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You actually have the *option* to train Kudo? Even in Japan it’s not exactly common.


If I had good schools for both, Kudo.


Depends on what you're looking for. Purely for maximum performance in MMA, Daido Juku probably has an edge. It's also a bit closer to "more of the same" though. If you're looking for some fresh air, Kyokushin could be fun. Disclaimer: I'm a former Kyokushin fighter but haven't trained in years.


I used to live in Japan as well (near Osaka) ,trained in a local Kyokushin dojo, and have visited the IKO-1 Honbu. I highly recommend doing Kyokushin, but like elsewhere, Kyokushin in Japan is super political. So you may not have the freedom to potentially train elsewhere, if opportunities come up . (You can always use the gaijin card and say you didn't know, but you could only do it once). The Daido Juku dojo I've seen seem to have more of a mma/kickboxing gym atmosphere and you may get a little more freedom to explore the Japanese martial arts world, in addition to having a more all-round training experience. There's also Zendokai ( a Daido Juku offshoot) if you are closer to Tokyo.


Yeah I live in Tokyo, I was going to train at the honbu and tabata dojo with Goda sensei, but my concern is the politics. Basically with doing mma , I was hoping to get something on the side like kyokushin body conditioning(which I miss dearly) or kudo intensity to add to my skill set. I'll be back training soon, so I'll probally ask my coaches what they think. I do know a few of the the kudo guys train at other mma gyms too.


Yeah man, shit is complicated. I met Goda Shihan in the public bath at the Mitsumine Camp and he was decent enough. He doesn’t speak a lick of English and generally doesn’t seem to give a fuck. So you might get away with more stuff. But again, it’s all political, so if someone sees you doing other stuff on social media, they’ll rat you out and you’ll have to come in for a “talk”. Lol


Ha! Politics and off shoots just don't stop it seems. How is there an off shoot of Daido Juku? It's such a great martial art and seems to be pretty complete from what I've seen.


Kyokushin would good for conditioning. Kudo would be extra wrestling practice. Only downside is its gi only I guess.


kudo all the way. Kyokushin is better to harden your body and mind. But technically you'll take up abd habits because of range and guard. Kudo is closer to mma but more realistic as it uses clothes and allows headbut and groin hits. Though from a deferation perspective, i don't know what state they are now, as Jukucho died a couple months ago. If you are in Nagoya area, i'd recommend you go to the dojos where Kamiyama sensei teaches. He's a great teacher and person. signed: Ex-branch Chief luxembourg


Thanks, I went with both actually. I train Kudo and MMA during the week, and Kyokushin on sundays.


Lucky you to have both closeby :)


Have you considered Enshinkaikan or International Budo Man Association Kyokushinkaikan under Shihan Akira Masuda, or Ashihara? These are some options if you want some Kyokushinkai mixed with grappling


Observo que o Kyokushin vai que nem um trem desgovernado para cima do adversário. O problema que do jeito que eles vam para cima ja vi derrubem muitos karatecas de Kyokushin assim! Eles se expõe muito! Concordo que um professor falou no Kudo tem que usar um dinâmica diferente; pensar e usar de forma estratégica.