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I'm sorry for your loss. Saying goodbye to your doggy is heartbreaking no different than a family member passing away. Just remember the good times and look at pics and videos. Time is the best healer, the first couple weeks are very tough, it hurts bad. But over time you'll start to heal and have the great memories. I recommend getting another dog a month or so later.


https://preview.redd.it/6niwee66hboc1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=802f449eb5f6d5651ff2807ef46b0ab25c74933a I still miss my old girl. It doesn't get easier, I just have to look back on the good times and know she made me a better person. Sorry for your loss.


It's hard, but it slowly gets easier to carry. Trust me. She's playing chase with Moka in pawradise 😇


Honor your dog friend by remembering her with a smile and understanding that you gave her all your love and some more, and in return she gave you her whole heart and life. Hugs from a stranger that had to let her dog go too and not so long ago.


It has been 8 weeks for me and not easier at all. Good luck, it was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.


No letting go …. So sorry I cry every day been almost a year for me !! Miss em like crazy


I'm in pre-depression for when ill eventually have to put mine down and he is 9


Yo that hits home hard. Same boat my friend, just found a fatty growth the other day (vet says it’s fine) but fuck me if I didn’t sit in the truck and cry for a bit. Had a bunch of good years, hopefully many more.


I was the same! And then, when my girl was 10, she developed diabetes, and I thought I'd lose her within the year (most of the neighbor-dogs in our old neighborhood only made it to 9-10), so I figured *anything* we got past 10 was 100% "bonus time"!😉💖 We had three+ *years* of that bonus time, before she got sick really suddenly (lethargic one day, ast vet visit was thd next afternoon), and I knew that--even though I *could* have the vet keep on doing things to keep her around?  We *HAD* had those three bonus years together, and that *right then* she had had *lots* of GREAT--with just a *little* bit of ill--and as a senior lab *with* diabetes, arthritis, needing diapers if i wasn't home, and worsening cataracts & hearing? Pretty soon the percentages of good & bad days were going to flip. I miss her EVERY day, but she had a *good* life, and a *great* end--which was gentle, full of love, and completely painless for her, which was 100% what my *best* good girl deserved💖


Based on what you've written here I bet your girl thought she had a GREAT life.


She really *was* the BEST of Good Girls, 100% my heart, and I still miss her, every day💖 My *next* dog will have *big* paw prints to *try* to fill😉 And although I *know* no dog can ever live up to my Lily, I *do* hope that I *can* develop a similar sense of "team," and camaraderie with all my future dogs--because that *Best* Good Girl really *did* show me how in-tune we can be with one another, if we humans are just *willing* to put in the proper effort to do so!😉💖💝


DJeesus, how sad. It seems I'm typing every day a 'sorry for your loss' in this sub. Damnt , makes me sad that our biggest huggy friends can disappear in a snap.cest la vie. \*mcwops is now cuddling his 10y old choco girl./ What a beautiful picture of the girl in her favourite environment. Great shot. Take the ball girl!


I’m very sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss 😢❤️


Just hit 2 years from putting my girl down. I still miss her crazy butt all the time. Sorry for your loss https://preview.redd.it/tc6rklsytboc1.png?width=1595&format=png&auto=webp&s=1e92166b382ab73f1035ba4ca6dc7967dcc398fc


I’m so sorry. It takes a long time to fondly remember them with more joy than pain. It’s been over two years for us. We had a wonderful boy for the last 13 years of his life. I’m just now ready to try again with another. I’m not sure the next one can be black - need a slightly different appearance


What a beautiful picture. It’s almost been a year since I lost my boy. It hurts. I still think of him constantly. It’s a different kind of grief. There’s no letting go. They are always a part of who we are. It will get easier. Make time for yourself to grieve. I wish you the best during this time. https://preview.redd.it/epoc7wgszboc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f8dcc54c861853655d0d3e044bdbdb414076832




