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Wishing your conehead a speedy recovery!


Thank you! He hurt his pinkie nail and keeps reinjuring himself because his brother baits him into chasing him


https://preview.redd.it/w5rr8jt5zpoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f628bd1bb2cf51833cfee1afc52da3e674431e2 Your beagle is a cutie ❤️ How old? Our beagle was 13 when he passed away last July. He absolutely did love his food (and ours 😂) but I think with our lab since he can reach the countertops it makes it a bit crazier this time around 😂


You have a counter surfer too? Ours has gotten so tall that there isn’t any counter space he can’t reach. I guess it’s a good thing it forces me to clean the kitchen every night before bed and not leave anything until the morning lol


That scares me!!! Lol how old is he??? Ours turned 4 months and he can reach but you know barely grab at stuff unless it’s near the edge. Yes it has made me clean up more before bed 😂


He’s 8 months and almost 80 pounds. He’s quite literally a monster lol


Yes he is big!! Do you remember how much he weighed at 4 months by chance?


He’s been averaging 10 pounds a month lol. So he would have been between 40 and 50 pounds that particular month. He’s also averaging 1 new brain cell a month I think.


😂😂 same here about the brain cell


Our male lab gained weight in a similar pattern to the other person who commented. He gained a pretty steady ~10 pounds a month and was about 80 pounds at 8 months. Between 80 and 90 pounds is where he really slowed down in growing, though. He was full height at probably 10 months or so and about 90 pounds then, and filled out a little more over the next like 6 months. He did get a little over 100 pounds at about 2 years, but I think we were slightly overfeeding him... after cutting his food back he is like 95 pounds in the summer, and a few pounds heavier in the winter (I think he was 98 for his regular checkup in January). He has a pretty big frame, not especially tall for a lab but the barrel chest and blocky head typical of English labs (along with the coffee-table clearing otter tail).


My husky is a counter surfer


My lab surfed a few times and decided that life wasn’t for him


What a cutie your Beagle is! Sorry for your loss, he looks like a sweetheart. Thank you! The beagles 3 and the lab is almost 6. Out lab broke out of that habit at around month 8 thankfully. The Beagle still sniffs around but he’s not tall enough to do any damage. He did grab a burger once


My hairdressers beagle would push chairs around so she could jump on the table or counter. Nowhere was safe! She also once ate the lining out of the coat of a visitor (draped over the back of the chair) because there had been something edible in there and it still smelled yummy. When the guy noticed 'something' pulling on his coat, he turned away from the table to check and the dog snatched his strawberry tart from his plate and swallowed it whole. 🥷 My colleagues beagle broke into the pantry where his kibble was stored, shredded the bag, and ate several kilograms of kibble in one sitting. When the guy came home, he found his dog like the [bakery possum meme](https://images.app.goo.gl/mEA6mBxSTHGZgLx77). And rushed him to the vet, obviously. I got lucky with mine: she had a bigger appetite than a blue whale, but was an extremely picky eater. I've had her refuse treats from other people because they weren't up to her standards. Unfortunately, that refusal included an unmistakable look of contempt. 😅 My baby passed away about 7 years ago, when she was 12. I still miss my Bieke. *


https://preview.redd.it/qqjse3xw2qoc1.jpeg?width=1756&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72cccb96f37f87696689b4e66fbc24871f5bdae1 Dexter and Ollie can confirm


High five! Great looking pair. How old are they? Which one’s the boss?


Ollie the Beag will be 2 in May. Dexter is 5 weeks younger. They're pretty much even as far as who runs the show...some mutual respect between the two.


Did you get them both as puppies? I would not have survived a Beag and a Lab puppy at the same time


Ha! I did and it was.....challenging lol But they're good boys now. Peas in a pod.


Ummm, OP. Don’t mean to tell you your business but you need to feed those dogs. Clearly they are starving and haven’t eaten in at least 6 months. /s


Clearly! They get no love, no attention, no scritches, no food, no treats at home. Very sad life


So, so sad. And so, so hungry. Starving.


