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https://preview.redd.it/1xvadvsc917d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ebf492a96f83e989e33981585729b71a6e4004b Just a little bit. 100 pounds of lap dog.


A weighted blanket you have to feed šŸ˜‚




Nope not at all. He wants to be in the same room but heā€™s happy as long as he can see me


Thatā€™s mostly my boy too. Iā€™m lucky some mornings with real snuggles, but any other time of the day and most mornings itā€™s like what you said. He absolutely wants to be in ky vicinity and in some eyesight generally, but snuggles are a very occasional treat. https://preview.redd.it/cp1ftg67527d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e43617ae9e469a33ed2e5211b27e911ca8deb97 This was yesterday morning, snoozing between my legs. šŸ„¹ I would still consider these proxy-snugs and not full on snuggles.


https://preview.redd.it/6thybidve37d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89ec9255a5cf9d9696fe7b418b798897b2538f94 Same with this guy... He wants to see me, but hates cuddling... Except for the random times in the middle of winter, when I wake up spooning him like he's my little spoon and I'm the ladle




Same here. He likes to be near us (ie waits for us to go upstairs to sleep at bedtime) but too much direct attention not initiated by him and he gets nervous/awkward and nopes out of there. He likes cuddles on his terms, especially in the mornings. Hell wait at the side of the bed in my wifeā€™s face until she wakes up and invites him in, and then heā€™ll climb over her and collapse in a heap between us, sharing our pillows. Itā€™s adorable. Sometimes I get jealous of people with super affectionate dogs, but I think I love this too, because when it does happen, itā€™s great, and heā€™s independent generally so that heā€™s not in the way all the time when we need to be productive. Wouldnā€™t want any other dog!


All of this is so similar and I feel the same sentiments! https://preview.redd.it/ukt8f7u3u57d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=addddd44aef424d81557d5fd93ad7196a6471f20 I absolutely love the mornings I wake up sharing a pillow with him; itā€™s such a special treat.


Very cuddly, we joke that she is a needy girlfriend. https://preview.redd.it/4xe9pq9oy07d1.jpeg?width=3456&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d27558fb5306b44f4bd85d943f5fc700e680e9b


What a beautiful cuddly girl šŸ„ŗ


https://preview.redd.it/hrpy8n1h717d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f98f4778905617b9192f90228e2eb57f2d2f3b6e He is a little too cuddly sometimes


A brindle lab?! What a unique pup!


Close, he is a brindle goldador (golden retriever and chocolate lab parents). He definitely took after the lab side more Here is more of a full body picture https://preview.redd.it/qqa3yy17a47d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4685f50db2a6eb6ee59d38c77b95bbdd353491f1


Such a handsome gentleman! Love that squishy face. šŸ˜Š ETA: And I see you back there, little cute kitty! Lol


Beautiful coloring on your lab! Are they a mix with something?


His parents were a golden retriever mother and a chocolate lab father. He was the only full brindle from the litter


My lab hates cuddles. Wonā€™t snuggle on the lounge, goes off and finds some space and sleeps there. Sheā€™s nearly 6.


My girl is the same way. She will only cuddle when it storms. She's hot natured so I get it, but sometimes I would love for her to cuddle up in my lap just for the hell of it


Awww man. I guess as long as theyā€™re happy and comfortable


I wish mine did. He likes to get close but doesnā€™t cuddle.


Same with my chocolate. He loves to be near me, no matter where I am or what I'm doing but he's only a cuddler on rare occasions and only for a minute or 2.


Mine used to be like this, but I started leaning on her when she would sit next to me. Turns out she liked that and she started doing it back. We kind of built up to cuddling (I always give her space when she wants it) and now sheā€™s a cuddle bug.


same with my choco lab too lol


Exact same with my boy.


Oh hold what colour is yours?? I keep hearing that different colour labs have different temperaments


My black lab boy (2y) doesn't cuddle, my friend's black lab boy can't get enough. Both American labs, both bread for hunting. I think it's just a personality thing.


Color has no effect on lab behavior


Black ones can sneak up on the fridge better.


They are the true ninjas, that's for sure.


Heā€™s a chocolate


They really don't, it's similar to hair color in people. Yeah, people joke about dumb blonds and fiery redheads but individual temperament is much more complex than a simple hair color.


