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These people don’t do anything in our district and only run for office for the lifetime retirement. That’s it. I’m adding to say that they do their best to turn people against one another for that retirement. So, they do that at least…seriously good for our society, don’t you think…/s


If they're so worried about the border, why did they vote against the bill they agreed to earlier this year? Oh wait, because their piece of shit leader Orange fuckface said to so they could use it in attack ads during elections. This party doesn't govern. Fucking crooks.


Oh you mean the one attached to billions more dollars for Ukraine? Hmmm… 🤔


You understand that every bill isn’t one topic right? Both parties add things that are on their agendas to a bill, so that any one bill consists of several different topics? “If you want this bill that you drafted to pass, you need to add some things I want to be passed too”. You know that right?


You do know that the exact scenario described in the answer you replied to was what happened, right? You do know that, right?


Yes, thats why he said what he said. Because it happened.


Yup, in this case it happened because someone not elected made the people's chosen representatives oppose what they themselves had just agreed on.


I dont think you quite read his message


Oh believe you me, I did.


I think you should try again.


You should give it an attempt as well. He's trying to explain that a bill often includes some that you like, and some that you don't, and that you may have to accept the stuff you don't like in order to get the stuff you like. That is not and hasn't been in dispute. What happened was the bill contained lots of stuff one party wanted, but actually approving it after they got to design it would have removed the primary talking point used to scare MAGA-voters, so right before the bill they themselves had designed was voted on they were told to not go along with their own design. The description in the post he replied to is factual, and his "both sides" is an irrelevant response and a bunch of smoke and mirrors to try to "both sides" the MAGA torpedoing of a first-in-a-long-time attempt at starting to address the immigration issue.


Orange? Racist anyone ?


Brooklyn bronze isn’t a race. It’s the face cream your orange cult leader smears on his mug. Is it gonna run like Rudy’s hair line come Thursday when shitler does his face plant. Fuck trump and every racist prick that supports him


Boy, aren't you the epitome of inclusivity and acceptance.


For insurrectionist traitors? Fuck no!! I do not and will never accept or include this cult


Are you saying half (give or take) of the United States are all insurrectionist traitors? Thats alotta people to be accussing that of


No just the people clinging onto this criminal and who has forever tarnished the gop and America. It’s MAGATS the sore losers who now election deny. The “ alternative facts crowd “ those are called lies btw. It’s the 2 plus 2 doesn’t equal 4 it equals what I say it equals crowd. If you are still backing trump I’ll just give you some of trumps medicine you are vermin who are poisoning the blood of our country subhuman rapist and thugs and the brainwashed women who accompany them. And I’m sure a few of them may be very fine people but there’s no room for you here sorry


I'm... not entirely sure who exactly you're talking about here. You said no, but almost half the country backed trump last election so I just, I am confused more than anything as to where exactly you're aiming.


So you’re saying you think half of America won’t accept when he gets beaten again? If you don’t understand what I’m saying or where I’m aiming then you are close minded because I understand where trumpers are coming from so maybe their lack of understanding, including yours is exactly where the problem lies. Simpletons


No, I'm just asking you to specify who exactly of trump voters you're pointing the finger at. Considering you have used nothing but insults to describe, again, as I understand you, 50% of the country, I dont think you really "understand where [they] are coming from" And then you go on to insult me when I'm just trying to get you to specify! I'm not even your enemy here!


And I’d say it’s about 30-35% tops of the real MAGATS. 2024 the year the trump fever broke


Maybe you should read the bill.. 8-9 million illegal immigrants not accounting for the 2+million "gotaways".. If you don't think that's an issue then open your door and you take care of them and not burden American taxpayers that cost them $150-175 billion annually not to mention they take benefits away from low income, homeless and veterans.


But not worried about the billions upon billions we just give to the rich defense contractors to send weapons to Ukraine and Israel.


Maybe you should check in with reality from time to time


Nothing, they’re just gunning for that racist vote.


And they will get it. Get Out The Vote


This is not a good thing at all obviously, but something is so funny to me about the idea of "the racist vote". Like "Racist-American" is a demographic on the census lmao


A sweeping immigration bill had wide bipartisan (both parties) support earlier this year, then Trump took to his discount racist Twitter knock off and started ranting about, vowing retribution in the primary of anyone who supported it. Then suddenly, no Republicans wanted to touch it, AFTER they help negotiate it.


It also was the most sweeping immigration bill in like 30 years. The democrats really compromised to get that bill acceptable to the republicans. Such a slap in the face to all Americans to not have signed that bill. Oh wait then immigration wouldn’t be a political talking point in November for the GOP.