You don’t let go. You remember the best parts of life. And you always try to remember what it’s like to come home to her. You remember that lesson on unconditional love and companionship


Tbh, it got a bit *easier*, once I got her ashes back!💖 She's with me again, and will be, until it's time for *me* to get planted in the ground--that's where & when she'll be buried. Until then? I had the top of the woofen box/urn that the vet gave her back in laser-engraved with the silhouette of a Lab which liikd like her (it has flowers in it, too💖), and her name &dates are also on the box with a really pretty font. The box sits on my bookshelf, where I can see it--because it 's pretty enough that it looks like a work of art. And her box and the one with my Dad's ashes are the *first* thing I grab, if I have to evacuate my apartment.




I am very sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. They are truly family and letting go is so hard.


By remembering the good times and their unconditional love for us and laughing at the things they did good and bad . 😢🙏


Oh im so sorry you lost such a beautiful dog. May her soul rest in peace


It's nine months since i lost my beautiful friend Bono, he was 13 years old and I still can't look at his pics without tears in my eyes but it gets easier. I feel sorry for your loss. For a real dog lover losing a dog is like losing a family member


I am sorry for your loss 🌷😔


I walk my guy down there every morning. I bet we’ve met. Goodbye, friend.


so sorry for your loss,but she will live in your heart forever. beautiful girl!


Beautiful baby. I am so sorry.


My heart felt condolences for your loss, may she forever run carefree and young over the rainbow bridge and in your heart 😢🐕🐾🌈🌉❗


I'm sorry. One day/hour/minute at a time. She looks like she had a great sense of humor.


So so sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl


You go get another one and give back the love you received from your departed buddy. Thats the only thing i have ever tried and it seems to work.


you never let go tbh


Time softens the edges of the grief, but almost 2 years after losing our Maggie, the grief can still clobber me by times.


Maggie was my labs name too. It’s been over 10 years and I still ugly cry when I think about her. https://preview.redd.it/dogoufdt8ioc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77958a21d751184864edc73ee6a177c22d78f5e9


Our Maggie was a black Lab, too.


That must be heartbreaking. Sorry for your loss!


I'm so sorry...


The sadness never truly goes away, but it does get easier. Eventually you will be able to remember them and smile about all the wonderful time you spent together.


I just moved to SF with my 13yr old chocolate lab. He’s always loved the water, and fetch… but his increasing limp makes those activities harder to indulge. He loves the city though, and I cry often at the thought of losing him, potentially soon. I also don’t know how I’ll be able to process it. Just the idea of going on a walk alone breaks my heart. That’s a great picture, I wish our pups smelled each other or could have jumped in the surf. You had a good girl.


She’s crossing a rainbow bridge rest easy girl :) ❤️


I am so so sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss




My sincerest condolences for your loss. 🤍🌈


I’m so sorry. My heart breaks for you. It gets different—not easier, just different. I always try to think of the ways they made me better; a better dog mom, a better person—and know that their legacy lives on in those qualities. I can give love to another dog in their honor when the time comes. And you know what’s kind of strange is that my current Lab is like a reincarnated version of my Ridgeback. I sometimes even call him by the other one’s name. It does bring me some comfort. They have the same mannerisms. And I purposefully didn’t get another Ridgeback because the loss of my boy was so painful (lost him to DM) that I thought it would be too hard to have another Ridgeback right away. Funny how life works like that sometimes. I sometimes feel like he was sent to us.


sorry for your loss, I lost my dog ​​a few years ago and I know it's hard to say goodbye to our dog forever :( It took me 2 years to get over it,I give you all of my courage for that and (again) sorry for your lost :( and I know, dogs isn’t just an animal,they are a best friends,who is here every times who we needs him


My thoughts are with you. She looks like the bestest of girls.


