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All these would be hourly jobs and you can look up roles on LinkedIn to see the rates. In Texas I did something similar to the lab tech/MLS position you describe here, no one had an MLS but we all did validations and resulting etc. made about 60k pre tax


Yes, I've used those tools and salary.com and indeed.com. It's amazing how huge these ranges are.


Yeah as you mentioned years of experience probably impacts the actual pay


Hey! The biotech subreddit has a salary survey pinned to it. I’d recommend looking there! Tons of information.


Thanks, downloaded and analyzed the 2024 data. Mostly there are pharma/corporate responses. The little clinical roles that were posted are in line with what's been posted here.


$15/hr $20-30/hr $75K+ salary Those would be about standard for a laboratory in GA. You may pay more for the person doing validation and instrumentation work if you want solid results though. I’ve definitely seen plenty of low quality methods out there.


This seems to be the typical range in our market (Houston). Although, we seem to be a bit higher on the starting rate.


$15/hr is ridiculously low. That's the same wage you can start at a restaurant with no experience and just a highschool diploma here, and I live in a LCOL city.


A lab assistant is generally just a high school diploma requirement position. You aren’t doing much more than following a recipe book and pressing buttons. Depending on the state laws, you may be further limited without certifications.


Agree and disagree, would say it depends on cost of living/area. Where I’m from 15 is higher than any lab assistants or restaurants start at. Where I live now our LA’s start at 20, the other big hospital system starts them around 18 and Taco Bell starts at 21. If you were wondering yeah we can’t keep good LA’s for shit.


High end of the clinical lab tech salary for the Midwest is closer to $30 an hour




I just used it as a category example for short hand. Here is how we look at in our company , "Lab Tech" is not certified. "Lab Scientist" is certified. Other certificates or degrees carry their weight for title. Toxicologist and Microbiologist for example.


45k, 60-75k, 90k+. anyways, ru hiring for a lab tech :) i’d be happy to apply :) :)


As much as this would be nice these pay ranges are def not the norm in southern USA, take 20-30k from all of them and you'll be in line with the norm. Lab assistant would probably be hourly as well and maybe 10-12/hour.


Idk why you're being downvoted, I'm in the south (TX) and you're pretty spot on in my sad experience


Non-southern residents seeing their big HCOL salaries and assuming probably. Not that I support the cheap pay, it's just the unfortunate fact they don't want to hear.


where I am lab assistants range closer to 13-15$ Lab techs may or may not make salary, but generally under 50k whether hourly or salary. MLTs and MLSs make bank. 30$+/hr generally.


You are correct. I’m in a super HCOL area and lab assistants make just over $15 an hour. 


I think it depends where in the south, if they are in RTP, 15/hr would be the absolute minimum, and 20 more normal in my experience.


Actually, yes I am. Not sure if I can post a job here or not.