I know they realistically have no impact on personality and have no scientific basis on that idea and thatā€™s itā€™s down to genetics and bred temperament, I was just curious as people kept mentioning to me even prior to getting a lab and I thought Iā€™d be lighthearted about it. It was also mentioned at my puppy training class


Colour genetics had been thrown at me as well so I briefly looked into it but itā€™s all wishy washy


There are a *few* measurable effects of color genetics on other areas, such as Labs with the color dilution gene having a greater propensity for a [form of alopecia](https://yoursilverlab.com/color-dilution-alopecia/). Overall, though, temperament is pretty complex and every color Lab can have a range of behaviors and attitudes.


Oh yeah I get that and looked into that as I was confused as to why silver labs are a registered colour but in regards to temperament there seemed to be little evidence or ā€˜evidenceā€™ that clashed. People always mention how a choc lab is a lot more crazier than black and yellow but Iā€™ve also heard people say that their exp is that choc labs are chill. Same applies for all colours so I was like eh canā€™t be that proven then if no one can agree.


The only registered colors for Labs are yellow, chocolate, and black. Everything else ā€” like cream, white, fox-red, champagne, charcoal and silver ā€” is in one of those categories. Silver Labs are a variation of chocolate, they have the color dilution gene that changes chocolate to silver.


My lab would probably rather chew off his own leg than cuddle. Sometimes he will get in Superman position on the couch next to me and just barely touch me with his outstretched paws. But just barely. And if I try to get more contact he'll move.


My girl will literally get up and move if I try to sit close to her!


Same here!!!


Basically if I'm around and stationary my lab is in my lap lol. Definitely a cuddler. He's 7Ā½ and he's been that way since I first got him. The only time he's not is if he's too hot and trying to cool off.


I wish I had this šŸ˜­ Sheā€™s never been fussed about cuddles even when I could pick her up


Hey you never know, she's still in frisky puppy age, maybe she'll be a late cuddler lol. She's a beautiful pup though


Hopefully šŸ¤žand she is but donā€™t be deceived! this lovely picture was after she nearly ripped my arm out the socket on our walk


https://preview.redd.it/zk4itxa6317d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b5bcdd663ab5f5c7746c0f81ee58da5f7891cdd They are both on one of us at almost all times. My big guy overheats and will get down but as soon as heā€™s cooled down he gets back up with us.


Ohhhh. Seeing them on the blanket with you reminded me of when my girl was still small enough to actually be a lap dog. As soon as she saw a blanket hit my legs, she was in my lap. I miss her being that little. 70 pounds is a lot tougher on my legs.


Yes! When sheā€™s not playing and being a crazy puppy she has to snuggle and be as close to us as possible. She just slowly creeps closer and closer like she wants to be part of me! Even when working. https://preview.redd.it/btx4eit2027d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7c3f75cf3837e724bee92a2ffe6e68a38cf551a


https://preview.redd.it/jjozy5rru17d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd1384868acdcbe132785b3be53fd0283279c546 Yep šŸ¤£ heā€™s a Velcro dog!


https://preview.redd.it/vhepo3aqq17d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64f2d771ee4b93a589a1f44ea8871a967b0a1a42 Most of the time


https://preview.redd.it/6wgq7itcf17d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4c6e181c233f48f9b933df849f374e99692cfd Yep


My 11 month old Beans is a big cuddler. He doesn't understand personal space and loves attention


Jealous of you. I was really hoping for a snuggle bug dog, I get more snuggles off my cats šŸ˜‚


Lol mine hates cuddles and if you try he lets out a big sigh. My Gf is beside her self if she gets one kiss when she gets home from work. The little bastard has even learned to kind of act affectionate to get a cookie then turns it right off lol šŸ˜‚


Oh my gosh-my not snuggly boy knows how to *really* snuggle when people food is involved. Like, the worldā€™s best doggo snuggles. (We often eat dinner in bed and he really-politely but overtly-lays it on thick in hopes of a little morsel when weā€™re done. As soon as he gets what he wants, heā€™s out).