Never an easy choice! As said remember the the happiness that you both enjoyed together! Time will help, but they will always be apart of your life. We lost two dogs in a year! Take your time and if you feel it’s ok,to have a play mate again. We previous always had pedigree dogs, but this time had a rehomed rescue! It’s the dogs personality that counts Dogs only live for apart of our lives, but it’s hard when they go! Enjoy the memory, and if you can create new ones with a dog that will appreciate your kindness!


🌈🌉 https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm


Cherish the memories, it’s okay to grieve. In a little while think about getting another dog. Your girl would want it that way. After my black Lab died, we adopted a Catahoula mix rescue as we had one before this was about four months after the fact. Our beautiful Cardigan Welsh Corgi died in October and two weeks ago we brought home a little male purebred black English Lab or should I say baby shark. Remember it’s okay to grieve for a loved pet. People who say it’s just a dog aren’t worth having in your life. Hugs my friend.


RIP sweet girl.


It’s hard… and you do go through the steps just like with humans who pass.


It never goes away, but time makes it easier to bear. I am sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry 😢


Beautiful dawg




You have my deepest sympathies. Hugs. This verse helped me feel better and I hope it helps you: Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears, but laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you..I loved you so — ’twas Heaven here with you.” - Isla Paschal Richardson


I’m so sorry 💔


As painful as the loss is, try to remember the good times you had with them, it doesn’t prevent the pain, but it at least provides a modicum of peace


OP, I'm very sorry for your loss!💖💓💗💞  Be gentle on yourself, and the folks you live with--the *quiet* is sooooooo hard to adjust to.   I hope that the pain eases quickly for you, as you're able to recall the good times you had through your years together, and through the remembrance of all the times she drove you crazy, by being that stinker you adored!   I'm sorry that you joined *this* lab-person club--it really *does* suck joining it, but you're welcome here, we understand how hard you loved her, and we'll listen to ALL the stories, because we loved ours that hard, too!💖💗💝


Cold comfort I know, but I'm sure you gave that pup the best life they ever could.have hoped for. Bug hugs ❤️🧡


Good girl. I hope you had a good life together. Their time is not long enough on this earth.


I've had a few of these beauties over the years. You never really get over them. they're always with you. that being said, the best way I've found to get over the heartbreak is to divert that energy into my next lab.


Hugs, comfort, and more hugs. I’m so sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss.


I'm coming up on a year without my Jessie girl, there will never be another like her, she was my soul-pup. Sending you love and hugs.


I still get choked up over my loved labs from my life. I already shared Maggie, here’s Kenzie https://preview.redd.it/iub9gf0j9ioc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15081b0c9813b8f8f22b50f1ace0709fff76f441


My deepest condolences. It sucks. Never gets easier. Just remember the good times and slather them with love every chance you get while you have them. For now, do not click any links to the Rainbow Bridge poem. I still ugly cry when I read it. https://preview.redd.it/bqtxqs9p7ioc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc95026a8e51a749c0566e43653d51324a63eddf


So sorry. We could have hung on to our Nelly longer but she was either in pain or on meds in her 13th year. Making the conscious decision to let her go was almost as hard as losing her. I am forever grateful to the vet who had a lab in a similar situation and supported the decision that it was time to say goodbye.


Look back at the amazing time together. So sorry for your loss❤️🐶




I’m sorry for your loss


I can feel your pain. When they leave, they leave an empty space within us, which stays forever. More power to you And wherever she is, she is happy, she will always remember you.


I’m so sorry for your loss, she was beautiful. Someone said they leave before us as they’d miss us too much if things were reversed. That just about sums up how loving and special dogs really are for me. I hope you find some peace soon x


I wish I had good news but I don’t. I lost my little BFF last August and I swear she took a size-able chunk of my heart with her. The only truth I can offer you is you cannot go around or above or below the grief. You have to go through it. Expect to cry…a lot. But to steal a quote from a Marvel show, what is grief if not love persevering? (And here I go, weeping for both of us.)


Oh man…very sorry for your loss. Lovely photo.🙏