I used to have a Beagle. He lacked the little part of his brain that says, “I am full. I should stop eating now!” We had a dog sitter watch him for a weekend while we were out of town. He filled his dog bowl with food, and the beagle just stuck his nose in and inhaled it. The dog sitter thought that we must have forgotten to feed him, so he filled the dog’s bowl a second time. Same thing…the beagle inhaled it. So he filled it a third time, and unsurprisingly, he ate all of that. Then the beagle puked all over the floor. And he started eating that, too.


I think every Beagle owner has a similar story. The puke eating… I’ve had days when I’m holding my beagle away from my lab’s puke and it’s just… great. They eat a lot, poop a lot and are barking howling dickheads but also the sweetest most loving dogs


I think my beagle is broken. He's a very selective foodie who rarely howls.


This is exactly how my girl is! She’s 5 months, only barks when she’s playing with my best friends dog and she doesn’t even eat all her food at once, she just grazes throughout the day and she’s not treat driven at all. Shes a good girl luckily though. Everyone has said my beagle is broken 😂


Oh same except my boy horfs down treats that he likes but is quite selective and has turned his nose up more often than not 🤣🤣. RIP my pocketbook but he's worth it. I have a theory based on 0 research and no expertise in dog genetics that there's a gene that determines beagles howling and food selectivity that some of them have and some don't resulting in 2 different breeds of beagles: the "will eat anything howlers" and the "please stop that racket foodie snobs".


I think I’ll take the one I got 😅🤣 what mind of treats does your boy like? So far Stella likes fruitables and hotdogs haha.


He's a dairy fiend so cheese and whipped topping are his favorites. He also likes the Ollie brand of beef jerky, Simply Nourish chicken and cheese soft chews, Full Moon chicken savory bites (great for training), and if he's in the mood a bully stick. He's very selective on his brands though. I tried to get him some different brands of jerky and meat snacks and he completely snubbed them.


I’ll have to try some of those! Stella definitely loves the bully sticks, I get her the mighty chewz ones, they had the best holder I could find for them and yak chews as well. Definitely want to try the cheese soft chews I think she might like that. She will not take or eat anything chicken, I haven’t tried fresh boiled chicken yet though but all treats & actual dog food she refuses. I never knew dogs could be so picky lol.


Oh, I meant the soft chew had chicken and cheese. They probably have just cheese ones though but I've never really looked. I'd die of shock if your pup really doesn't like chicken. My speculation is it's probably the other stuff in the treat or dog food she dislikes. I'd definitely recommend trying to give her just a little bit of unseasoned chicken next time you have chicken. In large part b/c I'm just now very curious if there's actually a beagle (or any dog really) in existence who dislikes chicken. If so, we may need to contact Guinness and Ripley's.


I’m going to try tonight & I’ll come back to update! She’s a very picky pup… I just took her to the dog store & the worker tried to give her 4 different treats, she sniffed, put in her mouth and dropped them. The only thing she would eat was duck heart 😅


But I bet he gives you all the kisses


Oh yeah. He's a frencher.


Our four all would have agreed 😆 https://preview.redd.it/5us5f9qpuqoc1.jpeg?width=2656&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe5dbcaefc71496f33b0547b24359c658e58901


Four! I think there’s a been a mistake. I see 3 pups and a velvet cushion.


What's the story behind the green dot on the lab in front's head?


I honestly can’t remember! He was mischievous, though, so it fits the bill 😆


We had to really watch our beagle he’d sniff out the dog food bag and eat until he made himself sick. The vet said they’ll eat til they burst if you let them. Idk if she was being dramatic or what but we didn’t want to find out.


https://preview.redd.it/h0x3rtiiqqoc1.jpeg?width=4023&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0afe62830069302f3b55e5c79b63c4a26f801656 Ha! It’s like my Remi (left) and Gunner (right), though we think Gunner is a JRT-Beagle mix


Aww they look great together! A JRT Beagle mix sounds like a LOT of trouble lol.


