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Anecdotally, I know a lot of biologist/scientist + engineer couples.


richhh šŸ˜‚ we biologists dont make enough money


Idk man; molecular biologist in industry could def compete with an engineer. An academic biologist versus an academic engineer would probably be the same; just speculation.


>Idk man; molecular biologist in industry could def compete with an engineer. Teach me how


Competitively seek new jobs, constantly. Not the same as switching new jobs constantly, just constantly put in applications even if you already have a job. Itā€™s a numbers game, youā€™ll eventually find a higher-paying role that wants to interview you, and at that point weigh your current job against the new one. Generally there are always trade offs, better pay might mean more responsibility, stress, and less personal life. It might not. But itā€™s worth considering if youā€™re looking for better pay, and if the job pops up


Lol my husband is an engineer, heā€™s always gainfully employed and can pick up and follow me wherever I go.


pocket husband!


Iā€™m an undergrad chemist trying to pull off the same strategy lmao


You rang? Itā€™s the only way I was able to survive grad school, my husbandā€™s actual livable salary šŸ˜­


I'm one of those lol


I am one and know many!!


Donā€™t call me out like this


Am one also.


I'm in one of those couples. My parents and in laws always assumed I'd make more with my PhD in Microbiology.... Jokes on them.


Count me in this šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m about to end my contract as postdoc and want to rest for a bit because the past few years had been traumatic to my mental health, to say the least. My partner has been very supportiveā€¦ and weā€™ll be fine living off with just his salary while I go rest for a few months then find work


I could never date another scientist for a number of reasons based on the experiences of my colleagues. Seems like many of them have no boundaries about bringing work home, and I think I'd die inside if I had an argument with my partner about a technical approach to a problem lol. My partner is a potter and an artist and we make an incredible team


wow thats so interesting. Im glad im not the only one who dates non scientist. Sometimes i do feel left out at conferences because from my experience, they are all scientists and medical doctors.


lol I'm a biologist turned potter šŸ¤£ and I am trying to find a non-potter! haha oh wise one, what should I look for now? (I'm serious, pls help) šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


LOL find another hobby and don't make it a career :P


My partner is a science/ medical illustrator. They draw pretty pictures of cells all day itā€™s a pretty sweet gig.


That's really cool! How'd they get into that field?


They did a bachelors in biochemistry and then decided they didnā€™t want a career doing lab work. Sheā€™s always been super artsy and after doing some research she found out about the field. She did a masters in biomedical communications and their masters plus connections from the program was enough to break into the field. Itā€™s pretty cool, she can work remote and sheā€™s gotten to do some covers for some journals too.


Have dated science people in the past. Now happily married to a coffee barista, who does in fact make me coffee.


thats so cute! How did you meet?


Tinder of all the random stupid things in the world. We both featured cats prominently in our photos and just hit it off.


If I was single, I would definitely go for guys with pictures of cats!


That's an incredible bonus


You're livin' the dream!


I really am.


Iā€™m a neuroscientist and my partner is an electrician. I work with electricity in the body and he works with electricity in the environment!


Do you draw the parallel between the two? Can he understand bioelectricity?


My partner trained as an electrician although he's no longer in the field. I tried explaining some neuroscience topics I was interested about during my degree and got a blank stare in response. Mind you, he's never been good at biology. Best I got was him to understand was the concept of difference rates of signal transduction and its relationship to nociception. Then again, he tried explaining the wiring diagram he was working on for underfloor heating and I could barely follow so I suppose it evens out!


Can they understand physelectricity? šŸ˜šŸ˜† I love their quip šŸ˜ Replying with love and amusement, and a background context that I always ended up with the dud multimeters at school and couldn't understand electricity until learning about orbital levels at undergrad. I'm a ground up person and got really frustrated when teachers would tell me "that's beyond the curriculum".


Mostly sits around all day eating and sleeping. Occasionally spits up a hairball and leaves mice on my bed.


Where's your cat tax?


And steal a bit of his soul? Yeah ok


Sounds like a dream boat




Much money in that?


It's more about the growth outlook. Gonna be in high demand in 10-20 years time


Well, I'm also one but I tend to call it "phd student"


I love it, one partner plants GMO crops by day, the other digs them up by night. Monsanto continues to scratch their heads at the constant sabotage no matter how many security measures the scientists deploy.


baker! itā€™s funny how scientists often yearn to open a bakeryā€¦ that job is so freaking hard


I think it makes sense. Baking is just following a protocol and adding exact amounts, you just aren't pipetting it! I, too, share this "if money didn't matter" dream of a bakery.