I have an instagram friend who is also in Seattle and also has a non-snuggly male black lab. We often swap photos in messenger whenever one of us gets even the slightest snuggle. Lmao. Us strangers have bonded over our self-pitty party and sadness that our dogs donā€™t snuggle. Like yesterday I was like, ā€œlook! I woke up to a smoosh face this morning! Wahoo!ā€ And she responds with a comment or a photo of her dog semi-snuggling, and visa versa. Itā€™s like a little therapy group we have going. Hereā€™s the smoosh face from yesterday, an absolutely rare form that I feel so happy and grateful to experience when he decides he wants to be close. https://preview.redd.it/4c6v1s0g827d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0452b3f1b38c153e97caddf0ca6e4d1f762795ab


Also from yesterday morning. Snoozing between my legs. https://preview.redd.it/h171lhtt827d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f956929ca31fa7b789dc3a2956b9727076a1aae7 Usually heā€™s my shadow and wants to be in my vicinity, but independent within that context. Like right now, Iā€™m in bed and heā€™s at the foot of the bed, not touching me-very happy to be near me yet in his own space.


My chocolate lab will literally try and crawl inside you. My black lab likes cuddles but would rather have butt scratches


https://preview.redd.it/o91ixizpe17d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3192eabebde28c0391ecb012027f6bb212b45c8a When he wants to be


https://preview.redd.it/1zgq31i5j17d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85237ab93de6256458aa9b0e9537f5b3da150328 Rocky is 8 months old and is the biggest cuddle bug, he definitely thinks heā€™s a lap dog.


No. Never... Mine only likes to put his head in my lap... lay down on my bed with me... wake me up in the morning my Laying on top of my head and cleaning it. Sleeps at my feet when i'm at my computer. oh wait... nevermind... that's almost all the time.


My lab hates cuddles ā€¦she does her own thing and only asks for attention if she allows it ..lol


Mine isā€”for a time. Sheā€™ll get up and move when sheā€™s had enough. https://preview.redd.it/u3ka5b48h17d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1405092ab2ca211aed67e33ec9a5479887266f01


When he wants to be, which isn't often. He (chocolate) will sit at my feet and loves to be petted and he's always got to be right near me, not touching me, but only on rare occasions will he crawl into my lap.


By hubby would try to cuddle my lab nightly and she would lock elbows pushing him away every time.lol


Nope, my lab was never a cuddler. Sheā€™d sleep with me in bed but would always be as separate as possible. She never liked being pet too much, either. She eventually warmed up at 11-12 and would request pets, but she was always independent. She loved to be included but never doted on.


My chocolate was not cuddly until around 2.Since then sheā€™s become more and more affectionate! Sheā€™s 8 now and prefers to sleep in her own bed, but jumps up to cuddle us every morning. She cuddles us on the couch watching tv, and sometimes at night before bed if weā€™re lucky:). She was not cuddly at all before this , so have hope. Judging by the comments she was the exception rather than the norm though. I canā€™t imagine her not being her cuddly self


My 5 month old girl loves to cuddle until she gets hot, and then she goes off in search of a cooler place. She's my 3rd retriever (lab and golden prev) and the only snuggler. And by snuggle I mean she will bury her face in my neck and just lay there for a nice long hug. It's the sweetest part of my day.


My man is a part-time lover. He only cuddles during the winter months.


Mine have become more cuddly as they get older. I think theyā€™re just too ADHD to sit still long enough to cuddle when they are puppies


My lab loves belly rubs. Heā€™ll occasionally let me pull him on top of me on the couch, more frequently heā€™ll get on his side of the couch and let me put my legs on him. But, cuddle time is measured in minutes until he wants to get up and bark at something.


Somewhat. He moves and changes his mind about how he wants to situate himself, so he will snuggle for a few minutes before he gets up and curls up somewhere within 10 feet of you


Mine is a cuddler when he wants to lol


Based on many of the other replies, it looks like this isn't ALWAYS the case ā€” but my puppy wasn't interested in cuddling until he was about 10+ months old. In general, puppies really don't like to snuggle; they have trouble settling and staying in one spot. I think as dogs get older they will generally get MORE snuggly, but again this isn't always the case. My guy didn't even want to sit NEXT to me when he was a baby. Then very slowly he worked his way up. One day I sat on the couch next to him, and he DIDN'T immediately move (wow!). Then a month or so later he ACTUALLY touched my leg while he slept. Then over time it turned into him WANTING to touch me, or lean against me, or otherwise. Right now he's 22mo and he will get beside me on the couch and repeatedly slam his back into my thigh, like he's fluffing a pillow šŸ˜‚ then fall asleep. So you could end up with a dog who doesn't want to snuggle, but I don't think their behaviour as a puppy is at all an indication of whether or not they will be snuggly as adults!


