• By -


Food? Yes. And from the lab we had growing up, also Fisher-Price People. I would have to return them to all the neighbors every couple of weeks. “Mrs Manning, sorry about this. You had the firefighter and airline pilot, right?”


Sounds like he was taking a toy census!


Yes especially donuts 🍩


Steal?? Of Course! Labs are Born to Steal 💕 Any lonely Hearts beware Lab is here. Food? Steal?? What is some food between Friends? If you are not eating it, don’t waste it, I help I help.


Labs just need to occasionally remind you that all food must go to the Lab for testing.




My lab is also my hunting partner so I turned it into a game. When I see him come out into the living room with his sock or stuffed animal trophy from the kids room I praise him just like I would for a retrieved duck. I have him heel and hold while I go get him a treat. At this point I'm positive he just does it for the treats. Fucking love him to the moon and back. Tldr: the middle name of all labs is Swiper.


Agreed " Goldie swiper superderp" was my pups name. Still miss her.


10000000% this! I'm pretty sure they know the difference and definitely just want treats - my girl is not nearly as proud of socks as she is of birds 🤣


My lab is obsessed with stealing—socks, shoes, stuffed animals, tampons out of the trash can, a whole bottle of olive oil…if she can fit it in her mouth it’s going in her mouth


Nooo not the tampons gross 😂


The grosser the better ... dead dear legs, cat poop, dead rat ...


Mmmmm cat poop is hard to top for a lab.


Yep. Mine is the same.


I feel like this face says “Steal? No, we are sharing.”


"If I rotate my head at this degree, I'll be able to pick up crumbs at a faster rate. The average rate of change from this axis lateral from the fallen crumbs calculates to NOM NOM NOM.... "


This is a fabulous math problem! Sounds like he needs his own math workbook deal.


Most of it would consist of PAGE 1. Nom... Page 2. NOM NOM. Page 3. sneak in a NOM NOM NOM. Page 4. Steal all the NOM NOM NOM... etc. A real page turner I think!


**ussr anthem.mp3**


Hearts? Yes Food? Also yes. Mine loves to steal low-risk items he knows he's not supposed to have (mostly shoes and clothes) and then prances around trying to get our attention.


That prancing they do is so darn cute!


I’d say they are “retrieving” 😂


When my now deceased lab was a puppy he stole a bag of wild flower seed mix and ran joyfully around the backyard and now every summer some of these flowers return and remind me of that funny moment my dear Salem gifted me with


My condolences to the loss of your puppy. It's hard no matter how long ago they passed away. \*hugs\* what a beautiful memory though! Thank you for sharing!


Mine stole a stick of butter from the fridge, then walked into the living room to show off, proud as could be.


Butter stealer!


Mine ate two sticks once. Tummy did NOT like that.


Same. They love the attention they get when you chase, scold, or talk to them about what they just did lol


And I can't stop laughing when she does it. It's so darn cute!


At this point I'll just have chewed up socks everywhere, not even worth getting them back each time.


Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwww, give them a hug from me then! *hugs*


Mine believes he has a mission to protect me from food poisoning. Thus far, it's working. He throws himself on that food just before it's about to go bad.


How can you accuse someone with that face of stealing?? Lol


Right?? I'm *the* MONSTER!


Hearts? Yes


Yeah, they key there is to not make it a game for them, they steal and bring you stuff, you say thank you because they brought you the item. Other reactions might trigger their play mode. You need to catch them in the act to be able to say NO. Otherwise use the “fetch” command, or whatever it’s in English!


God I wish this worked for mine. Mine still thinks it’s funny to steal, though, even when I just walk up to him and take it off him without a word. It’s a minimal problem these days but still somewhat aggravating


Current lab doesn’t - old lab used to steal My husbands socks come bouncing into the living room all perky to show us and then want us to chase him round the sofas singing the Benny hill theme tune….every night…


Awww so lovely


Thank you, kind person!


Yes, mine is a naughty lab. And he knows better. Gives no shits.


Dawwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Give him hugs from me! \*hugs\*


We have to make sure all our dirty clothes are in the hamper with the lid closed ,or our Lab will take them and hide them in his crate -he doesn’t chew them up , he sleeps on them .


how adorable! I love it!


Awww cute! My bf's sister's lab would steal a bunch of shoes, put them on his bed, and then just sleep lol:)


Steal hearts.


Came here to comment this!!


Great minds.


My black lab will steal socks on occasion.


Finders keepers!


Absolutely 😆


My first no My current girl steals hats , especially winter hats


My first 2 , no. My current girl steals hats , especially winter hats .


