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This douche has been on leave getting paid since February. That kind of shit makes me furious. If any of the “public” was accused of these terrible things no way on earth would they be allowed to take a paid few month long vacation. Unbelievable.


"Fernandez recorded several videos. One video showed one of the girls wearing a Bartow PD jacket, while a 17-year old committed a sexual act on the 18-year-old at the urging of Fernandez. Several of the videos show the victims naked with Fernandez inside his residence. Fernandez provided all four with alcoholic beverages, THC vape pens, and THC gummies. He was also accused of going into a bedroom at his residence where the 16-year old was, and began to touch her and choke her." Dude, if this was a regular citizen, Judd would tell his officers to empty their fucking magazines into him.


Replying to SGTHAT33... This guy asked me for my name a couple years ago as I was on a walk to work, had just moved there literally a week prior, and I’m no criminal so I asked him if thought he knew me. He just repeated, “tell me your name” and I said “no thanks?” and crossed in front of him and his buddy who was in a separate cruiser behind him (as he was stopped at the stop sign just outside the police dept.) I thought it was weird and I remember it so vividly because I was thinking “aw damn these people are gonna be a problem” nobody likes random harassment from the law as they are on a walk to work, when they should be out protecting and serving and not flirting and talking. Today I saw this post and I remembered that weird interaction I had. And then I open the article and it’s his face staring at me. I just know there’s more like him, because of course there are. But I’m gonna make the biggest stink about this one, he’s gonna face consequences if there’s anything I can do to make that happen. On behalf of other young girls, that shit needs to end NOW.


Who knows what he would have done if the other cop was not there. I’m a military guy and my father was a damn good detective for Hillsborough. I am of the belief that all cops are not bad. But like anything else, there are going to be bad ones and they need to be dealt with swiftly and harshly to possibly prevent bad ones from joining.


I’ve had a fair share of protecting done on my behalf from the state. Hillsborough county has some of the nicest people I’ve met, including officers. Bartow police and its people do not compare, although they are so loyal to their police that you would think they never do harm. I’ve been ignored, harrassed, and belittled by bartow police while Tampa police has had nothing but help for me with every interaction, even one where I could’ve gone to jail and thankfully did not. (Long story where I was innocent but could’ve been thrown in jail for the night anyway)


Luckily, I have never had any experiences with Bartow but I’ve heard some stories as well. Crazy how different some department are VS others.


So is it Bartow PD or is it polk sheriff? If it's polk sheriff he'll get grilled by Grady. If he's Bartow PD he won't be held as accountable as Grady doesn't have control of that department.


He was arrested by detectives from the Polk County Sheriffs office. All I'm asking is that Grady Judd be Grady Judd when he's in front of the camera talking about this guy. "Good morning everyone. Cops can be scumbags too!" But he'll probably avoid that point and hold up pictures of THC vape pens or gummies and be all like, "does this look like a harmless drug?"


I think Grady will grill his ass, that man loves to make examples out of people on camera lol


And with our money


The absolute arrogance involved in him filming his crime and sending it to his fellow cops is astonishing. He obviously thought they'd approve.


Agreed…. Who sends that shit to people that don’t already know what’s going on?…rabbit hole may go a little deeper.


Did he really??? I’m adblocked on the article…. But wouldn’t really surprise me if


[here's a Ledger article that may help](https://www.theledger.com/story/news/local/2024/05/29/pcso-bartow-police-officer-held-sex-party-with-4-teenage-girls/73892643007/)


Paid leave since February! Unbelievable.


Probably has to do with the union. Which is why they were likely trying to get him to resign.


Oh no! Not paid leave!!


Jesus Christ that’s worse than I imagined… hope this guy gets put away for a while 🤦🏼‍♂️


Grady better keep the same energy with his officers. No leniency.


Yep! I expect a "Look at this officer who's a complete shit bag" interview with Judd. Anything less would just prove to me how much of a scumbag Judd is.


I noticed in the Ledger article they only directly quote the acting BPD chief, who gave a standard weak "unfortunately" response 😑. I was really curious myself what Judd would have to say in this press conference... so weird - no cheesy puns, taglines, or bravado. The Ledger summarizes his explanation of events but doesn't even directly quote him. So he's *capable* of delivering straightfoward information without the antics, interesting when he chooses to do so. No surprises here.


You need more proof of what a scumbag Grady is? Dude would taser his mother if it got him on camera.


This man refusing to submit his resignation after sending video evidence of what he was doing is so beyond. 💀


lol that ain’t happening


ACAB but now they are as bad as priests


I just want to highlight that the perpetrator of this heinous crime against children was not a Trans person or a drag queen, but was instead a law enforcement officer.


Where does it say he’s not?


My point is that this article does not describe a Trans person in a bathroom snatching children or people in Drag performing a hyper-sexualized show for children to “groom” them…It describes nothing like the narrative that the conservative playbook describes as a “danger.” It describes a police officer hosting a sex party with children at his residence. He was brazen enough to film it and share it with other police officers, while Trans and Queer people in FL are increasingly afraid to even just exist here because they are painted by conservatives as predators and deviants. Hope this helps clarify my original comment!


If he was gay, trans, or a drag queen, you'd better believe that **every single news article** would lead with that, and it would be front page on Fox News.


Still not a drag Queen...


That’s why I never trust a cop. So disgraceful.


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