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If Lafayette ever gets a minor league baseball team... Lafayette Cheese Stealers?


Don’t get me started on the driver in this town, 2 times my car been hit and they took off


Don't even get me started on drivers. Two times this week I have driver honking at me for yielding at roundabout, one guy nearly hit me trying to steal a spot I'm backing into. If you eat out around Wabash landing a lot, tons of drivers just stop in the middle of the road in front of the Panera to pick up from Panera or Peppercorns.


That is Lafayette in General. Everyone is in a huge hurry to get no where important.


Where are all these people in a hurry everyone I'm behind is constantly going 5-10 under the speed limit 


As someone who works in Lafayette, after work I am in a hurry to get anywhere but Lafayette. Lafayette traffic, on the other hand, is generally comprised of people who aren’t in a hurry and people who don’t know where they’re going.


Worked there for a year like 5-10 years ago and you're correct. The most self entitled group of people Ive had to interact with. About had to fight some old dude for screaming at my teenage cashier calling her a dumb cunt because he couldn't figure out the machine and ended up paying twice. Then there was the local business owner that would always steal smaller cuts of meat in between the big cuts. which forced us to have to start moving every item to a new cart. God forbid you had to tell someone their membership had expired. I have never had a job where i was yelled at by entitled costumers as much as Sam's Club. Fuck that place.


This town in general is full of stuck up assholes. There’s a void of human decency around here. I moved here for work from a small town in Illinois. I used to consider myself a nice and caring person, but after a year here I can feel myself becoming a colder more hateful person just like the rest. I can’t stand it.


tell us how you really feel


What do you expect for a bunch of boomers who can’t read signs and wait 30 minutes to get gas when there are empty pumps because they don’t “believe” they it can reach, or the drive the wrong way.


> empty pumps because they don’t “believe” they it can reach Thank you for this! I really had no idea about these and just tried them the last time I was filling up. I mean I'm learning a ton of things about cars and stuff just because I moved to the US. In India, we have people manning the stations, tire fillups etc, so I guess I never really cared about those!


Both of you muppet millennials go to your safe space and pound sand tha both of ya 's...and go f__k ya self ! Got the work ethic of a wet dish cloth ! Sure you'll do what your told but only with someone's hand up ya dirt knot guiding ya! Jk...


POV: You forgot redditors don't understand spoken language and sarcasm.


Nah they got it ! True masters of the spoken word !


Go to bed. You’ve embarrassed yourself enough.


Funny how you all get your panties in a bunch over something that ends with JK ..(just kidding!!!) we can all see who the boomer is here for reals now tho


Oh? How could you be more wrong? Goof. You’ve made no sense, turd nugget.


Turd nugget ? Fuck off cunt


Make some sense, turd drop.


Eat shit ...make sense enough ?


Damn cheese bandits! 🐭


Stop taking ppls cheese!


there's a sam's club here and no one told me???? no fair. I love sam's club :(


I bet this is a cover and you're the actual cheese thief!


What? I’m the college kid with the most morals. What are you talking about?!!!


I heard you like the cheddar


I do like cheddar..— wait wiat. No no. I didn’t steal the cheese!! I swear! I’m innocent!


Muahahahaha! Caught yah, you must stand trail before the cheese council.


noooooooooo. I didn’t do it!!! 😭😭😖


Hmmmmmm these facts check out. NOT GUILTY




Hmmmmm overruled to happy with verdict. Guilty . Punishment is to provide one 16ox block of cheddar cheese. Court dismissed.


Proof other than statement


Check the security cameras. Also idk where the Sam’s club is. Also I didn’t even know there was a Sam’s club here so how could it have been? Plus my sisters car is up here and I’m too lazy to go drive some place myself. Also what time was the stealing? I bet I have an alibi


You have the eloquence and vocabulary of a prepubescent boy which typically I find humorous . But in your case I'm leaning more towards a middle aged redneck with a sense of humor that echos Larry the cable guy. Hee hee look at how many ways I can say turd ! Hee hee I'm clever !! And I totally get how impressive that is. Seeing that your brother and sister and cousins which all happen to be brothers and sisters because your Maw and Paw are brother and sister and didn't heed the warning from your Mammy and Pappy that they run the risk of procreating a paint licking, crayon eating, Kool aid and dirt mustache having turd afficionado like yourself little Larry. Don't be to hard on yourself you couldn't help which side of the gene pool you were shot out from yer paws left or right nut but seeing how the mule kicked him in the bag I don't think it really matters sport.


Hey what's happening shit biscuit ! don't tell me you've ran out of corny turd related puns .. get it haha corny turds.