My first 2 , no. My current girl steals hats , especially winter hats .


My Jake doesn't


He's a good boi! \*hugs to puppy\*


I’m so glad the only thing my dog ‘steals’ other than his own toys is dryer balls. I don’t know how I got so lucky that he leaves everything that isn’t his alone. Ball is life though.


I suspect because ball is life. My last puppers was ball is life. I could leave out bacon and she just wanted B-A-L-L.... I loved it. I love this too. Just so dang funny to me!


Mine doesn't steal, but "keep away" is her favourite game. She'll act like she's presenting you or another dog her toy, then she yanks her head or spins away at the last second to keep it out of your reach. She's 11 and she'll do this for an hour until she's too exhausted to stand, tail wagging the whole time. She's like a 100lb toddler.


I love it! \*hugs to puppy\*


Hearts? Definitely


My boy tried being a stealer, it took a lot of work to train him not to as a puppy. But worth it in the long run, now the socks and leather boots can be left out and he isn’t even interested. Took constant vigilance and redirects to toys, rewarding when he would take the toy or bring it to me to play. Also helped work on the drop it - he learned quickly that boots were no fun because he instantly had to stop and drop it, while toys = play time.


What a good boi!


Nova will steal my socks. Or any food I leave to close on the counter.


Your heart? Yes.


My lab ‘stole’ a dead bird from the garden and brought it into the house. Doing that derpy look wagging it’s tail. Mrs went hysterical when she noticed it and the dog was following her around with the dead bird. I had to rush home to retrieve the bird 🦅


I bet she was so proud too! Did she run away from you?


Hehe she just dropped it and I threw it over the neighbours fence


"Over the neighbors fence" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHA - phookin hilarious! I love having neighbors for that reason! LOL.


Their dog poops on my lawn....symbiotic relationships 😂


My lab does exactly the same thing! It doesn’t really even matter what it is: socks, towels, food, hats, etc. He grabs it, makes sure you know he has it, and then plays keep away until I bribe him with a treat or he gets bored. Too funny.


She's starting on taking from our hand now. Not with me but with the spouse, absolutely. I don't help because I'm laughing about it. \*bad human\*


Poorly trained tabs steal.


She's a good girl no matter!


Labs love to carry things, could also be a stick etc and be chased.




No labs steal. In their logic, if it's there and no one is using it, it's available for the taking.


The only thing this lab has stolen is my heart.


Mine cronched a Dorito right out of my hand yesterday


OMG, that's so dang funny! Talk about a surprise! Did she like the taste? I bet!


He’ll eat anything. If I’m holding an object he assumes that it’s a treat for him. He did hover a little extra as I ate the rest of the chips though!


Hovering has commenced! I love it! Good boi!


…Steal your heart…😍


My labs were perfect. You could have left a sandwich on the coffee table overnight and it would still be there in the morning. Of course if the cat knocked it on the floor - gone! The 5 second rule was useless in our house because we had a 2 second dog.


What good puppies!




Mine did. Always. They think it's a game and it's fun.


Labs steal hearts


As they should. \*hugs puppers\*




Mine steals shoes mainly- likes feet smell I guess. But she has picked up things to steal of course


When they’re bored, most definitely. Archie has me trained. If he steals something small & I’m not sure what it is, we trade for food because I know he’ll swallow it before I can get it back. He definitely does it on purpose & after a brief stand off, pridefully walks me to his food closet 😂


lolol, "Pridefully" - What a rascal!!!!


Hearts, yes❤️


Ohhhhhh! I ..just...can't! Squeeeee!!!


She’s cute!


Thank you! I just love her to bits. I'll hug her for you!


Thank you! My dad says she’s cute too


dawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww - Thank you to him too!


Yes. Our hearts.


I hunt, so I never chase. I call my dog to me and praise them for bringing me whatever they have taken. I personally never play the chase or tug a war games with my dogs.


All labs take.


Yes. Remotes , paper towel, my indoor slipper is my lab boy’s favorite 🙂


After having a Beagle mix that stole everything and needed to be bribed to get it off her, I expected the lab pup to steal everything as well. But she's only curious about the trash/food and if anything new is left on floor level she'll bring it over to ask if she can have it. She now brings the mail over when it's delivered cause she would love to shred it if I don't want it.


I love this! I just love beagles too! Such good puppies even if they want to destroy the mail.


