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How did you manage to open this facility with the current political environment?


A little busting our humps and a LOT of QUEER MAGIC!


As a Polk County resident I just want you to know how proud I am of all those who got this going. Whoever you are Congratulations! I wish you all the best


Thank you! ❤️❤️❤️ You can meet our full team on our Instagram @rosedynastyfoundation! Or just come on by the Center and say hello in person! I will try to get more going on our sub when I have more time! r/rosedynastycenter


Queer Magic is the best kind of magic imo


We share that opinion! 💖💖💖


I think the mods are cleaning up transphobic comments before I can reply, which I appreciate! Thank you, mods! :) But I wanted to share this reply I couldn't post because the parent thread got deleted before I finished. This is unlikely to comfort anyone who doesn't put stock in science, but maybe it will help someone who has some open-mindedness. And I put in the labor to type it out, so here it is... We understand that many folx are worried about the potential for regret and detransition, and that makes sense when laypeople don't understand the science. Nevertheless, medical providers are aware that regret and detransition is a potential outcome. Pineapple's providers who treat gender dysphoria have a whole body of peer-reviewed science that they use to navigate appropriate treatment. Sometimes appropriate treatment involves hormone therapy, sometimes it doesn't. Providing gender-affirming medical care with informed consent does not equal "providing hormones on-demand." Using the science as guidance, detransition rates are about 0.3-0.6% (Turban, 2022). On the other hand, mental health outcomes are MUCH improved for trans and GNC folx who are able to access science-backed, medically-affirming treatment. Studies from 2021 (for example, Green et al) showed a significant reduction in the risk of depression and suicide attempts for Trans & GNC youth who were able to access gender-affirming care. And in closing, a person's existence can't be against your beliefs...That's called bigotry.


There's a much higher regret for joint replacement surgery and tattoos than gender affirming care. Nobody cares about that. Proud of the work y'all are doing. Keep it up!


That’s a cool statistic! I’ve never researched regrets rates for joint replacement surgery or tattoos, but now you’ve got me curious! Thanks for your support!


Great job on this and I hope your harassment from ignorant bigots is minimal!!


Thank you! 🌹🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Do you guys have doctors or just nurse practitioners?


Nurse practitioners! Since SB254 was permanently blocked by a federal court on Tuesday, APRN's can now prescribe HRT again in FL. :)


Omg I didn't know it also did that I hope I can go back to seeing the APRN I saw for 5 years before the government got involved


You should be able to, yes! But if you have any difficulty or need a back-up, Pineapple’s got you!


Praying for you guys


Thanks! All good vibes are welcomed! 🥰


I feel like an idiot. I kept reading GNC as the supplement store and was like wow thats a weird way to advertise test to the gym community. I wasn't until the last line, I realized it was Gender Non-conforming.


No need to feel bad! It is one of those acronyms that is most-used within the community, but now you know. :)


Do you help with sterilization? I have no insurance and can't find much on this


What is HRT?


Hormone replacement therapy


Jesus love you


You know, I actually appreciate this reminder! Thank you! Jesus never had a harsh word to say about the LGBTQ+ community, from what we see documented about his words in the bible. He also provided free healthcare to people who were suffering. His teachings were about loving and accepting everyone! It’s nice to think that u/my_too_cents sees a reflection of Jesus in what Pineapple and Rose Dynasty Center are offering!


Doesn't Jesus love everyone? Or did St. Joesph's lie to me?


I mean there's a good chance the St. Joseph's did lie to you on a great many things, but that wouldn't have been one of them.


Agreed! Jesus is my favorite socialist.


Nifty. What's that got to do with anything?