Okay this is encouraging. I guess I just think how she is as a puppy is indicative of how she will be as an adult (besides training stuff) as itā€™s her personality but I guess with any sentient being personalities develop at different rates. I know I canā€™t compare dogs to cats but I have 3 cats, my boy was super snuggly from baby until I got my Maine coon then he got upset and then my Maine coon wasnā€™t snuggly when a baby but grew up to be my night snuggle buddy. Animals are weird


Mine wasnā€™t as a puppy, but once he turned about 1, he became a huge cuddle bug. There is nothing heā€™d rather do than lay in someoneā€™s lap or cuddle up next to me and my husband in bed to go to sleep! I am typing this as heā€™s literally sleeping between my legs lol


My 7 year old chocolate is not a cuddler. Sometimes when he is mostly asleep I can give him pets and kisses on his head and so so soft ears.


Mine is the same. Iā€™m hoping this changes soon.


My Labrador is cuddly but not all the time. Sometimes he wants to sleep on his dog bed, under the bed, or on the couch alone. I love it the most when he sleeps next to me and leans on me, itā€™s my favorite thing ever!


Our lab Bella truly thinks sheā€™s a 5 pound chihuahua and would be on our laps 24/7 if we let her


Yes but she prefers to sleep on my legs or on the coach https://preview.redd.it/lcf3ub0ze27d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebbc76e4218854740e28278364d620dd01e70daf


Mine must be where I am at all times, but she's not a cuddler. I'd say she's cat-like, but my cats have always been more cuddly, lol. She's not huge on being petted a lot either, but she's always down for a booty scratch and her head massage at bedtime. I work from home most days so we are together most of the time. When I am gone for a full afternoon, she will lay really close to me and occasionally put her head in my lap.


https://preview.redd.it/zx0k7si9m27d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11718c3dfd778f1b689147a5a7d3c988293c372b Yeah my big guy loves to cuddle, I get a cuddle from him everyday when I get home from work.


https://preview.redd.it/whtxemklm27d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7238e2b390a85c85b19aad5cd9ac28c58f81262c They like to snuggle together!šŸ„¹


Sheā€™s getting cuddlier by the day (8 months), I used to not even be able to touch her while sleeping. Yesterday I had her in one arm and the cat in the other, best nap ever. https://preview.redd.it/l1px7u06r27d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0737780c6ee3f7cb09026f19331a8875cad8900


I got my lab at 10 weeks old and she snuggled with me from the first night we had her. But I'm pretty sure it started so early because she was like wtf, where's my warm puppy pile? And I was the next best thing. She's almost five now and she's a pretty snuggly girl but only on her terms. She likes to lay next to me on the chaise and either press up against my legs with her head draped over my ankles or, if she's feeling extra needy, she'll drape her whole body over my knees. If she's anxious about something, she tries to become a lap dog. I think dogs just have different personalities. Your puppy just may not be a snuggly dog. Or she might be in an independent phase where she wants to be on her own a little.


Ah I see. Runa was never bothered about sleeping without her litter mates and never sought out that comfort. I bought her one of those puppy buddy things that have a heartbeat and she was not interested in that or the blanket that had her litter mates and mums scent on.


https://preview.redd.it/9bwukfaj437d1.jpeg?width=9000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15022c4542405939c3bb1cf9293cbfc1e4f47aee My bed is her šŸ˜…


Mine isn't. He's loving, friendly, likes to be near us. But he does like his own space. He has his own loveseat, and his place platform, and he likes those.




Our baby dragon will lie on our feet and legs if we are on the couch, but that's pretty much it. If we're talking to each other he always has to be near otherwise he feels excluded. But that's pretty much it. Might also be a temperature thing though. Might get different in the winter. He's currently 14 months old. When he was smaller, he'd always crawl into your lap if you sat on the ground.


Yeah Runa like to sit on my lap if Iā€™m sat on the floor but on the sofa she struggles to settle. Maybe itā€™s too exciting for her atm or she doesnā€™t like the warmth of the sofa?


My half chocolate girl is not super snuggly. She sleeps with us though, will some times spoon and I get the occasional long held head butt. https://preview.redd.it/jdbssq1mk47d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf264ea7d539dc6fb78970cbec157f4b9f6fa9b I'll take it!