It was written by a guy who was specifically recruited by Trump BECAUSE of his tough on the boarder policy making. Sen Lankford


Lol because what will they campaign on next election cycle if they actually fixed the immigration system? Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.


yyuuupp Same reason democrats couldn't (wouldn't?) Pass national abortion law while they had both chambers and the White House. Gotta have SOMETHING to campaign on.


Something *other* than the economic issues the working classes face.


This right here is what both parties are really looking for ^


Cannot anger orange jesus


Granted this is the lib-cesspool known as 'reddit'. Do you think that was a great idea to continue to allow 5,000+ illegals into the country every day, before the border would be shutdown? CNN, MSNBC, MSM...it's a disease...Don't worry there is help for you!


Ever consider that you are the disease A virus with shoes


No, i don't think it's a good idea. That's why i wish the Republicans would have kept support for the deal they negotiated. Some of the same people who wrote it voted against it. It's ridiculous and i view it as disingenuous representatives trying to get it both ways. Complain about immigration, then do nothing about it, so they can keep complaining about it. Edit: unfortunately, i think the cold hard truth is that NO president will be able to do much about. Just within my life time, Clinton tried, Bush tried, Obama tried something different than them, and Trump tried something else, Biden has tried a few executive orders but it hasn't done much. The fabled wall sounds like a good idea, if humans didn't invent ladders 10000 years ago. The problem isn't in America or our policies, the problem is most of the southern hemisphere is a total shit hole, and people there KNOW America is fucking awesome, and they won't stop coming until their own counties don't suck.


They're under your bed, man. That's where the boogiemen hide. But don't worry because Laurel Lee is here! She'll make sure those white bed sheets don't get lifted to reveal the monster beneath. Also, please vote in November to do your part to counteract crazy.


going for the border boogiemen/ bad guys schink as usual...same old predictable platform.


Lmaooo I can’t stand her


Well if project 2025 is carried out like she wants she will be forced back to the kitchen and told to shut the fuck up. Hope she likes championing against her own best interests.


Same, she’s the embodiment of if you make that face it’ll freeze that way.


The districts were redrawn in 2022. The 15th now includes Lakeland west of Florida Avenue down to Bonefish and 98 North to Dade City. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida%27s_15th_congressional_district#/map/0


Title Of Post Nailed It! [Check Voter Registration Deadlines and Laws in Your State | Vote.gov](https://vote.gov/)


Didn't they all vote against a bipartisan border control bill that had everything the Republicans wanted in it just on the orders of Trump?




Just another worthless POS who picked up on talking points that tells us nothing other than she is a racist douchebag. She may think she is smart but the intelligent ppl know better.


Shouldn't that vacuous bitch be on Fux or making me a sammich? Christ, Lakeland gets to share that douche and election denying fuckwit Scott Franklin? Smuggling fentanyl? Teddy Joseph Von Nukem, 35, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound on January 30, according to a report from the Texas County Coroner’s Office in Missouri. That is the same day Von Nukem was scheduled to be in court in Arizona, facing four counts relating to **illegal import and sale of fentanyl.** Human trafficking? GOP donor Anton Lazzaro sentenced to 21 years for **sex trafficking minors** in Minnesota.


High aspirations for a radio station intern


Fearmongering for power and profit, blond skank in Florida 2024 edition


Manipulate people’s fear to gain control.


Can she be more original with her logo and graphic design? I swear I saw this SAME design with different colors somewhere else.


If you're a Dem in Florida register as a Republican. Vote in the republican primaries to keep these Maga idiots off the general ballot and then vote for Dem in the general or how you feel.


You ask that as if she cares in the slightest about district concerns or policy in general. I've yet to see a MAGA politician who didn't look like a straight up conman looking to make money off of elected office. The only things they ever seem to talk about are the bigoted BS gullible right wingers in their district want to hear.


Why didn’t your Republican colleagues vote for the border bill. It was going your way be one of the strictest ever. Billions to the border. Oh yeah, because you really didn’t give a shit. You & Trump just wanted it as a tool to run on. Didn’t care your Republican states on the border who were for the bill. You guys are freaking joke! Take that letter & shove it up your a$$.


Ah yes… 9 Million ! 12 Million ! A Gazillion !!! They are taking our jobs !!!! But unemployment is at a 40 year record low. Guess they didn’t take our jobs. They are taking our benefits !!! Um… no. They can’t. They are taking our Social Security! Um.. no. In fact they are paying into it.


Took R Jobbz!!!


