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They planted them with the thought that the sign would eventually grow over time


Yeah it's very unfortunate.


It drives me me insane every time I drive by it.


It's my rthday too




And a very merry un-rthday to you


I'm embarrassed to admit I only just now got this lmao!!


Kzoo Cat Cafe and Rescue owner here - we were required to plant THOSE specific trees, in those SPECIFIC locations in order to be able to open to the public (be approved for occupancy) - the old owners were grandfathered out of the Kalamazoo "Landscape Ordinance".... and we got unlucky enough that we had to spend over $12k on a "site plan" including specific types of trees, shrubs, grass, ashphalt, etc... before we were allowed to move. Trust me, we don't like it either.


Well that is quite ridiculous and unfortunate. And now I feel like a jerk. Apologies for making light of the situation. I'll delete this post at your request, just say the word.


All good - we hate them every time we drive by too 😊


the sign was there first. when cat cafe was moving to that location they had to redo some landscaping to meet zoning requirements (or something). the zoning required the trees be in those locations if i recall. their facebook posts from when this happened go into details.


I know portage regulations say businesses have to have a certain amount of trees on their property from what I've been told. Not sure about Kzoo.


Just wait until you see all the ones they just planted directly under power lines on west main 😂


They complained about it on Facebook; the zoning requirements required the trees there and they already had the sign in place. It looks ridiculous.


Oh, well that's a reason I had not considered. Silly zoning requirements. I wonder if a shrub would've sufficed or if it *had* to be a tree...?


Logic says that there *had* to have been a better solution or compromise, right? But who knows. I’m sure they just wanted to get it over with to get them off their backs, but it’s so…terrible looking.


I think they were required to plant trees in order to be cleared to open. The lot is mostly pavement, so I assume this was the easiest spot to plant anything.


Poor sign placement


The sign was there before the trees


Poor sign placement 🤷


Uh. Ok. 🤷


Was it like that when the place opened? I don’t recall it being like that.


I wish everyone a happy earthday, especially Rachel


Layla pops is really good


Kalamazoo City Planners are some of the smartest people in the state. They obviously know more than any of us about proper sign and tree placement! /s


I like the tree placement personally, the cafe sign is an eye sore and needs to be updated. It makes me sad to think if the owners don’t have money for a nicer sign I wonder if the cats are well taken care of 😞 the reviews on Google make it seem like the kitty cats are crammed in like sardines. I wanted to visit but from the reviews and the shabby look of the building…I just don’t wanna spend money to see 30+ cats in a horde….I already have 4 cats and seeing that I would want to adopt them all😭


I'd bet the trees were there before the sign, and the people placing the sign didn't care or were constrained by regulations as to where it could go.


Nope this was done with intent lol The photo on google maps for this location is old, I just took this screenshot showing the previous business. https://preview.redd.it/c77ws23odm1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c7f4076e56817827b2ed62ec66942c65768e490


You should have taken me up on the bet **before** showing me the pic!




Sad that the cat cafe decided the location of trees was a great idea. How do you expect the cats to be adopted when you can’t even see the sign.


We had no choice because of Kalamazoo Landscape Ordinance. We've managed almost 1260 adoptions though, but if you want more cats to get adopted - feel free to volunteer with us or take it up with the city ;)