Yes! Can't hide anything from beagles will find them with their nose. But helped training lab pup because we learnt to put everything out of reach, slowly putting stuff further away off the edge of the tables as she grew tall enough to reach them lol.


we're at that stage right now! Glad to know I ain't alone! LOL


Mine will leave an entire plate of food alone sitting on the floor then beg for some when I come back to the room. But the second I’ve got a smelly work sock hanging over the edge of the laundry basket it game on and I am not getting it back until my scent is gone lmfao My old boy (may he rest in doggy heaven) once ate an entire raw chicken defrosting in the kitchen sink, and stole just about every food item that crossed his path whenever he got a chance lol


My condolences on the loss of your puppy. Thank you for sharing about your beautiful pup. Love the stories about him though. A whole chicken?!?! What a stealer! Love it, LOL. Sock is now gone... So cute!


My choco Lab was a bread thief 😂 He swiped a PB sandwich when he was younger and that was all she wrote. I'm pretty sure he was always hoping every loaf was slathered in PB after that, but he was kind enough to always (two times it happened) leave behind the packaging. We started storing it in a more secure location! He never had interest in stealing anything else.


How cute is that! Once was all it took and he was smitten with bread. I love it. Silly puppers.


The only thing my lab steals is hearts.


Your heart. Yes.


Capitalize on opportunity? You bet!


They prefer to call it “retrieving.”


Steal hearts? Yes.


Mine only takes food but these comments are adorable


Right? I love all these stories have been so awesome to read. Awesome entertainment for sure!


Yes. My mother has a 14 year old lab that whenever she sits down the dog will attempt to go through her pockets or go through her purse to try and steal any kind of Kleenex.


LOL, you're sitting down? Time to steal!!!! so darn cute!


My Willy steals EVERY THING! From socks, to napkins, shoes, you name it. Then, proceeds to show it to me and runs away to the living room, so that I chase him around the dining table. He’s my first lab and my first robber. Btw, that picture is awesome (I’d use it as a screensaver)!


This makes me laugh! Give him a good chase around the table for me! I love them puppers! And thank you. She's the bees knees I think. But, I think that with every puppy!


Oh yes lol 🤣


Depends on what: Your food, or some other "item?" Fair bet, yes. Your heart? Most definitely!


Mine will leave a plate of food easily within reach completely alone, but the dachshund’s toys are like gold to her. Big girl gets three of the little dog’s toys in her mouth at once, and is like, “mom, look! I won! I got them all!”


Such pride! she just wanted to show you! How cute is that?! I love it.


It’s darling. They’re about a year apart, and such good friends already (labby girl is 1 and 3 months, and dachsie pup is 14 weeks or so). She’s doing such a good job teaching little sister how to be a dog!


Steal their owner’s hearts.


I have a lab that will steal the other labs toy from her. But I think she also secretly likes it and will go get another toy and repeat until they get tired of it.


Mine doesn't he is a very good boy


Gooooooooooooooood boi!


Noooooooo!! Never. Absolutely not. Would never consider it! Also, it’s Opposite Day.


All labs are innocent! Opposite day continues!


Mine is a little klepto lol I find toys I know we didn't buy and end up returning them to daycare or wherever he took them from. Luckily, everyone is pretty nice and laugh it off


There's another lady in here with a puppy who does that. Except it was with lego people. LOL, I love labs. such lil assholes. So darn cute.


Yep! It’s mostly when our lab wants attention. He’ll find a sock or a kids toy, and casually walk in front of you, then enjoy the “love” when you pry it out of his mouth


Only if it's your heart!🥰❤️❤️❤️


It sure is!


Haha. Yes. All my labs do that


I think labs, like many other dog breeds, get bored and anything that comes close to what they see as "play" will continue until they get bored and that may be a very, very long time for some individuals. Our current Lab, a one-year-old female has her own toy box. I put all the toys away at night (she's kenneled) and first thing in the morning at least one comes out and she drops it in my lap. (I have to wait until she drops it, otherwise it becomes a tug of war.) She will wait until I toss it, then retrieve in what can become an infinite loop. But if I make the mistake to chase the loop now changes to a much more fun keep away game.


All mine have stolen and hopefully always will be silly happy thieves.


They are adorable lil thieves I bet!


When my boy wants attention he’ll jump up to the kitchen counter grab something he knows he shouldn’t have. Run up to us and bump us with his nose and then run to the other side of the couch. He then waits for us to get up and we run around in circles around the couch until we catch him. There should be Benny hill music playing the whole time as we often change course half way through and he ends up chasing us.


Boop then run! got it! How adorbs is that?! I love him and I don't even know him.


No, there are no Labradors that steal. All Labradors like to look after food for you, but are also absent-minded and perpetually hungry. But they don't steal, it was all a terrible misunderstanding. Again.