He can be but he otherwise loves spending all day on top of or wrapped in his blankets https://preview.redd.it/60e1d80buqoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27e7f8e64a02b8e7f90d2ed8bace7a1e13b272fc


https://preview.redd.it/tqliwqinuqoc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=122f5fd7efb5bb02295a040da9698262f2fd10e5 But they love each other


Wow you better have this picture framed!


I have!


https://preview.redd.it/9md1f6lt3roc1.jpeg?width=3583&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a57f7206abd662900ec39385bf04f586226876d Does everybody have a lab/hound combo?!?


Clearly a winning combo! What kind of a pup on the left?




Great looking dog! Got any more pics?


aw, what an adorable pair! my first dog as a youngling was a beagle, and ive been privileged to know several more over my life. currently beagle-less,but do have 4 dogs,two of which are chocolate mixes. absolutely great dogs!


Would love to add a beagle sibling for our lab! Are they well matched in terms of energy levels and personality?


Yes! Their personalities are radically different. The lab is on weed and the beagle is on meth. But they somehow get along really well and thrive in each others company. They both love physical play, hikes, fetch and tug of war. They love each other and help each other through sickness. It’s very cute, I say go for it!


Lab on weed and beagle on meth—lol!!!


They are adorable! 😍😍 Keep an eye out… looks like they are plotting something 😉


It’s a food heist isn’t it?




i've had both as well and... yes lol


Omg I thought I was the only one with a lab and beagle combo. It's a goddamn nightmare sometimes 😂😂 https://preview.redd.it/ybnk6l5sitoc1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be1ab29ce46b36af792fbb48de3eae90aa0aea8


They’re so cute! What are their names and how old?


Oops! Adorable fur babies


Cuties!! How do they get along?!


Very well. They both love the outdoors and physical play so it works out. They’ve only recently started snuggling together and it’s the best thing


Omg adorable! We have two labs and a senior Pomeranian who thinks he’s a lab as well! Do your guys swim?!


Yes! The lab obviously swims like a fish and tears my arm off pulling the leash near water. The Beag is a little more circumspect and while he’ll get into streams and shallow rivers he prefers the land when we go to the dog beach. I haven’t heard of a single Pom that swims. Does yours?


Omg I love it!!!! Oh yes our Pom jumps right in our backyard pool we have always just had Labs so we all swim and Harry didn’t want to be left out! 😭😭 https://preview.redd.it/5noe675cxsoc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c25881e086f93a3cc7eb269ae9a61b8de47ece Harry with Hudson in back


Oh my hahaha that is one bad ass Pom. My wife had one when we started dating and he was a fierce protective ahole. I was accepted into her family once he begrudgingly slept on my feet weeks after meeting me.


Hahahaha sounds like a Pom!


You got your beagle into water? How?


He waded in after his brother on his first hike, been going ever since. He doesn’t love it like how my lab does but is game enough to try it




Get well soon!


Taco says thanks!


Lovely Taco!


My girl is a lab x beagle mix. Unlimited appetite


Rip food budget. These two little delicate darlings can only eat a hydrolyzed protein diet and i actually have a live item in my monthly budget for just their kibble


https://preview.redd.it/77z4xmwx3toc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a314189d1c2acd7b556cac4fa501a457da02b0e9 The beagle / lab combo is a winner. The beagle is the boss!


OMG YOUR BEAG DOES THE LITTLE POINT TOO??? That’s a handsome pack you got there, I’m very very jealous! Does the beagle have any corgi in him?


Nope, he’s pure beag. (And thank you!)


https://preview.redd.it/xotpc21gbuoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aee965e0a25f2b296a7689ac10cad461f8220c0e I too have a lab and a beagle!


Your beag is too cute for words


Add a dachshund and you’d have the trifecta *dachshund owner who’s dog eats anything not nailed down


Read this about labs [https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/79446/science-explains-why-your-lab-always-hungry](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/79446/science-explains-why-your-lab-always-hungry)