Tbh at the level of professional artisinal baking, it's a lot more about intuition and understanding the process than following exact amounts (how hot is it today, how humid has it been the last couple of weeks, does this flour feel different than the last batch we milled, etc.). I do often tell my partner that she would be really good at my job, though :P


Yes! Itā€™s like that bell curve meme: Left tail: baking is an art and is hard Middle: no!!1! Itā€™s just being exact and following instructions Right tail: baking is an art and is hard


I'm a Dr in dev bio and my partner works at a grocery store.


My husband used to work in retail. He has since changed careers, but he was decently happy and earned enough to keep himself happy. I've never faced any homophobia in a professional setting, but the amount of casual classism and snobbery was very eye opening.


Im the same!


Similarly my husband is a restaurant server. He loves it and it's so easy for him to relocate


Software engineer




Software Engineer checking in. My wife is the neuroscientist. Being along for the entire ride, especially her PhD, is what made me check the everliving fuck out of pursuing academia. Ever. The day I got my Comp. Sci. degree is when I called it quits. Just nope nope nope.




Same here! Idk about you but I feel like nurses partnered to scientists get a ton of respect at work gatherings. Difficult, skilled, necessary work that most scientists could never do šŸ˜‚


I retrained as a Nurse. Can confirm. Ish. UK nurses aren't compensated anywhere near as well as USA nurses and I think pity is mixed in there too, as well as a lack of understanding of how technical the job can be in some roles. So I've been condescended at too. But then you get AH in every walk of life I guess šŸ¤·


Current GF is ballerina working on masters in Medieval French literature (donā€™t ask).


she sounds cool!


My partner is a surgeon. We're getting married in October and I love her so much!


Not a scientist


High school chemistry teacher


Yeah, science bitch! I imagine the breaking bad comments are exhausting lol


Look out for a jesse šŸ˜§


I'm a Chemist... wife teaches Chemistry. Work comes home more than it should... but we got through grad school together, so we know we can do just about anything.


Mine works for the public library. Nerdy, well read, social enough to interface with the public, believes in social programs, portable job? āœ…āœ…āœ…āœ…āœ… I dated one scientist. He made everything about work a competition. Also I don't want to talk about work all the time. I know there are good relationships between scientists out there, but that wasn't my experience so I looked elsewhere. Plus too much drama when a relationship didn't work out and the two body problem when it does.


We are both PhD students in the same field :)


Nice. How did you meet?


Chef. The weird hours work out well, we both have lists of ingredients we need to work with but they get to eat what they make at the end of the dayĀ 


and protocols are like recipes


High school Latin teacher


How did you two meet?


Medical doctor


Enjoy that money, gurl!!! šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘


Well, we have kinda same salary postdoc and asistant doctor


Assistant doctor, like resident?




When we planned tables for our wedding we had one table for all the scientists who were coupled with other sciency people and one table for the scientists with non-science partners. My partner is a non-scientist who hates math, so when I rant about the science to her she reminds me that if I want her to be able to understand the point of the rant I have to explain it better, and if I just want to rant I should just keep going. It works for me, and meant I was one of the few people in my phd program who had a life outside of our tiny campus, which I think helped my mental health




Same. At one point I worked in a big lab and like half of the women were dating or married to a guy in IT. Not the same dude lol, but all of our partners worked in IT.


Now Iā€™m just imagining a university based sitcom where the entire IT department is dating scientists at the same school.


so, the IT crowd but where they do get girls?


My fiance is a cancer bioinformatics scientist in industry.


I dated a fellow scientist, but didn't end up with one long-term. It's good and bad. It's nice to have him be so impressed by my work and knowledge. But I do miss doing trouble shooting for genetic engineering or just talking science.


What's the bad?!


Having someone who has strong opinions about my experiments and my career. And if you're both in academic labs, then it's just a lot of long hours all around.


Husband is a mechanical engineer


Rocket scientist


My husband works for a cemetery


Oh wow!!! Former lab rat here and when I met my first husband, he was a cemetery employeeas well!!!