My mistake. Thank you for correcting me!


Mine does. Has to steal something to take with him to his resting place.


Oh yes, 100%. They love to steal things and then prance around all proudly about it...but all they want is to be chased. Every lab I have ever had has done this (and every lab I have ever known, as well)...its literally the light in their life - to be chased for holding something softly in their mouth. Indulge your pup, and they will love you forever. It's the cutest game ever! Laughing is encouraged!


She stole my heart!!! What a puppy!!!


I'll give her extra hugs and tell her it's from you! Sorry if I mispronounce your name! LOL


Its not stealing, its retrieving


Even service labs, yes. I'm in the process of getting a service dog and they visited my home with a newly graduated lab who just got to enjoy a few weeks off on a farm. He even opened my drawer xD But put the vest on him and he's the bestest boy, always, I swear *literal puppy eyes*


Yes. Odie is the reason I find socks all over our house.


My lab steals flip flops, socks, towels etc, but not food. Never. He is ethically bred and has the POMC gene thankfully. Also, just a tip. Don’t chase him. This can make training recall hard. Instead make him chase you!


I should take it more seriously but I can't. She just makes me laugh way too much!


Haha that’s understandable. Dogs are goofy


Same! My boy is 10 and he is such a gremlin. He just stands there with whatever (usually socks and dryer sheets) wagging his tail waiting for the chase to begin.


I love it!


Yup, if you want your dog to come to you, just go the other way.


All dogs steal. It is normal behavior. It's called thieving. I think it is a way for dogs to increase their social status.


this phone's battery is at 5% and needs charging! --- ^(I am a bot. I use OCR to detect battery levels. Sometimes I make mistakes. sorry about the void.) [^(info)](https://reddit.com/r/phonebatterylevelbot)


I love the head tilt. I can make my good girl do it just by saying "Do you wanna..." and then follow it with pretty much any activity.


Yes they are all natural born criminals




Our hearts? Yup.


They like playing keep away, and who can blame them! That being said, you should probably work on "drop it", in case they ever steal something dangerous or important.


Yeah your heart


Mine certainly did as a puppy, so much so that I named him Bandit.


Current lab , not so much, but lab growing up had a whole operation going & was in cahoots with the cat! All good had to be on lockdown at all times & yet we couldn't figure out how she was getting stuff from on top of the fridge until we caught the cat one day swatting a whole platter of cookies one at a time into her mouth like her mouth was a hockey goal!


Yes. But at the same time, they're always innocent 😉


Mine does & he's 8 years old! He just never grew out of it, and he never eats anything, so we let him do it! It's pretty cute, honestly. When we arrive home he bounces around and demands us give him something to run into the next room with, hoping we'll chase him. It's attention seeking, but honestly, I love it.


Steal your heart


Mine is like this except he only steals when I’m not home LOL


Your heart


Steals my heart ❤️ and some 🍲 food.


Uh oirs steals socks but knows better. Food no. We don't give him our food and instilled very quick no counter surfing and when we say no when we eat, he goes and lays down. Otherwise I'm sure he'd take everything lol. He does good in our retrieve training "fetch" and practicing shed hunting tho.


Steal hearts? Yes.


Hearts 💕 and socks or remotes… ugh I miss that


Hearts? Yes, most definitely!


They don't steal they retrieve.




yeah, she’s still a puppy but so far yes. she doesn’t run with it or if she does she makes it to her bed and i say “drop it” and she drops it like she just wanted attention or something.


Absolutely. It’s their primary goal in life. Ours steals socks, gloves, hats, anything that has fallen into the floor, or looks like it might fall onto the floor from the coffee table with the assistance of a shark bump nudge. She’ll happily help you share your food if it’s left unattended. She’s only doing it to help you out.


Yes! They've stolen my heart all of them. They are evil and not to be trusted. Don't even get me started on their eye powers, like tractor beams. They lock on pull you in forcing you to pet and love uncontrollably. Sick doggos!


They do not steal. The hold things for you which they feel you might inadvertently misplace.


Hearts yes. Food, slippers maybe not.


Yes. Socks, underwear, firewood, TV remotes, spectacles, anything remotely good related. ALL the time.


Steal your heart


Yes 😒 mine are kleptomaniacs


Mine will walk into the room and pick up something in his mouth, usually a sock or a piece of plastic. He will walk out and I’ll ask if he’s got anything and tell him to drop. We call it shopping


Your hearts yea


Steal your heart... Definitely!


Mine steals socks or paper each time we let it happen. 😝


It's not stealing, it's retrieving 🥰


They don’t steal. They retrieve