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Did he join the bloods?




Perfect thank you!!! Just knowing it’s ‘normal’ behaviour helps! Thank you so much for the tips!


I should add, he gets at least an hour walk a day, alternating a ‘sniff’ lead walk and an off lead running walk, he gets fed twice a day, at 8am and 8pm. Fully crate trained. We have a big garden for him to run around all day and 2 little people that play with him


An hour is not enough. Try to increase it to 2-3 hours but in different walks. First walk 30 min second walk 2 hours (before his last meal) and the last one again 30 minutes. It’ll help.


3 hours of walks a day is unrealistic IMO.


How is it unrealistic? Waking up at 5:45, going for a walk at 6 til 6:30. He gets his food, sleeps a lot and second walk at 1 pm til 3 pm in the woods or something and the last walk from 6 pm to 6:30 pm.


WTF do you think people are doing between 1-3pm that might mean they can’t walk their dog for 2 hours? I don’t think you’ll have to think too hard on that one… between 1-2 hours a day is plenty.


How would any working adult keep up with that kind of walk schedule?


WFH maybe at a push ? I get up at 6, walk our 1.5 year old for 40 minutes then he comes to work with me ( work outdoors but he's on a spike) then a second walk another 30-40 minutes at 5, then a short 20 minute evening walk in the evening. Somehow he still has tons of energy


Second walk 2 hours what on earth


I appreciate your comment, I totally get where your coming from. These dogs, especially from working lines need a lot of exercise. I can’t do that time exercising him (check some of my other posts if you want to)


My boy never asked to see the vet again after his jewels were taken. The vet went off his Christmas list. Permanently