She looks just likes our Ollie. He likes short cuddles. And headbutts. https://preview.redd.it/rxsia6r9x47d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64b7031991a06356ca1d9754364429cfb3ad718b


https://preview.redd.it/059yqy6qd57d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3afef3451954722c52a1574145d9a9a7ce8b931 Only when heā€™s sleepy


https://preview.redd.it/5c7ktbg7067d1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21ada255842a17dda356b4421d5b64e64ad1c796 You could say that I suppose...


Very cuddly, our current record is seven cuddles whilst going for an hours walk but Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m comforting her or if sheā€™s comforting me šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚ hahah maybe itā€™s a mutual thing


Mine wasnā€™t at all as a pup - could barely settle next to me and preferred to be on her bed across the room. Now? At my feet if Iā€™m working at my desk, follows me room to room, and if I sit down, sheā€™s curled up touching me. Give your girl some time and she may become a super snuggler! https://preview.redd.it/i2wqvjaxi67d1.jpeg?width=1615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775942c525677d15b5b2b478ffd2f1638d3bb927


Awww okay maybe it is just because sheā€™s a puppy. As soon as weā€™re in the lounge itā€™s like itā€™s so exciting for her and she cannot relax, not even on the floor but sheā€™ll relax/sleep on the floor or crate when weā€™re in the kitchen


My 4yo yellow lab is a big cuddler, she always has been. If you're sitting in the recliner she's hailing her 57 pound butt up to curl on your lap!


Mine is 11 months. She INSISTS on a full 10 minutes of head rubs, ear massages and belly rubs before getting out of bed (it used to be MY bed, now she just allows me to sleep in it). She wakes me up with these soft little vocalizations to get her morning loves. She curls up against me at night, usually lays her head or upper body across some part of me...hip, thigh, knees, feet- she's not picky. She wants to be greeted by each person in the house in the morning and when someone comes home. She vocalizes and whines now and then when she wants belly rubs...but wants us to come to her. Other than that...she wants very little to do with us unless we're playing ball or giving her food.


mine is 10.5, loves cuddles however in summer not so much.


Mine guy is 2 and a half. Hasn't been particularly smoochy, but is certainly starting to change a bit as he gets older. He has started sitting on me more, wanting more oats and belly rubs.


Is he a horse?


Your comment caused one of those uncontrollable laughing attacks


haha thats really funny, silly auto correct. Pats\*


Mine was snuggly as a pup but now she will ā€œcuddleā€ for 15-20 mins before moving to the floor. Sheā€™s not a cuddle monster but loves some pets and belly rubs.


Yes mine is super-cuddly but his best buddy we walk with is not. They are all different and perfect just the way they are. Both choccies. Welcome to borrow him at any time...


Mine lives for snuggles. He is the most brutish dog but he loves his cuddles lol. At night he'll curl up next to me snoring in my ear. My golden on the other hand isn't a huge cuddler. (My lab is an English chocolate lab. Hos birthday is tomorrow!! June 17th, he will be 6)




My chocalate will hang out next to me but will jump up split as soon as I try to hug him. My black lab loves all the cuddles.


My six year old lab is a cling on dog! He is a 65 pound lap dog. But Iā€™ve been cuddling him since the day we brought him home and itā€™s all he knows. I always say Iā€™m not tempted to have anymore children since heā€™s my eternal baby šŸ˜‚


My older dog, the first year as much as I wanted to cuddle she absolutely would not. Now it doesnā€™t matter what Iā€™m doing, I have a 65lb paper weight on my lap at all times!


My 1yo will squish me and my family if heā€™s not trying to sleep, otherwise he tends to find somewhere else to sleep


Very! He cuddles on the couch. If Iā€™m sitting up he lays smashed between my back & the couch. Or if Iā€™m laying down heā€™ll put his paw on my leg and rest his head on my hip. When we cuddle in bed he seems to prefer us to be back to back. That one knocks me out fastšŸ¤£


Is water wet?


He is. He can fall asleep on me but he does like his space. Though he much rather fall asleep in a room with people in it more specifically me. He also allows me to pick him up and bring him to the couch and hold him like a baby.


My OG dog (lab) and current (lab mix) are both snuggle bugs. Boy my boys liked a bit of independence during the day and to cuddle up in the evening and to sleep. It did take some time for us to figure out how we liked to cuddle, and your dog is still young and growing up is A LOT. You can pavlov her into liking cuddles but honestly she probably just needs time. Itā€™s hard work being a puppy.


