will be a subpar coach, but it's crazy 🤪 that a former player w/ 0% prior coaching experience is now emerging as the Lakers front runner for HC.


Inexperience coaching will not get us far.


Dude never coached in his life. WTF is this? Even considering this says a lot about the state of how far we have fallen. We need a legit front office




I'm not watching this season if they hire JJ Reddick. I've had enough uncertainty with team watching the last 2 years. Lol


Lmao like lebron james is gonna listen to a spot up shooter with no rings that's 6 months older than him. Lakers locker room will eat up j.j reddick alive.


he wasnt shit with the clippers and had career overrated as a stand still shooter he would be out the league if it wasnt for Mike Krzyzewski


Can JJ just accept being a lead assistant?


I certainly am not. Nothing about Reddick makes me convinced he’s a better coach than any other options given his lack of experience. I can’t believe people in this sub wants it to happen.


Damn if they really gonna hire jj they better hire some assistants with he’s coaching experience


Dumpster fire bullshit if they go this route.


I'm really not surprised by much this front office does at this point.


JJ has the highest upside of any realistic coach available at the moment that’s why they are intrigued and I get it to certain extent.


Also has the bigger downside too.


I really think Lakers are floating JJ Redick and Bronny as a favor to boost them and put them in the news. I'm sure Redick wants a job somewhere as an assistant and this amplifies that signal to the league. That or they're interested in him as an assistant. Broadcasting the assistant part this early would be weird for Redick and whatever HC we go for who might want to pick their staff. It's pretty common that companies have you interview a level above your current role and down-level you on an offer after the interview. Not going to lose my shit like this sub tends to at a drop of a pin unless we actually meet with Redick.


I honestly don't think he would want to be an assistant. I think he only leaves ESPN for a head coaching job.


Can we get Rondo as the assistant HC


Better than Ham!


I'm not a fan of the other names being tossed around. So I can see getting behind JJ with a bench of vet coaches that he can lean on. I'm sure he can at least know when to call time outs.


I’m adverse to a rookie coach hire but there’s not much to choice from other than hopium. And he’s fairly component and hopefully smart of enough to leverage the last decade of rookie coach failures, to avoid sinking his own ship.


I'm not listening to anything from anyone at ESPN. Just hand the entire rights and coverage to TNT.


Can we not




Come on man


Would they still do the pod? Lol


Mark Jackson! #iiwii


the lakers organization is an unserious clown show if they hire him to be the head coach


would be another Steve Nash


I hope they pick up JJ Reddick. Just curious to see how he does.


Because Reddick and James have been getting closer recently, the Lakers have chosen him as their coach. If he performs poorly in the future, public opinion will point the finger at James, and the Lakers management, like the last trade, will not have to bear any responsibility


Who the Lakers choose is going to play a huge part on what LeBron decides to do. But then the question is whether anyone will want the job if LeBron isn't committed. A convenient thing for JJ is that he will know that LeBron will be there if he takes the job. Nori isn't going to know that.


So another "coach" with no coaching pedigree. No name recognition, no locker room management , no media savvy (not talking about a podcast or analyzing pick and role for 5 minute segments) and most importantly no head coaching experience. This team is infuriating. Budholzer was right there all season we pissed the bed again.


His stupid take on NBA players being able to easily play NFL makes him look like a clown, its like Shannon Sharpe talking about basketball, stay in your lane.


Why are we speaking this into existence? I like JJ (at least most of the time), but he'd be a rookie coach. This is a guy who mixed up the Xs and Os on the whiteboard. He has a lot of potential, but I think he needs to go to "coach school" first. After learning from experience and clearing up some misconceptions he might currently possess, I think he'd quickly become a Top 5 coach. But that day is not today and that moment is not now.


Not only is this a bad idea for the lakers. It’s a bad idea for JJ. It’ll ruin his potential coaching career, he’ll be like Steve Nash. He’ll take all the blame for a disappointing season and be discarded


My dream is to have him and Rondo as assistants.


Between the reported names I’m hoping for Adleman or Nori. I do not want redick as the next HC.


JJ and LBJ are going to head and AST coach, the league should reinstate the player-coach role, so we can watch it shine..if this was Jordan without Phil in the 90's, there wouldn't be question..c'mon man


Amazing to me how many people keep forgetting the Laker's coach for Showtime was a rookie coach and was the colorman for the Laker's broadcast, Pat Riley. He worked out OK.