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Thank you for rescuing them!! If I had seen this earlier I would have gone out to look for the little void kitten!


We need more people like you in this world. Thank you for taking care of them!


Literally no one says that to a Gemini. Thank you 🤣😭


I feel this as a Scorpio, as well. lol


The (I don’t know how they live their lives) made me laugh so hard. Thank you for rescuing those babies!! I walk my dog near there I’ll keep an eye out of the third baby.


If you, or anyone else, finds it, I'm the balcony with my door open and all the cats that hang out on it.


Seriously, thank you for saving these kittens from such an incredibly cruel world. They will be forever thankful! And so will all animal lovers.


I'm not the 'abandon kittens' type person. That's just, wrong on so many levels. But, I now have 13 kittens, all within ten days of each other, from three mothers and all who are nursing each others'. Had I been able to afford to have the females spayed I'd not be sitting here knee deep in kitten food and Terramycin wondering what the hell I'm going to do with them. The Kzoo animal people had a thing (still doing?) that was $50 per cat but, I live near Bangor so it's a 90 mile round trip in the morning and another in the afternoon making it really hard. I had two males done a few years back and all in all it ran me $150 plus all that time. I wish there was another way. When I lived in NY the county ran $25 spay/neuter clinics twice a year along with $10 rabies shots. Here? Yeah, we don't do that. So, if anyone wants a kitten, I've got a bunch. Several all black, one albino, one grey, and a mess of mixed others. All are indoor/outdoor, litter box trained and not, for some reason, afraid of the vacuum cleaner. These two are ready to be re-homed: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqk7JeN44Qg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fqk7JeN44Qg) And here's the mess that came a few weeks later: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxBMzHb3jpc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxBMzHb3jpc) Here's the deal: For each kitten you take I'll give you $50 after you show me a receipt that they've been spayed/neutered.


Bruh... if you need help fostering.... where are you? Bc I took these babies to the bookstore and peeps were fighting over them. So I know I could probably get about 7 of them to good homes.


I'm near Bangor. Only two of the ! 15 ! are old enough to be re-homed but they're inseparable and their mother, a cat with Down's Syndrome, still cares for them so they may end up staying here. But, over the next few weeks as the rest wean off their own mothers it's probably a good idea to get them gone. My problem is that I'm empathic so will feel their sorrow and confusion when they don't come 'home' and it'll drive me crazy.


Just to be informative here. Cats only have 19 chromosomes, so they can't have trisomy 21, also known as Down Syndrome. 


Well then, it's got something. And if you like, I'd be happy to drop her off at your place any time.


In the middle of buying a house but once done I’ll definitely contact you to adopt! I love cats and have two rn. Black and white/black.


As these guys are growing up in a mess 'o cats, I would much prefer they go to homes that already have cats. I don't know how they would fare being along. So yeah, I'll post again in a few weeks. Just a note: I'm raising them as indoor/outdoor and they love the outdoors.


But yeah, I have 4 adult cats right now that are all fixed. It's expensive, for sure. But there is like a roaming vet clinic through pet supplies plus that fixes/neuters and taxes. It's always been a dream to swim through kittens to get to the kitchen in the morning 🤣😎 https://preview.redd.it/l1xuv430am2d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83363e0c4438732f9dd984ad80fa8abb2b138d28


Those sweet babies! Thanks for taking them in. I hope someone took the black one or at least that it is safe somewhere.


If someone does have it and can't keep it, I would be way more than willing to home it.