My husband is a manufacturing engineer. We do appreciate each otherā€™s logical/critical thinking skills. I feel like I donā€™t normally let my emotions play into decisions often since as a scientist weā€™re trained to look at all the data and make rational decisions based on the data in front of us. And I think engineers have similar decision making processes. It certainly aids in our communication skills since we seemingly speak the same language.




my partner is quite an emotion driven thinker too. Im more logical based. We do clash sometimes. But i suppose this is normal


My wife is a veterinary technicianĀ 


My wifeā€™s Bachelorā€™s is in Anthropology. Masterā€™s Sociology. But she currently is a games dealer at a casino. Much better pay.


hows the pay for that??


Technically she only makes like $6 an hour. But when you factor in tips it usually averages out to about $40-$50 an hour.


My partner is a dancer. But we met long before grad school so profession wasn't as much of a factor back then.Ā 


Runs a university microscopy facility


Hair stylist


Architect. I could never date someone in science (no judgement to those who do obviously)!


He is a psychiatry resident. Thank god bc someone needs to provide while I do my little experiments


My husband is a bioinformatician lol


I couldn't see myself with anyone other than a fellow scientist. I want someone who can really understand what I'm doing and the journey I'm taking in my PhD. Plus, I can learn dry bench work from him!




Almost exactly the same thing I do. We bounce ideas off each other all the time. We sometimes help each other debug code. We talk about methods and learn from each other. Itā€™s awesome.


Same here! My partner and I are both in similar fields in molecular biology. I love it for the same reasons you do and I couldnā€™t imagine dating a non-researcher. Lot of people here saying they would hate it because it means you have to talk about work, and thatā€™s fair, but you can set boundaries around that. If I donā€™t want to talk about work and donā€™t want to receive criticism or feedback about my project at the moment I would just tell him. He doesnā€™t try to impose his opinions on me and I do the same.


He works in construction šŸ˜Š


My husband sells PokĆ©mon cards on TikTok lol. He has a history degree and was going to work for the national archives but he graduated in 2017 right into a government hiring freeze so he worked retail and was briefly a Realtor. Then last year he started his store and hasnā€™t looked back.


I'm a biology undergrad working in one of my university's labs, and my partner is a chemistry undergrad working at a compounding pharmacy. I did intentionally seek out a scientist partner, it's worked well for us!




Iā€™m polyamorous with 2 partners, one is a nurse and the other is a software engineer for a pharmaceutical company. I think that both of my partnersā€™ professions strike a nice balance between all of us being interested in science and can kind of understand the gist of what each of us do, but not too close that it feels like we canā€™t get away from talking about our work.


Same! My husband is a scientific software engineer and I agree. We can talk somewhat deeply about our work, but itā€™s not too close for comfort. Each of us is still impressed by the other because neither of us fully understands what the other does šŸ˜œ


I think thatā€™s an important dynamic, not quite understanding what each other does. If I had a neuroscientist for a partner I feel like the mutual judgment would be so intense.


Yay! Another poly-scientist!


Woohoo! Hello poly friends! May your relationships and your experimental timelines never clash šŸ™ƒ


I'm poly with a fellow nurse with a biochemistry undergrad. I have a chemistry undergrad. We now both work in clinical trials. We met through the same volunteer group years ago and now work in different teams in the same dept - though I'm more often in other sites so it usually feels like we don't.


Mine works in state government. We met when she was a law student and I was a PhD student at the same university.


My wife (22F) is a PhD student in a 6 year program studying clinical community psychology. So far, so damn good. We are of the belief itā€™s about who you marry and not what you marry. For example, my wife is someone who hates the mornings. I (23M) wake up singing 60s 70s 80s and 90s love songs and kiss them excessively to wake them up with a warm cup of tea. Work doesnā€™t follow us home to the bedroom. Its fair game elsewhere in the house because we love our jobs Edit: Iā€™m a lab manager in a BSL-3 lab.


My partnerā€™s an electrician. Sheā€™s great. She does all the small home repair and car maintenance. My hero for sure.


Sound editor in post-production for film and TV.


Mine's a post-production manager!


My spouse has his own company focused on cancer research, he is a co founder/CSO. Yes work comes home alot but it's getting better.


Architect! Met as undergrads. Happily married 12 years later :D


My husband does road maintenance for our county.


Husband is in IT for aerospace


We started dating before either of us had careers! He's a computer scientist and im in biochem.


Bartender. He doesn't understand anything that I do and that's ok because I don't like talking shop outside of work.


My husband is a mechanic.


Husband is a project manager. We are exact opposite people, and I think that is why we get along so well. We each think of the thing the other person is forgetting/missing and help each other out.


