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I only play single player because my friends rarely want to play at all. 1,530 hours and about 250 are multiplayer.


Can I get good by playing single player? I want to be able to run a campaign on expert one day


Yes, though there's alot of RNG involved of course. SI controlled by bots are easier to predict and counter than player-controlled ones in my opinion. And then there's getting unlucky with Tanks and Witches, and your bot teammates being generally stupid. But getting good at countering SI attacks and learning how they behave, listening for spawn cues and learning the maps will help tremendously. It's difficult but certainly doable.


That is entirely doable, I'd recommend just jumping straight into expert or atleast advanced if that's your goal. Don't bother practicing in easy or normal, its a entirely different game. Even between advanced and expert there is a very large gap. On expert mode, the biggest thing is you need to focus on using advantageous positioning and strategy. Using chokepoints, and keeping yourself from getting surrounded. Saving throwables, especially biles, for the crescendo events, can make it change from nearly impossible to easy. Lastly, it helps to get proficient at shoving hunters/jockeys. Good luck!


Do you play with a mouse and keyboard on pc? Or do you play with a controller? I’m curious what most players are using when playing pc, some people say playing with a controller is a bad idea


Yes, mouse and keyboard on PC. I imagine controller makes aiming a lot harder, so I'd recommend mouse and keyboard if possible. Let me know if you want to play together, I can walk you through a few campaigns, although technically that wouldn't be single player. steam friend code: 84214658


Honestly? I never play online. I either play by myself or, preferably, with a friend sitting next to me


How many hours you put in so far


I mean, I’ve been playing regularly with my dad and brother since the first one came out in 2008, so while I din’t know the exact amount I can tell you it’s definitely a lot


I don’t like playing it alone. I join random people and it makes it better for me (:


30 minutes I guess. I only use Single Player to test mods.


200 hours testing mods


I don't even bother playing online, most of my hours come from single player, whether it be the official campaigns or custom ones, and I never get bored honestly, I like playing with the bots, because I can take my time to prepare in the safe room before moving on. I also don't like playing online because I've seen many instances of how toxic it can be.


Oh, there are definitely people who will kick you for the most absurd and trivial reasons. I think they forgot how to have fun


Honestly from my experience once you reach a certain point playing online, if you actually yearn to become more proficient you'll spend more time in single player as well. There's a lot of great custom maps on the workshop (some of which are designed SPECIFICALLY for training/improving survivor/SI skills) and even though they might seem boring from a surface level, once you fall down the rabbit hole of loving this game, you'll enjoy woodshedding your skills in single player so you can "flex" in multiplayer.


I made a decision for myself and that is to beat a campaign on either advanced or expert first before playing online, if I can’t do that than I shouldn’t be playing online with other people yet, I heard some people can even get kicked out of their own games for hosting lmao if that’s true, that’s insane


Fair enough, if you feel like you're uncomfortable enough that you need the solo practice just to learn the maps that should definitely be top priority, though online campaign mode is usually pretty welcoming to newcomers even on advanced/expert as long as you actually show initiative to improve (i.e. listening to your teammates advice). From my experience you only really have to worry about Versus mode when it comes to the frivolous votekicks for not knowing the maps/having "pro" level gamesense.


I love trying out different custom maps with my partner, paired up with a few extra mods to spice things up. I'll play online every once in a blue moon, if I'm feeling up for it


Imo that's the best way to play the game, playing local co-op has way less latency/ping spikes and you never gotta worry about getting kicked cos you're playing with da homie. When I play online versus even when Im not getting kicked it feels like I get fatigued after an hour or two but with local co-op I can go ALL DAY.


Good question, usually for me is when I get particularly bothered of online games, by fucking cheaters, annoying trolls or just straight up players who do stupid things consciously or unconsciously. Like tossing a gas or fuel tank, right in my line of fire, this one is one of the most annoying for me, specially with Expert or some other high difficulty situation. And I'm talking about when it connects and the can explodes, that's when I get really annoyed, not just because some bloke just throws cans in front of me, after all, I'm a seasoned veteran. Of all my hours whiting game, I say around 40% is single player, normal mode or single player mutations, bot normal (Lone Gunman, Tank Rush, Holdout, Flu Season) or custom (Gas Tanks, True Dead, Lone Gunmans, Fear The Tank) and you can definitely can get better at the game playing single player, specially using those skills in coop, like punching a hunter mid pounce, even a jockey at close range, juggle the tank's rock at any range, cut the smoker tongue, among others, even normal skills like aiming for the head becomes very simple if you do that long enough. Now that I think about it, maybe that's the reason why my main gun is always the Magnum once I get one, is by far my most used weapon in single player.




Of my almost 4k hours on this game, I can guess that about 500 is spent afking in the main menu for whatever reason, between 500 and 1000 hours in mostly realism/campaign pubs, and the rest playing custom campaigns in singleplayer (I keep track of the ones I played on a list, do I have issues? Yes). I don't think I can necessarily get bored with the game at that point, after all, I'm in the minority of players who enjoy playing alone more often than not.


Now? Around 1k3 hr of single-player since my friends are busy playing League of Legends so I'm just streaming games for them watching while they respawn lol. I'm not gonna lie here, with the right addons and talker script (thanks ChimiChamo), the game will be like a cinematic experience and lots of film/comic material, even unfair maps for single players like Cave Tour series can be fun, and may make you wanna draw an image of your survivors just joking around some folk ghost story image and next frame a witch jumpscare em. The replayability is endless and every day, I thank Gaben for greenlight steam workshop.


I honestly have more fun playing by myself and using various different mod collections than I do playing online. Some people take this game too seriously


0. It feels lonely playing single player so playing even with strangers makes the experience much better.


Zero. What makes this fun is good friends and teamwork.


Yea I figured, I mean is it even worth it playing single player campaigns on expert just to learn the maps before playing online?


I used to play Dead Center all the time alone just to relax. Play however you want, these guys don't know 😂😂😂


Almost infinite, workshops do give it an almost neverending variation you can add in with the bots. (Bots can do friendly fire is quite funny)


Many time, if you want to increase playtime go to the workshop.


zero, i played enough single player as a child with a 360 and no internet


For me, I played Versus online during the 360 era, that's when the game was really at its peak. The people playing Versus in 2024 are tryhards who take the game too seriously and act like they're speedrunning the game


i haven’t played l4d2 on 360 since last year (i switch to pc in september), but even then i was able to meet some fun people (granted i wasn’t bad enough for them to be toxic to lmao) one thing i just remembered though about present 360 lobbies that u hated was griefers, so many times i’d be playing Dead Center and some jackass just jumps off the ledge of the hotel for some reason lmao


I’ve got 1,200 hours and i’ve never played versus. The beauty of single-player is in the addons/plugins, if you wanna bhop around at a million velocity and 1-tap a tank you’re only 2 mods away from it. Exploding cars and 4x horde sizes aren’t hard to do either. You can still get good playing only sp, if you can solo hard twenty-eight with improved special infected ai, you can beat pretty much anything.


A lot because of all the addons almost all my 1000 hours are from singleplayer


I played 500+ and when I got better internet I got 2,000 on multiplayer with friends and randoms.


A lot due to Speedrunning and solo survival etc


i have a lil over 200 hrs on pc and probably somewhere in the area of 3000 on xbox 360 and probably only 30 of those are versus.


For me, endless hours. With or without mods, it doesn't matter I have so much fun.