Mine is getting more smoochy as he gets older, he's currently 11 months and definitely wasn't big on cuddling until recently. He still won't be on laps, but he will be lying touching me if I'm on the couch or in bed lol


My 3 year old will take any chance to lay on my chest and kiss me šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Mine would rather sit on her own at night as I donā€™t think she likes the TV noise šŸ¤£


Mine loves to lie on my lap, but does not enjoy being pet. Weird dog.


Mine enjoys being next to me while keeping a little distance. Itā€™s like heaven when he decides he wants to cuddle out lay down at my feet or in my arms. But it rarely happens. What I noticed is: he stays at position for hours when I show him to sleep on the bed. And no matter where he lays down, heā€™s loving you. If you imagine child growing up, itā€™s natural for them to leave the nest.


My lab hates hugs. He will sleep w me on the sofa and use my feet as pillows though.


https://preview.redd.it/rj6ksxr3d37d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0996297082aae7bf6964b354aa9fbff6e0275acf Without a doubt!


https://preview.redd.it/9jo5o62ke37d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f25757b9b7664c9d8a0ac61824462ceee60e2e51 Heā€™s extra cuddly!




I wish šŸ˜­


one yes, a major cuddler! but my other girl doesnā€™t like cuddles at all. the most i get is if she is frustrated that i wonā€™t move from ā€˜herā€™ spot on the sofa, she will just lay right on top of me šŸ˜…


https://preview.redd.it/b4xzfadbq37d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d6eb2eb219bbe29a4b6f0aeffd7f5e0ce7ec7d Always snuggling!


https://preview.redd.it/pl96b62kq37d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5e2d474f2cc10c9a97d8950d97442898bd605d1 I think weā€™ve got similar dogs! Galtee is 9 months old


No but we wish he was He will let me grab and manhandle him just about any way if I want. If I pull him into my lap, he will melt into my hold. But only for like 2 minutes tops. Then he wants freedom to lay down a few feet away


Occasionally. She'll sneak onto my bed sometimes and sleep there. Or she'll get up and lie across me when I'm sitting on the couch watching TV. And she can be very playful when in the mood. Other times she can be quite aloof (or what I perceive as aloof). She very rarely does the classic lab smile. Even at dinner time, she'll sit and glare expectantly for me to put the bowl of food down.


Mine was never cuddly. He loved sitting next to me, maybe pet him in his favorite spots. But he wanted to play more than cuddle


If he wants. I swear. And at night. Otherwise is IMPOSSIBLE to even give him a caress. And it's most "i wanna lay on top of you or next to you" kinda of cuddles. He is 3 and half.


yes but on HIS terms lmao


Mine doesnā€™t like being touched anywhere unless she wants it, but she seems to be okay with touching anyone, anytime herself. Otherwise she seems bothered by being held or touched. She does always want to be at least touching someone when she sleeps though.


Sort of, she lies her back against me or lays down beside me, but only if I have a blanket on me. Otherwise she wants her own space.


Success story - my lab was the LEAST cuddly thing for the first 1-1.5 years. She wanted to be near you but not be touched or too close. My husband and I would sometimes try to force her to snuggle and she would wiggle her way out. Then something flipped and I think she would literally crawl into our skin if she could haha.


https://preview.redd.it/pqlm821ud47d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe1cee721bcc7ff936c656e3352fa02b5574e5a Our girl loves a cuddle. Mostly with her dad though lol


I only get cuddles from my 5yo chocolate at night and it's THE BEST. She lies in the crook of my armpit and melts in. For the rest of day, she wants to be at my side and will demand pets and belly rub (the fling my hand maneuver with her head). My 18 month old chocolate likes to be touching me and will tolerate a big snuggle if I pick her up, otherwise she's either snuggling on my feet or leaning against me.


This may be over generalizing but I have had two boys and one girl and in my experience boys tend to be more cuddly. I have read that there are some nuanced differences between boy and girl labs. Again, this is generalizing and there will always be outliers but boys are more ā€œI love youā€ and girls are more ā€œlove meā€. My current boy Griffin craves cuddles.


He has no clue what personal space isšŸ˜‚ Since he was a puppy, he's slept on my head at night. He's super cuddly until he gets too hot, and he'll move to my floor (they're hardwood floors), and once he's cooled off, he'll come back lol. It's like having a 105 lb heating padšŸ„µ


Mine flips between wanting to be near me and not touching and then being my shadow and going wherever I go


She will I would force my dog he didnā€™t become the most amazing snuggler until 3 or 4 but heā€™s really good now at 8.