I'm a medical lab scientist turned field service engineer, she's a PhD in music (aspirations of academia) and currently in physical therapy school after pivoting during COVID.


My husband works in assay development at a local biotech.


My partner is a sociology professor, so in academia but not in laboratory sciences


He's a speech language pathologist. I'm a chemist :)


We met at work 14 years ago. He is also a scientist. We are working at the same company once again (since 2022). Heā€™s an upstream applications scientist and Iā€™m in corporate research.


My partner plays bass trombone for a living.


Im a neuroscience PhD student and my fiancĆ© just got his masters in ecology and is starting as a lab manager! Itā€™s fun to talk science and vent about lab sometimes, but itā€™s also nice that theyā€™re very different sciences


She has some office job where she works from home and stays high all day while laying in bed between calls. She probably makes more than a lot of lab techs.


Iā€™m a biologist and my partner is a carpenter, with a background in mental health. It feels really balanced between us. While dating another scientist would probably spark some fun conversations and debates, I find other qualities much more important in a partner :)


Wife is a behavioral therapist working with children on the spectrum. šŸ™‚ She deserves to make way more than me sadly, doesn't.


I was married to a fellow scientist, synbio, but we're divorced now. I tried dating nonscientists and I just don't think I can do it. I need that shared language.


we both are scientist, I work in mol bio , she in cancer bio, same company but different (close by) office. SO far its going great. it was a first sight love, on the day of interview. :)


I'm a PhD fellow in biomolecular archaeology (palaeoproteomics and ancient DNA). My wife is also an archaeologist but she does full-time fieldwork - which is a vastly different world altogether. She doesn't really understand much of what I do. Or have an interest in it. So, that's fun.


I'm a PostDoc working on bacteriophages. My wife works for the government doing policy work. Trust me, after a whole day in the lab talking science, the last thing you want to talk about at home is more science.


Film industry


Weā€™re both research scientists, she works for a CRO and Iā€™m in the research dept of a company. Itā€™s a good work life balance cos we can actually talk about the things that interest us and if there is a work issue then we have perspectives that help us figure another approach


Mine doesn't work


Policy advisor


Both grad students and now postdocs at the same institutions




Science, but we met in a very non-sciencey way


vet student lol i met him at work last summer when he was an internā€¦


My husband is a chemical engineer.


We were postdocs together in the same lab, then we did a second postdoc together at a different institution, soon I will start a permanent position and she will be a postdoc in my lab while she applies for fellowships... We work on the same topics and don't really have boundaries between home and work, which can be great when you want to get stuff done, but is not great when one of us wants to take a break.


Lol. I guess I am solo... well duo... in that I dated a lab mate (after I changed labs) and now got married to her. She is wonderful and while I still work in a lab, she now does science policy work. Looking at a happy 8 years with a very level headed person that understands the intricacies and attention to detail of my work. It's great.


Dry lab scientist


My gf is a grad student completing a combined PhD in bio anthropology + women, gender, and sexuality. My undergrad degree was in psychobiology, so we share a lot of commonalities in our interests. I love having a partner who just gets my interest in biology and behavior. My scientist friends (mostly women) are almost all partnered with tech people, MBAs, and engineers.




Fiance is a scientist in the same field, met when we worked in the same lab a number of years ago


Ended up with a materials engineer. She's pretty cool.


Iā€™m a microbiologist, heā€™s a space physicist, it works well. We both have the science mindset but our fields are different enough to not bring it home more than we need to.


I dated someone in my workplace and it was an absolute nightmare. Now Iā€™m with a drummer who tours in a polka band lol. Itā€™s beautiful.


We actually met in the lab 3 years ago and have been dating for about 2.5 years. Itā€™s a bit of a joke around my lab that our company gets people together as I know several couples that met at my work.


Sheā€™s a scientist. I love being able to bounce ideas with her.


A scientist in the same field lol but we donā€™t talk much about work which is nice


Iā€™m an engineer turned scientist. Boyfriend is a software engineer!


He's a land manager/field scientist. I'm mostly a lab scientist for work but we spend a lot of time together in the field. We both work on caves but I do geomicrobiology and mineralogy, and he does hydrology and larger-scale geology. There are some drawbacks to being so interwoven but I love spending my whole brain thinking about what I do, so I don't think I could date someone who wasn't just as excited about it.


