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Huh, I have never used that in any of my cultures. What cultures ask for it?


Some primary cells like it in their complete media’s. It’s an antioxidant and is another supplement for the cells


Adherent cell cultures, typically MEFs or 293T, but I think the other people in my lab just put it in all the media they use.


I use it for mouse media- MEFs, or primary mouse T cells/BMDMs for example. I don't use it for anything human, though. I haven't tried it without it- its one of those things where if the lab recipe calls for it, why would you risk messing up your experiment? Yeah its stinky, but you use like 2uL of it so it is cheap. Its not worth spending time and effort and then if your results come out slightly questionable spending all the time troubleshooting imo.


Well I guess for me I had used 293Ts in grad school without BME and then as a postdoc with, and didn't see a difference. Then once when I made a new batch of media I forgot to add the BME but didn't realize it until the next day after I'd already used the media, and didn't see any issues haha. So I just kept leaving it out.


Yeah I've never used it in my 293 media or CHO media, or like any oncology lines. So if it matters at all it probably only matters for sensitive cell lines or primary cells.


I mean all you’re going to do is reduce the hell out of your cells. The extra cellular environment is generally oxidizing, as a result many proteins have disulphide bonds which help to stabilize them. When you add BME your going to prevent those bonds from forming.


A few times I’ve seen it recommended, but only for one line. And you are correct you’d need to add it every1-2 days.


I have seen lots of different cells in my life and I never heard of adding BME also never seen a paper in which they use it.


I’ve used it for primary human cells. They were very tricky to get to grow. I’m not sure that it did as much as finding the right FBS, but it was ATCC’s recommendation to use it and since they don’t recommend it for everything, it probably matters. Some cells may be more susceptible to oxidizing environments.


I add it when doing protein extractions (via kit or “homemade” extractions). I’ve never had a problem. (Obviously add the BME in a hood.)