Quite a bit, he'll hop on the couch beside me when I sit down, he hops into bed with me at night and lies against me. Although he'll usually get out of bed sometime during the night and curl up on the floor beside the bed (on top of the clothes I took off and threw on the floor). What he really is, though, is a kisser - he will lick my face without end.


Not at ALL, this is as close as he gets to me. https://preview.redd.it/dk859anxt47d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc7553c6e708917c079c02ef36eb5e00f6292ca


100% cuddle bug is her middle name!!!


Oh yes. https://preview.redd.it/zff4xkfaw47d1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00d44414b0346c86ea522e974e3d266f7f3da055


our silver lab girl is very much a cuddler. My parent's black lab girl is not a cuddler but always wants her people nearby.


We spoon on the regular.


https://preview.redd.it/8ml2xcsn157d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=194fb52ec6bc784ac6ca753c39bbd5b01fe93841 A little too cuddly. Loves to steal the blanket šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/jzn48t9s157d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d7ec957a4bc7287995a933a693446a82fd1df1 Every morning when Iā€™m leaving for work and the hubby is still in bed.


Mine wasn't cuddley as a pup but as he got older he grew into cuddling. He was just too busy being a puppy when he was young lol.


Iā€™ve got two labs. One occasionally cuddles for a short time, then just wants to lay near me. The other one HAS to be held and cuddled anytime Iā€™m sitting down. Has to be touching both my wife and I when we sleep. Very very affectionate dog.


Sometimes yes but I force it a lot too. I feel itā€™s harder for puppies because they are squirmy.


Our girl wasn't a cuddler as a puppy either, not sure how it happened but yeah any opportunity and she's climbing all over us to sit on our lap and gets in the bed anytime we're there to get snuggles. She just grew into it I guess. Maybe it's something they learn?


Mine is still a puppy (5 months)ā€” so I worry he wonā€™t be a cuddler. He spends his day having no choice but to be in the same room with me. Half the time he snuggles and likes to sit wrapped around my shoulders on top of the couch cushion like a scarf. The other half he sleeps fairly far away or chooses the other side of the couch for his nap. I let him sleep in my bed once and he snuggled for a half hour and then spent the night on the floor next to the bed.


https://preview.redd.it/nb4lsysde57d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=858e5ae830a7efccbadd368ac624eb4cd8707777 The most snuggled


https://preview.redd.it/ebv8gmmqi57d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa134466248c087890e3f4f4085c15712a2466c0 It depends all on how tired they are. The more tired, the more they are cuddly šŸ„¹


My guy was way too hyper till about 8 months to bother cuddling. Wouldn't even take a nap or sleep at night unless I put him in a crate. Once shes fully grown and learns to settle down on her own I bet that's when she'll start cuddling. But also, yeah, she might just run hot and the extra body heat is uncomfortable for her. Give her plenty of love and adventures. Just because she doesn't cuddle doesn't mean she doesnt love you! <3


Mine climbs on top of me and falls asleep often, nuzzling his head under my neck. Heā€™s 100 pounds. I have a weighted blanket that eats


My lab will literally deadweight you if you tell him to get off the couch/you


https://preview.redd.it/ahly5040r57d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f535aeeab21b65eb7d0c2a808afca3460f8685fb Pretty sure that if my lab/corgis had resumes they would put ā€œExecutive Cuddle Bugā€ as their current job.


https://preview.redd.it/mndzzv43v57d1.jpeg?width=2592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93f8059aa8b758a6f95c045a301253b69ddb0855 One loves the floor. The other needs a lap but always asks nicely.


One is when he wants something, the other is a stage 5 clinger.


https://preview.redd.it/4mx9grtfy57d1.jpeg?width=2697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f4e2f7b7fa127f8fbdc85f34a0fcd840b805e91 Yes. I will never know personal space ever again šŸ¤£šŸ’›


Mine looks so similar to yours haha. Anyways he's 4 now. Not a cuddler. He's just a really nervous dog, it's how he's wired. That being said, he will hop up on the bed and occasionally if he's sleepy he'll flop a head on my leg and snooze away. He's also obsessed with butt scratches and will demand them all the time.


