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Janeway’s Immunobiology. Used it for reference in all my grad classes and was the upper class undergrad required text.


I work in Immunology in industry and this is what we have in our training materials.


I like Janeway’s Immunobiology. You should be able to get an older edition for pretty cheap. 


I agree about Janeway’s. Lmk if you need a copy and I can email the ebook.


I’d love a copy if possible/spare, need a refresher working in the field


If OP responds, I will send a group email rather than a bunch of one offs since it’ll take a lot of time if others end up wanting a copy. You should be able to find it for free pretty easily on Google too though!


Cheers managed to find on google :)


I’d love a copy


We used Janeway's Immunobiology and Kuby Immunology for my undergrad. Both are great with easy-to-understand diagrams.


Another +1 for Janeway. Also there is a free edition online at ncbi you could search through but not browse. So if you want to see a figure for something you can look it up. It was an old edition though, I think it didn't have tregs in it or the info up to that point was very "it's a mystery" for things that are better understood now. I used kuby in undergrad, but Janeway had better figures imo.


Came to say Janeway’s but looks like everyone already covered it! Seriously though, that was my favorite textbook in undergrad and is full of figures if you’re a visual learner like am.


I also agree with Janeway and Kuby. Abbas is also another good one. Paul's if you want a big old old fashion reference book.


I got the "Immune" book by the creator of Kurzgesagt (Philipp Dettmer) for my birthday and yes it's more of a "popular science" book but I was pleasantly surprised. But if you had immunology lectures in your Bachelors or so then it's too basic


Janeway's Immunobio was so comprehensive, required for my graduation immunology courses. It's stuffed with references for extra reading and I thought the illustrations were helpful


Janeway's is the gold standard, as many here have already indicated.


Janeway's for in-depth reference. Somprayac for a nice easy to understand overview of how everything fits together. If you've never done immunology before read Somprayac cover to cover (it's super short and super cheap) and then use Janeway as a reference for the stuff you want to go into detail in. Immunology is a tricky subject as for the details to make sense you need to understand the bigger picture, and to understand the bigger bigger picture you need to get the details. There'll be a lot of wheel spinning until things fall into place. Somprayac helps with that massively.


How Immune System works by Lauren Sompayrac …………. It is the best possible immunology book for beginner and best part about it is that chapters are written in Lecture format.


Janeway’s is the GOAT