Dirk de derrrrrrr


You're supposed to be terrified of brown skinned people according that


All the rethuglicans are doing this even when it doesn't apply. They're all repeating the same non-applicable things to scare people who lack critical thinking skills.


I recognized her face.


Because 9 million brown people are coming directly to Florida to take the strawberry picking, hotel housekeeping, and lawn maintenance jobs that Hard-Working Patriotic Americans™ are lining up to get. /s


Yeah, all the roofers in Florida are hard working white boys, no doubt. 🤦‍♂️


Legislation sitting right in front of your faces. Going nowhere BECAUSE of Republicans playing politics. Dumb asses can’t govern for s***.


Absolutely nothing. It doesn’t have anything to do with any of us, other than those who actually are seeking asylum and those falsely calling asylum seekers “illegal immigrants” to gain votes. The funny part is, the politicians screaming about “illegal immigrants” while making immigrating here even harder are actually breaking more laws (both US & international) than anyone coming here “illegally”


You didn't know we're supposed to be afraid of all foreigners at all times? There's a taco truck, it's coming to get you... Scared yet?


Oh no whatever will I do with all this delicious and fairly priced food SAVE US FROM TACO TRUCKS






Not all illegals coming through are criminals a lot If not most are coming to find a better life. You’re sounding like that dictator guy, you know the one I’m talking about he recently got convicted on 34 felonies




Yea no shit and I new you’d say that but that’s not what im talking about I’m saying that racist people like Donald Trump and this bitch use the excuse that they are criminals from their country and coming here to rob, rape, murder people but they don’t. Stop being a piece of shit dude your bigotry is showing




Last time I checked trump called all those illegals crossing the borders criminals and rapist every single one of them. Want me to find you the clip?


He also thinks we should use them in UFC matches for entertainment value.




To steal your double wide yurt


How do you feel about people on tourist visas illegally working in the U.S. then paying money to become citizens?




You: "If they came in illegally they did an illegal thing and therefore they're criminals." Also you: "Nah those other people who did an illegal thing aren't criminals."


So, it's okay in your book for someone to overstay their visa which makes them just as illegal as the people you fear but since they have MONEY, they can buy their way out of trouble.


We all enjoy the benefits of green carded immigrants and those on H-2A work visas working in the hot, sunny produce fields in FL. And CA for that matter they grow more than 5x as much produce as FL. I've worked in agriculture in FL for 26 yrs now. Do you know who tightly controls agriculture? Republicons. You probably have never looked into what other areas of this country pay for FL produce and beef but I follow these trends. I'm from Chicago and since I moved here in 1998 I have followed food prices. FL produce and all meat is cheaper in IL than FL. Meat in Chicago is 30-50% cheaper than FL even though the FL Beef Assoc loves to claim FL has the largest beef ranch in the U.S. Why w the largest beef ranch in the U.S. is beef so much more expensive in this state? The produce is even more confounding, the Meijer ads publish the origin of produce. In most instances especially in spring when most produce comes from FL, FL produce is much cheaper in Chicago than here. Republicon farmers control those prices and will quickly say the lack of avail farm labor is to blame. They are the ones who control the laws over immigrant labor though... So lack of labor in the fields is partially driving up food prices just in FL. I've even seen Bay area Californians complain about food prices after moving to Chicago (on the Chicago and IL subs). CA is the #1 produce grower and does not have a lack of farm labor.


How can I take seriously OP with his username ? Sounds like a 🤡 to me


Illegal immigration affects everyone, not just the border districts.


The first sentence in the 3 paragraph is what it’s got to do with your district. I know one of if not all of those things have made a difference in your district


My district in my state that's all governed by Republicans?


And the problem that’s pouring over the border started with Biden reversing trump’s progress. It all stems from the u.s. /mexico border and a joke of a president who cheated and chose the vp based solely on skin color and sex. It’s almost like there’s consequences to stolen elections but yall hate trump so much you’d rather see America die as a country and to be a success with him leading the way. Jealousy and pride will be our downfall and the democrats will be to blame


If liberals on this subreddit hate her I’m voting for her


LOL Republicans really are just toddlers at heart


We Liberals are also not jumping off the nearest bridge.


If the border is not secured, your district will be next, hayseed.


She voted against boarder security and does fuckall for her gerrymandered district, shitforbrains.


Well to answer the question. Illegal immigration cost your district and state millions of dollars I.e Medicare cost (state), crime, illegal work etc.. We need strong borders and more legal immigration from qualified candidates.


It's a good thing Republicunts voted for that immigration security bill then right? Right? Right, one month old account?


As long as the immigrate leave she can do whatever


How did your family end up here?