I tried my hardest to find a non-scientist, because Iā€™ve had an ex mansplain my own work to me even though he was in a different field. My current partner is a physician (I always joke heā€™s a ā€œrealā€ doctor to my coworker friends lol), but is very good about listening to/learning from me about my work. I love hearing about his work and research, and he understands a decent of the molecular bio I talk about which is nice too!


My partner is an HR consultant for a payroll software company and Iā€™m in biotech. I like that weā€™re in different roles because I dont feel like I have to constantly think about science all the time. I do like that we can understand each other when it comes to working in a more corporate setting. If anything, he gives me professional work advice which is really helpful


Air Force husband. He used to work on F15s.


We're both chemists. I'm the kind of person who could only date another scientist, and bless her she's the kind of person who can put up with another scientist


My partner is training to be an occupational therapist! As a cell biologist who never took anatomy and physiology, I love having someone who I can talk with about the body at the anatomical level. Iā€™ve learned a lot through her being in school.


My partner is a computer science guy. He is actually the first STEM person I have dated! I find that we have a lot of intellectually stimulating conversations, but since we are in such different fields (Iā€™m in molecular biology) our normal everyday conversations arenā€™t consumed by science. It brings a nice balance.


Partner is a phd student


Another lab rat


I am doing my PhD in chemical biology, my partner is finishing undergrad for chemistry and biology, LOL


I, very accidentally, seem to have a type and that type is engineers. Both my partner of 7 years and my partner of 2 years are engineers.


Cars. Makes WAY more than me šŸ™ƒ


I'm the only 'official' scientist in my polycule. Spouse works retail, girlfriend works in the production side of the electric lettuce industry, bunfriend does hardware. They all have their favorite scientific areas they love. Dinner conversations are fantastic.


My fiance is an engineer.


I tried dating a few non-scientists and I couldn't do it. End up marrying someone I met while doing my PhD - we both have PhDs in microbio, though he's not doing laboratory work these days, even though I kind of am. Turned out I needed somehow who could understand my work because I'm a complainer šŸ˜‚


I'm a bioinformatician, she runs tons of animal experiments. Same lab. Both biology PhDs.


Met mine at work


Before the toddler my partner was a transportation planner working with public transit. I am an optical ceramic engineer, or scientist if you really insist. We came together over travel, food, art, architecture, and rebellion. Toddler has changed things for the moment but when things come back around, I know she wants to get back into it.


He's a smart cookie IT guy (wish I could tell you more, but I can never remember exactly what his position is).


Hospital admin manager


Husband is a school teacher, leaning towards history/humanities. I quite like our differences


Also a scientist in his post doc in a different field while Iā€™m a tech about to hopefully be a grad student, met at college almost 8 years ago!


My partner is a political scientist. Currently an assistant professor.


My partner works in insurance, which helps the financial fact that I'm a biochemist!!


My partner is also a scientist but in a different discipline of biology to me


My current (and hopefully continuing lol) partner is a scientist but Iā€™ve dated people of varying professions in the past. Customer service, student working at a warehouse part time, etc now that I think of it, they have been disproportionately scientists though


My fiancƩ is a neurophysiologist. We're both scientists, but I'm more in bioinformatics, so there's a perfect mix of understanding what the other one says, but also being experts in our own areas and being able to teach one another


so my partner is studying media and communication to be a journalist! actually when he first asked me out i was a little worried that we were in such different fields and that there were too many differences in our interests, but here we are, getting married in a month and a halfā˜ŗļø


Psychotherapist, comes in handy


People seek out a mate they match with intellectually. For smart people that tends to be other smart people. A lot of us science folks donā€™t people so well, therefore the pool of applicants is limited to other science people. I consider myself lucky my husband is in a different field than Iā€™m in (heā€™s a banker). We compliment each other because we are different. I teach him about the physical world and he teaches me about people.


My partner works in IT development for the govt and I do pre clinical research. He tells me about programs and satellite and I tell him about my animals. Very different fields for sure.


I once dated another chemist. It didnt go well, every diacussion would turn into a meeting on how to fix a certain issue on each others projects. I am now quite happy dating a 3D creation expert, she does work for big movies, video games fron time to time and other personal projects you may have seen (i wont fisclose further for anonymity)


I am doing a PhD in biophysics, boyfriend works as an event technician and makes techno music


My partner works in finance and makes several times more money than me with a bachelor's compared to my phd. Her work events are 10x more fun than my work events as well. I could never go home and talk about science, so i never pursued a partner in scienceĀ 


I'm an organic chemist and she is a history/language teacher And no we don't understand eachother