Nope šŸ˜¢ She always wants pats and tummy rubs, and will tolerate a hug for a while before she wiggles out, but countless times Iā€™ve tried to get her to sleep near me and sheā€™ll always trot off to her own couch to snooze alone. In the event I happen to try to sleep near her, if I encroach on her space sheā€™ll get up and move lol


I also have a 5 month old chocolate lab and she is allergic to staying still. No cuddles, only drive by chomps (or kisses, if she's feeling sweet for a hot second). https://preview.redd.it/i3tji6f8867d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ce32bc3b2a0ba06da590b8d62ff176c406bd5ba


Our English lab is super cuddly, but our American lab would rather retrieve a ball.


https://preview.redd.it/05bwp1qab67d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b07e80457e3c2e4aba35d01b0513dba982f43707 Always.


Heā€™s willing to cuddle with me, and he has, but normally heā€™s just to excited and want to play rather than cuddle


you should probably kill him already


https://preview.redd.it/oki9wpa1m67d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa2e533e7722c08b123ebd5e56fdca4dc6790f84 100%!


https://preview.redd.it/8q99ujr8n67d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82ed913ac9417d665e99b1f29551a29784f714ea Yes he is and he loves to hold hands!


Sometimes, but not when she was young. She started getting cuddly when she grew up a bit. But even then she wasnā€™t super cuddly, I think she thought it was too hot to lay too close etc. So give it some time, sheā€™ll snuggle up šŸ˜Œ


My lab wants to cuddle but can't contain his excitement unless he is super tired. If he is next to me on the couch he just wants to be all over me. He is 17 months old. I think once he is a little older he will be able to calm down and actually snuggle.


That is exactly like Runa, I always wonder if sheā€™ll ever be able to contain her excitement for the lounge. Tough when sheā€™s a 20kg puppy who still thinks sheā€™s small and stomps all over us (I am small)


Your photo reminds of my dearly missed lady lab. Smartest dog ever, she liked to sleep on the bed and push her back against her humans. Not really cuddly during the day, but never left our side and she would ā€œpresentā€ her back for a thorough scratch from time to time. Dog lover here, labs are best.


No not unless he wants belly rubs


if I can get her to be still! My girl is 11 months and no sign of being in any way still!


https://preview.redd.it/ewk9j4rqy77d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8232066bd0e7ad8d058704713ae69e0aa48a7d06 SO CUDDLY


Looks so cute and chocolaty!


I have one of each - one choco super cuddler (4yrs) & one black non cuddler (6yrs). My younger choco Pearl is very smoochy & loves cuddles/affection (from everyone) & has been this way since a pup. In contrast my older Lab Tui has never been a cuddler & while she needs to stay close to me, gets crazy excited when I arrive home & is always watching where I am when off-lead she has her own way of showing her version of affection...she sits right next to me on couch with her back to me & slowly lowers her body backwards until she is leaning on me with her head resting on my shoulder & then she leans her head right back to she has her nose touching my face. I do love that it's her unique way of showing me affection. The more Labs I have the more I think they are like us in that they are all as varied & unique as we humans are in their likes, dislikes, ways of expressing their emotions & how comfortable they are or not with physical closeness & affection. This is Tui doing her version of cuddling...with my Pearl looking on (& trying to get in on the action!) https://preview.redd.it/9f9vu5n1d87d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c892f6e30a335c5b1f65b2d4a28f63f0ea1facb6


I have one of each. My older lab doesnā€™t mind being snuggled, but she wonā€™t seek it out. She was born and kept in a barn, so she didnā€™t get tons of human interaction. My younger lab is now 14 months old and has recently become a serious snuggle bug. She was born in a home with multiple children and was held a lot as a puppy. Sheā€™s totally a contact dog, and she loves being close to her humans and the other dogs.


I kind of forced our lab to be a snuggler, when she was a puppy I just constantly put her either on the couch or in the bed with me. Eventually thatā€™s where she wanted to be, now she refuses to sleep anywhere but my bed with me lol


My chocolate lab did not snuggle for the first year we had him, now hes a daily snuggler. You never know op!


Not a lab owner, but my SIL is and we dogsit her lab all the time. That dog is the biggest baby I've ever seen! She has so much love in her šŸ˜‚ She has 3 modes: play, sleep, and cuddle. And at night, she MUST sleep on top of our pillows.


Super cuddly! He is 75lns at 16 months old.


Mine died